
Archives: October 2013

Now the NSA has your Little Black Book

Before the internet, we used to keep the names and telephone numbers of our friends and acquaintances in a little address book. Young people who dated a lot had a 'little black…
Snowden: Federal Spying makes us Less Secure

Snowden: Federal Spying makes us Less Secure

Supporters of massive National Security Agency domestic and international electronic surveillance of millions of innocent civilians justify it on the grounds that it makes us safer. It does not. Edward Snowden makes…

Whatever Happened to the Somali Pirates?

With the opening of Paul Greengrass's film "Captain Phillips," written by Billy Ray and starring Tom Hanks, the phenomenon of piracy in the waters off the Horn of Africa is back as…
Plight of Syrian Refugees in Jordan

Plight of Syrian Refugees in Jordan

Some 750,000 Syrians have been forced to seek refuge in Jordan. About 2/3s live in apartments or with families, with about a third forced to live in unsanitary tent cities. DeutscheWelle reports:…

World Bank: Israelis strangling Palestinian Economy

Israeli-imposed restrictions on Palestinians in the Palestinian West Bank impede easy access to fertile farmland and other resources, costing the Palestinians $3.4 billion a year, according to a new World Bank study.…

Top Ten Signs Solar Energy is rapidly Winning

The recent UN report on climate change points out that the world does not have much time to switch to renewables if it is to avoid catastrophes stemming from global warming. Climate…

Militant Secularism in the Middle East?

The youth organizations that made the 2011 revolutions were predominantly leftist or liberal. They revolted against seedy police states run by family cartels and their cronies. They had allies among labor unions…
Iran Israel Military Comparison (2011)

Israeli Nuclear & other Arms compared to Iran’s

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu came to the US on Monday to lobby Washington against a diplomatic resolution of the conflict over Iran's civilian nuclear enrichment program. Netanyahu insisted that Iran's "military…