
Archives: September 2017

Tunisia:  A Gender Equality Manifesto

Tunisia: A Gender Equality Manifesto

Manifesto of the Under-Signed | Tunisia | - - During the 61st anniversary commemorating the enactment of the Personal Status Code, the Tunisian Head of State Beji Caïd Essebsi made two announcements…
Saudi-led Airstrikes on Yemen Deadly for Children

Saudi-led Airstrikes on Yemen Deadly for Children

Human Rights Watch | - - UN Should Create International Inquiry, Return Coalition to ‘List of Shame’ (Beirut) – The Saudi-led coalition carried out five apparently unlawful airstrikes in Yemen since June…
Can Iran keep its Influence in Baghdad?

Can Iran keep its Influence in Baghdad?

Mustafa Habib | Baghdad | ( | - - Iran wants to reunite the fighting Shiite Muslim political parties in Iraq that once gave it unconditional support. But that job is far…
If she had said, “Back off, you Creep!”

If she had said, “Back off, you Creep!”

By Gail Ukockis | (Informed Comment) | - -             The image of Donald Trump looming ominously behind Hillary Clinton still disturbs me on a visceral level. He may have belittled his…
Burma: Rohingya Describe Military Atrocities

Burma: Rohingya Describe Military Atrocities

Human Rights Watch | - - Military’s ‘Unfinished Business’ Has Hallmarks of ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ (New York) – Ethnic Rohingya Muslims fleeing Burmese security forces in Burma’s Rakhine State have described killings, shelling,…
Weathering the Violence of Climate Change

Weathering the Violence of Climate Change

By Gulrez Shah Azhar | (Project Syndicate) | - - SANTA MONICA – With India experiencing its worst drought in 140 years, Indian farmers have taken to the streets. At a protest…
Will Trump Kill the Dream for These Immigrants?

Will Trump Kill the Dream for These Immigrants?

By Marcelo Rochabrun | (ProPublica) | - - With the president reportedly at the point of canceling DACA, some of its 800,000 beneficiaries describe what they gained — and now fear losing…
How Trump’s pardon of Arpaio changed America

How Trump’s pardon of Arpaio changed America

By Ebony Slaughter-Johnson | ( | - - The president called a man who freely violated people's constitutional rights a "patriot." What does that make his victims? During a speech to a…
Arabs, Thomas Friedman and the “iron fist”

Arabs, Thomas Friedman and the “iron fist”

By Brian Whitaker | ( Writing about conflicts in the Middle East for the New York Times yesterday, columnist Thomas Friedman talked of "the power that is lost to a society…