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We ask for solidarity actions with social centre "Gromada" in Cracow

Squat "Gromada" was created in the centre of Cracow, near the main railway station, in the district, which is particularly attractive for developers.  For many years the building was empty, so it's condition is getting worse and worse. On the 12th of July group of activists in Cracow announced the official opening of the socio-cultural centre in this building. The event was accompanied with the Cracow Rhythms of Resistance. Activists organized a picnic for neighbours.

Squatters managed to keep the building for 6 days. Every day at the door of the squat appeared police. On the 13th of July at approx. 5 PM police patrol drove up to the building. The officers wanted to talk with the residents. Two activists, who were outside of the building, were attacked, when they wanted to film the intervention. Police officers shackled them in handcuffs, took them to police station, where they were insulted, intimidated and beaten by the policemen. The case went to the prosecutor's office.
On the 19th of July in the afternoon social center "Gromada" was evicted by representative of the co-owners, who do not have legal rights to do so. The representative was assisted by police. Hired workers demolished windows and doors, and then they bricked it. Eviction lasted about four hours. The squatters plan to apply to the courts for protection of their status of ownership and tenancy rights.
Building on the street Worcella 8 is an example of anti-social policy of Cracow's authorities. While many people are affected by evictions and homelessness, a large number of buildings are left empty and being used in a way of property speculation, reckless investments and developers.
The fight continues!
Reclaim Cracow!

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