Joan WalshVerified account


National Affairs Correspondent for The Nation; political contributor; author, What's the Matter With White People? Proud mother of

New York, NY
Joined March 2007


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    1 hour ago
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    2 hours ago

    It’s nice of to fill in as President, since we are currently without one.

  3. 3 hours ago

    So many ignorant racists here on this Memorial Day. 1) As I said yesterday, many of the "missing children" were unaccompanied minors processed by the Obama admin. 2) Trump has a brand new hellacious policy of separating ACCOMPANIED MINORS, as young as 1, from their parents.

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    I can't help but see how the Times was handicapped in its political coverage because it fails to see (or either doesn't want to say plainly and out loud) the role race and racism play in everyday life.

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    7 hours ago

    It’s remarkable what a journalist can find when instead of blathering about something, she—or, in this case, he ()—actually does what few others are doing: figure out if reality matches the blather. And RE the “Dems divided” blather, he saw that it doesn’t

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  7. Retweeted

    “tensions - over incrementalism vs purism, talking about impeachment, whether to woo or write off white working class - are most intense among people who write/tweet about politics. Among Democrats running, tensions somewhere between mild and nonexistent”

  8. Retweeted
    16 hours ago

    Ireland takes a leap forward as America withdraws backward.

  9. Retweeted
    May 27

    Going soft on the right is a consistent problem with the . It reports on Franklin Graham's political crusade, which it should, but makes virtually no mention of his hateful message.

  10. Retweeted
    18 hours ago
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    This is what our parents and grandparents fought against. Shameful. I weep for our nation. I weep for these children and their parents who only sought our protection and help.

  11. Retweeted
    18 hours ago
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    Imagine being so callous and inhumane that you actually worked on fitting and equipping this bus. How could you live with yourself?

  12. 18 hours ago

    Our entire society has been evolving to this high point, where we can put unaccompanied babies on prison buses. I've never been prouder. I wish my parents were still alive to see this and be proud too. God Bless America.

  13. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    My report on the referendum. Thank you for the great title quote, . It was so wonderful to meet you!

  14. Retweeted
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    'Really?': CNN's Dana Bash rattles a very confused Rudy Giuliani after he calls James Clapper and John Brennan 'clowns'

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    Dear , No doubt you posted this while feeling the great joy of motherhood.But every mother is our sister & right now there are many in are in a position to help. ?Taking action will result in a lot more likes than this post

  18. Retweeted
    24 hours ago
  19. Retweeted
    May 27

    10 years ago, a yellow bracelet meant fighting cancer. Now, it's part of a cancer on American morality, as Trump policies tear migrant families apart - even after the government admits it's lost 1,475 kids. My column on how to stop a human-rights nightmare

  20. 20 hours ago

    Interesting endorsement in Iowa Gov race: It's for Hubbell, who's "pouring millions of his own money into the campaign," but still: voters "should give experience and innovative ideas about energy and agriculture a second look." .


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