- published: 08 Jul 2017
- views: 52809
Erik Range, also called Gronkh (born 10 April 1977, in Braunschweig, Germany), is a computer games developer best known for creating and publishing the YouTube playthrough video game series Let's Play. Range markets these games through the company PlayMassive GmbH, which runs a computer games website. Gronkh is the most popular representative of the "Let's Play" genre in Germany. Gronkh is the most subscribed YouTuber in Germany.
Erik Range was born to a German father and a Russian mother in Braunschweig in 1977. He first gained recognition in the computer games industry as the guide for Bard characters that featured in the online role playing game Meridian 59. This is where he first used the gamer-tag "Gronkh", which he still uses today. Range said his pseudonym is a portmanteau of the name "Gregor Onkh". He has been managing partner and co-founder of PlayMassive GmbH since 2009. Colleague, shareholder, manager, and fellow co-founder of the company is Valentin Matthias Rahmel, whose online pseudonym is Sarazar. Rahmel collaborates with Range on YouTube.
Trouble in Terrorist Town (often abbreviated as TTT) is a user-created game mode for the sandbox physics game Garry's Mod. It was created by Bad King Urgrain, a developer also known for the Half-Life 2 modification Zombie Master.Trouble in Terrorist Town uses Garry's Mod's implementation of the Lua programming language, and heavily relies on game content from Counter-Strike: Source due to the borrowed player character models and weapons.
At the start of each round, approximately one quarter of all players are randomly assigned to be traitors, while the remainder are innocent. Some innocent players are granted access to special equipment in order to discover the traitorous players – these are the detectives. The traitors must work as a team to hide their true nature and eliminate everyone else before the round ends, while the innocents must work together with the detectives to either find and kill all the traitors, or avoid being completely eliminated.
Detectives and traitors have the option to use certain equipment to achieve their goal. Tools available to traitors include C-4 explosives, knives, radio devices with which to play various gun sounds to throw other people off, flare guns with which to permanently dispose of bodies, and devices to disguise their identity. Detectives have reciprocating devices at their disposal, which include body armour for personal protection against enemy weaponry, DNA scanners for discovering the perpetrators of murders and defusal kits for the deactivation of C-4 explosives. Traitors and detectives may both make use of radar devices to discover the locations of other players and a teleportation device which allows them to mark a certain location and teleport to that location from anywhere else on the map for a limited number of uses. Other items that can be obtained by detectives and traitors are determined by server administrators who add additional items to their servers to appeal to players.
🌳 MINECRAFT LITW: http://grnk.yt/litw 🌳 ALLE LPs & Co: http://gronkh.video 🌳 NEUE RL-SKINS: http://gronkh.shop ···················································································· THUMBNAIL-ARTWORK von http://frostwindz.deviantart.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFtUWZj9tOka9V_kCTwy6DQ ···················································································· «MINECRAFT» Open World Sandbox Bastelstube von Mojang (2010) Offizielle Seite: http://minecraft.net ···················································································· «LIFE IN THE WOODS RENAISSANCE» Majestätisches Modpack von Phedran (2016) Free Download: http://lifeinthewoods.ca ···················································································· «LET'S PLAY MI...
💀 TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN: http://grnk.yt/ttt 💀 ALLE LPs & Livestreams: http://gronkh.video 💀 TRAITOR SHOP: http://gronkh.shop ···················································································· KURZE INFO: Ich bin übrigens innocent! ···················································································· An der Wursttheke belügen Sie heute: Pandorya ► http://youtube.com/PandoriumLP Tobinator ► http://youtube.com/TobinatorLetsPlay Herr Currywurst ► http://youtube.com/GEXIPROSNIPER ···················································································· «GARY'S MOD» «TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN» Sandbox-Spielmodi von Bad King (2010) Offizielle Seite: http://ttt.badking.net ······································································...
🌳 MINECRAFT LITW: http://grnk.yt/litw 🌳 ALLE LPs & Co: http://gronkh.video 🌳 NEUE RL-SKINS: http://gronkh.shop ···················································································· THUMBNAIL-ARTWORK von http://frostwindz.deviantart.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFtUWZj9tOka9V_kCTwy6DQ ···················································································· «MINECRAFT» Open World Sandbox Bastelstube von Mojang (2010) Offizielle Seite: http://minecraft.net ···················································································· «LIFE IN THE WOODS RENAISSANCE» Majestätisches Modpack von Phedran (2016) Free Download: http://lifeinthewoods.ca ···················································································· «LET'S PLAY MI...
🔴 LIVEstreams passieren auf http://gronkh.tv 🔵 ARCHIV mit allen Streams: http://gronkh.video 👇 Zeit-Index dieser Aufnahme in den Videoinfos ······················································································································································· GTV0168 INDEX Datum: 12.05.2017 Format: #FREiAB18 ▸ 00:00:00 - Intro / Hallo / Talkrunde ▸ 00:56:24 - DER LETZTE STREAM Rundfunklizenz: Die Frist läuft aus! ▸ 01:04:11 - Rundfunklizenz: Warum jetzt? (Bitte KEINE Mutmaßungen!) ▸ 01:14:44 - PLAN B: DIE NEUE SHOW BEI RTL 3 ▸ 01:28:20 - Neues vom Hessischen Anwesen ▸ 01:39:50 - FAR CRY 1: WALLHACK-EDITION ▸ 03:47:22 - Talkrunde ▸ 05:39:57 - DOMINA GRONKH VERKAUFT SEINE COMMUNITY!! ▸ 09:30:26 - ...
• Life in the Woods Playlist: https://goo.gl/Umgejz ✘ Shirt + Autogramm http://DebitorLP.de/Shop ✘ Minecraft Server? http://DebitorLP.de/Server ▬▬▬▬ LIVESTREAM • Livestream: http://DebitorLP.de/Livestream ▬▬▬▬ SOCIAL MEDIA • Twitter: http://DebitorLP.de/Twitter • Instagram: http://DebitorLP.de/Instagram • Facebook: http://DebitorLP.de/Facebook ▬▬▬▬ Minecraft Life in the Woods LIFE IN THE WOODS RENAISSANCE http://lifeinthewoods.ca Entwickler: Phedran (2016) Texture Package: Default Mitspieler: Gronkh: https://www.youtube.com/user/Gronkh Pandorya: https://www.youtube.com/user/PandoriumLP Tobi: https://www.youtube.com/user/TobinatorLetsPlay ▬▬▬▬ Links, an denen ein ✘ steht, sind Affiliate Links. Solltet ihr euch etwas über so einen Link kaufen bzw. anmelden bekomme ich eine Ve...
🌳 MINECRAFT LITW: http://grnk.yt/litw 🌳 ALLE LPs & Co: http://gronkh.video 🌳 NEUE RL-SKINS: http://gronkh.shop ···················································································· THUMBNAIL-ARTWORK von http://frostwindz.deviantart.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFtUWZj9tOka9V_kCTwy6DQ ···················································································· «MINECRAFT» Open World Sandbox Bastelstube von Mojang (2010) Offizielle Seite: http://minecraft.net ···················································································· «LIFE IN THE WOODS RENAISSANCE» Majestätisches Modpack von Phedran (2016) Free Download: http://lifeinthewoods.ca ···················································································· «LET'S PLAY MI...
💀 TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN: http://grnk.yt/ttt 💀 ALLE LPs & Livestreams: http://gronkh.video 💀 TRAITOR SHOP: http://gronkh.shop ···················································································· KURZE INFO: Ich bin übrigens innocent! ···················································································· An der Wursttheke belügen Sie heute: Pandorya ► http://youtube.com/PandoriumLP Tobinator ► http://youtube.com/TobinatorLetsPlay Herr Currywurst ► http://youtube.com/GEXIPROSNIPER ···················································································· «GARY'S MOD» «TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN» Sandbox-Spielmodi von Bad King (2010) Offizielle Seite: http://ttt.badking.net ······································································...
► FERNBUS SIMULATOR ★ PLAYLIST: http://grnk.yt/kacke ► Keine Folge verpassen: http://bit.ly/BesteMenschen ► ALLE LPs: http://gronkh.video ★ LIVE: http://gronkh.tv ···················································································· «FERNBUS SIMULATOR» Höllentrip durch Deutschland von TML Studios (2016) Offizielle Seite: http://tml-studios.de/ ···················································································· «LET'S PLAY FERNBUS SIMULATOR» Horrorfahrt mit Gronkh (2016) Offizielle Seite: http://gronkh.tv ···················································································· Unterstütze die Entwickler und kaufe das Game: http://store.steampowered.com/app/427100/ ·············································································...
Ein lustiges Gronkh Best of mit: Minecraft - TTT - Ben & Ed Blood Party u.v.m. Viel Spaß ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ▓�Alle Folgen: ▼ �Playlist: https://goo.gl/YlXX4x ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ▓�Gronkh's Kanäle: ▼ �Gronkh: https://www.youtube.com/Gronkh �GronkhRetro: https://goo.gl/pbEF1V �GronkhRPGs: https://goo.gl/bltOq8 �GronkhTV: https://goo.gl/HK6GhW ▓�Gäste: ▼ �Pandorya - https://goo.gl/Acjbd8 �TobinatorLP - https://goo.gl/BdZ2Ue �Currywurst - https://goo.gl/zuqR17 �Debitor - https://goo.gl/d1tBdr ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ▓�Chillyman ▼ �Youtube: https://youtube.com/chillyman �Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChillymanDE �Discord: http://chillyman.chat ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ▓�Musik: ▼ �Intro: Dutty Moonshine & Kid Kasino - Everybody * h...
Der Twitch.tv-Kanal „PietSmietTV“ ist als nicht zugelassenes Rundfunkangebot einzustufen – die ZAK hatte aufgrund dieser Einordnung ein Verbot des Kanals angedroht. Nun haben die Betreiber den Let’s Play-Kanal selbst abgeschaltet. Die Frist wäre kurz danach abgelaufen, ohne dass die Let’s Player eine Rundfunklizenz beantragt haben. Auch der größte Let’s Player Gronkh soll nun bis zum 10. Juli eine Lizenz beantragen – sonst droht ihm ein Verfahren. Da das Rundfunkrecht nicht mehr zeitgemäß ist, will die neue Landesregierung NRW nun die Lizenzpflicht für Internet-Anbieter abschaffen. Weitere Infos unter: https://www.wbs-law.de/internetrecht/lets-play-zak-verlangt-rundfunklizenz-fuer-pietsmiettv-72185/ Rechtsanwalt Christian Solmecke Christian Solmecke hat sich als Rechtsanwalt und Partner ...
Ich hab mit Gronkh ein sehr interessantes Interview geführt. Die ENERGY YouTube-Show kommt jeden Sonntag um 20 Uhr, auf ENERGY! http://www.energy.de/national/youtube-show Das "Entweder..Oder?" mit GRONKH LINK: http://bit.ly/2luVQ6G Gronkh YouTube-Kanal: http://bit.ly/2kgOHle *Gronkh Official Merchandising - Hoodie http://amzn.to/2jhQirU MrTrashpack SocialMedia: ►https://www.instagram.com/mrtrashpack/ ► https://twitter.com/MrTrashpack ►*MEIN BUCH http://amzn.to/2iAeW8W Mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichnet Links gehören zum Amazon Partner-Programm
Das langersehnte Interview mit den beiden größten Youtubern Deutschlands (nach Haind und Siegismund) Gronkh und Sarazar. ➥ Mehr Videos: http://bit.ly/MovieTrivia ➥ Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/Behaind ➥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hainlander ➥ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BeHaind ➥ Instagram: http://instagram.com/hainda Hier gibt es nichts zu sehen, bitte gehen sie weiter! Infressum: Ich bin David aka "Is das nich dieser Typ von GIGA...?!"
Zum Kinostart des kunterbunten Animationsabenteuers THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE haben wir Synchronsprecher und YouTube-Star Gronkh in Berlin zum Interview getroffen. Mit der hiermit ihren Einstand feiernden Mitarbeiterin Maike Voß sprach der vier-Millionen-Zuschauer-Abonnent über seine Vorbereitungen auf die Joker-Rolle, über das "LEGO Movie"-Franchise an sich und darüber, von welcher Filmreihe er sich als nächstes eine LEGO-Variante wünscht. __________________ Folgt Wessels-Filmkritik.com auf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WesselsFilmk... Twitter: https://twitter.com/AntjeWessels Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wesselsdaily/ ___________________ THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE Kinostart: 09. Februar 2017 Genre: Animationsfilm/Komödie FSK: 6 Laufzeit: 104 Min. Musik: Lorne Balfe Buch: Seth Graham...
Jeden Sonntag bekommt ihr bei ENERGY ab 20 Uhr die ENERGY YouTube-Show. Jede Woche mit einem anderen YouTuber im Interview. Diese Woche ist Gronkh zu Gast! Die Videos zur Show gibt es jeden Freitag und Sonntag (das Interview). Hier gehts zu Gronkh: https://www.youtube.com/user/Gronkh Mehr Infos gibt's immer auf energy.de! ENERGY http://www.facebook.com/radioenergy https://twitter.com/Radio_ENERGY
Jetzt Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/1aYTIZV Gronkh und Sarazar statten Stefan Raab einen Besuch ab und stehen ihm bei der Gelegenheit Rede und Antwort! Die ganze Folge auf MySpass: http://www.myspass.de/15361 MySpass bei facebook: http://www.facebook.com/myspass MySpass bei twitter: https://twitter.com/MySpassde
THE BATMAN LEGO MOVIE Interview mit Gronkh als Synchronsprecher des Jokers. Viel Spaß! Patrice auf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Patrice.Bouedibela Twitter: https://twitter.com/PatriceBerlin # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # INFOS ZUM FILM Mit: Will Arnett, Rosario Dawson, Michael Cera Inhalt: Augenzwinkernde Respektlosigkeit hat „The LEGO® Movie“ zu seinem weltweiten Erfolg verholfen – kein Wunder also, dass die selbsternannte Hauptfigur jenes Ensembles – LEGO Batman – jetzt die Hauptrolle in einem eigenen Leinwandabenteuer übernimmt. Doch in Gotham stehen weitreichende Veränderungen bevor, und wenn Batman verhindern will, dass der Joker sich die Stadt durch eine feindliche Übernahme einverleibt, muss er vielleicht endlich einmal sein Image vom einsamLegen Rächer revidieren...
Gronkh wird Digitalbotschafter! | Gronkh über YouTube Twitter: http://twitter.com/HerrNewstime Musik: BONUS - Bosshafte Beats - Rettungsschwimmer Friendly Fire am 03.12.2016 ab 15 Uhr http://twitch.tv/Gronkh / http://twitch.tv/Pietsmiet "Der Schund kommt zwangsläufig nach oben" http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/gronkh-youtube-star-im-interview-ueber-friendly-fire-ii-und-hass-im-netz-a-1122401.html Das streng geheime HerrNewstime Magazin http://www.herrnewstime.de ►Bosshaft! https://www.youtube.com/BosshafteBeats ------------------------------------------------ DISCORD SERVER (Voice / Chat) Server Adresse: http://discord.gg/HerrNewstime ------------------------------------------------ Hier bin ich auch :D ► Twitter: http://twitter.com/HerrNewstime ► Facebook Profil: http://face...
In dieser Ausgabe mit folgenden Themen: Intissar - Mit Musik im Kampf gegen den Krebs - The LEGO Batman Movie mit YouTube Star Gronkh im Interview - Max Mutzke im Interview auf unserem roten Sofa - The Voive Kids Gewinner Noah Levi im Interview zur Häschenschule - One Billion Rising - Weltweite Aktion gegen Gewalt gegen Frauen - Dazu wieder viel Musik mit Levina, The Chainsmokers und Wincent Weiss Durch die Sendung führen Bianca und Julia
Ovo je vek medija, pa se mudar ovek nervira
Jer se ovde preferira samo ono Å¡to se servira.
Vi niste ljudi, ve serija kvazi robota
Pravih robova, a mediji kažu da si slobodan?
Baš si pogodan za sve oblike manipulacije
Dok vi trendujete, ja branim duh nacije
Krang pravi zvuk akcije, batice besnim zbog Granda
Pesnikog Å¡karta, farme I velikog brata.
Ovce iz stada - vi ste žrtve iste taktike
Nosite iste patike, bodrite iste laike
Volite iste navike, vodite iste abrove
Imate iste strahove, praznite iste rafove
Pratite iste stavove, hvalite iste Å¡kartove
Pravite iste planove, imate iste dukseve
Dame iste bruseve, itaju iste kurseve
Slikaju iste luzere, primaju iste kureve.
Uvee uvuete bulje u iste farmerke...
Zbog iste namere, oI vam bulje u iste frajere.
Žene manje više vode iste prazne prie
Imaju iste ravne Å¡IÅ¡ke I iste glatke pike.
Mediji vas ue Å¡ta je dobro a Å¡ta zlo,
Mediji vas ue Å¡ta je tuga a Å¡ta bol.
Mediju vas ue svemu,
Zdrava svest za pravu cenu.
Sve vas vole mediji,
Za vas I vama mediji.
TV ih zatupi pa ih muI vazdušni sindrom
Pa su za jadnike air max patike statusni simbol
Pritom, I vi u frci s kintom pratite modu
Najku pravite lovu jer skupo platite robu.
Shvatite foru. svuda kopije silnih zvezda
Svako bi da oseti miris keša, izgleda ko MTV gengsta.
Ti si smešan, sve što ti piješ su batine
Pa priviaš viski, kurve, kilo platine.
Sinko žalim te, pratite vaše krimi mentore
MTV trendove, Wejnove, Westove, Fifti centove
Kad vam vidim tekstove hvata me melanholija
Setim se pesama koje pisah sa sedam godina.
Svako je bleda kopija, krvopija, scena sarkazma
Ironije u balkanskom repu uopšte nema Balkana.
Jebena farma, zvezde granda, to gleda cela nacija
Retardi se smeju retardima borio bih se al nema naina.
U srednjem veku inkvizitori danas mediji vešaju
Oni ubeuju svet u ono Å¡to veliki spremaju.
Nama smeštaju, teraju proces globalizacije
Koji treba da pogazi nacije, odstrani razlike,
Postavi navike, pa se ne pije ništa sem kole I fante
Ne sluša ništa sem lejdi Gage, nose levis I najke,
Fensi marke, niko ne želi da bude otpadnik
Ne umem da budem podanik, deo kulture bogatih.
ujes, odrasti. Shvati, nije ti krek slistio pamet
Sve dok svako misli izgleda I živi k'o amer,
Oni e Ii po pare mi u steaj, brate ispaše
Da mi finansiramo njihove nove ratne igrake.
Budale klicae, na svaku bajku pristae
Kako da u klancu istraješ kad si zadnja karika u lancu ishrane?
I kad su predatori siti nastavie sa borbama
U znak zahvalnosti od srca nagradie nas bombama.