
Archives: US Foreign Policy

US Military in Syria to Stay, YPG Kurds Say

US Military in Syria to Stay, YPG Kurds Say

TeleSur | - - The United States has been funding and supporting the group for months, due to “strategic interests” in the region, a spokesperson revealed. U.S.-backed Kurdish forces in Syria —…
Syria:  The American War on Civilians

Syria: The American War on Civilians

By Laura Gottesdiener | ( ) | - - It was midday on Sunday, May 7th, when the U.S.-led coalition warplanes again began bombing the neighborhood of Wassim Abdo’s family. They…

Top Ten Ways your Taxes pay for Endless War

By William D. Hartung | ( | - - You wouldn’t know it, based on the endless cries for more money coming from the military, politicians, and the president, but these…
Not Winning in Afghanistan: Why?

Not Winning in Afghanistan: Why?

By Solaiman M. Fazel | (Informed Comment) | - - Candidate Trump in his dynamic public rallies repeatedly criticized the former U.S. president for not winning anymore. Trump also mentioned, “If I’m…
The Violent “American Century”

The Violent “American Century”

By John Feffer | (FPIF) | Originally published in Korea Quarterly | - - The last near-century of American dominance was extraordinarily violent. Is it coming to an end? John Dower is…