
Chain Reaction #127 ‒ August 2016

To download Chain Reaction #127 (August 2016) as a PDF file click here or to read articles online use the links below.

Regular Items

FoE Australia News

FoE International News

Friends of the Earth Articles

The Green Pledge: A Rationale ‒ Nicole Schild and Andrew Self

Will the federal government revisit its attacks on environment groups? ‒ Cam Walker

Healthy Futures at the Health and Environmental Sustainability Conference

The boat people from paradise lost ‒ Lyn Bender

Who knows who pays the political piper? ‒ Daniel Gocher 


Sacrificing the Reef with militarism, mining, censorship and tokenism ‒ John Glue

Will militarism block the climate change movement? ‒ Margie Pestorius

Militarism and climate activism: staring down the threat of climate disaster ‒ Peter Burdon

Renewable energy

FoE's campaign for a Victorian Renewable Energy Target ‒ Leigh Ewbank

The renewable energy revolution


Manufacturing dissent: environmentalists and nuclear power in the USA ‒ Jim Green

Risks, ethics and consent: Australia shouldn't become the world's nuclear wasteland ‒ Mark Diesendorf

Australia's nuclear-powered PR in meltdown ‒ Dave Sweeney

Black Mist, White Rain ‒ Gem Romuld

Karlamalyi Walk in Western Australia

Environmental racism

Radioactive waste and the nuclear war on Australia's Aboriginal people ‒ Jim Green

SA Premier silent while Flinders Ranges threatened ‒ Regina McKenzie

Expanding the concept of environmental racism ‒ Larry Lohmann

Other articles

Multinational tax dodging costs billions

Transforming male supremacy in our everyday activism and lives ‒ Rodney Vlais

A comparison of responses to contamination of Australian Defence bases by the NSW and NT Environmental Protection Agencies ‒ James Courtney

Pacific societies call to save their seas

The fight for the environment and the fight for blue-collar jobs are one and the same ‒ Van Badham

The zillion year town ‒ Nick Sharp


The Invisible War, a graphic novel

Fukushima's Stolen Lives: A Dairy Farmer's Story 

Pitched Battle: in the frontline of the 1971 Springbok tour of Australia

Moving Beyond Capitalism

Towards a steady state economy

The Great Multinational Tax Rort
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right

South Pole: Nature and Culture

Chain Reaction #126 – April 2016

For a PDF of the current issue of Chain Reaction (#126, April 2016) click here, or follow the links below to read online.


FoE Australia News

FoE International News


The UN COP-21 Paris Climate Agreement: A huge step forward? ‒ Chloe Aldenhoven

Hopes and dreams for a fragile homeland ‒ Rose Elu

On the theft of power ‒ Kat Moore

International climate solidarity is more than plane fares and conferences ‒ Nic Maclellan

Creative self-destruction and the climate ‒ Clive Hamilton

We can achieve sustainability – but not without limiting growth ‒ Mark Diesendorf


Chernobyl's health impacts

Royal Commission recommends international high-level nuclear waste dump for South Australia

Aboriginal people seek support in nuclear waste dump battle

Nuclear waste nightmares: USA, Germany, France

COP that: nuclear lobbyists on the offensive ‒ Jim Green

Fukushima Fallout: Updates from Japan ‒ Jim Green

Who wants to keep Aussies in the dark about food irradiation? ‒ Robin Taubenfeld

Australia's nuclear weapons hypocrisy ‒ Tim Wright


The world's forests will collapse if we don't learn to say 'no' ‒ Bill Laurance

Political parties urged to halt the erosion of Australia's democracy: new report

The latest from the Leard State Forest ‒ Phil Evans

Earthworker Cooperative installing solar hot water systems on community housing


From 'good girl' to serial felon: The radicalising of Friends of the Earth veteran June Norman ‒ Liz Conor

Climate change and drinking water ‒ Anthony Amis

A prescription for a healthier planet ‒ Tatiana Hitchen

Energy revolution ‒ FoE International report

Hunt turns Red Gum Parks into firewood ‒ Morgana Russell

FSANZ deregulates GMOs by stealth ‒ Louise Sales

Community Organising in the Oil Conflict Zone: Friends of the Earth Uganda 'Sustainability School' Advocacy Initiative ‒ Peter Westoby and Kristen Lyons

Tasmanian bushfires a climate wake up call ‒ Cam Walker


How the food system drives climate change

Civil resistance in West Papua


Why our brains are wired to ignore climate change

Chain Reaction #125 - November 2015

For a PDF of the entire edition Chain Reaction #125 (November 2015), click here, or follow the links below to read online.

Regular items

  • FoE Australia News
  • FoE International News

Challenging the privatised university:

  • Emerging tech and challenging the privatised uni − Jeremy Tager
  • The universities we need − Raewyn Connell
  • What's wrong with privatising universities? − Jeannie Rea
  • A focus on private investment means universities can't fulfil their public role − Margaret Thornton
  • How corporate investment corrodes the public research environment − Jack Heinemann
  • Why do universities still invest in fossil fuels? − Carol Richards
  • A shift towards industry-relevant degrees isn't helping students get jobs − Kristen Lyons and Richard Hill

Nuclear, climate, energy:

  • Nuclear power's long farewell?
  • Should Australia become the world's nuclear waste dump − Jim Green
  • Summing the health effects of the Fukushima nuclear disaster − Dr Ian Fairlie
  • Shenhua Watermark Coal – the fight for the Liverpool Plains continues − Aidan Kempster and Phil Evans
  • The fantasy of cheap, safe nuclear energy − Mark Diesendorf
  • The renewable energy revolution
  • Renewables can do 100%, but when will Australia see it done? − Alastair Leith
  • Eight things Malcolm Turnbull should do on climate, renewables − Giles Parkinson
  • Geoengineering: Striking targets or missing the point? − Ben Courtice
  • Poison or poverty? Glencore's blackmail of Borroloola − Lauren Mellor

Friends of the Earth articles:

  • Greening the Internet − Felicity Ruby
  • The Great Artesian Basin, Great Barrier Reef, Gulf of Carpentaria and inland Australia at risk − John Glue
  • A spoonful of sugar is not enough to help the TPP go down − Sam Castro and Kat Moore
  • Minmetals and the lead poisoning of Rosebery Tasmania − Anthony Amis
  • Inside Friends Of The Earth's Yes 2 Renewables Campaign − Lisa de Kleyn
  • FoE's campaign to stop whaling 1976-78 − Bro Sheffield-Brotherton
  • Black Hole documentary review − Phil Evans

Chain Reaction #124 - September 2015

To download Chain Reaction #124 (September 2015) as a PDF click here or to read online use the links below ...

Friends of the Earth, Australia News

Government attacks on environmental groups

Threats against environment groups, threats against democracy − Ben Courtice

Australia needs politically active environmental groups − Susan Laurance and Bill Laurance

Silence on the agenda for enviro-charity inquiry − Andrew Leigh


Australian pesticides map takes shape − Anthony Amis

Some reflections on Friends of the Earth: 1974−76 − Neil Barrett

River Country Campaign − Morgana Russell

The Trans Pacific Partnership − Kieran Jairath, Michael Johnstone and Kat Moore

Occupied Palestine: The soldiers in the night ... and throughout every day − Jessica Morrison

The flaw in the new White Paper for developing northern Australia − John Glue

Vedanta in Tasmania: Not the corporate miner we want − Isla MacGregor

Semantically engineered crops − Louise Sales

Climate, energy, nuclear

Green Climate Fund: Course correction needed? − Karen Orenstein and Brandon Wu

The Catholic church confronts capitalism and technology − Jeremy Tager

Four easy ways to grow renewable energy in Victoria − Leigh Ewbank

Coal closures give SA the chance to go 100% renewable − Mark Diesendorf

Solar: the new normal for a sunny country − Claire O'Rourke

South Australia: The nuclear state? − Robyn Wood

Our heart jiggled with joy: Celebrating one year since historic nuclear dump decision

Can Australia learn from international experience in managing radioactive waste? − Anica Niepraschk

Radioactive Exposure Tour: Red dirt, porridge and the nuclear industry − Gem Romuld

Radioactive Racism in the Wild West − Mia Pepper

­­Rehabilitating Mirarr land: Uranium mining to end at Ranger? − Lauren Mellor


− Seed Sovereignty, Food Security: Women in the Vanguard

− Nonviolence unbound

− Big World, Small Planet: Abundance Within Planetary Boundaries

− How Australians were persuaded to ignore risk of climate change

− The race to feed a crowded world

Chain Reaction #123 - April 2015

To download Chain Reaction #123 (April 2015) as a PDF file click here or to read articles online click here.

Friends of the Earth Australia: 40 years young

  • A short history of Friends of the Earth Australia
  • Saving the river red gums: An historic conservation victory
  • FoE exposes uranium cartel in 1976
  • Opposing uranium mining in Brisbane, 1976−78
  • FoE Melbourne Food Coop and Café           
  • Bike rides against uranium mining

Other Articles

  • Australians leading the charge for a nuclear weapons-free world
  • The Bat Attack: Where Hundreds Made History
  • Big energy hates renewable energy
  • Queensland's opportunity to address significant environmental threats
  • Reflections on G20
  • Dayak people of Indonesian Borneo taking on BHP Billiton
  • Indigenous Protected Areas under threat
  • US National Academy of Sciences backs untested geoengineering technologies
  • Government's deregulatory extremism puts public at risk
  • Register suggests widespread unregulated use of nanomaterials in agriculture in Australia
  • Tasmanian government axes pesticide monitoring in waterways
  • Royal Commission should examine SA's shameful nuclear legacy
  • And more!

Chain Reaction #122 – November 2014

To download Chain Reaction #122 (Nov 2014) as a PDF file click here or to read articles online click here.

  • Attacks on NGOs are a threat to our democracy
  • Malaysian eco-activists combat repression
  • Nanomaterials in food packaging: FSANZ fails consumers again
  • Throwing precaution to the wind: the government's attempts to thwart the regulation of synthetic biology
  • Working for water justice in the Murray-Darling Basin
  • Small-is-beautiful nuclear rhetoric fading fast
  • Historical pesticide monitoring of Victorian waterways – A jigsaw with many missing pieces
  • Maules Creek mine: front-line action on coal
  • The search for oil and gas continues − but at what cost?
  • If irradiated food is glowingly good – why not label it?
  • Yes 2 Renewables
  • Farmlands Not Gaslands
  • Island Voices, Global Choices
  • Why renewable energy matters
  • Renewable energy is ready to supply all of Australia's electricity
  • Maralinga: a chilling exposé
  • And loads more!

Chain Reaction #121 – July 2014

To download Chain Reaction #121 (July 2014) as a PDF file click here or to read articles online click here.


  • Editorial: emerging technologies and corporate control − Jeremy Tager and Louise Sales
  • Late lessons from early warnings: Is it impossible to learn from history? − Steffen Foss Hansen
  • The new Sorcerer’s Apprentices? − Clive Hamilton
  • The brave new world of synbio − Jim Thomas
  • Corporate corruption of science and its effects on workers and the environment − David S. Egilman and Susanna Rankin Bohme
  • #CrazyTech
  • Done deals and revolving doors: the story of GM in Australia − Kath Wilson
  • 'Partner or Perish'? The convergence of public and private interests pose new questions for controversial university research − Kristen Lyons
  • Critical scholarship in a hostile climate: academics and the public − Steve Tombs and David Whyte
  • Corporate influence over nanotechnology regulation − Louise Sales
  • Corporate efforts to impede renewable energy − Mark Diesendorf
  • Geopiracy: Patent law, climate change, and geoengineering − Matthew Rimmer
  • Regulatory failure or institutional corruption? The case of Food Standards Australia New Zealand and the 'regulation' of nanomaterials in food − Jeremy Tager
  • Public engagement and the National Enabling Technologies Strategy − Georgia Miller
  • The use of techno-utopian narratives to further corporate control − Jeremy Tager

Chain Reaction #120 – March 2014

Chain Reaction #120 (March 2014) - to read articles online click here, or to download as a PDF click here.


  • FoE Australia News − FoE International News − Friends of the Earth at the G20: a grassroots human response − Koalas and Blue Gum Plantations − High ecological value State Forests to be logged in Queensland − Watershed on Indigenous rights needed in Victoria − Research on nanomaterials is lagging behind commercial developments − What's the story with nanoparticles in sunscreen? − Digging into EIA: Failures in impact assessments


  • Connecting with Torres Strait Islander communities on climate change − Climate change displacement and the need for pre-emptive, managed migration − Seaspray residents vow to do whatever it takes to protect land − The lies about renewable energy's cost −Electricity privatisation: a record of failure − Abbott government's wind energy health review unnecessary − Climate change: the situation is hopeless: let's take the next step


  • Great Artesian Basin and Painted Desert under threat from Altona's proposed Arckaringa Coal Mine − The struggle for the Leard State Forest − Legal personality for Great Barrier Reef


  • Australian yellowcake fuels Ukrainian fires −The People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy in India − Fukushima apologies and apologists − Queensland campaign against uranium mining − The nuclear renaissance that never was − The humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons

Chain Reaction #119 – November 2013

Chain Reaction #119 (November 2013) - to read articles online click here, or to download as a PDF click here.

FoE Australia News.

VARIOUS ARTICLES: Election aftermath: Full speed in reverse − The Platypus Project − Reefwalk 2013 − Boycott reforms target environmentalists − Energy freedom on or off the grid? − ACCC fails to tackle misleading conduct in sunscreen industry − Wandoan coal project scrapped −  Dim future for coal, report finds − Forest Stewardship Council fails rainforest protection in Victoria − Plantation forestry in Uganda − The fight for WA's forests − Knit Your Revolt − Don't Bank on the Bomb − International Women’s Earth and Climate Initiative Summit − Farewell speech by Ursula Rakova from Tulele Peisa.

URANIUM, NUCLEAR POWER, NUCLEAR WEAPONS: Fukushima and nuclear conspiracy theories − Is Fukushima the new normal for nuclear reactors? − Harassment of anti-nuclear citizens in Japan − Fukushima "under control"? − Fukushima and the death of science journalism in Australia − Uranium mining and export not a piece of yellowcake − World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013 − Uranium price slumps, Paladin Energy in trouble − South Korea: Nuclear scandal widens − China cancels nuclear fuel centre following protests − Taiwanese nuclear politics heats up − Uranium Mining in Niger − Dig for secrets: the lesson of Maralinga's Vixen B − Abbott's Indigenous Council: Undermining Aboriginal interests? − Australia's Nuclear Shame, Part I: Undermining the South Pacific Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Australia's Nuclear Shame, Part II: Undermining the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty − Australia's Nuclear Shame, Part III: Undermining nuclear disarmament diplomacy.

REVIEWS: Understanding the Science of Climate Change − Global Warming, Militarism and Nonviolence

Chain Reaction #118 – August 2013

Chain Reaction #118 (August 2013) - to read articles online click here, or to download as a PDF click here.

Friends Of The Earth Campaigns − FoE Australia News − FoE International News − Irradiated food coming to a supermarket near you − Radioactive Exposure Tour a big success − Plantations and Forest Stewardship Council audits − Quitting coal in Gippsland − Concerned residents 'shocked' by state of gas wells      − Coal trains in suburban Brisbane − Nanomaterials in the environment: an unknown risk − Rudd's plans to float carbon price a sham.

Climate & Energy − Think again, minister, on uranium deal with Emirates − Green light for King Island wind farm feasibility study − The tale of two rallies: Canberra demonstrates strong support for wind energy − Zero emissions power is possible, and we know what it will cost − 100% renewables for Australia: not so costly after all − Baseload power is a myth: even intermittent renewables will work − Nuclear doom, renewables boom − The economics of the uranium export industry

James Price Point − Victory! James Price Point / Walmadan: A huge win − Reflections on winning from Camp Walmadan

Other Articles − Algal blooms and toxins in Oceania − Talisman Saber 2013: bringing war to our door − In the name of sustainability: Deforestation in Malaysia and Indonesia

Reviews − The Amazing Gift of Water for a Thirsty World − Mullahs Without Mercy: Human Rights and Nuclear Weapons − Character before knowledge: a history of the atomic scientists − Album Review: Roger Knox and the Pine Valley Cosmonauts

Chain Reaction #117 – April 2013

Chain Reaction #117 (April 2013) - click here to read the articles online, or to download as a PDF click here.

REGULAR ITEMS − FoE Australia News − FoE International News − Earth News. FoE CAMPAIGNS AND AFFILIATES. Market Forces. River Red Gums face new threat. Baillieu's resignation opens door for wind policy shift. Organic Food Improving Health Services in Uganda. NANOTECHNOLOGY. Save the silver for where it's needed. Testing reveals potentially dangerous free radical producing ingredients in sunscreen and cosmetics. Sunscreens exposed: stripping away the gloss. Nano-news. 'GREEN TAPE' PROPAGANDA. Gillard's 'green tape' propaganda. WA uranium debate undermines 'green tape' propaganda. CLIMATE & ENERGY. Campaigning to stop the fourth coal terminal in Newcastle. Australia's electricity market: making the polluters profitable. The dirty business of coal in NSW. Poowong says no to coal and gas. Campbell Newman's uranium backflip in Queensland. Nuclear power: looking back, looking forward. Spinning Fukushima. OTHER ARTICLES. Deep Sea Mining − The Pacific Experiment. Campaign for an Iraq War Inquiry. Indigenous communities, conservation and the resource boom. REVIEWS. Nguly Gu Yadoo Mai (Our Good Food). Climate Politics and the Climate Movement in Australia. 2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years

Chain Reaction #116 – November 2012

Chain Reaction #116 (November 2012) - click here to read the articles online, or if you'd like the entire edition as a PDF email chainreaction@archive.foe.org.au.

REGULAR ITEMS − FoE Australia News − FoE International News. OBITUARIES − Mrs Crombie − Mrs Brown − Frank Fisher. NANOTECH SCANDAL − Nanotech sunscreen scandal update − Australia's nanotechnology public engagement ineffective and biased − Shapeshifting stories and singing sock-puppets: inside the Government's sunscreen nano-wars. CLIMATE & ENERGY − Anti-wind farm laws are bad politics for Vic Premier − Small island communities, climate change and human rights − Nuclear South Wales? Premier's atomic ambitions face fierce opposition − Uranium's long and shameful journey to Fukushima − The scarcely-believable story of General Atomics / Heathgate Resources − Mapping Australia's nuclear sites − Comparing nuclear risks in Japan and Australia − Olympic Dam and the Lizard's Revenge − Uranium sales and India's nuclear arms race. OTHER ARTICLES − Swan Island Peace Convergence − New FoE campaign to protect environmental laws − Australian Nuclear Free Alliance − Australia's Corporate Food Plan − James Price Point gas hub controversy − Seeing REDD in Kalimantan − Reverse Garbage Co-op, Brisbane − Chlorine contamination of drinking water. REVIEWS − Mine-field − Patricia Clarke: Keep the Fires Burning − Tomorrow's Children: uncovering a cancer cluster in Tasmania − How coal is killing Australia − The fallout from Fukushima

Chain Reaction #115 – August 2012

Chain Reaction #115 (August 2012) - read the articles online here or to download entire edition as a PDF file click here.

Regular Items: FoE Australia News; FoE International News; Earth News. Coal, gas and coal seam gas: Lock the Gate unites cockies, blockies, croppers and greenies; Coal, CSG and Victoria's green politics battleground; The power of locking your gate; James Price Point LNG controversy. Nuclear, solar, wind: Uranium flashpoint in WA; Toro Energy promotes dangerous radiation junk science; Anti-uranium Walk for Country in WA; The humanitarian imperative to ban nuclear weapons; Muckaty Traditional Owners fighting Ferguson's dump; Maralinga − 60 years on; The ugly face of Australia's nuclear racism; Nuclear power, warfare and global famine; Wind turbines power mass hysteria; SA electricity generation: Good news, and better to come. Nanotechnology: Slip, slop, slap: exposing the great sunscreen cover-up; Exposure to nanoparticles can have serious health impacts; Nano arms race. Other articles: Basin plan delivers a raw deal; Women, food sovereignty and 'green jobs' in China; A new avenue of thought in Perth. Reviews: From the Vault − The Celibate Rifles; What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know about Capitalism

Chain Reaction #114 – April 2012

Chain Reaction #114 (April 2012) - read the articles online here, or to download entire edition as a PDF file click here.

Fukushima − one year on. Can we save the Murray-Darling? Occupy Texas. Fighting Martin Ferguson's nuclear dump. Food irradiation faces court challenge. Let the Facts Speak: an indictment of the nuclear industry. How low can uranium export policy go? Coal barons, not activists, threaten society. A smart grid and seven energy sources. A peak at Australia's energy potential. Synthetic biology: playing Lego with life. Rare earth project sparks huge campaign in Malaysia. Art to expose Agent Orange disaster. Dirty Money – the true cost of Australia's mineral boom. Psychology for a Better World

Chain Reaction #113 (December 2011) - Technology, Democracy, Equity - click here to download as PDF

Technology, Democracy & Equity: ecofeminism and Fukushima – Luddites and the politics of technology  – synthetic biology and the bio-economy – climate geoengineering – GMOs and food politics in Africa – nano-silver risks ignored – anarchism and technology – what's holding renewables back? – myth of the peaceful atom – and much more!

Chain Reaction #112 (July 2011) click here to download PDF.

Fukushima − the fallout in Australia. Australia wimps out on renewables. What's really pushing power prices up? The baseload electricity myth. US war games in Australia. Murray-Darling plan sinks. Gunns teetering in Tassie. Our bloody cattle exports. Australian teachers reject nano-sunscreens. Direct action for social change. Pindone rabbit baiting. And more!

Chain Reaction #111 (March 2011) - Contesting the Climate - click here to download as PDF

CONTESTING THE CLIMATE: Ideas for renewing the climate movement - Australia's place in the coal industry's world - Fighting coal seam gas in Queensland - The global tactics of King Coal - EU Emissions Trading System fraud - The rhetoric of a sustainable population - Australia's forest carbon offset schemes - Taking direct action for climate - In search of Utopia

Chain Reaction #110 (Nov 2010) - click here to download as PDF or read online at this web archive.

100% renewable energy for Australia. Floodwaters replenish the Murray – but for how long? Victorian Climate Bill. Climate policy − from carbon tax to direct action. Nanotechnology and climate change. The case against war memorials. Corporate greenwash. Heavy metal contamination in Tasmania. Uranium industry's record raises doubts. Nuclear Freeways. On the front lines of the fight against coal.

Chain Reaction #109 (July 2010) - click here to download as PDF or read online at this web archive.

Feature: The Future of Food. Plus lots more!

Chain Reaction #108 (March 2010) - click here to download as PDF or read online at this web archive.

Water Feature. One last chance to save the Murray-Darling Basin. Greenwashing desalination. Competing visions for Australia's tropical rivers. Population and water. Making Melbourne a water-sensitive city. Water privatisation. Uranium miners turning water into liquid waste.

Chain Reaction #107 (November 2009) - click here to download as PDF or read online at this web archive.

Climate campaigning in 2010. Resisting US-Aust war 'games'. Peter Garrett's U Sky Mining. Farmers vs coal mining. Nanoparticle risks. Exposing Forestry Tasmania.

Chain Reaction #106 (August 2009) - click here to download as PDF or read online at this web archive.

Is there a technofix for climate change? Biochar. Geoengineering. 'Fourth generation' nuclear power. Agrofuels. And much more!

Chain Reaction #105 (April 2009) - click here to download as PDF or read online at this web archive.

Forest Feature! Also: Australia's Climate Action Summit. Nanotechnology and safe sunscreens. US-Australia war games.

Chain Reaction #104 (December 2008) - click here to download as PDF or read online at this web archive.

Native title. Climate change. Nanotechnology. Nukes. And much more!

Chain Reaction #103 (Sept 2008) - click here to download as PDF or read online at this web archive.

Mining Feature

Chain Reaction #102 (April 2008) - click here to download as PDF or read online at this web archive.

Food Feature ... and much more.

Chain Reaction #101 (December 2007) - please find this as a PDF and webpage articles at this web archive.

Counter-terrorism ... plus much more!

Chain Reaction #100 (August 2007) - click here to download as PDF or read online at this web archive.

Special edition - Chain Reaction's 100th edition.

Chain Reaction #99 (March 2007) - click here to download as PDF or read online at this web archive.

Climate change feature.

Chain Reaction #98 (September 2006) - click here to download as PDF

Strong Communities, Sane World: challenging the G20's neoliberal agenda

Chain Reaction #97 (June 2006) - click here to download as PDF

Nanotechnology feature.