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The Politics of Suffering All Issues
About borderlands Volume 14 Number 1, 2015


     The Politics of Suffering
     Editor: Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian


Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian
The Political Work of Suffering: A Transformative Examination


Suvendrini Perera and Joseph Pugliese
Dgadi-Dugarang: Talk Loud, Talk Strong:
A Tribute to Aboriginal leader Uncle Ray Jackson, 1941-20

Rosemary Sayigh
Silenced Suffering

Rema Hammami
On (not) Suffering at the Checkpoint:
Palestinian Narrative Strategies of Surviving Israel’s Carceral Geography

Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian
Criminalizing Pain and the Political Work of Suffering:
The Case of Palestinian ‘Infiltrators’

Sarah Ihmoud
Mohammed Abu-Khdeir and the Politics of Racial Terror in Occupied Jerusalem

Goldie Osuri
Sovereignty, Postcoloniality, and Gendering Human Rights:
Rape and Occupation

Suvendrini Perera
Visibility, Atrocity and the Subject of Postcolonial Justice


















Joseph Pugliese
Forensic Ecologies of Occupied Zones and Geographies of Dispossession: Gaza and Occupied East Jerusalem

Jasbir K. Puar
The ‘Right’ to Maim: Disablement and Inhumanist Biopolitics in Palestine

Nadim N. Rouhana
Homeland Nationalism and Guarding Dignity in a Settler Colonial Context:
The Palestinian Citizens of Israel Reclaim Their Homeland

Sunera Thobani
Sovereignty, Culture, Rights: The Racial Politics of Gendered Violence in Canada

Dino Abazovic
Religious Claims during the War and Post-War Bosnia and Herzegovina

Magid Shihade
Global Israel: Settler Colonialism, Mobility, and Rupture


Ian Dixon
The Unravelling History of Becoming: An Eagle’s Eye View
(Craig Lundy, History and Becoming: Deleuze’s Philosophy
of Creativity, Edinburgh University Press, 2012.)

Harriette R. Richards
Introducing Deleuzian Politics
(Nathan Widder, Political Theory after Deleuze, Continuum, 2012.)