Integrating Twitter with DoubleClick Campaign Manager


  • Setup Instructions
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    In order to get started, you must first have a DoubleClick account.  Learn more here.

    With a DCM account, you’ll take the following steps to connect a Twitter campaign to DoubleClick:

    1. Ensure your DCM account is enabled for Twitter

    Work with your DCM account manager to ensure that your DCM account is configured for use with Twitter.

    Important - to ensure your campaigns are optimized based on previous conversion data, be sure to opt in for sending conversion data to Twitter during DoubleClick configuration.

    2. Create a new placement for your Twitter campaign

    Please refer to the DoubleClick help center documentation to learn how to create a Twitter campaign tag.

    3. Input the DoubleClick tracking tag URL into a Twitter campaign

    To insert a DoubleClick tag into a campaign, your first step will be to create a new campaign on Twitter.  To do so, navigate to, click “Create new campaign” and select your campaign objective (DoubleClick will work for all campaign objectives, with the exception of Promoted Trends, Promoted Moments and any objectives in private beta).

    In the campaign creation form, note the the “Show additional options” link under the “Select a key conversion event” section.  Clicking the “Show additional options” link will open the “Third party tracking with DoubleClick” option.  This is where you will input the tracking tag URL from DoubleClick:


    This tracking tag URL should only be the raw tracking URL. The tracking tag URL should not include any containers or wrappers like <img> or <script> tags.  Here is an example of a correctly formatted tracking code (excluding the specific IDs to your account which are replaced with hashtags in this example):

    Finish completing your campaign setup and save the campaign.  Inserting the tag will connect this Twitter campaign (and the creatives added to the campaign) to DCM. There is no need to apply individual click trackers on your Tweets.

    Common Tag Implementation Mistakes

    Including the <img> tag

    Your tracking tag should not be placed with the <img> tag:

    Not selecting “Twitter-Official” when generating a tag

    Be sure to select Twitter-Official when creating a new tracking tag URL:


    Failing to select Twitter-Official will cause errors with your campaign integration.

    Generating a click tag rather than an impression tag

    Be sure to generate an impression tag in DoubleClick:

    and not a click tag:

    Note: in your DoubleClick tag export, the tag you should use will be located in the column labeled “Impression tag [image]”

  • Measuring Performance
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    Once you’ve properly inputted a DoubleClick tracking code in a campaign, you’ll begin receiving campaign data in your DoubleClick reporting.  Please note that due to the nature of the separate reporting pipelines, there will always be some expected discrepancies between DoubleClick reporting and the reporting available in the Twitter campaign dashboard.  

    Here are how events should map between the two platforms:

    DoubleClick Metrics

    Twitter Metric









    Twitter URL Clicks

    Link Clicks

    Twitter App Install Clicks

    App Clicks


    Link Clicks + App Clicks

    Other Twitter Engagements

    Clicks + Media Engagements

    Total Social Engagements


    Click-through Conversions

    Engage-through conversions

    View-through Conversions

    View-through conversions

    Video Plays

    Video starts

    Video First Quartile Completions

    Video played 25%

    Video Midpoints

    Video played 50%

    Video Third Quartile Completions

    Video played 75%

    Video Completions

    Twitter: Video 50% In View For 2 Seconds   

    Twitter: Video 100% In View For 3 Seconds    

    Video completions

    Video Views

    3s/100% Video Views

    Twitter Creative ID

    Status id

    Twitter Campaign ID

    Twitter Creative ID


    Campaign id

    Status id

  • FAQs
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    I’m comparing DoubleClick data and Twitter data and the numbers aren’t matching.  Is this expected and why does it occur?

    It’s expected that DoubleClick and Twitter data do not match perfectly.  Each system uses a different data pipeline which results in differences in data.  If you see larger than 10% differences, please reach out to your Twitter account manager.

    Can I add, or piggyback, additional tags to my DoubleClick tracking tag?  

    No, you should only include the DoubleClick tag in the campaign form.  Adding other tags will cause errors in the integration.

    Can I use DoubleClick with all campaign objectives?

    DoubleClick will work for all campaign objectives, with the exception of Promoted Trends, Promoted Moments and any objectives in private beta.

    My conversions aren’t matching between DoubleClick and the Twitter campaign dashboard.  Is this normal?

    Yes, it’s expected that in some cases conversions will not match between DoubleClick and Twitter.  If you are tracking other channels in DoubleClick at the same time as Twitter, your conversions will be de-duplicated. Also, make sure you’re comparing conversion data from Floodlight Activities that have a direct match to your Twitter conversion events.

    My question wasn’t answered, how can I get more help?

    Use the help button in your ads dashboard to contact the Twitter Ads support team or work with directly with your account manager.

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