The Handmaid's Tale : Season 1

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  • Series Premiere Date: Apr 26, 2017
The Handmaid's Tale Image

Universal acclaim - based on 40 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 209 Ratings

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  • Starring: , ,
  • Summary: In the totalitarian society of Gilead, a handmaiden enslaved to produce a child for Commander Waterford (Joseph Fiennes) and his wife Serena Joy (Yvonne Strahovski) named Offred (Elisabeth Moss) seeks the daughter taken from her in this drama series based on Margaret Atwood’s best-selling novel.
  • Genre(s): Drama, Science Fiction

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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 40
  2. Negative: 0 out of 40
  1. Reviewed by: Kristi Turnquist
    Apr 20, 2017
    Painfully timely. It's also absolutely enraging, and completely riveting. ... The Handmaid's Tale isn't just the best original show Hulu has ever done. It's one of the most impressive series of the year.
  2. Reviewed by: Scott D. Pierce
    Apr 24, 2017
    At least in the first three episodes, which were screened for critics, everything comes together for A Handmaid's Tale--Miller's script, direction by Reed Morano (who's best known as a cinematographer) and the performances. Moss' performance is arresting.
  3. Reviewed by: Tom Long
    Apr 28, 2017
    [It] sounds pretty dark, and it is, but the wonder of both Atwood’s novel and the series is that it actually manages to be playful and witty at times.
  4. Reviewed by: Verne Gay
    Apr 25, 2017
    Beautiful, immersive and joyless, Tale can be tough to watch, but “rewarding” trumps “tough.”
  5. Reviewed by: Brian Tallerico
    Apr 26, 2017
    It is ambitious, rich, complex, beautifully made television. It may take a couple episodes to really show you what it has to offer, but then you won’t be able to turn away.
  6. Reviewed by: Kelly Lawler
    Apr 25, 2017
    The Handmaid’s Tale is something unique, with an adult take on the dystopian genre and a somber and relevant story about the lives and fears of women. The show serves as a wake-up call, and you won’t easily fall back asleep after viewing.
  7. Reviewed by: John Anderson
    Apr 21, 2017
    The problem with Hulu’s Handmaid is that nothing is dreadful enough. ... Ms. Moss’s Offred comments regularly on her condition with outraged, silent vulgarities, and seems appalled by rituals and outrages that had become routine in the book. ... But the original Offred was almost too terrorized to imagine defiance, much less exercise it. And such calibrated portraiture helped make the novel click.

See all 40 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 28
  2. Negative: 8 out of 28
  1. Jun 15, 2017
    I wasn't as drawn to this premise as other recent dramas like WestWorld, Vikings, House of Cards, or Man in the High Castle, but I think thisI wasn't as drawn to this premise as other recent dramas like WestWorld, Vikings, House of Cards, or Man in the High Castle, but I think this show is better than all of those.
    A world where most women cannot reproduce, and the women who can become worth fighting over, even enslaving. The number of directions from which this concept is fleshed out and explored continues to surprise me, and every episode has some surprises and nuances that I haven't seen in any other show.
    The writing is tight and characters' actions are well-justified, and the progressive, careful world-building has been great to experience.
  2. May 21, 2017
    Amazing story, this blows away anything on Netflix. Profound, amazing acting, incredible, I can't recommend this enough, its thoughtAmazing story, this blows away anything on Netflix. Profound, amazing acting, incredible, I can't recommend this enough, its thought provoking. Its TV for smart people. Its powerful writing Expand
  3. Apr 26, 2017
    Don't believe the low user ratings. Excellent distopian drama. Leave politics aside while you watch--it has been an incredibly well doneDon't believe the low user ratings. Excellent distopian drama. Leave politics aside while you watch--it has been an incredibly well done series so far after three episodes. Expand
  4. Jun 14, 2017
    It starts out brilliantly, it really does. But the "big moments" go a beat too far much too often in the second half of the season. It's easyIt starts out brilliantly, it really does. But the "big moments" go a beat too far much too often in the second half of the season. It's easy to think that the expansion of the book (which at first seemed welcome) has thrown out all the subtly of the source material. But for the most part, it's captivating, wonderfully acted, and gorgeous to look at. Expand
  5. Apr 30, 2017
    It begins with an interesting premise, but it feels a little "samey". Feels like I've seeing it before, whether it was Children of Men, orIt begins with an interesting premise, but it feels a little "samey". Feels like I've seeing it before, whether it was Children of Men, or Man in the High Castle. I feel that it needs to play with its score a bit more like Leftovers does so effectively. And one of my faves, Yvonne Strahovski, feels like she's being wasted. You can't just have her sitting there, seething, through the first two episodes. I know it's early, and I'll revise my score if need be as more episodes unfold. [Added after 3rd Ep;] Things picked up during the 3rd episode, and one thing became clear - this series is one hell of an endorsement for stronger 2nd Amendment protections. Can't imagine this anti-woman regime would ever gain a foothold in the United States with the number of legally armed women we have now. Expand
  6. Apr 30, 2017
    I lean left myself but the blatant political ideology this show is pushing is so heavy handed it kind of ruins what might have otherwise beenI lean left myself but the blatant political ideology this show is pushing is so heavy handed it kind of ruins what might have otherwise been a decent show. There is, for example, absolutely nothing wrong with gay characters, but when there is a statistically unlikely number of gay people who are friends with the protagonist it goes from entertaining fiction to slightly cringey, unnecessary propaganda that detracts from the story. Also, a dystopian future where gay people are killed by Christians seems kind of tone deaf and insensitive to the fact that a certain other major religion really does kill people for being gay right here in the real world. Expand
  7. Jun 19, 2017
    It was the most perverted book I've ever read and believe me I've read a lot of stuff. Actually I stopped reading it what I never ever done.It was the most perverted book I've ever read and believe me I've read a lot of stuff. Actually I stopped reading it what I never ever done. The show is even worse and I'm sorry to say this because the conception is good. I love dystopias and depressing, sick shows but I can't rate this. Expand

See all 28 User Reviews

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