Bayonetta PC

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Universal acclaim - based on 17 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 237 Ratings

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  • Summary: Bayonetta is a cinematic and stylish action game from the creative mind of Hideki Kamiya. As a gun-wielding witch with powers beyond the comprehension of mere mortals, Bayonetta faces-off against countless enemies in a game of 100% pure all-out action. Outlandish finishing moves areBayonetta is a cinematic and stylish action game from the creative mind of Hideki Kamiya. As a gun-wielding witch with powers beyond the comprehension of mere mortals, Bayonetta faces-off against countless enemies in a game of 100% pure all-out action. Outlandish finishing moves are performed with acrobatic grace as Bayonetta flows from one fight to another. Bayonetta pushes the limits of the action genre with magnificent over-the-top action and fast-paced, dynamic climax combat. Expand


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 17
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 17
  3. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Apr 21, 2017
    This PC release brings with it a gorgeous graphic update, with smooth 60fps and 4K visuals you can see every detail the development team created for you. This is truly the definitive edition of this game, and one that you have to pick up if you are a PC gamer, whether you played Bayonetta when it launched originally or not. Bayonetta is a great hack and slash that takes what works in other games and adds its own unique flair and style, which pays off handsomely.
  2. CD-Action
    Jun 7, 2017
    Despite the fact that the original was released seven years ago, Bayonetta is one of this year’s most important PC games. In its field it’s still unbeatable and the port leaves very little to be desired. [06/2017, p.48]
  3. Apr 12, 2017
    It took a long time for the Umbra Witch to climax on PC but after seven years she finally arrived. And she didn’t miss a beat. This was and still is a first class action-adventure full of creativity, adrenaline fueled battles and sassiness beyond belief. And unlike Nier Automata this is a decent, albeit option lacking PC port.
  4. Apr 12, 2017
    Even if its story falls into many amnesia tropes and the graphics are a bit dated, the innovative and enthralling gameplay coupled with its over-the-top-nature make Bayonetta a wild ride that you won't ever want to get off. Sega has mentioned that they want to do more PC ports in the future and, if they are done as well as Bayonetta, I can't wait to see what they bring over next.
  5. Apr 14, 2017
    I’m not really surprised that Bayonetta holds up, but I am surprised that it holds up this damn well, and handily one-ups most games that are coming out these days. To me, this is still one of the gaming’s landmark achievements, and now, it’s better than ever.
  6. Apr 17, 2017
    If we're talking about gameplay, the first Bayonetta is still a masterpiece in the action genre, surpassed only by its direct sequel. Such a game deserved an excellent port, and SEGA delivered with a flawless product, exquisitely solid even on low-end configurations.
  7. Apr 13, 2017
    A masterpiece - when it is a true masterpiece - never gets old.

See all 17 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 33
  2. Negative: 2 out of 33
  1. May 22, 2017
    Extremely well done port of the 2006 cult classic, still running at 60 frames per second! After lackluster sales on Xbox 360 and a sequel onExtremely well done port of the 2006 cult classic, still running at 60 frames per second! After lackluster sales on Xbox 360 and a sequel on Wii U, Bayonetta finally lands on the PC market! It is everything you'd expect from industry veteran Hideki Kamiya: Action, Adventure, Combos, Executions, Collectables, Genre changes and Mini-games! All set to the Devil May Cry gameplay that made him famous! Expand
  2. Apr 12, 2017
    This action masterpiece is finally on PC! I'm happy to report that this version of the game is fantastic, tons of options, runs excellentlyThis action masterpiece is finally on PC! I'm happy to report that this version of the game is fantastic, tons of options, runs excellently even at 4K and beyond, and it runs well on older hardware. The game itself is incredibly enjoyable, with virtually perfect controls, stunning art direction and it doesn't take itself too seriously which was a breath of fresh air during its original 2010 release on Xbox 360 (and a terrible PS3 version, then a Wii U version in 2014!). The price on Steam as of this review is $19.99/£14.99, and I'd say it's definitely worth it at that price, or you could wait for a sale if you prefer, but definitely check this game out at some point, especially if you are a fan of hack and slash games, as this is a stellar example of one. Expand
  3. Jul 26, 2017
    Fun on a god damn bun, i mean, you punch god's sorry ass into the **** sun, easily GOTY material. And that music's just great, not my styleFun on a god damn bun, i mean, you punch god's sorry ass into the **** sun, easily GOTY material. And that music's just great, not my style but oh is it just great. Expand
  4. Apr 14, 2017
    It runs great, the gameplay's fast and fluid, it's oozing with style, there's not much to complain about here. If i had to nitpick i'd sayIt runs great, the gameplay's fast and fluid, it's oozing with style, there's not much to complain about here. If i had to nitpick i'd say there are one or two more QTEs then there should be but that's but a scratch on an otherwise perfect behemoth of a game. Expand
  5. Apr 14, 2017
    This is the game that made Platinum Games famous, the guys who also made Nier Automata recently. Plus a fantastic PC port, even playable withThis is the game that made Platinum Games famous, the guys who also made Nier Automata recently. Plus a fantastic PC port, even playable with keyboard. Whats more to say? Get it already! Expand
  6. Jun 13, 2017
    This game is very fun to play, lots of bosses, smooth controls, amazing animation and soundtrack. After finishing the game, I still want toThis game is very fun to play, lots of bosses, smooth controls, amazing animation and soundtrack. After finishing the game, I still want to continue and unlock the remaining contents. The only problem is the camera not working properly in some area and not able to move the camera with mouse. Expand
  7. Jul 16, 2017
    Would be a decent game, love the art style and the whole wacky story and excessive situations.
    But there's one problem.
    The camera in this
    Would be a decent game, love the art style and the whole wacky story and excessive situations.
    But there's one problem.
    The camera in this game is atrocious. It's amazingly bad. It's very hard to follow what's going on and avoid enemies' attacks. On top of that, now that's it's on PC they could have made use of mouse controls to fix this problem, but OF COURSE NOT, mouse controls are decent but the camera is so slow and sensitivity is all over the place that it doesn't help.
    As a result, combat sucks.
    That's not how you do a good game.

See all 33 User Reviews
