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Sat, 01/02/2014 - 16:32
Disturbances lecture series: Online-lecture on uprising in Ukraine: Background and perspectives

In Helsinki,  Kupoli, Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor on Sunday February the 16th Food served 4pm, Lecture 4.30pm (2:30PM Greenwich Median Time)

Tue, 28/01/2014 - 14:33
"Prison united all of us"

Interview with anarchist prisoners in the so-called "Bolotnaya Case", former sailor Alexei Polikhovich, 22 (pictured), and historian Stepan Zimin, 21. They are amongst the many people charged with participation in the May 6, 2012 clashes with police during an opposition rally in Moscow's Bolotnaya Square.

Fri, 24/01/2014 - 03:55
AWU Statement on the Current Political Situation

The laws which were passed on January 16th showed that the faction of the ruling class which now controls the government is ready to install a reactionary bourgeois dictatorship on the model of the Latin American regimes of the 1970s. The “dictatorship laws” criminalize any protest and limit the freedom of speech; also, they establish responsibility for “extremism”. Parliamentary mouthpieces of the class dictatorship of corrupted bureaucracy and monopolist bourgeoisie are the Party of Regions and the so called “Communist” Party of Ukraine which has long ago become a political force serving interests of capital. The Ukrainian repressive system leans on the police apparatus and street gangs of pro-government stormtroopers. Sometimes such paramilitary...

Sat, 18/01/2014 - 20:25
Moscow anti-fascists amnestied

On Friday 10th of January Basmanniy district court of Moscow ceased criminal case against Alexey Olesinov, Alexey Sutuga, Alyon Volikov and Babken Guskasyan. All four were accused of “hooliganism”, a criminal offense which is included in the amnesty bill, approved as a PR stunt on initiative of Vladimir Putin himself in advent of the Sochi Winter Olympics – most known amnestied political prisoners being 30 detainees of the Arctic Sunrise ship of Greenpeace, and two imprisoned members of Pussy Riot. Four anti-fascists had also other, less severe charges which fall under statutes of limitations.

Thu, 02/01/2014 - 03:30
Baltic Anarchist Winter meeting – program

Program is preliminary, last minute changes are possible: 11:00 – 13:45 Presentations of projects and groups 13:45 – 14:45 Lunch 14:45 – 16:00 Feminist movement in Russia 16:15 – 17:30 Support in an anarchist community 17:45 – 19:00 Forest occupation struggle in Germany

Fri, 27/12/2013 - 03:36
Schedule of "Father frost against Putin"-festival, to take place in Helsinki 4th of January

Program is preliminary, last minute changes are possible             10:00 – 11:15 Animal rights movement in Russia 11:30 - 12:45 Local environmental struggles in St. Petersburg 12:45 – 13:45 Lunch 13:45 – 15:00 Activism, human rights and queer movement in Armenia 15:15 – 16:30 Struggle for free spaces in St. Petersburg 16:45 – 18:00 Supporting Russian political prisoners 18:00 – 19:00 Dinner 20:00 – 21.00 A demonstration for political prisoners in Russia, gathering at statue of three smiths in beginning of Aleksanterinkatu street 22:00 – 02:00 Evening concert, featuring Lisichkin Khleb (Moscow), Mercedes Bentso (Itä-Helsinki) and Bolshevikings (Stockholm), DJ Lady Chatterleyn Rakastaja...

Thu, 19/12/2013 - 13:45
Disturbance-lecture: Towards anarchist food production - Experiences of collective farmers

New Student House, Kupoli: Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor Food is served 16:00, lecture at 16:30 A mix of people have been conquering bread for the past three years on the outskirts of Helsinki using anarchist principles. They have a vision of community-reliance. How food, energy and housing can be produced in cooperation between people living in the countryside and those in the cities. They want to build a life and production worth defending. Come and listen how food production based on self-organisation, anti-authorianism and consensus has succeeded. Does the principle "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" work in practise? What kind of obstacles does capitalism place in front of free production?  Facebook:...

Sat, 07/12/2013 - 07:54
My article “On anarchism and violence” is now banned in Russia

28th of November Lenin district court of the city of Tyumen uphold a request of the prosecutor of the Lenin district on recognition a text I wrote two years ago as “extremist”. My article “on anarchism and violence” was published in issue 33 of Avtonom journal in autumn of 2011, and also in 5th issue of Finnish anarchist journal Väärinajattelija. I published both of these texts with a pseudonyme, as I did not want Russian authorities to pay unsoliticed attention to my person. Now I have translated this text to English, as I would like as many people as possible to make conclusion on justification of the decision of the Lenin district court of Tyumen.

Tue, 03/12/2013 - 05:55
A Call for Solidarity with the Avtonom-journal, several issues of which are now banned in Russia!

On Thursday the 28th of November, the Lenin district court of the city of Tyumen upheld the request of the prosecutor of said district in recognizing five articles of the journal Avtonom as “extremist.”

Tue, 03/12/2013 - 05:43
On anarchism and violence

Some claim, that anarchism opposes violence, as for anarchists means and ends meet. But only second statement is correct, wherease first is not. This because in anarchism violence is not only means, but in a certain sense a goal in itself.

Thu, 21/11/2013 - 00:23
Varshavsky Warehouse Squat Case: St Petersburg Anarchist Black Cross statement on criminal charges against Denis Levkin

Denis Levkin has been imprisoned since February 2013. He was detained when the police stormed the squatted warehouse near the former Varshavsky Station in St Petersburg, Russia, and charged under article 318 part 2 of the Russian Criminal Code (use of violence dangerous for health or life against an officer).

Wed, 13/11/2013 - 14:35
Greek ecologists: solidarity from Yekaterinburg (Russia)

  Event was held near the building of the visa center in Greece on November 9 at the day of United Action. Halkidiki is located in the north of Greece, and it is Aristotle’ homeland. This is one of the main recreational areas of the country, which is visited by thousands of tourists every year. Harming the environment, the Eldorado Gold Company shows the hypocrisy and greed of capitalists. In the pursuit of profits, they will stop at nothing. We believe that environmental problems - is the problems of all people in the world. Capital does not respect political boundaries. Polluting nature in one place, corporations harms the entire global ecosystem. So it is especially important to the world's environmental movement to strengthen its solidarity and support any struggle...

Tue, 12/11/2013 - 05:13
Przychodnia Skłot statement on fascist attack against the social center 11th of November in Warsaw, Poland

Around 3:45 pm the participants of the independence march attacked Przychodnia social centre. It is owing only to our own determination and calmness that we managed to resist the nationalist aggression. A few people were injured but nobody's life is in danger.

Wed, 06/11/2013 - 04:58
Nizhni Novgorod: Anarchist Ilya Romanov wounded in an explosion at draft office

Ilya Romanov, a 46-years old Russian anarchist, was wounded on 26th of October 2013. According to authorities, this happened when a homemade bomb suddenly went off in his hands.

Tue, 05/11/2013 - 20:26
Antifascist action in Yekaterinburg (Ural)

  4 of November in Yekaterinburg was held an antifascist action. This day Russian neo-nazis traditionally organizing so-called "Russian March". In fact, Russian holiday called "Day of National Unity" is the day of nazi riot and xenophobia. We took to the streets on that day in order to show the righ-wing scum that not everyone will be tacitly support the further transformation of Russia into a fascist state. We used the banner "No to fascism of all kinds", because Chauvinism has different manifestations and it affects both the ruling elite and the poor. We also stands in solidarity with anti-fascists around the world. We remember those who have become victims of the Nazi terror and died for ideals. One of the last of these deaths was the murder of Pavlos...

Mon, 04/11/2013 - 04:49
Ukrainian central bank issued a memorial coin for Nestor Makhno

Nominal cost of the money - 2 hryvnias, cost - 20 hryvnias (around 1.80 euro), alltogether 30000 coins printed. 

Thu, 31/10/2013 - 04:01
Budapest metro meets the Disturbers (inna anarcho-communist style)

In Kupoli, Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor on Sunday December 1st.  Food available 4pm, Lecture 4.30pm Budapest Metro brings the revolutionary tradition of Budapest to Helsinki and meets the Disturbers in a real anarcho-communist style. Dub music play as the radical constructivists start their movement and deconstruct the apocapitalist order of our times. The Underground Photographic Architecture shows the forms of our alienated social being and it’s collective antithesis. Join the movement of the Marxist librarian and anarcho-syndicalist Ervin Szabó, the infamous revolutionary Ilona Duczynska, the working class avantgardemaster Lajos Kassák, the situationist architect Attila Kotányi, the lukács-mészárosian philosophical...

Mon, 28/10/2013 - 05:15
Baltic Anarchist Winter Meeting 5th of January 2014 in Helsinki

The first Baltic Anarchist Meeting was held in Tallinn, Estonia in May 2012. The meeting was attended by many anarchists from many countries and the atmosphere was good and exciting. Second gathering will be arranged 5.1.2014 in Helsinki, a day after Father frost against Putin-festival.

Mon, 28/10/2013 - 05:11
Father Frost against Putin - festival in Helsinki 4th of January 2014

It is estimated that during Russia's New Year's holiday Finland is visited by hundreads of thousands Russian guests. Only in Helsinki there will be at least 130.000 visitors. Many of them want to make rebellion plans to get rid of Putin's regime and they 'hide' their visit as a normal family holiday without anykind of control by FSB or Center of Extermism. 

Thu, 17/10/2013 - 04:10
Disturbances lecture series: Asia's Unknown Uprisings

In Helsinki, Kupoli, Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor on Sunday November 17th  Food available 4pm, Lecture 4.30pm. George Katsiaficas, a long-time activist, professor and student of Herbert Marcuse, will talk via skype about his recent two-volume study "Asia's Unknown Uprisings".

Thu, 17/10/2013 - 03:27
Disturbances lecture series: Ideologies of punishment in Finnish prison system

In Kupoli, Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor on Sunday November 3th  Food available 4pm, Lecture 4.30pm Theme of the lecture is social role of imprisonment and ideologies behind it, and mechanism of power in the prison system. Facebook: Disturbances is an open series of lectures and discussions at the crossroads of society, philosophy, history, economy and resistance. We are already aware that we can not live as before, but we do not know what the future holds. Others are stuck in the past, but we only want to understand it. Even a small disturbance of an initial condition can lead a system into a completely different state. Our speakers are Finnish and international anti-authoritarian researchers and activists....

Thu, 10/10/2013 - 03:00
The Power of the Precariat - seminar in Helsinki

  Autonominen opisto, October-November, 2013 The power of the precariat? is a seminar which deals with the struggles and modes of organization of precarious workers. What are central struggles today in the view of the societal change and improvement of human life? And what kind of modes of organization are born in these struggles?

Tue, 08/10/2013 - 22:43
“One Must Serve the Motherland, I Say!”: Court Extends Alexei Gaskarov’s Arrest in Bolotnaya Square Case

On Tuesday, October 1, Moscow’s Basmanny District Court extended until February 6, 2014, the arrest of Alexei Gaskarov, whom police investigators suspect of involvement in the “mass riots” on Bolotnaya Square on May 6, 2012.

Sun, 06/10/2013 - 03:13
Belarusian prisoners’ news. September 2013

Yauhen Vas’kovich spent 10 days in a punishment cell at the beginning of August. He regularly writes and calls his mother. The prisoner prefers not to have a lawyer, because he thinks it is pointless. The next date with relatives is planned on January.

Sun, 06/10/2013 - 02:38
Kazan, Russia: Arrested anarchists released court pending

  In Thursday 3rd of October, local activists learned that four anarchist anti-fascists arrested in Kazan have been released court pending. According to one of the comrades, during the arrest everyone was heavily pressured to sign a confession during the period of arrest. Activists spent around half years in remand. Due to bad arrest conditions, some of them got health problems.    It is expected that court will begin approximately in one month. Comrades in Kazan are still in need of financial help for lawyer costs and other costs of the criminal case.    You may donate to Kazan anarchists via Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow (instructions:    Updates and previous news on the...

Sat, 05/10/2013 - 03:13
Under Fire between the Lines - Russian anarchists during the 1993 Yeltsin coup

As 20 years have passed since tragical events of October 1993, we republish this detailed account stored in flag.blackened archive.   

Tue, 01/10/2013 - 02:00
Welcome to newcomers' evening of A-ryhmä! (Helsinki, Finland)

Newcomers' evening of A-ryhmä will take place in Kupoli of Uusi ylioppilastalo (Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor), on friday 4th of October from 6PM.  We will present activities of A-ryhmä and make plans for the rest of the years. We may also discuss about other topics concerning A-ryhmä and anarchism. Snacks and beverages will be served. 

Sun, 22/09/2013 - 21:51
Disturbances Lecture Series: Do We Need Schools?

In Kupoli, Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor on Sunday October the 20th. Food available 4pm, Lecture 4.30pm

Thu, 19/09/2013 - 01:41
Left Wing Student Union Activist in Ukraine Attacked by Far-Right Again: Second Attack in Just One Month

On September 11, another activist of left wing student union “Direct Action” was attacked by a fascist paramilitary group with their faces covered. The attack happened in a public place in the city centre, near the subway station. The activist was not robbed, and the attack was video recorded by the offenders.

Wed, 18/09/2013 - 03:12
Disturbances lecture series: Political prisoners in Russia

In Kupoli, Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor on Sunday October the 6th  Food available 4pm, Lecture 4.30pm Friedship-, collaboration ja mutual assistance -netwotk (YYA) promotes peaceful cooperation between the people of Russia and Finland supporting revolution in Russia (why not in Finland too?)

Sun, 15/09/2013 - 03:47
Belarusian anarchist political prisoner Aliaksandr Frantskevich released

He will be under police supervision for 6 months after the release. Aliaksandr Frantskevich, who served his term in correctional colony No. 22 in Ivatsevichy, was released early in the morningof 3rd of September. His mother and activists of opposition organisation met him outside the prison. He will go to Navapolatsk to register with the police. Frantskevich was arrested in connection with the “anarchist case” on September 3, 2010.Ihar Alinevich, Mikalai Dziadok and him were tried in the Zavadski distirict court on May 27, 2011. The activist was charged with violating part 2 of article 351 of the Criminal Code (deliberate destruction of computer information) and part 2 of article 339 (hooliganism). He was charged with carrying out attacks on government buildings and...

Wed, 11/09/2013 - 01:58
Next Inthe Disturbances lecture series: Towards a Revolution - Experiences from Istanbul

In Kupoli, the New Student house, Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7.floor, Sunday 22th of September Also in Kupoli on Sunday, the People's kitchen in Kupolin Herkku will serve food at 4 pm, and the lecture will begin at 4:30.

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 18:34
Bike Rally for Russian political prisoners 7th of September 2013, Helsinki, Finland

This video is filmed at Bike rally for Russian political prisoners arranged in Helsinki Finland on 7th September. Many of the by-passers cheered when the bike rally passed by. The demonstrators ringed their bells, chanted and played drums.

Fri, 06/09/2013 - 11:25
Black Petrograd festival in St Petersburg, Russia, on November 2 - 4, 2013

Black Petrograd festival will take place in St Petersburg, Russia, on November 2 - 4, 2013. The 10th annual anarchist festival will take three full days. This year, the programme will include less lectures and discussions, and more trainings and workshops, as well as presentations of libertarian projects and some interactive games. And naturally a gig by anarchist bands.

Thu, 05/09/2013 - 02:56
Bicycle rally for Russian political prisoners in Helsinki, Saturday 7th of September 4 PM

We invite everyone who are concerned of political situation in Russia to join us for bicycle rally, which starts from 3 Seppää statue in Mannerheimintie saturday September 7th 4 pm. We will provide flags that you can stick to your bike. But we really appreciate if you bring your own sign or flag for your bike.

Sun, 25/08/2013 - 16:52
Commemoration of Socialist and Anarchist prisoners on the Solovetsky Isles (Solovki), 2013

The ex-monastery on the Solovestsky Islands, just south of the arctic circle in the White Sea was used as a prison by the Bolshevik regime. A message from the Association of Anarchist Movements:

Wed, 21/08/2013 - 22:27
Migrants: “Come out, children, and brush your teeth” Morning Visitors The windows of the pricey Finnish supermarket Prisma, in Saint Petersburg’s former Warsaw Station, look out onto a structure with a half-collapsed roof and scruffy walls. People live there, however. They pay rent to the mysterious “proprietor” of the resettled residential building. He probably managed to “come to terms” with local “law enforcement” for a time, but the building is slated for demolition. Early in the morning of August 13, uniformed OMON riot police and plainclothes officers raided the homes of migrant workers in this building on the city’s Obvodny Canal. Human rights activist and sociologist Andrei Yakimov, from the Memorial Anti-Discrimination Center, recounts what happened....

Mon, 19/08/2013 - 12:11
Aleksey “Raskhod” Raskhodchikov, anarchist, antifascist and musician was beaten and arrested

Aleksey “Raskhod” Raskhodchikov, anarchist, antifascist and musician was beaten and arrested by police at night of 23 of July 2013 in the center of Murmansk city. On the main square policemen surrounded a group of punk-rockers and without any reason asked for IDs. Raskhod tried to ask for documents of police officers, but he was beaten and arrested.

Sat, 17/08/2013 - 16:53
A call for an international campaign against concentration camps in Russia

It is by now obvious that Russia is drowning ever-more deeply within a swamp of fascist dictatorship. Riding the wave of xenophobic hysteria which has flared up prior to the Moscow mayoral elections, a true concentration camp for migrants has been opened.

Fri, 16/08/2013 - 04:09
My adventures with Interpol

On 22 August 2012, the anti-fascist Pyotr Silaev was arrested in Grenada. He is an activist in anti-governmental protests, and the author of the book “Exodus” (published in Finland, Greece, Italy and Germany), under the pseudonym DJ Stalingrad.

Thu, 15/08/2013 - 12:58
Flying for freedom of movement and against state control at russian embassy in Hamburg

It was not surprising after the recent homophobe and xenophobic changes of laws in russia that now in the context of election campaign in moscow the issue of migration was put in a very simple and racist direction by deciding to

Sun, 11/08/2013 - 01:50
Disturbances lecture series: Building student movements - experiences from the Quebec student strike of 2012

In Helsinki 12th of May, Kupoli of Uusi Ylioppilastalo (Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor). Lecture starts at 6 PM (this time no food will be served).

Fri, 09/08/2013 - 03:11
Russian army attacks social center in Sevastopol, Ukraine

In Sevastopol, Russian Army raided without any warning local squatted social center "Autumn ball". Russian army considers the squatted center as their property.  Video documents the events. 

Wed, 07/08/2013 - 02:31
Anarchist anti-fascists from Kazan, Russia need your solidarity

Four anarchist anti-fascists from Kazan, Oleg Kapustyanov, Ruslan Rostov, Timur Dornonin and Artyom Sher are currently in remand prison. Fifth suspect, Dmitri Ilichev is under traveling restrictions. Goal of the imprisonment is to pressure them to plea guilty.

Mon, 05/08/2013 - 14:50
Vostok-Forum attacked by OMON

Russian police attacked an international youth meeting near Apatity (Murmansk Region, Russian Federation)

Sat, 27/07/2013 - 16:58
Support Irina Lipskaya, imprisoned anarchist and anti-fascist from Moscow

27th of June 2013, arrest of Irina was prolonged until 2nd of October. She was arrested 2nd of July 2012, so now Irina has already spent more than one year in prison without a court! Arrest of Irina was prolonged due to dubious claims of her alleged "victims" that they still have not acquintanced themselves with the results of the investigation. 

Sat, 20/07/2013 - 16:01
We ask for solidarity actions with social centre "Gromada" in Cracow

Squat "Gromada" was created in the centre of Cracow, near the main railway station, in the district, which is particularly attractive for developers.  For many years the building was empty, so it's condition is getting worse and worse. On the 12th of July group of activists in Cracow announced the official opening of the socio-cultural centre in this building.

Mon, 24/06/2013 - 16:03
Solidarity action with Alexey Gaskarov in Helsinki

In the end of the international solidarity week for Alexey Gaskarov and prisoners of 6th of May, a group of supporters in Helsinki locked the car entrance of Russian embassy in Helsinki - as long as our comrades are in captivity, the cars of Russian diplomats should sta

Thu, 20/06/2013 - 03:30
Alexey Sutuga released pending trial

  19th of June Moscow city court accepted appeal of criminal investigators to release Alexey Sutuga trial pending with a condition of a bail.

Tue, 18/06/2013 - 02:42
Support Dmitri Zvanko, anti-fascist prisoner from Brest

Dmitri Zvanko  – is anti-fascist from Brest. He was arrested 9th of May 2013, as one of 5 anti-fascists who were suspected of a fight with far-right activists the day before. Arrested anti-fascists were beaten up and put under psychological pressure, Dmitri failed a complaint on his treatment although he was pressured not to do so.