
Archives: August 2003

Exploding Mine Wounded Seven American

*An exploding mine wounded seven American soldiers in a vehicle that ran over it early Saturday near the border with Syria. *In Najaf crowds demonstrated in protest of Friday's bombing. Some anti-American…

Guerrillas Near Baquba Northeast Of

*Guerrillas near Baquba northeast of Baghdad fired rocket-propelled grenades at a US convoy, killing one US soldier and wounding four others. One of the wounded soldiers will have to lose his leg.…

Breaking News

*Breaking news. Nearly 100 people have been killed and hundreds more wounded by a hug car bomb blast in the Shiite holy city of Najaf, Iraq. Among the dead is Ayatollah Muhammad…

Guerrillas In Falluja Set Off Bomb That

*Guerrillas in Falluja set off a bomb that wounded four US soldiers on Thursday. Hundreds of townspeople rallied after the attack for a march through town, chanting slogans in favor of Saddam…

Two Us Soldiers Died In Iraq On

*Two US soldiers died in Iraq on Wednesday and nine were wounded. US Central Command said that "One soldier was killed and three injured in an explosive device attack in Fallujah." Another…

Two Us Soldiers Died In Iraq In Past 36

*Two US soldiers died in Iraq in the past 36 hours. Guerrillas attacked a US convoy between Falluja and Ramadi, killing one soldier and wounding two others. Another soldier died when an…

Today I Fulfilled My Sad Duty To Navy

*Today I fulfilled my sad duty to Navy Lt. Kylan Jones-Huffman of putting up an archive of his email messages to me. Kylan was shot dead in al-Hilla while with the Marine…

Us Soldier Was Reported Killed Monday

*A US soldier was reported killed Monday of "non-hostile gunfire," presumably a firearms accident.*Angry crowds about 2,000 strong filled the streets of Najaf Monday for a funeral procession for the bodyguards killed…

Ayatollah Muhammad Said Al Hakim Was

*Ayatollah Muhammad Sa`id al-Hakim was slightly wounded in the neck by flying glass on Sunday when a bomb went off outside his offices in Najaf shortly after he finished his prayers. Three…

Gunmen Killed Three British Soldiers In

*Gunmen killed three British soldiers in the southern port city of Basra on Saturday. Details are contradictory and sketchy. Some reports say they had a bomb tossed at them, others wonder if…

It Is With Great Sadness That I Report

*It is with great sadness that I report that a friend of Informed Comment, Naval Reserve Lt. Kylan Jones-Huffman (31), was killed Thursday near al-Hilla. The wire services said: "BAGHDAD: A US…

Guerrillas In Iraq Killed One 1st

*Guerrillas in Iraq killed one 1st Armored Division soldier and wounded two others with an improvised explosive in Baghdad just before midnight Wednesday. In Afghanistan, Taliban forces killed a US Special Operations…

Three Guerrillas Fired Ak 47s And

*Three guerrillas fired AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades at a US military convoy near Tikrit, killing a US citizen working as a translator, and wounding two US soldiers on Wednesday.*Still no firm clues…

For My Reaction To Tragic Bombing Of Un

For my reaction to the tragic bombing of the UN Headquarters in Baghdad, see the breaking news item below.*Bahraini officials met with Iraq Interim Governing Council President Ibrahim Jaafari on Tuesday (-…

Breaking News_19

*Breaking News. A suicide bomber set off an enormous truck bomb at the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, which was serving as the United Nations Headquarters, beneath the office of UN special representative…

Guerrillas Killed Us Soldier In Baghdad

*Guerrillas killed a US soldier in Baghdad on Monday with a bomb. In a separate incident, guerrillas attacked a US Army convoy with rocket propelled grenades east of Tikrit, wounding two American…

Second Pipeline Blast In North Of Iraq

*A second pipeline blast in the north of Iraq further damages the country's ability to export petroleum, costing Iraqis $7 million a day. Guerrillas showered mortar fire on Abu Ghurayb Prison near…

Guerrillas Lightly Wounded Two Us

*Guerrillas lightly wounded two US soldiers with near Baquba on Saturday when they set off a roadside bomb made of four 155 mm artillery shells, ambushing a patrol of Abrams tanks, armored…

Guerrillas Near Balad Northeast Of Iraq

*Guerrillas near Balad , northeast of Iraq, injured two US soldiers and woundeded three Iraqis when they fired two rocket propelled grenades at a military convoy on Friday. Al-Sharq al-Awsat reported eyewitness…

Guerrillas In Basra Bombed British

*Guerrillas in Basra bombed a British military ambulance and killed on British soldier, wounding two others. This incident is the first guerrilla attack of this sort on the British, and it is…

On Weds

*On Weds., Iraqi guerrillas killed one US soldier and wounded another near Tikrit with an improvised road bomb, over which their armored personnel carrier drove. Snipers fired on US troops at Rashidiya…

Guerrillas Set Off Three Home Made

*Guerrillas set off three home made bombs at Ramadi as a convoy of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment soldier was passing, killing one US soldier. Two other US soldiers in the convoy…

Huge Explosions At Us Base At Ramadi

*Huge explosions at the US base at Ramadi west of Baghdad, but no word on casualties as I write. Guerrillas killed one soldier, wounded two others outside the police station at Baquba,…

Iraqi Guerrillas Wounded Four Us

*Iraqi guerrillas wounded four US soldiers on Sunday, though details are not forthcoming. Another soldier died of heat stroke in the 123 degree F. sun (50 C.) near al-Diwaniya. A journalist was…

Iraqi Guerrillas Wounded At Least Four

*Iraqi guerrillas wounded at least four American troops on Friday night and Saturday, according to AP. They fired rocket propelled grenades and directed small arms fire at a patrol of the 173rd…

Heres My Friday Op Ed For Daily Star At

Here's my Friday op-ed for The Daily Star at divisions give the US breathing room Juan Cole The Daily Star, 8/9/03Most Shiite leaders in Iraq have made a tactical decision not…

Us Soldier Was Shot To Death In Ritzy

*A US soldier was shot to death in the ritzy Mansur district of Baghdad on Friday, but whether it was the work of a guerrilla is unknown. Some 12 US troops were…

Guerrillas In Karada Baghdad Directed

*Guerrillas in Karada, Baghdad directed small arms fire from their vehicle at two US soldiers from the 1st Armored Division on Wednesday night, killing one soldier on the spot. The other died…

Bombing Of Marriott In Jakarta By Al

*The bombing of the Marriott in Jakarta by the al-Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiyya is very bad news. It will hurt Indonesia's tourism and foreign investment, which is the goal. They want to destabilize…

Three Us Soldiers Were Slightly Injured

*Three US soldiers were slightly injured in Falluja on Tuesday along with 3 Iraqi policemen, according to AP. The Americans had joined Iraqi police in fending off an angry crowd that attacked…

Five Us Soldiers Were Wounded In Iraq

*Five US soldiers were wounded in Iraq Monday, along with an Iraqi translator, according to AFP. In one attack, guerrillas gutsily fired an anti-tank rocket near Baghdad police headquarters, wounding 3. The…

People In Baghdad Are Still Suffering

*People in Baghdad are still suffering with a crime wave that includes kidnappings, burglaries, car jackings and assassinations. Kidnappers demanded $100,000 for the return of his son to a physician recently, according…

Iraqi Guerrillas Killed One Us Soldier

*Iraqi guerrillas killed one US soldier and wounded three others over Friday night/ Saturday morning. They fired a rocket propelled grenade at their convoy as it was moving north of Baghdad. Remote…

Seven Us Troops Were Wounded In Various

*Seven US troops were wounded in various attacks on Friday, some only lightly. There were 8 attacks in 24 hours west of Baghdad, suggesting new levels of organization. (So much for the…

As Usual I Have To Republish Yesterdays

As usual, I have to republish yesterday's post here if I want it archived.[ Fri Aug 01, 08:25:52 AM | Juan Cole | edit ]*Guerillas killed a US soldier with small arms…

Guerillas Killed Us Soldier With Small

*Guerillas killed a US soldier with small arms fire and wounded two others at a base northeast of Baghdad near Baquba. A truck carrying ammunition to the airport to be destroyed hit…