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borderlands issues :: vols 8-14

                   Volumes 1-3 here Volumes 4-7 small arrow here

               arrow May 2016 :: Space, Places & Social Control   

               arrow Oct 2015 :: The Limits of Responsibility   

               arrow May 2015 :: The Politics of Suffering   

               arrow Dec 2014 :: Power, Subjectivity, Resistance   

               arrow May 2014 :: States of Violence   

               arrow Oct 2013 :: Politics of Transgression   

               arrow May 2013 :: Other Bodies              

               arrow Dec 2012 :: Counterpower

               arrow Oct 2012 :: Commons, Class Struggle and the World

               arrow May 2012 :: The Use Value of Critique


Vol 15 No 1 2016 Space, Places and Social Control
Editors: Vijay Devadas & Anne Begg

Essays: Landertinger :: Hell-holes in Manitoba Fowler :: Migrant Containment Niewenhuis :: Governing of the Air Katz :: Greedy Corpses Ellison & Hawkes :: Beachspace

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Vol 14 No 2 2015 The Limits of Responsibility
Editors: Jennifer Lawn, Celina Bortolotto, Kim Worthington & Allen Meek

Essays: Beausoleil :: Ethics of Response-ability Meffan :: Against Levinas Meek :: Cultural Trauma, Biopolitics Bignall, Rigney, Hattam :: Colonial Letters Patent and Excolonialism Allen :: Memory Shards Pino-Ojeda :: Trauma and Neoliberalism in Latin America

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Vol 14 No 1 2015 The Politics of Suffering
Editor: Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian

Essays: Perera and Pugliese:: Tribute to Uncle Ray Jackson Sayigh :: Silenced Suffering Hammami :: At the Checkpoint Shalhoub-Kevorkian :: Infitrators Ihmoud :: Racial Terror in Occupied Jerusalem Osuri :: Rape and Occupation Perera :: The Subject of Postcolonial Justice Pugliese :: Forensic Ecologies of Occupied Zones Puar :: The Right to Maim Rouhana :: Homeland Nationailsm Thobani :: Gendered Violence in Canada Abazovic:: Religious Claims Shihade :: Global Israel Reviews: Dixon :: The Unravelling History of Becoming Richards:: Introducing Deleuzian Politics

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Vol 13 No 2 2014 Power, Subjectivity, Resistance
Editors: Anne Begg & Vijay Devadas

Essays: Chan :: Women of Colour in the Academy Dolgert :: Zombies & Capitalist Theodicy Cuevas-Hewitt :: Rise of the Post-Left Reviews & Essays: Panayotov :: Grzinic and Tatlic, Necropolitics Goktepe :: Shulman, American Prophecy Farry :: Lewis, Chocolate and Corn Flour Renes :: Offord et. al., Inside Australian Culture

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Vol 13 No 1 2014 States of Violence
Editors: Goldie Osuri & Vijay Devadas

Essays: Shalhoub-Kevorkian :: Palestinian Children as Tools Smith :: Humanity Through Work Perera :: Dead Exposures Razack :: Racial Terror Wadiwel :: Cruel Indignities Poems: Janet Galbraith and members of WTF 2014 :: Writing Through Fences Reviews: Pugliese :: Bharucha, Terror and Performance

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Vol 12 No 2 2013
Politics of Transgression & Small Gestures
Editor: Simone Drichel

Essays: Wagner :: Crossing Sexual and National Borders in Israel/Palestine Schwartz :: Cinema of the Arab Jewish Diaspora Bery :: Whiteness & The Nation of Islam Reviews: Vivan :: Postcolonial Discourses in Italy

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Vol 12 No 1 2013
Other Bodies
Editor: Jon Stratton

Essays: Ford :: Butler Goes to Work Munsterjhelm :: Authoritarian Liberalism in Genetic Research Savage :: Stolen Generations & the Holocaust Reviews: Tan :: Towards a newIR Joyce :: Ramone, Postcolonial Theories Seely :: Tuhkanen, The American Optic

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Vol 11 No 3 2012
Editor: Vijay Devadas

Essays: Perera :: Tribute to Wadjularbinna Mummery :: Protecting the Global Commons Applegate :: Virtuality & Resistance Sium :: Imagery of a 'failed' Somalia Poetry: Pettitt-Schipp :: In the Shadow of a Palm Tree Reviews: Guiliani :: Pugliese, Biometrics Kerr :: Ahmed, On Being Included Scrase :: Schaap. Law and Agonistic Politics

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Vol 11 No 2 2012 Commons, Class Struggle and the World
Editors: Manuel Yang & Jeffrey D. Howison

Essays: Linebaugh :: The Horizon of the Commons Kohso :: Radiation and Revolution de Angelis :: Crises, Movements and Commons Caffentzis :: A Tale of Two Conferences Ünlü:: İsmail Beşikçi Ertuna-Howison :: Istanbul’s Urban Commons Hribal :: Animals Yang :: Specter of the Commons

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Vol 11 No 1 2012 The Use Value of Critique
Editors: Goldie Osuri & Jon Stratton

Essays: Obani :: Empire, Bare Life & Whiteness Strakosch :: Colonial Risk Management Busbridge :: Contingent Universals Bagelman & Vermilyea:: Blind Spots of Kantian Hospitality Perera :: Missing in Action Reviews: King :: Turner, What's Become of Cultural Studies, Miller, Blow Up The Humanities Gill-Peterson :: Ahmed, The Promise of Unhappiness Bakhtiar :: Gibson, Living Fanon Osuri :: Dudrah, Bollywood Travels

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               arrow Dec 2011 :: Dissensus: Borderlands@10  

               arrow Oct 2011 :: Haunted Futurities

               arrow May 2011 :: Slow Criticism

               arrow Dec 2010 :: Religion and Sexuality

               arrow Oct 2010 :: Ambivalent Architectures

               arrow May 2010 :: Identities in the Contact Zone

               arrow Dec 2009 :: Rethinking Politics

               arrow Oct 2009  :: Rancière on the Shores of Queer Theory

                May 2009 :: 'Acting Sovereign'



Vol 10 No 3 2011 Dissensus: Borderlands@10
Editor: Vijay Devadas

Essays: Turner :: Embodied Rights Jutel :: Global Food Crisis Thorup :: Terror as Terror Nicholls :: Documenting Conspiracy López Petit :: Refuse to be Citizens Reviews: Herd :: Mountz, Seeking Asylum Scott :: Gabriel and Pellerin, Governing International Labor Migrations

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Vol 10 No 2 2011
Haunted Futurities
Editors: Debra Ferreday & Adi Kuntsman

Essays: Gordon :: Some Thoughts on Haunting and Futurity Back :: Haunted Futures: a response Kabesh :: Haunted by the Present Keshet :: Of Ghosts and Dybbuks Kuntsman :: Digital Archives of Feelings Ferreday :: Haunted Bodies Edensor :: Vernacular Workplace Culture Fortier :: In Conversation Reviews: Helmers :: Bono et. al., A Time for the Humanities Pakis :: Muñoz, Cruising Utopia

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Vol 10 No 1 2011
Slow Criticism
Editor: Simone Drichel

Essays: Levine :: International Theory and the Problem of Sustainable Critique Pepperell :: The Bond of Fragmentation Giannacopoulos :: Nomophilia and Bia Veracini :: On Settlerness Rinelli :: Fanta-sizing Culture Reviews: Jerrems :: Vaughan-Williams, Border Politics Garrett :: Widder, Reflections on Time and Politics

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Vol 9 No 3 2010 Religion and Sexuality
Editor: Aaron Goodfellow

Essays: Das :: Sexuality...& the Oddness of the Human Khan :: the Danish cartoons controversy Fassin :: Celibate Priests, Continent Homosexuals Mehta:: Self-Dissolution, Politics and Affect Singh:: Asceticism and Eroticism in Gandhi, Thoreau and Nietzsche Sebbah :: Erotic Face and Ethical Face Reviews: Wadiwel:: Derrida, The Beast and the Sovereign Mathoor :: Majid, We Are All Moors Lancaster:: Slocum-Bradley, Promoting Conflict or Peace

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Vol 9 No 2 2010 Ambivalent Architectures
Editors: Anca Pusca and Cerwyn Moore

Essays: Moore :: Ambivalent Architectures Vázquez :: Modernity, the Greatest Show on Earth Pusca:: The ‘Roma Problem’ in the EU Dixit :: Meaning-making Through a Nepalese Museum Akçali :: The Ambivalent Role of National Landmarks McKim :: New York’s Spontaneous 9/11 Memorials Schuppli :: Improvised Explosive Design Review essays: Abbott :: Walter Benjamin and the Aesthetics of Change van Houwelingen:: Dying Empire Macready :: Levinas and the Cinema of Redemption

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Vol 9 No 1 2010 Identities in the Contact Zone
Editors: Vijay Devadas and Jon Stratton

Essays: Leroux :: Spectacle of Champlain Rohrer :: Mestiza, Hapa Haole, and Oceanic Borderspaces Silverstein :: Jewish Liminality Mickler :: Conservative columnists on Indigenous self-determination Morgan :: From Wiluna to Kalgoorlie with GB Reviews: Garrett, Guenther, The Gift of the Other Barta:: Moses, Empire, Colony, Genocide Docker, The Origins of Violence, Kenny, The Lamb Enters the Dreaming

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Vol 8 No 3 2009 Rethinking Politics
Editors: Goldie Osuri & Simone Drichel

Essays: Pugliese :: Apostrophe of Empire Ferguson :: Bush in Drag Stratton :: Preserving White Hegemony Barnard :: Disciplining Queer Hynes & Sharpe :: Affected With Joy Reviews: Deslandes :: D’Cruz, Identity Politics in Deconstruction Chou :: Packer, Betrayed Dallyn :: Cherniavsky, Incorporations

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Vol 8 No 2 2009 Rancière on the Shores of Queer Theory
Editors: Samuel A. Chambers and Michael O'Rourke

Essays: May :: Post-Identity Politics Chambers :: Democratic Miscount Phillips :: Difference, Disagreement Davis :: Irritable Attachment Dasgupta :: Words, Bodies, Times Power :: Non-Reproductive Futurism Kollias :: How Queer is the Demos? MacCormack :: Inhuman Evanescence Stamp :: Derrida, Foucault and Rancière Bowman :: Abberant Pedagogies Cook :: Aesthetic Revolution Williford :: Queer Aesthetics Rifkin :: Afterword Reviews Ignatov :: Schmitt, Burke and Odysseos Cavanagh :: Belich Westmoreland :: Fluehr-Lobban

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Vol 8 No 1 2009 'Acting Sovereign': Interventions in a Politics of Gendered Protectionism
Editors: Goldie Osuri, Tanja Dreher & Elaine Laforteza

Essays: Watson :: Not in Dickson Watson :: Violence of Colonialism Osuri :: Impossible Coexistence Hussein & Imtoual :: A fraught search Dreher :: Eavesdropping with permission Laforteza :: Speaking into Safety Abood :: Race and the City Stanton :: Letter from Darwin Interview: Reflections and Insights

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ISSN 1447-0810