- published: 15 Sep 2015
- views: 1355
A business school is a university-level institution that confers degrees in business administration or management. Such a school can also be known as school of management, school of business, school of business administration, or, colloquially, b-school or biz school. A business school teaches topics such as accounting, administration, strategy, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, human resource management, information systems, logistics, marketing, organizational psychology, organizational behavior, public relations, research methods and real estate among others.
There are several forms of business schools, including school of business, business administration, and management.
Cologne Business School GmbH (CBS) is a private business school established in 1993 in the city of Cologne, Germany. The business school is a state-recognized university of applied science and conducts research in many fields. CBS was established in 2011 in cooperation with Dr. Juergen Meyer Foundation a research program focused on business ethics, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility. In April 2013, the board elected Elisabeth Fröhlich as new president for the organization after Markus Raueiser.
The CBS campus consists of three main buildings and is located in the Neustadt Süd area of Cologne.
In the 2014–2015 Center for Higher Education rankings, Cologne Business School was ranked among the three best business schools in Germany for their master's degree programs. Additionally the business school noted top score and recognized for "international orientation", "international orientation master", and "practical relevance". The MBA program has been recognized as one of the most popular in Europe.
A business, also known as an enterprise, agency or a firm, is an entity involved in the provision of goods and/or services to consumers. Businesses are prevalent in capitalist economies, where most of them are privately owned and provide goods and services to customers in exchange for other goods, services, or money. Businesses may also be social not-for-profit enterprises or state-owned public enterprises targeted for specific social and economic objectives. A business owned by multiple individuals may be formed as an incorporated company or jointly organised as a partnership. Countries have different laws that may ascribe different rights to the various business entities.
Business can refer to a particular organization or to an entire market sector, e.g. "the music business". Compound forms such as agribusiness represent subsets of the word's broader meaning, which encompasses all activity by suppliers of goods and services. The goal is for sales to be more than expenditures resulting in a profit.
Cologne (English pronunciation: /kəˈloʊn/; German Köln [kœln], Colognian: Kölle [ˈkœɫə]), Germany's fourth-largest city (after Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich), is the largest city both in the German Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia and within the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region, one of the major European metropolitan regions and the largest in Germany with more than ten million inhabitants.
Cologne is located on both sides of the Rhine River, less than eighty kilometres from Belgium. The city's famous Cologne Cathedral (Kölner Dom) is the seat of the Catholic Archbishop of Cologne. The University of Cologne (Universität zu Köln) is one of Europe's oldest and largest universities.
Cologne was founded and established in Ubii territory in the first century AD as the Roman Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium, from which it gets its name. "Cologne", the French version of the city's name, has become standard in English as well. The city functioned as the capital of the Roman province of Germania Inferior and as the headquarters of the Roman military in the region until occupied by the Franks in 462. During the Middle Ages it flourished on one of the most important major trade routes between east and west in Europe. Cologne was one of the leading members of the Hanseatic League and one of the largest cities north of the Alps in medieval and Renaissance times. Up until World War II the city had undergone several occupations by the French and also by the British (1918-1926). Cologne was one of the most heavily-bombed cities in Germany during World War II, the Royal Air Force (RAF) dropping 34,711 long tons of bombs on the city. The bombing reduced the population by 95%, mainly due to evacuation, and destroyed almost the entire city. With the intention of restoring as many historic buildings as possible, the successful postwar rebuilding has resulted in a very mixed and unique cityscape.
A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students (or "pupils") under the direction of teachers. Most countries have systems of formal education, which is commonly compulsory. In these systems, students progress through a series of schools. The names for these schools vary by country (discussed in the Regional section below) but generally include primary school for young children and secondary school for teenagers who have completed primary education. An institution where higher education is taught, is commonly called a university college or university.
In addition to these core schools, students in a given country may also attend schools before and after primary and secondary education. Kindergarten or pre-school provide some schooling to very young children (typically ages 3–5). University, vocational school, college or seminary may be available after secondary school. A school may also be dedicated to one particular field, such as a school of economics or a school of dance. Alternative schools may provide nontraditional curriculum and methods.
Viele Absolventen blicken mit positiven Erinnerungen auf ihr Studium zurück und bezeichnen es nicht selten als die „Zeit ihres Lebens“. Unvergesslich sind Momente wie die erste Aufregung zu Beginn des Studiums, die Erleichterung nach bestandenen Prüfungen, die Zeit zwischen den Vorlesungen, die man gemeinsam mit seinen Kommilitonen/-innen genießt und natürlich die Freude bei der Graduation. All diese Erfahrungen machen auch die Studierende der Cologne Business School... Mehr Infos auf https://cbs.de/x/w7jptW
Our International Business degree program makes sure that you spend one semester at one of our more than 100 partner universities abroad. But our campus in the heart of Cologne is also pulsating with internationality. Here, students from over 70 different countries will study alongside you. Your learning environment is characterized by small groups and personal relationships with lecturers and professors. The accredited and excellent degree program provides you with comprehensive business management expertise and the opportunity to specialize in one of the following areas: + Financial Management + Human Resource Management & Leadership + International Trade + Management Consulting + Marketing Management During the integrated internship you will learn by putting theory into practice. In...
Worauf achten Absolventen bei der Jobsuche und sind Unternehmen mit Corporate Volunteering Angeboten für sie attraktiver? Während des Recruiting-Events University2Business an der Cologne Business School wurden Experten und Studierende zu diesem Thema befragt.
Personal atmosphere | ideal combination of theory and practice | valuable business contacts | 105 partner universities Best private university of applied sciences in the "wirtschaftswoche" HR ranking 2016 Best university of applied sciences business administration master's in the German CHE ranking your career. our mission. www.cbs.de/en
Die Cologne Business School (CBS) ist eine der angesehensten Wirtschaftshochschulen in Deutschland. Sie verfolgt das Ziel, ihre Studienprogramme auf die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit ihrer Studierenden im In- und Ausland auszurichten. Den Leitsatz der CBS „Start your international career" haben viele Absolventen umgesetzt und Karrieren auf der ganzen Welt eingeschlagen.
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/Lifestyler.TV FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/NanaLifestyler TWITTER: http://twitter.com/#!/LifestylerTV Fashion, Clubs, VIPs & Lifestyle - http://www.lifestyler.tv/ Die Cologne Business School ist eine staatlich anerkannte Privathochschule in der Trendmetropole Köln und zählt zu den deutschen Top-Wirtschafts-Fachschulen. Alle Studeingänge sind an die Bedürfnisse des internationalen Marktes angepasst. Gerne können sich alle Interessenten an die Studienberatung wenden oder sich zum nächsten Infoabend anmelden. Kontakt: Cologne Business School (CBS) Hardefuststr. 1 50677 Köln www.cbs-edu.de
Mit einer feierlichen Zeremonie wurden die diesjährigen CBS Bachelor-, Master- und MBA-Absolventen am 20. August im Festsaal des Maritim Hotels verabschiedet. Mehr als 1000 Gäste füllten den feierlich geschmückten Saal. Nach dem Sektempfang wurden die Gäste zunächst von der Hochschulpräsidentin Prof. Dr. habil. Elisabeth Fröhlich und Geschäftsführer Prof. Dr. Florian Hummel begrüßt. Neben der Zeugnisübergabe - bei der die Absolventen traditionell in Caps und Gowns ihre Urkunden entgegennahmen - sorgte das Bühnenprogramm für eine stimmungsvolle Atmosphäre. Zauberer Tom Duval bescherte den Gästen magische Momente. Live Auftritte von Sängerin Laura Schulze und Deejay Plus sorgten für musikalische Unterhaltung. Höhepunkt der Veranstaltung war das traditionelle Hütewerfen, für das sich alle...
Marketing oder doch lieber Wirtschaftspsychologie – warum entscheiden, wenn Du auch beides machen kannst? Im Studiengang Generalmanagement kannst du gleich zwei Spezialisierungsrichtungen auswählen. Nachdem Du in den ersten Semestern alle Bereiche der BWL kennengelernt hast, suchst Du dir nach eigenem Interesse zwei der folgenden Schwerpunkte aus: + Finanzmanagement + Internationales Management + Marketingmanagement + Supply Chain Management + Unternehmensführung und Personalmanagement + Wirtschaftspsychologie Der akkreditierte und anerkannte Studiengang bietet dir auch die Möglichkeit ein Semester im Ausland zu verbringen. Schnuppere internationale Campusluft in Dublin, Mexico, Kalifornien oder Madrid – bei über 100 Partnerunis im Ausland fällt die Auswahl nicht leicht. Doch auch auf ...
The Cologne Business School (CBS) offers a highly-competitive, excellent education experience for students from all over the world. Read more at: http://www.educations.com/Cologne_Business_School__b16423.html At CBS, internationality meets business competence, and students enjoy a high quality of life in a vibrant city in the heart of Europe. In addition to its outstanding business-oriented academics, Cologne Business School offers foreign language and soft skills teaching, sporting activities, and individual consultations regarding both studies and future careers.
Viele Absolventen blicken mit positiven Erinnerungen auf ihr Studium zurück und bezeichnen es nicht selten als die „Zeit ihres Lebens“. Unvergesslich sind Momente wie die erste Aufregung zu Beginn des Studiums, die Erleichterung nach bestandenen Prüfungen, die Zeit zwischen den Vorlesungen, die man gemeinsam mit seinen Kommilitonen/-innen genießt und natürlich die Freude bei der Graduation. All diese Erfahrungen machen auch die Studierende der Cologne Business School... Mehr Infos auf https://cbs.de/x/w7jptW
Our International Business degree program makes sure that you spend one semester at one of our more than 100 partner universities abroad. But our campus in the heart of Cologne is also pulsating with internationality. Here, students from over 70 different countries will study alongside you. Your learning environment is characterized by small groups and personal relationships with lecturers and professors. The accredited and excellent degree program provides you with comprehensive business management expertise and the opportunity to specialize in one of the following areas: + Financial Management + Human Resource Management & Leadership + International Trade + Management Consulting + Marketing Management During the integrated internship you will learn by putting theory into practice. In...
Worauf achten Absolventen bei der Jobsuche und sind Unternehmen mit Corporate Volunteering Angeboten für sie attraktiver? Während des Recruiting-Events University2Business an der Cologne Business School wurden Experten und Studierende zu diesem Thema befragt.
Personal atmosphere | ideal combination of theory and practice | valuable business contacts | 105 partner universities Best private university of applied sciences in the "wirtschaftswoche" HR ranking 2016 Best university of applied sciences business administration master's in the German CHE ranking your career. our mission. www.cbs.de/en
Die Cologne Business School (CBS) ist eine der angesehensten Wirtschaftshochschulen in Deutschland. Sie verfolgt das Ziel, ihre Studienprogramme auf die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit ihrer Studierenden im In- und Ausland auszurichten. Den Leitsatz der CBS „Start your international career" haben viele Absolventen umgesetzt und Karrieren auf der ganzen Welt eingeschlagen.
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/Lifestyler.TV FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/NanaLifestyler TWITTER: http://twitter.com/#!/LifestylerTV Fashion, Clubs, VIPs & Lifestyle - http://www.lifestyler.tv/ Die Cologne Business School ist eine staatlich anerkannte Privathochschule in der Trendmetropole Köln und zählt zu den deutschen Top-Wirtschafts-Fachschulen. Alle Studeingänge sind an die Bedürfnisse des internationalen Marktes angepasst. Gerne können sich alle Interessenten an die Studienberatung wenden oder sich zum nächsten Infoabend anmelden. Kontakt: Cologne Business School (CBS) Hardefuststr. 1 50677 Köln www.cbs-edu.de
Mit einer feierlichen Zeremonie wurden die diesjährigen CBS Bachelor-, Master- und MBA-Absolventen am 20. August im Festsaal des Maritim Hotels verabschiedet. Mehr als 1000 Gäste füllten den feierlich geschmückten Saal. Nach dem Sektempfang wurden die Gäste zunächst von der Hochschulpräsidentin Prof. Dr. habil. Elisabeth Fröhlich und Geschäftsführer Prof. Dr. Florian Hummel begrüßt. Neben der Zeugnisübergabe - bei der die Absolventen traditionell in Caps und Gowns ihre Urkunden entgegennahmen - sorgte das Bühnenprogramm für eine stimmungsvolle Atmosphäre. Zauberer Tom Duval bescherte den Gästen magische Momente. Live Auftritte von Sängerin Laura Schulze und Deejay Plus sorgten für musikalische Unterhaltung. Höhepunkt der Veranstaltung war das traditionelle Hütewerfen, für das sich alle...
Marketing oder doch lieber Wirtschaftspsychologie – warum entscheiden, wenn Du auch beides machen kannst? Im Studiengang Generalmanagement kannst du gleich zwei Spezialisierungsrichtungen auswählen. Nachdem Du in den ersten Semestern alle Bereiche der BWL kennengelernt hast, suchst Du dir nach eigenem Interesse zwei der folgenden Schwerpunkte aus: + Finanzmanagement + Internationales Management + Marketingmanagement + Supply Chain Management + Unternehmensführung und Personalmanagement + Wirtschaftspsychologie Der akkreditierte und anerkannte Studiengang bietet dir auch die Möglichkeit ein Semester im Ausland zu verbringen. Schnuppere internationale Campusluft in Dublin, Mexico, Kalifornien oder Madrid – bei über 100 Partnerunis im Ausland fällt die Auswahl nicht leicht. Doch auch auf ...
The Cologne Business School (CBS) offers a highly-competitive, excellent education experience for students from all over the world. Read more at: http://www.educations.com/Cologne_Business_School__b16423.html At CBS, internationality meets business competence, and students enjoy a high quality of life in a vibrant city in the heart of Europe. In addition to its outstanding business-oriented academics, Cologne Business School offers foreign language and soft skills teaching, sporting activities, and individual consultations regarding both studies and future careers.
Thema: Doppelter Hochmut kommt vor dem doppelten Fall: Dialogunfähigkeit zwischen Netzszene und Wirtschaft. Mit dabei: Marcus Jacobs (Startup-Unternehmer), Klemens Skibicki (Cologne Business School, Convidera), Ulf Reichhardt (Geschäftsführer IHK Köln), Winfried Felser (Competence-Site, Netskill AG), Thomas Vehmeier (Digital-Stratege und Interim-Manager), Michael Jopen (Telekom), Michael Zachrau (Marketingexperte) und Gunnar Sohn (ichsagmal.com-Blogger, Wirtschaftspublizist und Kolumnist).
Interview mit Klemens Skibicki, Professor für Economics, Marketing und Marktforschung an der Cologne Business School in Köln. Siehe auch: http://blog.wiwo.de/look-at-it/2014/09/03/3-fragen-zur-fahr-app-uber-die-taxi-vertreter-wollen-vor-allem-wettbewerb-verhindern/
„Snap me if you can“: diese 5 Worte beschreiben die Wissens-Kluft zwischen Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen, die bei keinem anderen Internetdienst so hoch ist, wie bei Snapchat, am besten. Genau aus diesem Grund ist Snapchat eines der am meisten genutzten Netzwerke unter Jugendlichen: Eltern verwenden Snapchat nicht, weil sie selbst keinen Nutzen darin sehen und sich auch nicht in die (auf den ersten Blick) komplizierte Funktionsweise einarbeiten wollen und Teenager sind unter sich, fernab jeglicher Kontrolle. Hier setzt das Webinar an: nach einer kurzen Einführung mit Insights und Zahlen sowie der Erläuterung von Chancen und Risiken, werden die Teilnehmer Schritt für Schritt durch die Installation und Registrierung geführt, bevor anschließend die Funktionsweise im Detail erklärt wird. Aber au...
April 11, 2017 "Innovation, Technology and Growth: A Conversation with Christine Lagarde" Speaker: Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, IMF Moderator: Andreas Dombret, Member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank More information: https://www.esmt.org/school-networks/events/esmt-open-lectures/open-lecture-christine-lagarde ESMT Berlin was founded by 25 leading global companies and institutions. The international business school offers a full-time MBA, an executive MBA, a master’s in management, as well as open enrollment and customized executive education programs. ESMT focuses on three main topics: leadership and social responsibility, European competitiveness, and managing technology. ESMT faculty publishes in top academic journals. Additionally, the business school provi...
March 20, 2017 Speaker: Mikhail Khodorkovsky, founder of the Open Russia movement, successful businessman, and former head of YUKOS Moderator: Amb. John Kornblum, Senior Counselor, Noerr LLP, and Chairman, John F. Kennedy Atlantic Forum More information: https://www.esmt.org/school-networks/events/esmt-open-lectures/esmt-open-lecture-mikhail-khodorkovsky ESMT Berlin was founded by 25 leading global companies and institutions. The international business school offers a full-time MBA, an executive MBA, a master’s in management, as well as open enrollment and customized executive education programs. ESMT focuses on three main topics: leadership and social responsibility, European competitiveness, and managing technology. ESMT faculty publishes in top academic journals. Additionally, the b...
June 14, 2017 “The Digital Transformation” – Google’s strategic journey from desktop to mobile first and now AI Speaker: Petri Kokko, Director Agency at Google Germany Moderator: Dr. Reinhard Müller, Senior Editor, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung More information: https://www.esmt.org/esmt-open-lecture-petri-kokko ESMT Berlin was founded by 25 leading global companies and institutions. The international business school offers a full-time MBA, an executive MBA, a master’s in management, as well as open enrollment and customized executive education programs. ESMT focuses on three main topics: leadership and social responsibility, European competitiveness, and managing technology. ESMT faculty publishes in top academic journals. Additionally, the business school provides an interdisciplinar...
ESMT Alumni Webinar Series - Business through the Sustainability Lens: How to Avoid Corporate Extinction, led by CB Bhattacharya The ESMT Alumni Webinar Series covers a range of topics in one-hour sessions, featuring school faculty on their respective areas of expertise. Participants will have the option to submit questions when registering or during the webinar. CB Bhattacharya is Professor of Marketing, Pietro Ferrero Chair in Sustainability, and Founding Director of the Center for Sustainable Business at ESMT Berlin. ESMT Berlin was founded by 25 leading global companies and institutions. The international business school offers a full-time MBA, an executive MBA, a master’s in management, as well as open enrollment and customized executive education programs. ESMT focuses on three ma...
CHRISTIAN KETELS, a member of Harvard Business School faculty and President of the TCI Network, shares his perspective of where we are going as regards Clusters with the attendees at Basque Cluster Day, held on 21 October in Bilbao. Dr. Christian Ketels is a member of the Harvard Business School faculty at Professor Michael E. Porter’s Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness. He holds a PhD (Econ) from the London School of Economics and further degrees from the Kiel Institute for World Economics and Cologne University. He is also President of TCI, a global network of professionals in the field of competitiveness, clusters, and innovation, Honorary Professor at the European Business School Oestrich-Winckel, and Senior Research Fellow at the Stockholm School of Economics. Dr. Ketels has...
I don't give a fuck
About numbers and statistics
I'd rather stay at home
And listen to the Misfits
I'm failing all my tests
My grades are takin' a nose dive
But I decided I don't need you to survive
'Cause I'm a, 'cause I'm a
Business school dropout
'Cause I'm a, 'cause I'm a
Business school dropout
Business school, business school dropout
I ain't got no dad
With a big rich company
That i'll inherit when I finish university
Won't have a heart attack
When stocks go down
Wear a suite and tie
And be another wall street clown
You're stressed at twenty five
and it's no fun to be alive
But what the fuck! You made 'em proud