Legion : Season 1

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  • Series Premiere Date: Feb 8, 2017
Legion Image

Universal acclaim - based on 40 Critics What's this?

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Universal acclaim- based on 447 Ratings

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  • Starring: , ,
  • Summary: Based on the X-Men comics character, David Haller (Dan Stevens) was diagnosed as schizophrenic as a child and currently institutionalized. His routine at a psychiatric hospital is changed with the arrival of a new patient named Syd (Rachel Keller) which triggers the discovery that the voicesBased on the X-Men comics character, David Haller (Dan Stevens) was diagnosed as schizophrenic as a child and currently institutionalized. His routine at a psychiatric hospital is changed with the arrival of a new patient named Syd (Rachel Keller) which triggers the discovery that the voices and visions he has may be real. Expand
  • Genre(s): Drama, Action & Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction

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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 40
  2. Negative: 0 out of 40
  1. Reviewed by: Allison Keene
    Feb 2, 2017
    Legion plays a lot with themes of identity and memory and emotion, and if the key to visual storytelling is to show and not tell, well, Legion grasps onto that wholeheartedly. But above all, it’s a deeply considered portrait of mental illness.
  2. Reviewed by: David Wiegand
    Feb 6, 2017
    There is an abundance of quality in Legion at every level, making it a show you can’t stop watching and, oh yeah, the best show of the new year.
  3. Reviewed by: Vicki Hyman
    Feb 9, 2017
    [Legion is] produced like a cerebral art house version of a superhero series, thrumming with precision and emotion where the genre usually calls for shock and awe, and assembled with an entrancing period aesthetic (it seems to be set in the early 1970s, but that could just be a side-effect of David's fragile mental state) and stunning, occasionally horrifying visual effects.
  4. 88
    Even if you barely understand a thing that’s going on (and be patient; chances are you will), Legion is a joy to watch, surreal and beautiful, with as many funny asides as frightening moments.
  5. Reviewed by: Ellen Gray
    Feb 6, 2017
    I haven't a clue where the rest of the story is going, but I'm prepared to be surprised.
  6. Reviewed by: Scott D. Pierce
    Feb 3, 2017
    The first three episodes are intriguing. Visually arresting. But if someone other than Hawley were running this show, I'd be a great deal more skeptical. As it is, I'm cautiously optimistic. With the emphasis on "cautiously."
  7. Reviewed by: David Sims
    Feb 7, 2017
    Stevens (probably best known as the handsome heir of Downton Abbey) is doing fine work at the center of all this, holding the camera’s focus even when Hawley’s dialogue feels like it’s going nowhere.

See all 40 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 46 out of 62
  2. Negative: 10 out of 62
  1. Feb 8, 2017
    Legion hits the ball out of the park. It's delightfully confusing, with reveals stripped off two layers of the onion at a time, only to haveLegion hits the ball out of the park. It's delightfully confusing, with reveals stripped off two layers of the onion at a time, only to have one more layer added back on. The cinematography is excellent, the acting is great, and the characters are engaging. A hell of a lot is packed into a single episode, making it worth another watch. For its genre, Legion is as good as it gets. I'm not a Marvel fanboy, and I've been a bit bored with their recent releases, other than Guardians of the Galaxy. The decision to produce Legion was a great call, and based on the first episode, the series is in good hands. I can't wait for more! Expand
  2. May 30, 2017
    Possibly my favorite show of 2017. Thank you FX for taking a risk and creating such a creative take on super hero TV. The look, music andPossibly my favorite show of 2017. Thank you FX for taking a risk and creating such a creative take on super hero TV. The look, music and performances are all top notch, just as Noah Hawley has done with Fargo. I don't always know what's going on but in Noah's hands that's part of the fun. Highly recommended viewing. Expand
  3. Mar 10, 2017
    Best new show on tv. Might be the best "super-hero/xmen" show ever.

    The director's style is amazing. It could be considered a horror show
    Best new show on tv. Might be the best "super-hero/xmen" show ever.

    The director's style is amazing. It could be considered a horror show too.

    Do yourself a favor and watch this.
  4. Apr 28, 2017
    If you took a Marvel property, added touches of Inception, and mixed it with Requiem For A Dream, you'd have Legion, the wildest, mostIf you took a Marvel property, added touches of Inception, and mixed it with Requiem For A Dream, you'd have Legion, the wildest, most imaginative television program I've ever seen. There are sequences and story telling techniques that major motion pictures wouldn't have the balls to attempt. You may feel lost (just like the main character) time and again, and repeat viewings seem mandatory, but the visuals are so outstanding, the acting so spot on, it's a pleasure, not a chore. Give Noah Hawley (on a roll Ryan Murphy would be jealous of) and FX credit for airing a challenging, artful series that is stunning in it's execution. I'm docking it one star, because it can be frustrating taken an episode at a time, but as a whole...brilliant. BTW if your only knowledge of Audrey Plaza is from Parks and Rec....you're in for a surprise. Expand
  5. Mar 5, 2017
    I have grown to love and appreciate this show the more I watch it the better it gets I love the action the suspence even the slight humor ofI have grown to love and appreciate this show the more I watch it the better it gets I love the action the suspence even the slight humor of it i like aubri plassms part she's awesome and hilarious the show is super fun and exciting though only for mature audiences due to mild nudity brief sexuality strong violence and language but you gotta watch it if your looking for an awesome time Expand
  6. Mar 22, 2017
    In the beginning i loved this show. Great actors, interesting story, visually stunning and creative. Then i would've given the show a 9/10.In the beginning i loved this show. Great actors, interesting story, visually stunning and creative. Then i would've given the show a 9/10. Now, after six episodes, i'm starting to get a bit anxious and annoyed. It's visions inside nightmares inside hallucinations inside flashbacks in other dimensions. There can't be one singel viewer who actually knows what's going on 100% of the time. And even if it's all stunning, it's starting to feel more like an outdrawn arts project than a tv show. Legion is in desperate need of touching ground in "the real world" and make some tangible progression with both story and characters, because i don't know for how much longer i can settle with just beautiful weirdness. Expand
  7. Apr 18, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Great Show. Worth giving it a shot. But you need to deal with few confusing plot holes. One I feel unanswered is:
    At the end of the season, David’s evil mutant entity left him to house itself in Oliver Bird. But what next?

See all 62 User Reviews

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