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Thu, 16/04/2015 - 16:22
SU‭N ‬10.5.‭Disturbances-lecture:‭ How life will be changed, or The life and visions of Arthur Rimbaud

Due to popularity lecture has been moved from Kupoli to Mannerheim-hall of Uusi Ylioppilastalo, A-entrance 5th floor. Unfortunately no lift available. Budget vegan food served at 4pm, the lecture starts at ‬4.30pm.

Wed, 08/04/2015 - 21:27
SAT ‬25.4.‭ Disturbances-lecture:‭ ‬Fennovoima, power and resistance

At Kupoli (Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor.) Doors open at 6 pm, lecture starts 6.15 pm. While rest of the Europe is developing renewable and decentralized energy systems, Finland is devoted to large and centralized by investing to new nuclear energy production. Why serious question of foreign policy related to decision on Fennovoima are not taken seriously? What kind of power relations lie in large scale energy system decisions? Maarit Laihonen is about to finish her doctoral thesis on questions of justice in the latest decisions on nuclear power in Finland. She has also done research on international climate policy, corporate power in environmental governance and indoctrination in higher education. Maarit's background is in business studies, social and moral philosophy and...

Wed, 08/04/2015 - 04:42
Sunday 19th of April. Disturbances lecture series: Evening against elections - alternatives for exercise of power

At Kupoli, Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor.   Vegan food available at 4pm, lecture begins at 4:30pm     One does no have to waste parliament election evening to following of election results.

Tue, 07/04/2015 - 15:26
Kaunas Karnival - East-Central European Squatters' And Radicals' Gathering 1st-5th of May 2015

Street actions, raves, workshops, discussions Kaunas Karnival is a not-quite-party-but-not-really-conference-either gathering. Squatters, political activists and all the other good radical people from Eastern Europe (and further) are invited to come to a four days street action, skill-sharing and network building event. The main aim of the gathering is to exchange knowledge between collectives from EastCentral Europe about radical actions, such as squatting and organizing movements and establish a basis for future cooperation. The program of Kaunas Karnival will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania, between the 1st and 4th of this May. ABOUT US and KAUNAS We are a new autonomous collective “Egzilis” (“Exile”) based in Kaunas, Lithuania. Several months ago we opened our...

Tue, 07/04/2015 - 04:01
The story about samba action against fascist conference in St. Petersburg and arrest that followed

I'm at home now after a night spent at the police department. Me and three of my comrades were arrested for showing our disapproval to Nazis, who came to the International Russian Conservative Forum that was held in Holiday Inn, St. Petersburg 22nd of March.

Thu, 02/04/2015 - 15:13
3x3 basketball tournament in Thessaloniki (10/04/14)

In connection with the murder of football fan in Crete during the riots championship in Greece was suspended. Therefore to remind people about the true values of sport collective team Proodeftiki Toumba decided to hold an amateur basketball tournament among the residents of his district. Tournament without aggression and injuries, only a partnership and healthy sports atmosphere.

Wed, 01/04/2015 - 18:45
SAT‭ ‬23.5.‭ ‬Disturbances-lecture:‭ ‬The political economy of oil now

At Kupoli (Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor). Doors open at ‬18:00,‭ ‬lecture starts at ‬18:15.

Tue, 31/03/2015 - 02:52
ABC Benefit in Helsinki Saturday 2nd of May 2015

Liquid Sisters ... 6792564120 Suspiria (Riot Girrl, Helsinki) Кобыла и Трупоглазые Жабы (Mare And The Corpse-Eyed Toads, post-punk, Moscow) Целибат (Celibat, post-punk, Nizhni Novgorod) Kombinator (post-punk, Moscow) At Kupoli, Mannerheimintie 5b, Helsinki 9PM.  Tickets 6 euros. Possible profits will be spent for anarchist prisoners.  amr_hki[ÄT] for additional info.  Facebook:

Fri, 27/03/2015 - 23:12
Apeitharxos Ioannina - Proodeftiki Toumpas (13.09.14)

Friends from amateur club Proodeftiki informed me about this game in advance. I was just about to go to Ioannina, so I was extremely delighted this news. Because a self-governing Greek clubs I've heard a lot, but never attended their games.

Wed, 25/03/2015 - 17:07
Levadiakos - Kerkyra (28/09/14)

Near the sacred Mount Parnassus and the ruins of Delphi there is a small town of Levadia. Will of fate I was fortunate enough prove to be in this place and get acquainted with the local fan scene.

Sun, 22/03/2015 - 21:53
Protest action at Holiday Inn of Helsinki

In the center of Helsinki, at the building of Holiday Inn, action of anarchists took place against a conference of far-right parties, which took place in Holiday Inn of St. Petersburg. Around 15 participators encouraged a boycott of hotel chain. 

Sun, 22/03/2015 - 06:34
On racism in the Russian antifa and hardcore subculture

In February, a critique of Moscow-based bands What We Feel(WWF) and Moscow Death Brigade(MDB) written by “Antifascist Subculture Worldwide”-collective appeared on the German website, Linksunten (in English).

Sat, 21/03/2015 - 18:26
Anti-fascist movement in Nis (Serbia)

Although our group exists for four years already, ANTIFA Niš is still an informal, grassroot and self-organized group, which is the politics we do not plan to abandon no matter how this fact can actually slow us down. It is only under these conditions do we consider our struggle sincere and true.

Sat, 21/03/2015 - 15:59
A demonstration against far-right meeting in Holiday Inn of St. Petersburg

Let's stop the convention of fascists in Holiday Inn (St. Petersburg) Meeting at Holiday Inn Helsinki City Center (Elielinaukio 5), Sunday 22th of March 3PM On the 22 of March, the convention of European Neo-Nazi parties, is going to take place in St. Petersburg. The convention organized by Russian neo-fascist pro-Putin party “Rodina” (“Motherland”). The following European neo-fascist and ultra far-right organizations are taking part in the conference: Golden Dawn, Greece; National Democratic Party of Germany; Svenskarnas parti, Sweden; Attack (Ataka), Bulgaria; Freedom Party of Austria; Serbian Radical Party; Forza Nuova, Italy; and some others. The most astonishing is that exactly the hotel Holiday Inn, belonging to the Britain corporation...

Thu, 12/03/2015 - 22:29
MDB and WWF: against hate, discrimination, and inner-scene elitism

Hello! Here is an official reply of MDB and WWF to the critical article against us, originally posted on Indymedia.

Sun, 08/03/2015 - 04:42
Russian 'antifa' discrediting antifascism

This article criticizing the Russian music anti-fascists scene was published on the German website Linksunten in February and had a great resonance and a storm of discussion in the international anti-fascist movement, but has not yet been translated into English.

Fri, 06/03/2015 - 03:51
Join international solidarity campaign for Alexander Kolchenko

Alexander Kolchenko is a Crimean anarchist, social activist and antifascist who is held in captivity by the Russian authorities. Along with other Crimean activists, he has been kidnapped by the Russian FSB (ex-KGB) and is now detained as a political hostage in Lefortovo jail in Moscow.

Wed, 25/02/2015 - 22:00
Interview with a representative fan groups Warriors Gate 6 (Panetolikos Agrinio)

The provincial Greek town of Agrinio can hardly something to interest demanding public. Essentially it stands out among thousands of other industrial cities only a local football club and its fan movement. Warriors can rightly be considered one of the top local firms in Greece, in his city they can to fight even with a famous Athenian hooligans.

Wed, 25/02/2015 - 13:56
Guardia Rossa (SC Red Star Penzing)

It must have been around one year ago when a few politically interested footballcracks from Vienna who followed different First League Clubs decided to cancel their support for their former clubs because of their developments and to search for a club in the lower leagues that everybody of them could identify with.

Sun, 22/02/2015 - 00:35
Azzurra Familia (Pas Giannina, Greece)

Azzurra Familia club was created in 2013 after fleeing of several members from the leading club, Blue Vayeros.

Fri, 20/02/2015 - 17:35
SAT 28.3. Disturbances lecture series: Paris commune

At Kupoli, in the New Student House, Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor. Doors open at 6pm, beginning of the lecture at 6:15pm.

Fri, 20/02/2015 - 17:26
SUN 15.3. Disturbances-lecture: Anarchism and labour

At Kupoli, in the New Student House, Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor. Budget food at 4pm, beginning of the lecture at 4:30pm

Fri, 13/02/2015 - 18:00
Show your ass to the authorities: call for solidarity with Belarusian anarchists from 25th February to 1st March

The forth presidential term of Alexander Lukashenko will expire in 2015. In 21 years Lukashenko has managed to suppress almost all social struggles in the country, kill several political opponents in the 90s, and eradicate nearly all of the official opposition. Lukashenko didn’t allow Belarusian society to transcend the limits of Soviet mentality. Any complaint or criticism of the government are met with repression from the police or the KGB. Any attempts of organizing face with prosecution and hysteria from the state. The policy of the government can be described simply as follows: “Everything that cannot be controlled must be destroyed”. At this moment Belarusian state is slowly but steadily getting to the extermination of any dissent or independent thinking.  ...

Fri, 30/01/2015 - 22:46
Interview with a representative of the fan group XanthiFans

Again we return to Greece. This time we will focus on the region of Thrace, which is on the east of the country. Xanthi town is one of the largest in the area, and the football club of the same name because of its achievements is often called the "Queen of Thrace".

Tue, 20/01/2015 - 01:42
A memorial action for Anastasia Baburova and Stanislav Markelov in Helsinki

Today on 19 of January in Helsinki anarchists organised action in memory of lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasiya Baburova killed by nazis in the center of Moscow 6 years ago.

Mon, 19/01/2015 - 23:34
In Helsinki Thursday 22th of January: Is Syriza just a lame light-Keynesian ripoff?

The imminent rise of Syriza in power, and the way he presents himself in Europe has created a number of misunderstandings about its “radical” political nature.

Sun, 18/01/2015 - 23:05
28.2 Disturbances-lecture: Anarchist women history

Doors open at 6pm, the lecture starts at 6:15pm. In Kupoli (Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor). Lecture is about anarchist women history from three viewpoints. Anarchist Louise Michel (1830-1905) was a schoolteacher in the poor suburbs of Paris and an active participant in the Paris Commune. Mujeres Libres, an anarcho-syndicalist and feminist collective established in Spain 1936, strived to see the violence towards women and their societal role in relation to history and created communal ways to destroy gender hierarchies. Federica Montseny (1905-1994) was a contemporary and a collaborator to the collective, although she was more of an anarchoindividualist. Lecture on facebook: After the lecture: Prohibition NOW! -party for supporting squat...

Sun, 18/01/2015 - 22:49
15.2 Disturbances-lecture: Walter Benjamin's Central Park - Writings about capitalism, big cities and art

In Kupoli (Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor). Food is served at 4pm and the lecture starts at 4:30pm.  

Sun, 18/01/2015 - 22:36
31.1 Disturbances-lecture: Towards Communism

In Kupoli (Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor). Doors open at 6pm and the lecture starts at 6:15pm It's freezing in January and the red sun is blazing. From Budapest comes a man with autonomous views and a long history with business and books. He is going to give a presentation about the basics and the tradition of revolutionary communism: from production of value and exchange of goods to abolishment of the classes. The lecturer has run a bookshop called Gondolkodó Autonóm since the beginning of the 1990s in Budapest ( and is part of a collective called Barikad Kollektiva. ( Facebook event: Queer Communist Turbofolk -party after the lecture! More information on...

Fri, 16/01/2015 - 20:34
Interview with girl ultras "Spartak Nalchik"

Team Spartak Nalchik has never been a serious financial support like Anji Makhachkala, but his mark in the history of football in the Caucasus it postponed. We hope that the trend created in these years, will continue to evolve in Nalchik. At the very least, any precedent antifascist ultras in the former USSR and, especially, in Russia deserves a detailed review.

Sun, 11/01/2015 - 19:14
Disturbances-lectures:graffiti subculture and control

In Kupoli (Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor). Food served 4PM, on menu Saag Tofu.  Lecture starts 4:30 PM.

Thu, 01/01/2015 - 19:38
VIDEO: Anarchist Riot Greetings from Greece for the Year 2015 [Jingle Bells version]

We bid farewell to the year 2014 with flashbacks of collective resistance, imprinted in our memories and engraved in the story of this world, to be reminded of our past, so that we keep on fighting in the future, to turn our dreams of a self-organized society without rulers, from Utopia to Reality.   Wherever you may be

Wed, 31/12/2014 - 20:55
Russian imprisoned anarchist Ilya Romanov needs your solidarity

Ilya Romanov, a 46-years old Russian anarchist, has been under arrest for more than a year for now, from October 29, 2013. He is charged with an attempt of a terrorist attack (art.30 of 205.1 of Russian Criminal Code) and of illegal manufacturing of explosives (222.1 CC). He declares that his rigths are badly violated. In violation of the law courts held behind closed doors, the investigation takes unreasonably long, and all his complaints rejected. His imprisonment was continued till February 26, 2015. Ilya was arrested after he came to a hospital badly wounded after a self made firecracker suddenly went off in his hands. The accident happened next to a building occupied by Russian Army draft office. His left hand was torn off. The man was placed in hospital. He was interrogated by the...

Tue, 23/12/2014 - 18:44
Interview with a representative of the fan club Green Ghetto (FC Agrotikos Asteras)

At this time we are back to Thessaloniki. This city is known for many football fans three clubs - PAOK, Aris and Iraklis. But the soccer city life does not end. And we want to introduce you to one of the many small football clubs in Thessaloniki. We go to the western part of Thessaloniki, to introduce you to the club Agrotikos Asteras, which is based in the area of Evosmos.

Sun, 21/12/2014 - 02:25
Interview with a representative fan group Panthers (Panionios, Nea Smyrna)

  Again we return to Athens. Panionios is considered quite a serious team in the scale of Greece and has a very impressive fan base. However, with all of this club is very difficult to compete in popularity with three Athenian giants.

Sat, 20/12/2014 - 16:16
Fanzine "Leva Tribina" (Serbia)

The idea of creating zina "Leva tribina" appeared a few months ago and we are currently implement this project. Was initiated by the people of a small, informal, non-hierarchical Militant anti-fascist groups from Nis (city in south-eastern Serbia).  Fanzine is a continuation of the same name of the blog, which was created six months ago.

Fri, 19/12/2014 - 21:43
St. Pauli Polish Supporters

We are John Marten's Crew – the only official Sankt Pauli fanclub in Poland. Name of Our Crew, derived from John Kuna who was a Polish pirate.

Sun, 07/12/2014 - 18:51
Brigada 97 (Deportivo Guadalajara)

To talk about Guadalajara is talking about a social phenomenon around the country, since its immense achievements are based in pure talent from Mexican players only, for more than 100 years of existence in Mexican football. 

Sat, 06/12/2014 - 00:26
Laziale Antifascista

Many people think that the fans of Lazio is all fascist.This is not true. It 'a stereotype created by the parties of the extreme right to take their vows in the stadium.The phenomenon that began in 1987 with the advent of the IRRIDUCIBILI. Before them, the roar of the Lazio had always been mixed and / or apolitical. The history of S.S. Lazio has always been anti-fascist. S.S. Lazio was founded in 1900 as a sports club, to be able to practice the sport even the less affluent social classes, were chosen as team colors white and blue to symbolize the Olympic spirit, the use of sport as a means to peace, 'equality and fraternity among peoples. In 1927, the Fascist regime wanted to unite all existing Roman teams in a unique team AS Roma , only Lazio opposed to regime that appealed to...

Mon, 01/12/2014 - 14:17
Disturbances-lectures: Anarchist women history

Anarchist women history Doors open at 16:00, lecture starts at 16:30. In Kupoli (Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor). Lecture is about anarchist women history from three viewpoints. Anarchist Louise Michel (1830-1905) was a schoolteacher in the poor suburbs of Paris and an active participant in the Paris Commune. Mujeres Libres, an anarcho-syndicalist and feminist collective established in Spain 1936, strived to see the violence towards women and their societal role in relation to history and created communal ways to destroy gender hierarchies. Federica Montseny (1905-1994) was a contemporary and a collaborator to the collective, although she was more of an anarchoindividualist. Black Christmas, anti-christmas party after the lecture:

Mon, 01/12/2014 - 13:16
Prisoner support cafe and the backwash of Independenceday

Anarchist black cross of Helsinki arranges prisoner support cafe on 8.12. at Kupoli (Mannerheimintie 5B, 7th floor) from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Sat, 29/11/2014 - 18:57
RFC Lions Ska

“RFC Lions Ska Football Club” was born in Caserta (Italy) in 2011, from an idea of a group of boys and girls sharing the passion for sport and ska music.

Fri, 28/11/2014 - 00:34
The End of Antifa?

Despite the bleakness of the situation in Ukraine, at least I was amused by the fact that Nazis were fighting on both sides of the front, killing each other.

Sun, 23/11/2014 - 14:52
The history of fan movement Super 3 (Aris Thessaloniki)

Aris Thessaloniki was founded in 1914 in Votsi an area close to the historical centre of Thessaloniki.  Aris is considered up to now and despite the tough economic situations that, beyond others,  lead the football club in the 2nd division this past year, one of the most successful teams in Greece, as it counts numerous titles in every sport (4th in that list , coming after Olimpiakos

Thu, 20/11/2014 - 23:21
Disturbances-lectures: Public meetings and horizontal decision making

In Kupoli, Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor. People's kitchen offers cheap vegan food at 16:00, the lecture starts at 16:30. Everyone shoud have an equal right to participate in the decision making of their own communities and societies. Hierarchy externalizes power to a small elite and enables corruption. The representative system doesn't give room nor possibilities for individuals to air their views on how the matters of their communities should be organized. Where to begin?  How to organize a public meeting and how can a consesus be reached?  How to identify the injustices and fix them together?  The aim of this lecture is to give participants the ability to put horizontal decision making into effect in different situations and groups. Event in...

Thu, 20/11/2014 - 21:02
A new criminal case started against Mikalai Dziadok

On November 20 Mikalai Dziadok was charged with malicious disobedience to the demands of prison administration (art.411). This became known from a state lawyer, who had been called to attend the procedure. The case was started on November 13. In the near future the anarchist will be transferred to the pre-trial detention centre as a defendant. Before that Dziadok had spent 8 days in a punishment cell, and was transferred to the solitary confinement. The prisoner must have been set free on March 3, 2015 after 4.5 year in prison. The new case can add a year to his final sentence. As you know, the presidential elections are to take place in autumn of 2015. Lukashenko does his best to neutralise his political opponents, especially anarchists, who fight against any power and are ready to act...

Thu, 20/11/2014 - 13:32
Aleksandr Kolchenko: I am not a terrorist. I am a citizen of Ukraine

The story of this interview is different from how interviews are usually recorded. The person answering the questions is in the place not very accessible for journalists – Lefortovo Moscow Pretrial Detention Facility that is still known as RF FSB SIZO (RF FSB SIZO - pre-trial detention facility of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation – transl.).

Wed, 19/11/2014 - 00:19
Welcome to Father Frost against Putin II Festival

Helsinki - Saturday January 3rd, 2015 Program: Some of the talks will be stremed online. Channels:

Wed, 19/11/2014 - 00:09
Preliminary program published: Second Baltic Anarchist Winter Meeting 4th of January 2015 in Helsinki

Program is preliminary, follow updates from this page.    11:00 — 12:15 Anti-eviction struggles in Milan   There are around 4000 flats occupied for housing purposes in Milan.

Sat, 08/11/2014 - 03:32
Appeal to support Ilya Romanov

Dear friends! We ask you to support Ilya Romanov, Russian anarchist accused of 'terrorism', who has already spent a year in prison. ABC-Moscow included him in the list of anarchist political prisoners.   On 26 October 2013 46-year-old anarchist Ilya Romanov was wounded in the city of Nizhnii Novgorod.