Get Even PC

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Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 64 Ratings

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  • Summary: Cole Black wakes up in an old, abandoned asylum. He is confused and his sole memory is the attempted rescue of a teenage girl with a bomb strapped to her chest. With a strange technology fused to his head – used to read and replay human memory – Black travels into the depths of his own mindCole Black wakes up in an old, abandoned asylum. He is confused and his sole memory is the attempted rescue of a teenage girl with a bomb strapped to her chest. With a strange technology fused to his head – used to read and replay human memory – Black travels into the depths of his own mind to discover the truth about his past. Every step he takes, leads to the mysterious Red, whose intentions it is difficult to guess. Get Even is a game maintained in convention of a thriller, where action is shown in first-person perspective (FPP). Raising fundamental questions about the understanding of justice and reality. The player discovers the story piece-by-piece through exploration of interactive environments. Expand


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Jul 13, 2017
    Get Even is one of the most atmospheric games I have played. The music and sound effects do a remarkable job in setting the tone and the story proceeds nicely as your detective skills and memories build the narrative. It is primarily built around exploration and discovery, but does it in a way that is wonderfully entertaining. The combat elements work well, and the sleuthing and stealth all combine to make the game a fulfilling experience, one that has you sitting on the edge of your seat until you reach the conclusion.
  2. Jun 30, 2017
    This is an extraordinary gaming experience. Somewhere between shooter, stealth, sleuth, sci-fi technology and psychological horror The Farm 51 relinquishes conventions. Imagine a party where The Matrix, Inception and Total Recall celebrate with Layers of Fear, Metal Gear Solid and Alan Wake. Sounds weird? Yes. And then some.
  3. Jul 5, 2017
    At the end of the day, Get Even took me by surprise. I was expecting a standard FPS and what I got was a strange, intriguing psychological thriller that had just as many puzzles and investigation parts as it did shooting and stealth parts. The storytelling is superb and the overall design is something to really take a look at. At $30, I’d say you can’t go wrong with Get Even. It has really jumped up there in my best sleeper hits list and I suggest people really check it out if they’re looking for a good catalyst for storytelling.
  4. Get Even offers to players a quite different survival horror experience from beginning to the end. It has a different gaming experience, dramatic story and atmosphere for a survival horror game.
  5. Jul 12, 2017
    Get Even creators have probably lost both fans of horror games and shooters by layering the story and dosing it through shorter memories. But they attracted both the fans of thrillers and fans of exciting stories – which is definitely quite an achievement.
  6. Jun 27, 2017
    Get Even could have been a great game but it suffers from too many flaws to be able to really capitalize on it's strengths. It still offers a good narrative and amazing sound.
  7. Jun 21, 2017
    There's no questioning that Get Even offers a different dimension to the first person shooter genre, yet it struggles to maintain the aspects that make it most unique, quickly devolving into a repetitive cycle.

See all 27 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Jun 22, 2017
    Amazing game atmosphere. Hospital inside looks like AAA games. I propose to wear headphones and listen to the soundtrack. Enemies inAmazing game atmosphere. Hospital inside looks like AAA games. I propose to wear headphones and listen to the soundtrack. Enemies in flashbacks are easy enough to outwit providing you cling to the perimeter of the area, particularly during the epilogue once you acquire certain powerful abilities. Expand
  2. Jun 24, 2017
    Wybitna produkcja, jestem dumny z rodaków!!! Jeżeli dalej takie gry będziemy robić będzie wspaniale. Polecam każdemu kto chcę pomyśleć w grze.Wybitna produkcja, jestem dumny z rodaków!!! Jeżeli dalej takie gry będziemy robić będzie wspaniale. Polecam każdemu kto chcę pomyśleć w grze.
    yes yes yes
  3. Jun 26, 2017
    Klimat, klimat i jeszcze raz klimat. !!! Gra robi ogramne wrażenie emocjonalne. Mim. o że graika nie jest ja w grach AAA ale dzięki TEJKlimat, klimat i jeszcze raz klimat. !!! Gra robi ogramne wrażenie emocjonalne. Mim. o że graika nie jest ja w grach AAA ale dzięki TEJ opowieści i TEMU klimatowi chcę się jej więcej . Leci 10 Z POLSKI. Expand
  4. Jun 26, 2017
    W Get Even wystarczyło mi zaledwie kilka minut, by zanurzyć się w opowieść. . Klimat gry jest po prostu świetny, podkreślany przez genialnąW Get Even wystarczyło mi zaledwie kilka minut, by zanurzyć się w opowieść. . Klimat gry jest po prostu świetny, podkreślany przez genialną oprawę audio. Początkowo niełatwo mi było przyzwyczaić się do nagłych przeskoków do różnych wspomnień i lokacji, ale pod koniec, gdy wszystkie wątki zostały ze sobą połączone, a wiele wydarzeń pokazano w zupełnie innym świetle, przez długi czas wpatrywałam się w ekran z otwartą gębą :D Expand
  5. Jun 22, 2017
    I do not know if in any game I've heard better voice acting than Get Even
    The great plus of Get Even is that you never know which card the
    I do not know if in any game I've heard better voice acting than Get Even
    The great plus of Get Even is that you never know which card the game will play in a moment. The script and music are so good that I want more and more.
  6. Jun 21, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Three reasons to play this game:
    1. Story.
    2. Music.
    3. Graphics.

    Finally a game with a mature story, touching upon subjects such as infidelity, greed, the falling apart of a marriage, being a parent etc. This game will probably have more appeal to a mature audience. Get Even is at its core a story focused game. People going into this game expected a great shooter or a horror game will be let down as the game is none of that.

    The game sets up a complex way to tell a story and early on I was very skeptical as to if it would pull it off - jumping back and forth in memories and not always knowing if the memory is even real. It sounds confusing and it is confusing in the beginning but the different mechanics introduced along the way do a great job at moving the story forward without confusing the player to the point of no return.

    The core mechanic of the game is best compared to the movie Inception. But instead of going into dreams you are going into memories. Memories that can change while you are in them, become bizarre, play tricks on you etc. For example one mechanic gives you the ability to selectively recall objects from your memory, creating cover when needed during shootouts or when trying to go stealth.

    Overall the game is best described as a puzzle/detective game where you are trying to piece together events by searching for clues in memories. The game progresses in a linear fashion with some elements of your actions effecting later outcomes and the ability to revisit and change memories you have once already explored. But you are definitely not doing any open world type exploration.

    In the trailers for the game it shows of some corner-gun and phone mechanics, which are indeed cool but actually not the most interesting mechanics of the game. What surprised me most was the introduction of new core mechanics as you where several hours into the game, which made the experience all that more interesting.

    It is not possible to talk about Get Even without mentioning the music. The music is rendered in real time depending on what you are doing making you feel like you are part of a musical but without making it cheesy in any way. Rarely have I played a game where the music is moving the story and the game forward in such a way as in Get Even.

    Get Even uses photogrammetric for all environments, which means that it is actual real locations which have been scanned that you are walking through. Even at the lowest setting on PC it looked very special. Imagine walls of some abandon warehouse with real graffiti all over them instead of artist rendered environments and you start getting an idea. It is quite different and amazing.

    Although some parts of the game felt mediocre for example the shooting was pretty bland and navigating endless corridors would sometimes get confusing, the combination of the heavy and mature story, the classical music moving with the player in real time in photorealistic environments left a strong impression with me and I would recommend anybody looking for a full body game experience to play the game, preferable with headphones.
  7. Jun 22, 2017
    It's a very interesting game. Thriller and shooter. Get even no doubt inspired by the Condemned. We were promised photorealistic graphics, butIt's a very interesting game. Thriller and shooter. Get even no doubt inspired by the Condemned. We were promised photorealistic graphics, but its not even close. But it does not hurt that the graphics are so good. The game also has good music, which in conjunction with the picture makes the atmosphere, and you sit there in suspense. The plot to Get interesting and even catchy at times keeps the tension. But the gameplay itself is very boring. The plot is not so you cling to experience this terrible gameplay routine. You walk from your cell and you're scanning. Sometimes you shoot. But even shuterny gameplay to make sad, while you have an interesting gadget that helps you to shoot from the corner. Sometimes you solve a puzzle, they are not difficult, but there are curious. I would like to play the game to the end, but it's boring, and takes place in the bleak scenery, the gameplay is dull - it's almost a Walker, but we still shoot. Yes, the game is atmospheric, Yes, the plot is twisted and interesting, but the people who made Painkiller are unable to do intersny gameplay. The game can be completed just for the sake of the plot, and just endure the dull gameplay. Expand

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