Get Even Xbox One

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Mixed or average reviews - based on 14 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 27 Ratings

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  • Summary: Cole Black wakes up in an old, abandoned asylum. He is confused and his sole memory is the attempted rescue of a teenage girl with a bomb strapped to her chest. With a strange technology fused to his head – used to read and replay human memory – Black travels into the depths of his own mindCole Black wakes up in an old, abandoned asylum. He is confused and his sole memory is the attempted rescue of a teenage girl with a bomb strapped to her chest. With a strange technology fused to his head – used to read and replay human memory – Black travels into the depths of his own mind to discover the truth about his past. Every step he takes, leads to the mysterious Red, whose intentions it is difficult to guess. Get Even is a game maintained in convention of a thriller, where action is shown in first-person perspective (FPP). Raising fundamental questions about the understanding of justice and reality. The player discovers the story piece-by-piece through exploration of interactive environments. Expand


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Jun 21, 2017
    There are only a handful of titles that I come across that I would truly recommend gamers to experience — Get Even is one such example. If you enjoyed titles like Quantum Break and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, with an element of thriller thrown in, you’re sure to enjoy this.
  2. Jun 21, 2017
    Get Even might be the Inception game we deserve. The script and the constant plot twists present one of the most twisted scenarios I’ve ever played. The tense atmosphere that surrounds the game will catch us until the end while revisiting the memories of a dramatic event.
  3. Jul 26, 2017
    Get Even is a winner, and if you like film noir, dark crime stories and/or games that make you think, then you need to check it out.
  4. Jun 26, 2017
    It's not a shooter, nor a survival horror or a graphic adventure. Get Even is a mix that creates a terrifying experience that could've been written by Stephen King. It has some mistakes in the gaming design, compensated for by a lot of hours of gameplay.
  5. Jun 30, 2017
    Get Even is better as an experience than as a game, but it’s an extremely evocative experience. Even still, what could have been a completely unique gaming experience is hampered by its desire to be a more action-oriented, generic thriller.
  6. Jun 28, 2017
    Get Even uses some light brushstrokes of cliches but ultimately paints a picture much more unconventional than it may at first seem. In both story and gameplay, your expectations will be subverted several times over. Not all of its risks pay off, but when they do they ensure the game is a refreshing addition to the medium. Part shooter, part exploration and investigation while always compelling, Get Even is the strange mashup of Saw and Eternal Sunshine we never knew we wanted. If you play games for story and can forgive some forgettable shootouts and visuals, Get Even may someday be a fond memory of yours.
  7. Official Xbox Magazine UK
    Jul 25, 2017
    Good ideas are drowned out by a confusing story and frustrating controls. [Sept 2017, p.72]

See all 14 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. Jun 26, 2017
    W Get Even wystarczyło mi zaledwie kilka minut, by zanurzyć się w opowieść. . Klimat gry jest po prostu świetny, podkreślany przez genialnąW Get Even wystarczyło mi zaledwie kilka minut, by zanurzyć się w opowieść. . Klimat gry jest po prostu świetny, podkreślany przez genialną oprawę audio. Początkowo niełatwo mi było przyzwyczaić się do nagłych przeskoków do różnych wspomnień i lokacji, ale pod koniec, gdy wszystkie wątki zostały ze sobą połączone, a wiele wydarzeń pokazano w zupełnie innym świetle, przez długi czas wpatrywałam się w ekran z otwartą gębą :D Expand
  2. Jun 26, 2017

    Already I can tell that the combat is rather clunky, and that some of the

    Already I can tell that the combat is rather clunky, and that some of the investigation mechanics are sort of half baked, as opposed to a game like Criminal Origins. Nevertheless, I believe that it is a solid game because of an interesting story and character, and manages to do something very well that isn't found in a lot of games; it immerses you. I want to find out what happens next, I don't want to put my controller down, even though the game isn't perfect. I think that its shortcomings are made up for because it only costs thirty bucks. If the trailer seems interesting and you like a linear story, I highly recommend.