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Why criticisms of identity politics sound ridiculous to me


When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression. - free thinking for the world

The Migrant Quilt: re-stitching the fabric of community

VALARIE LEE JAMES - free thinking for the world

Memory is the first form of resistance.

I love you just the way you are

RICHARD GUNDERMAN - free thinking for the world

Why kindness matters, personally and politically.

Why criticisms of identity politics sound ridiculous to me


When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression. - free thinking for the world

The Migrant Quilt: re-stitching the fabric of community

VALARIE LEE JAMES - free thinking for the world

Memory is the first form of resistance.

I love you just the way you are

RICHARD GUNDERMAN - free thinking for the world

Why kindness matters, personally and politically.

To build peace we have to ask why people go to war

New findings from Mali underline the failure of hard security approaches to conflict-resolution.

I love you just the way you are

Why kindness matters, personally and politically.

The Migrant Quilt: re-stitching the fabric of community

Memory is the first form of resistance.

Why criticisms of identity politics sound ridiculous to me

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

The evisceration of storytelling

Are stories really the magical elixir for social change we imagine them to be?

Building a different form of power: young people’s voices from California’s Central Valley

We are proud to be Black and Brown, we are proud to be immigrants and refugees, and we are thriving.

Could NGOs flourish in a future without foreign aid?

Only when myths are revealed as myths can there be a clear-eyed conversation about the best ways forward.

Fifty years later, we still have a dream

As the Poor People’s Campaign arrives in Washington DC it’s time to celebrate Public Service Day.

What we can really learn from Gandhi?

Social struggle calls for true transformation, a trading in of old lives for new.

Would psychedelics really lead to democratic transformation?

History offers many reasons to look askance at technical shortcuts to the reformation of human character: a response to Vikram Zutshi.

Confronting the money-power elite

Those who control the creation and allocation of money are able to control every other aspect of society. Shouldn’t that be us?

Eight lessons from climate organizing for today’s youth-led movements

As a young person, there’s nothing less empowering than listening to an older person tell you how real activism was done in the 1960s. 

Why we should all be concerned about musicians’ mental health

Music is crucial to everyone’s wellbeing, so when musicians suffer so does the rest of society.

The future of trade unions

Unless democracy is reinstated as the movement’s guiding principle, organized labor will fail in any form.

Brexit, Corbyn and us: what disappointment can teach us about politics and ourselves

If politicians aren’t planning for disappointment then they’re not living in reality. 

The political significance of LSD

The shifts in consciousness brought about by psychedelics could help to dissolve our fear of the other.

At what cost? A second reflection on the crisis at Save the Children UK

Part two: ‘where next?’ Part one on ‘what went wrong’ can be found here.

Learning how to think

If we can’t think for ourselves we should learn how to think well with others.

Is it time for voluntary poverty?

Alternative forms of charity could have a deeper impact on the forces that underpin moral and social transformation.

We don’t have to be related to be a family

Moving beyond traditional family structures is both personally and politically liberating.

At what cost? A reflection on the crisis at Save the Children UK

Part one: ‘what went wrong?’ Part Two on ‘where next’ can be read here.

Madrid’s community gardens

Where neighbourhood counter-powers put down roots.

Fifty years later, the spirit of the Catonsville Nine lives on

Those who burned hundreds of draft files to protest the Vietnam War deserve to be honored, remembered and emulated.

Reveal, remember and resist: the three Rs remixed

Passivity in the young is an obstacle to social transformation. Let’s teach kids to recognize and use their agency.

Steven Pinker’s ideas are fatally flawed. These eight graphs show why.

It’s time to reclaim the mantle of “Progress” for progressives.

Welcome to the ‘New Dark Age.’

A terrifying new book by James Bridle calls on us to embrace uncertainty.

Why misunderstanding identity politics undermines the goals of a just society

'Ideal citizens' should not be defined by a white patriarchal system.

The pitfalls of generational thinking

Taking collective action on climate change requires that we avoid privatising and depoliticising the problems we want to solve.

Why human rights groups are beginning to support the rights of non-human animals

Solidarity must extend, not only to all people but also to animals, the earth, and the environment.

32 types of anti-feminists

Have you gotten pushback against your feminist beliefs? If so, maybe you recognize these arguments.

Are we losing our love of life? ‘It must be the money’

Healing our relationship to finance is a pre-condition for building a grassroots-led investment fund that’s focused on wellbeing.

Comedy is part of feminist history—and we need it more than ever

Feminism has always been mobilized and strengthened through collective joyful laughter.

Can antifa build an effective broad-based anti-fascist movement?

Using violence and suppressing free speech is no way to build a just society.

Of Quakers and deep democracy – is it time to renew the Quaker Book?

The Quaker movement was born out of radicalism. This weekend Quakers assemble to ask themselves, is it time for Quakerism to renew itself in a more participatory way?

The revenge against the commons

Why France’s biggest police operation since May 1968 is prepared to kill for Macron’s neoliberal nightmare (10k words).

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