
Archives: May 2017

If They’re Wrong, the Planet Dies

If They’re Wrong, the Planet Dies

By Edward Hunt. | ( Foreign Policy in Focus) | - - The Obama administration could have done more to stop climate change. The Trump administration couldn't have done less. . .…
The rising homegrown terror threat on the right

The rising homegrown terror threat on the right

By Arie Perliger | (The Conversation) | - - The murder in College Park, Maryland of Richard Collins III, an African-American student who had recently been commissioned as a second lieutenant in…
Roger Ailes: The Man Who Destroyed the News

Roger Ailes: The Man Who Destroyed the News

By Neal Gabler | ( | - - The founder of the right-wing network inflicted harm on the body politic that may be impossible to heal. Fox News creator and former…

Boycott Trump! Hit him where it Hurts

By Mattea Kramer | ( ) | - - In normal times, Dee from New York would have ordered her copy of The Handmaid’s Tale from Amazon, but these are not…
Trump, Saudi Arabia and yet another arms deal

Trump, Saudi Arabia and yet another arms deal

Russell E. Lucas, Michigan State University The first stop on Donald Trump’s first trip as U.S. president was to Saudi Arabia. That was no accident. His decision was surely based on the…

Was/Is there an Islamic Enlightenment? (de Bellaigue)

William Eichler interviews Christopher de Bellaigue | Informed Comment | - - Eichler: 1. In the conclusion to The Islamic Enlightenment you describe modern jihadists as “miracle-grow Muslims” who have been “incubated…
America Should stay the Course with Rouhani

America Should stay the Course with Rouhani

By Robert Harvey | (Project Syndicate) | - - LONDON – Hassan Rouhani has won re-election as Iran’s president in a landslide, meaning that it is he who will be dealing with…
Are Iran and Saudi Arabia Heading Toward War?

Are Iran and Saudi Arabia Heading Toward War?

By Mohammed Nuruzzaman | (Informed Comment) | - - Relations across the Persian Gulf are deteriorating fast. Iran and Saudi Arabia are once again at daggers drawn and sounding highly menacing to…
Could Comey Memo lead to Impeachment of Trump?

Could Comey Memo lead to Impeachment of Trump?

Jon Queally, staff writer | ( | - - "Donald Trump wanted to stop the FBI investigation, which is the definition of obstruction of justice," says Sen. Bernie Sanders. President Donald…
The Refugee Crisis and the Renewal of Our Humanity

The Refugee Crisis and the Renewal of Our Humanity

By Gregory Alonso Pirio | (Informed Comment) | - - The colossal refugee crisis confronting humankind today has created an unprecedented opportunity to awaken our sense of common humanity and compassion. No…

Are we Monsters?

By Neal Gabler | ( | - - We are a failed country because we have lost our compassion and sense of community. Warner Brothers and Universal have both been dusting…
The Sadism of creeping Dictatorship

The Sadism of creeping Dictatorship

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - One of the classic techniques of dictatorship is humiliation, a manifestation of the sadism of the regime. Most people want to avoid being…
Is Trump Palestine’s New Hope?

Is Trump Palestine’s New Hope?

Daoud Kuttab. | (Project Syndicate) | - - RAMALLAH – On his recent visit to Washington, DC, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas surprised many by heaping praise on US President Donald Trump. Speaking…
Pope Francis, Islam and Peace-Building

Pope Francis, Islam and Peace-Building

Interview by Jayson Casper | (Informed Comment) | - - Dr. Kamal Boraiqa is a lecturer at al-Azhar University and a member of al-Azhar Center for Dialogue, the al-Azhar Observer for Combating…
Fake President

Fake President

By Neal Gabler | ( | - - Donald Trump is master of perception, altering reality to distract the public from his lack of character. President Donald Trump shows an executive…

American Amnesia in the Garden of War

By John Dower | ( | - - Some years ago, a newspaper article credited a European visitor with the wry observation that Americans are charming because they have such short…
Uh, oh: French Left can’t bring itself to Vote for Macron

Uh, oh: French Left can’t bring itself to Vote for Macron

TeleSur | - - TeleSUR spoke with two French voters to discuss Sunday's second-round presidential election in France and lesser evil voting. French voters are confronted with a difficult choice on Sunday's runoff presidential election:…
Power, Water, Music:  Mosul comes back to Life

Power, Water, Music: Mosul comes back to Life

Special Correspondent | Baghdad | ( | - - Locals in the parts of Mosul, from which extremists have been pushed out, are celebrating small signs of returning life: For one thing,…
Coultergate and the Truth About Campus Speech

Coultergate and the Truth About Campus Speech

David Faris | (Informed Comment) | - - The cancellation of human outrage machine Ann Coulter’s speech at the University of California-Berkeley has generated yet another round of pearl-clutching and hand-wringing about…