
Archives: Domestic Terrorism

Trump and Extreme Vetting of Muslims

Trump and Extreme Vetting of Muslims

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - In an attempt at a foreign policy speech in Youngstown, Ohio, on Monday, Donald Trump attempted to get back to his fearmongering roots…
Is the Confederate flag unconstitutional?

Is the Confederate flag unconstitutional?

By Alfred L Brophy | (The Conversation) | - The tragedy in Charleston has revived the movement to take the Confederate battle flag from the South Carolina statehouse grounds. On Monday June…
ISIL Threatens to Assassinate Twitter Employees

ISIL Threatens to Assassinate Twitter Employees

TheLipTV: "An ISIS group has threatened to assassinate Twitter employees who close down accounts linked to the extremist group. The group tweeted urging "lone wolves" in the US and Europe to target…