Export CSV definitions


  • Understanding the Twitter Ads analytics CSV download
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    To download a CSV file for a campaign, click on the Export button in the upper right section of the campaign dashboard. This will allow you to pull daily or hourly segments of your campaign data. The CSV download will have different headers based on the objective of the campaign. Here are the metrics and their definitions: 

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  • All Campaigns
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    • Id: The ID of the campaign
    • Campaign: The name of the campaign
    • Campaign url: A link to the campaign in Twitter Ads
    • Time: The date associated with the data on that line item
    • Campaign start date: Time at which the campaign began
    • Campaign end date: Time at which the campaign ended
    • Spend: The amount spent on the campaign
    • Impressions: The number of users who viewed any part of a Tweet
    • Engagements: Total number of times a user clicked on a Tweet. This includes: clicks anywhere on the Tweet, including retweets, replies, follows, likes, links, cards, hashtags, embedded media, username, profile photo, Tweet expansion.
    • Billed engagements: The total number of billed engagements with a Tweet. This may vary based on objective.
    • Retweets: The number of times users retweeted the Tweet.
    • Replies: The number of times users replied to a Tweet.
    • Follows: All clicks on the ad’s follow button are counted.
    • Clicks: This counts clicks to links, the Website Card, likes, hashtags, your profile and other Tweet details in your ad.
    • Media engagements: All clicks on media, including clicks on videos, Vines, GIFs, and images. Please note: for the period from 6/16 to 9/14, media engagements will also include autoplay counts for campaigns with videos.
    • Likes: The number of likes generated from this Tweet.
    • Card engagements: This counts clicks to open or install an app via the App Card.
    • Unfollows: The number of unfollows that occurred during this campaign.
    • Engagement rate: The number of engagements divided by total impressions.

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  • Video & Pre-roll Views Campaigns
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    • Video starts: The number of times users started a video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view.
    • Video played 25%: The number of times the viewer reached the 25% mark in the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view.
    • Video played 50%: The number of times the viewer reached the 50% mark in the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view.
    • Video played 75%: The number of times the viewer reached the 75% mark in the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view.
    • Video completions: The number of times the viewer reached the 100% mark in the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view.
    • Video views: Video views only count when your video is watched in 50% view for 2 seconds or more, or when a user clicks to expand/unmute your video.
    • 3s/100% views: The number of views from being watched in 100% view for 3 seconds or more, or when a user clicks to expand/unmute your video.
    • Video view rate: The number of video views divided by total impressions.

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  • Website Clicks and Conversions Campaigns
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    • Link clicks: All clicks on the link or Website Card in your ad will be counted.
    • Cost per link click: Cost per link click is calculated by dividing total spend by the total number of link clicks received. You only pay the first time a user clicks on a link or Website Card in your ad.
    • Link click rate: The number of link clicks divided by total impressions.  

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  • App Click Campaigns
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    • App clicks: All clicks to install or open your app are counted.
    • App click rate: The number of app clicks divided by total impressions.
    • Cost per app click: Cost per app click is calculated by dividing total spend by the total number of app clicks.

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  • Frequently Asked Questions
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    Are the numbers reported in the CSV download inclusive of all engagements or just the engagements that I’ve been billed for?

    All metrics will include engagements that you aren’t billed for. For example, if a tweet gets retweeted and more users engage with the retweet, these will wrap up into your numbers even though you aren’t billed for these actions.

    How does the data in my CSV download differ from the Tweet Activity Dashboard export?

    The Tweet Activity dashboard should be used when analyzing organic tweet data, while the CSV export at ads.twitter.com should be used when analyzing campaign data.

    What is the difference between Export and Bulk Export?

    Bulk Export allows you to export data across multiple ads accounts that you manage, while the standard Export functionality only allows for export of data within one ads account.

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