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About Giorgos Charalambous

Giorgos Charalambous teaches politics at the University of Cyprus. Currently, he is completing a co-edited volume on Left Radicalism and Populism in Europe, forthcoming in 2019 with Routledge.

Articles by Giorgos Charalambous

This week’s front page editor

Clare Sambrook

Clare Sambrook, investigative journalist, co-edits Shine a Light.

Constitutional conventions: best practice

Left radicalism fifty years after 1968: the capitalist state and political science

We must grasp relations between politics, society and the economy more precisely, by appropriating the information and conceptual wealth in the entire spectrum of investigation into the institutionalized public realm.

Establishing a federal Cyprus

What are the regional and domestic forces helping - and hindering - a federal solution to the Cyprus issue?

Fragmented we fight: what’s Left in Greece in 2015?

The openings produced by the Syriza phenomenon have been closed by Syriza itself. What, then, is the current state of the Greek political left with yet another national vote pending? 

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