The Age editorial | The Age


Trump's trade war is a growing global risk

Trump's trade war is a growing global risk

Surely it is in our best interests to pursue a more clearly outlined, multilateral vision of the future of trade.


No need to mess with laws on freedom of religion

No need to mess with laws on freedom of religion

Dear PM, existing laws protect those of faith from discrimination.

Aged care royal commission needs to include retirement villages

Aged care royal commission needs to include retirement villages

The commission needs to have broad terms of reference with bipartisan support and sufficient time and resources to make substantial recommendations.

Canberra gets a lesson in leadership

Canberra gets a lesson in leadership

Self-made billionaire and former refugee Sir Frank Lowy has argued a powerful case against cutting immigration.

Universal gains in reforming Egypt

Universal gains in reforming Egypt

If travesties of justice in Egypt are to end, then the question of human rights has to be returned to the top of the international policy agenda.

Judge nails hole in flimsy property law

Judge nails hole in flimsy property law

The judge's critique at the climax of the controversial case reflects valid community concerns that environmental and planning regulations are too lax.

Liberals need to tackle party's gender imbalance
Liberal Party

Liberals need to tackle party's gender imbalance

Prime Minister Scott Morrison must speak openly about the need for change and commit to solving the problem.

Insurers disgraced by royal commission evidence
Banking royal commission

Insurers disgraced by royal commission evidence

The insurance industry is set for monumental reform after Commissioner Hayne tables his final report. The root of the problem is rampant conflict of interest and greed.

Popular royal visit a welcome reminder

Popular royal visit a welcome reminder

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be met by an adoring crowd on their visit next month, even as the nation continues to debate becoming a republic.

The umpire was right to give Serena Williams a serve
US Open

The umpire was right to give Serena Williams a serve

Williams has to rethink what it means to set an example - even if you are already an inspiration to so many.

We really do need to talk about China

We really do need to talk about China

Scott Morrison might hide behind flag pins for now, but eventually he'll have to deal with the relationship between China's sovereignty and our own.