Liberals need to tackle party's gender imbalance

Liberals need to tackle party's gender imbalance

The ‘‘form of madness’’ that ousted Malcolm Turnbull as prime minister has exposed many psychoses in the Liberal Party, but not the least is the party’s problem with women. The coup was not specifically about gender, but it was conspicuous that while more women stayed loyal to Mr Turnbull, the plotters who rallied around Peter Dutton were overwhelmingly men from the party’s conservative faction.

In the weeks since the coup, female Liberal MPs including Julia Banks and Lucy Gichuhi have been unusually outspoken in complaining about bullying at the hands of these male MPs although the details of who said what remain unclear.

The party also tarnished its image by pushing aside the leadership aspirations of Julie Bishop, deputy leader and the most influential woman in the party room. She has said she has witnessed appalling behaviour in Parliament and remarked with heavy irony that the party seemed unable to find a woman who had the qualifications to be leader.

Julia Banks (left) and Julie Bishop during question time on Thursday.

Julia Banks (left) and Julie Bishop during question time on Thursday.

Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has acknowledged the problem. The under-representation of women wastes talent and is out of step with the community and increasingly the business world.

But Mr Morrison’s response has been tentative at best. He has promised to look into the allegations of bullying, without outlining a mechanism for preventing it in future. Meanwhile, Liberal MP Craig Kelly has told female colleagues to ‘‘roll with the punches’’ as if Parliament were a men’s locker room.


The gender madness of the coup is now threatening to infect a wave of pre-selection battles starting with the seat of Wentworth vacated by Mr Turnbull. At a ballot that was to be decided on Thursday night, Mr Morrison, reportedly influenced by polling showing voters would prefer a female candidate, was backing the deputy mayor of Woollahra, Katherine O’Regan. Yet former prime minister John Howard and perhaps other conservative Liberals who do not see gender balance as an urgent problem were backing Dave Sharma, former ambassador to Israel.


Mr Morrison’s problem is that in pushing for a woman for this seat at the last minute, he was making it easier for conservatives in the party to argue the job was not being decided on merit.

A broader solution is required. Currently, only 22 per cent of Liberal MPs are women, less than half the share of the ALP. The Liberal Party has commendably set itself the target of increasing the share of its federal women MPs to 50 per cent by 2025, but it has no plan for getting there.

The party’s ‘‘base’’ is philosophically opposed to gender quotas, which they see as a form of political correctness that rewards mediocrity. Yet the evidence is that quotas work. Since 1994 the ALP has used a quota system to increase female representation. More Liberal women are embracing the idea. ‘‘Quotas are not demeaning to women and nor will women be regarded as the ‘quota girl’,’’ Ms Banks told Parliament this week.

Mr Morrison must at least speak openly about the need for change and commit to solving the problem. The issue of quotas must be placed on the table. Something must be done to break the vicious circle in which the party’s culture is seen as hostile to women and qualified women do not even bother trying to join.

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