

Welcome 2017, Centenary Year of the Great Soviet Bolshevik Revolution

Nick G.

The Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) welcomes the arrival of 2017, the centenary year of the great Soviet Bolshevik revolution.

We extend to all members and friends the compliments of the season in the communist spirit of anticipating further great struggles by the working class for socialism and anti-imperialist independence.

Those struggles will continue to enrich the independent working class agenda and assist all workers to see past the restrictions of reformist bourgeois trade unionism, social democracy and parliamentarism.

Living under the system of imperialism, we continue to be threatened by wars arising from the rivalries between imperialist powers.  US imperialism is creating provocations directed at China and insisting on Australia’s involvement in those provocations. No good will come of this.  It is now more than ever necessary to demand an independent foreign policy, a policy based on a peaceful and independent Australia. 

Contradictions embedded domestically and internationally will sharpen and require scientific Marxist analysis to be handled for the benefit of the people.  The core of good, solid members of the CPA (M-L) must be expanded boldly and those interested in joining us in our work encouraged to contact us, personally where possible, or via our contact address (Email: ).

Our Party is small but its influence is felt beyond our own circle.

Its further development - organisationally, politically and ideologically – will best be measured in the trust that is conferred on our leadership by workers engaged in struggle.

The thunder of 1917 and the achievements of the Soviet people under Lenin and Stalin were temporarily quietened by the revisionism of Khrushchev in 1956 and the accompanying restoration of capitalism, leading to the formal abolition of the great Soviet Union by Gorbachev and Co.

In welcoming this, the centenary year of the Bolshevik revolution, we affirm our confidence in the socialist road and reflect on the immensity and inevitability of the tasks we undertake in our own country and for our own working class.

For independence and socialism!


Welcome 2017, Centenary Year of the Great Soviet Bolshevik Revolution
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Welcome 2017, Centenary Year of the Great Soviet Bolshevik Revolution
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Welcome 2017, Centenary Year of the Great Soviet Bolshevik Revolution

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