
Archives: November 2009

Swiss Islamophobia Betrays Enlightenment Ideals

Switzerland on Sunday voted by 58 percent in favor of banning minarets.This campaign poster was banned for being racist, but apparently the goal of the poster, now that is all right. Swissinfo…

Solar Power Costs Falling

Solar Power Costs 50% Lower than Last Year : CleanTechnicaThin-film solar is leading the way down to greater affordability. Higher finance costs have hurt recently, but those are expected to ease, while…

IAEA Resolution on Iran

Text of the International Atomic Energy Agency resolution on Iran from the IAEA website. Derestricted 27 November 2009 (This document has been derestricted at the meeting of the Board on 27 November…

‘The Geographic Gap’

'The Geographic Gap' | HUMNewsOf 237 countries and territories in the world, the 4 largest newsgathering and distribution companies that supply the world with 90% of news do not cover 116 of…

Town under Camel siege

Town under siege: 6,000 camels to be shot - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)There are a million camels in Australia's outback, and the camels were key to developing it.And the camels and…

Training the Afghan army

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan - opinion: Training the Afghan army —Brian CloughleyBrian Cloughley warned last September:'In Kabul last week, “an American service member and an Afghan police officer…

Pirio: Stopping Piracy and Terrorism in Somalia

Reuters reports that the UN Security Council is considering sanctions against the Horn of Africa nation, Eritrea, for its financial, arms and logistic support of the Al Qaeda-allied Al Shabab movement in…

2 Bombings Rock Peshawar: Karzai Inaugurated

Two bombs rocked the northern Pakistani city of Peshawar on Thursday. The first, in the morning, targeted the city's courthouse. The suicide bomber, wearing a vest, was stopped by security before he…

BBC: Africa population tops a billion

** Africa population tops a billion **The number of people in Africa has passed the one billion mark, the UN Population Fund says in a report.< >

The Only Anchor

Attorney General Eric Holder announced Friday that some top al-Qaeda 9/11 conspirators will be tried by jury in New York not far from the scenes of devastation that they had wrought.This decision…

Taliban Bomb ISI HQ in Peshawar

AfPak continued to generate headlines and concerns on Friday morning.In Peshawar, insurgents set off a huge bomb near the regional HQ of Inter-Services Intelligence. Early reports say that the death toll was…

Tripathi: Afghanistan and Presidential Dilemmas

Deepak Tripathi writes in a guest editorial for ICNews that the US ambassador to Kabul, Karl Eikenberry, has sent classified messages to Washington in the last few days, advising President Obama not…

Veterans Day

The most patriotic way to honor future veterans of foreign wars is not to create any unnecessarily.

Veterans Day

The most patriotic way to honor future veterans of foreign wars is not to create any unnecessarily.

Bombing in Charsadda Kills 34

A suicide bomber detonated his payload in a market in Charsadda, a half hour drive northeast of Peshawar in Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province. LAT quotes PM Yousuf Reza Gilani saying that the…

Bombing in Charsadda Kills 34

A suicide bomber detonated his payload in a market in Charsadda, a half hour drive northeast of Peshawar in Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province. LAT quotes PM Yousuf Reza Gilani saying that the…

Ibish: "Against a One-State Solution"

Hussein Ibish writes in a guest commentary for Informed CommentLast Thursday on Informed Comment, Juan Cole uttered a powerful cris de coeur about prospects for a two-state agreement between Israel and the…

Ibish: "Against a One-State Solution"

Hussein Ibish writes in a guest commentary for Informed CommentLast Thursday on Informed Comment, Juan Cole uttered a powerful cris de coeur about prospects for a two-state agreement between Israel and the…

Mueller on the Zazi Case: "This is It?"

John Mueller, Author of Atomic Obsession: Nuclear Alarmism from Hiroshima to Al-Qaeda, writes a guest op-ed for IC: "Since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001," notes the New York Times with…

Mueller on the Zazi Case: "This is It?"

John Mueller, Author of Atomic Obsession: Nuclear Alarmism from Hiroshima to Al-Qaeda, writes a guest op-ed for IC: "Since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001," notes the New York Times with…

Over 30 Dead in Rawalpindi Blast

A car bomb in the parking lot of the Shalimar Hotel in Rawalpindi was detonated on Monday morning. Aljazeera is reporting over 30 dead. 'Pindi, as locals abbreviate it, is a twin…

Over 30 Dead in Rawalpindi Blast

A car bomb in the parking lot of the Shalimar Hotel in Rawalpindi was detonated on Monday morning. Aljazeera is reporting over 30 dead. 'Pindi, as locals abbreviate it, is a twin…

Abdullah withdraws from Afghanistan Presidential Race

Abdullah Abdullah announced Sunday morning that he has withdrawn from the second round of Afghanistan's presidential election on the grounds that the same local officials, appointed by his rival, incumbent Hamid Karzai,…

Abdullah withdraws from Afghanistan Presidential Race

Abdullah Abdullah announced Sunday morning that he has withdrawn from the second round of Afghanistan's presidential election on the grounds that the same local officials, appointed by his rival, incumbent Hamid Karzai,…