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​   October 2017


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Party Discussion Site Now Available
- 2016 Aug 29

The CPA (M-L) recently created a discussion site for the printing of articles that are relevant to the work of the Party, but not necessarily reflective of a considered Party viewpoint, and for the raising of questions of the Party by members and supporters.

This is a moderated website and not a site for endless and pointless posts.

The most recent article is by respected Australian Marxist historian Humphrey McQueen which responds to a view that talking of an impending crisis of capitalism is “crying wolf”.

The article can be found by following this link to the home page of the discussion site:    

Members and supporters are asked to read the “How to use this website” post through a link on the top left hand side of the discussion site’s home page.




Latest Posts

US imperialism encourages closer ties between Australia and Israel  
High-level diplomatic initiatives between Australia and Israel reveal the importance of the former for United States positions in the Middle East. Alliances and military treaties also tie Australia directly into global Pentagon planning elsewhere.

more...- Posted on 2017 Nov 08

Lessons of the October Revolution: build the proletarian vanguard party  

Martin O’Malley, former State Secretary of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (SA Branch) spoke at an event at the Semaphore Workers Club in Adelaide to mark the centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. His speech follows:​


more...- Posted on 2017 Nov 08

A gift to the world’s peoples: lessons from the October Revolution  

A speech by a CPA M-L comrade, at an event organised by the Communist Party of Australia in Sydney.

It’s an honour to speak tonight on behalf of the Communist Party of Australia Marxist-Leninist, alongside CPA, union and international comrades, to celebrate the momentous Red October.


more...- Posted on 2017 Nov 07

October Revolution Celebration in Melbourne  

Bill F.

At the invitation of the International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS) 80-90 people attended a celebration of the Russian October Revolution, held in the Maritime Union hall in West Melbourne.


more...- Posted on 2017 Nov 05

New booklet - 150 years young - Marx's Capital (pdf link below)  

Karl Marx wrote his huge three-volume study Capital a century and a half ago.  It remains the single most influential study of the economic laws of motion of capital, of how capital is deployed in an endless quest for continued accumulation, and of how the labour power of the working ...


more...- Posted on 2017 Nov 05

More of the Australian Dairy Industry to Fall into Foreign Hands  

Duncan B.

Until recently, the key players in the Australian dairy industry were Murray Goulburn (Australian), Fonterra (New Zealand), Bega (Australian), Bright Foods (China), Lactalis (France), Saputo (Canada) and Lion (Japan).


more...- Posted on 2017 Nov 05

Banks: Laughing all the way…  

Nick G.

The Big Four Australian banks are laughing all the way to another round of obscene levels of profit.


more...- Posted on 2017 Nov 03

The implausible deniability of Michaelia Cash  

Nick G.

The heavy ROC that the Federal Government hoped to drop on the head of Opposition leader Bill Shorten has instead come crashing down on the feet of Michaelia Cash.


more...- Posted on 2017 Oct 26

October Revolution: Culmination of the independent agenda of the working class.  

Nick G.

The 1917 Great October Socialist Revolution was the result of the Bolshevik Party’s outlining for the Russian working class, its own independent class agenda, and doing patient mass work so that the Bolsheviks, as the vanguard of the working class, moved from a minority within the Petrograd Soviet ...


more...- Posted on 2017 Oct 23

Australia-ROK Military Exercises: 2017  
A decision to upgrade joint Australian Defence Force (ADF) and Republic of Korea (ROK) military exercises has provided an indication of heightening diplomatic tensions on the Korean peninsula and wider Asia-Pacific region and the role of Australia.

more...- Posted on 2017 Oct 22

Holden – Australia’s “own car”?  

Ned K.

On Friday 20 October 2017 the last assembled General Motors Holden passenger car rolled off the production line, bringing to an end mass production of passenger cars in Australia. Sad times for the thousands of workers directly and indirectly affected by the destruction of a whole industry, not ...


more...- Posted on 2017 Oct 22

On-going Lessons from the October Revolution  
Josh S
The 1917 Russian revolution, though occurring a century ago, still provides salutatory lessons about many current issues including:
• the futility of terrorism.
• the nature of revolutionary resistance to state violence.
• the struggle for power and control of space.
• the need for leadership by a revolutionary party organisation. ...

more...- Posted on 2017 Oct 19

“Human rights” in the service of US imperialism  

Nick G.

Australia has been voted onto the 47-member United Nations Human Rights Council. For the three-year term of its office, Australia will strengthen the hand of fellow member, US imperialism, in using the issue of human rights to interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign nations.


more...- Posted on 2017 Oct 17

Broad United Front is developing against US imperialism in Australia  

Max O.

On the heels of the Independent & Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) 2017 National Conference (8-10 September) two interesting and important articles were published that questioned the value of the US-Australian military alliance. The articles came from Richard Butler (former Ambassador to the United Nations; Diplomat in Residence at ...


more...- Posted on 2017 Oct 15

Fascism: resist the beginnings!  

Nick G.
The resurgence of right-wing and openly fascist groups, both here and internationally, is a sign of the sharpening of class contradictions in the midst of fresh contentions between various imperialist groupings. A death threat against a leader of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD), concurrently the international spokesperson ...


more...- Posted on 2017 Oct 13

The victory of the October Revolution was a victory over revisionism  

Nick G.

The Great October Socialist Revolution, the centenary of which we celebrate this year, was the greatest practical vindication of genuine Marxism.

Its success was guaranteed by the leadership of the great V.I. Lenin and his unremitting struggles against every kind of bourgeois reformism and unprincipled opportunism.


more...- Posted on 2017 Oct 11

1917, the year of Referendum, Revolt and Revolution  

Max O.

The year 1917 was a momentous turning point of World War One for both Europe and Australia. It was the year when the Australian military casualty rate was the highest, with 22,000 troops killed on the Western Front.


more...- Posted on 2017 Oct 10

Indigenous and Copley communities oppose Leigh Creek coal seam gas profit-making venture  

Ned K.
A meeting of the Copley Community, Aroona Council and Adnyamathanha Camp Law Mob met in early October to plan actions, including court action, to stop what they describe as the "dirty, filthy business" of underground in-situ coal gasification going ahead in the Leigh Creek area where they live.


more...- Posted on 2017 Oct 10

Catalonia, Kurdistan, West Papua – uphold the right of nations to self-determination!  

Nick G.

In recent weeks there have been three expressions of secessionist sentiment in three different parts of the world.
In Europe, the people of the autonomous community of Catalonia have defied the brutal violence of the Spanish state to express their desire for independence.


more...- Posted on 2017 Oct 05

Honour and learn from the Great Russian October Socialist Revolution!  

Joint statement: CPA and CPA (M-L)

The Communist Party of Australia and the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist), the names of which enshrine the objective of the revolutionary working class, jointly honour the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 in this, its centenary year.


more...- Posted on 2017 Oct 04

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