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We must not forget Srebrenica

Political and judicial authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Serbia must improve their cooperation to end impunity, by identifying and punishing war criminals. - free thinking for the world

We must not forget Srebrenica

Political and judicial authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Serbia must improve their cooperation to end impunity, by identifying and punishing war criminals. - free thinking for the world

This week’s front page editor

Rosemary Bechler

Rosemary Bechler is the mainsite editor of openDemocracy.

Who is a refugee?

I would like nothing better than to flee to a dreamland again, a hospitable country in which I can fully be a patriot again, a lover of the country.

Dominic Raab: is he the IEA’s man in government?

The controversial right-wing think tank has long nurtured the new Secretary for Brexit and his “war of ideas”. What will this mean now?

Fields of play – joining the dots between pitches and politics

English World Cup hopes rest on Gareth Southgate’s young team’s shoulders. But Left politics needs to address the lack of facilities for youngsters and the grassroots game.

Endgames in Germany: bringing down Merkel

The CSU's position is weak – but unfortunately, not weak enough to not bring down Angela Merkel.

The political representation of the European people

English version of the political philosopher’s interview with Vadim Kamenka of L’Humanite Dimanche (21 June) and Ana Maria Merlo for Il Manifesto (15 June).

Car Crash Brexit – How the UK is set to become a second-hand dealer in EU automotive regulation

The British played a significant unsung role in advancing EU car safety regulations. But – just as the industry moves towards greater innovation – Britain wants to take a back seat.

Reflections on World Refugee Day

For one refugee, World Refugee Day is a stark reminder of the world's collective failure.

Soft power under Mirziyoyev: Change and continuity in Uzbekistan’s foreign policy

Much has been made of the new Uzbek leader's openness, but Shavkat Mirziyoyev's rule is rooted in the path set by his predecessor. 

#TheyAreKillingUs: 5 keys to understanding the systematic murder of social leaders in Colombia

After months of continuous protests by hundreds of activists and organizations against the unpunished murders of social, community, ethnic and rural leaders, the situation is still out of control. Español

The forgotten history of revolutionary Raqqa, and its deep wounds

An interview with Mazen Hassoun, a young Syrian researcher and the co-founder of the online outlet Raqqa Post.

The right to be forgotten risks becoming a tool to curb free press

Online news archives highlight the tension between the right to know and the right to be forgotten.

Mexico’s new president and energy reform

After choosing a new president on July 1st, Mexico must now decide whether to use its Energy Transition Law to transition away from fossil fuels towards renewables. Español

A story of Italian neophytes and Spanish constructors

What happens in these two countries matters and deserves much more attention. It is also time to re-assess the forces at play in Europe and claim a more equal union.

Macedonia and ideology

Somewhere between our imagination, truth and the others’ desires we move, in different paths, towards the 'Macedonia of our dreams'.

Modernising authoritarianism in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan’s so-called “spring” is more about upgrading this Central Asian state than providing political freedoms.

We must not forget Srebrenica

Political and judicial authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Serbia must improve their cooperation to end impunity, by identifying and punishing war criminals.

Protesters hear echoes of the past in Germany’s new police laws

The hollowing out of this constitutional firewall represents a weakening of a legal structure born directly out of the German experience of state fascism.

Will robots take care of grandma? Maybe, if she's rich

Some are heralding new technologies as the key to managing the so-called ‘silver tsunami.’ But there are significant privacy, labour and equality concerns.

The criminal law as sledgehammer: the paternalist politics of India’s 2018 Trafficking Bill

India's new trafficking bill relies exclusively on the stick to achieve its goals. It will fail.

Translating Beyond Trafficking and Slavery: the backstory

The Global Alliance against Traffic in Women (GAATW) has worked for months to bring much of Beyond Trafficking and Slavery’s core work into Spanish. Find out why. Español

Traduciendo Beyond Trafficking and Slavery: la historia detrás del hecho

La Alianza Global contra la Trata de Mujeres (GAATW) ha trabajado durante meses para hacer accesible en español el trabajo principal de Beyond Trafficking and Slavery. Averigua por qué. English

Reliant on kindness? How austerity is undermining the 2010 Equality Act

Reliance on kindness, in law and in public services, has no place in a democracy based on equal citizenship – but it’s the consequence of austerity.

Motherhood and an end to women’s civil war

Maternal ambivalence has always been provocative: a review of Sheila Heti’s new book.

Who are you – identity vortex

Are you more than a confluence of time and space? One poet's reflections on the meaning and role of identity today.

This week, the EU should press Ukraine on fundamental rights

As European and Ukrainian leaders gather in Brussels, it's time to highlight the need for further protection of fundamental rights and freedoms in Ukraine. 

Cómo lucha Pamplona contra la violencia sexual durante los Sanfermines y el resto del año

Las fiestas de San Fermín se han dado a conocer por las denuncias sobre violencia sexual. Sin embargo, las autoridades locales aseguran que es bueno que más mujeres estén reportando agresiones. English.

OVD-Info Weekly Bulletin No. 62: Drugs, hunger strikes, and psychiatry

This week in Russia: there's some good news, and there's some bad news. 

How Pamplona is fighting sexual violence during the running of the bulls – and beyond

The San Fermín festival has become known for reports of sexual violence. But local officials say it’s a good thing that more women are disclosing attacks. Español.

To build peace we have to ask why people go to war

New findings from Mali underline the failure of hard security approaches to conflict-resolution.

Two neoliberal infernos: Grenfell, and Piper Alpha 30 years on

Profit-before-safety, warnings ignored, 239 people dead. Britain’s oil bonanza and London’s gentrification have much in common.