
Archives: January 2013

Why the Senate should Confirm Chuck Hagel as SecDef

Reprint edn.: this appeared earlier, but is a propos of today's Senate confirmation hearings. A future column will treat that process: I doubt Chuck Hagel, the former Republican senator from Nebraska, and…

Immigration and the Future of America (Chart)

Immigration to the US is if anything accelerating. The 1924-1965 immigration law had been racist and set strict quotas for everyone but northern Europeans. Since 1965, up to 25,000 immigrants can come…
Egypt: The People Still want the Fall of the Regime

Egypt: The People Still want the Fall of the Regime

On the two-year anniversary of the demonstration that kicked off the Egyptian Revolution and the Second Republic, hundreds of thousands of Egyptians came out to demonstrate. They were not so much commemorating…

Obama’s Inaugural and the Danger of an Iran War

President Obama addressed the big issues of war and peace in his inaugural address, and despite the vagueness of some of his pronouncements, they contain strong clues to his foreign policy agenda…
Gun Murders vs

Gun Murders vs. Terrorism by the Numbers

Number of Americans killed in domestic terrorist attacks, 2002-2011: 30 Number of Americans murdered by firearms, 2000-2011: 115,997 Cost of the War on Terror since 9/11: $5 trillion Cost of the Bureau…

America’s Guns, at Home and Abroad (Engelhardt)

Tom Engelhardt writes at Given these last weeks, who doesn’t know what an AR-15 is?  Who hasn’t seen the mind-boggling stats on the way assault rifles have flooded this country, or tabulations of…
Alex Jones, Gun control, and White Terrorism

Alex Jones, Gun control, and White Terrorism

Alex Jones's angry appearance on Piers Morgan's CNN interview show on Tuesday has provoked a lot of discussion, but what strikes me is that Jones threatened to launch an armed insurrection (1776)…

Fundraiser Thanks

I cannot thank enough the hundreds of supporters who donated or proffered a voluntary subscription to Informed Comment this year! We had an ambitious goal, and we more or less met it…

Afghanistan: The End of America’s Longest War?

Afghan President Hamid Karzai is in Washington for talks with the Obama administration on the gradual draw down of foreign troops from his country over the next two years. There are currently…