Room 104 : Season 1

  • Network:
  • Series Premiere Date: Jul 28, 2017
Room 104 Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critics What's this?

until day of season premiere
  • Summary: The Duplass brothers' anthology series about the various people (Hugo Armstrong, Davie-Blue, Melonie Diaz, Jay Duplass, Veronica Falcon, Adam Foster, Ellen Geer, Keir Gilchrist, Philip Baker Hall, Sarah Hay, Poorna Jagannathan, Orlando Jones, Ethan & Gavin Kent, Amy Landecker, KonstantinThe Duplass brothers' anthology series about the various people (Hugo Armstrong, Davie-Blue, Melonie Diaz, Jay Duplass, Veronica Falcon, Adam Foster, Ellen Geer, Keir Gilchrist, Philip Baker Hall, Sarah Hay, Poorna Jagannathan, Orlando Jones, Ethan & Gavin Kent, Amy Landecker, Konstantin Lavysh, Sameerah Luqmaan-Harris, Keta Meggett, Natalie Morgan, Ross Partridge, Karan Soni, Dendrie Taylor, Tony Todd, Will Tranfo, James Van Der Beek, Mae Whitman and Nat Wolff) who pass through one room in a motel. Expand
  • Genre(s): Comedy, Drama
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Reviewed by: Ray Rahman
    Jul 15, 2017
    With eerie vibes and plenty of suspense, Room 104 comes off as a fun-house lab for the Duplass duo's most out-there ideas - less mumblecore and more Black Mirror. [21/28 July 2017, p.113]
  2. Reviewed by: Dan Fienberg
    Jul 18, 2017
    Room 104 doesn't feel like a Duplass brothers film. The six episodes sent to critics, celebrating a diverse assortment of either lesser-known or lesser-known-to-TV directors, aren't bound by genre or form, and they're mostly pretty good.
  3. Reviewed by: Luke Parker
    Jul 21, 2017
    Though one of the show’s best qualities is its graceful ability to switch tones and genres, Room 104 seems to be at its most comfortable, not to mention enjoyable, when it focuses on the plausible rather than the implausible.
  4. Reviewed by: David Wiegand
    Jul 20, 2017
    They run the gamut from weird to unnerving to poignant.