Natasha RothVerified account


Wherever I am, I'm always away. Blogger, former associate editor at . PhD student in History at . Recovering Israel-Palestine transplant. Zelda fan.

Charlottesville, VA
Joined August 2010


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 2
  2. Nov 30
  3. Retweeted
    Nov 29

    rt if you're part of the lesbian, gay, bisexual socialist conspiracy to destroy pedophiles

  4. Nov 30

    Major naches: blogger 's excellent book, The Unchosen, about Israel's war on asylum seekers and migrant workers, has been long-listed for the Wingate Prize. Mazel tov, Mya!

  5. Nov 30

    Progressive Jewish groups are starting to hold long-overdue public conversations about antisemitism. This week’s panel in NY, featuring & , was latest example of a promising trend

  6. Nov 30

    Of all the ways Trump could set off a world war, moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem likely ain’t one of ‘em. unpacks why via

  7. Nov 30
  8. Nov 30

    Please help us expand so we can bring you even more crucial stories from the ground in Israel-Palestine. We’ve had an amazing response so far, raising $20,000 in a few short days. Will you help us reach $50,000?

  9. Retweeted
    Nov 30

    Might be helpful if you read the book pg 208: "... everyone who organizes for justice in Palestine must wrestle with antisemitism...because of a need to be vigilant to ensure that critique of the Jewish state doesn’t become blanket criticism of Jewish people."

  10. Retweeted
    Nov 30

    Linda Sarsour: 'We must all commit to dismantling anti-Semitism' via

  11. Retweeted
    Nov 29

    Goodnight everyone, except the men in power lying awake wondering if they’re going to be next. I hope they never have a decent night of sleep for the rest of their lives.

  12. Retweeted
    Nov 29

    🎶 If you’re a Nazi and you’re fired it’s your fault 🎶

  13. Retweeted
    Nov 29
  14. Retweeted
    Nov 29
  15. Nov 29

    . of : "[With] white nationalists in the White House & marching through , nothing is more hurtful to Jews than intentionally confusing the issues by spreading false charges of anti-Semitism”

  16. Nov 29

    Isn't that basically incitement to murder?

  17. Retweeted
    Nov 29

    "We are now living under fascism, and we need all hands on deck." reports on the panel on anti-Semitism that took place last night at the New School in NYC.

  18. Nov 29

    Authoritarianism and fascism are rising worldwide, making the work of independent media like more important than ever. Will you help us raise $50,000, and support hard-hitting journalism from Israel-Palestine in the process?

  19. Retweeted
    Nov 29

    Linda Sarsour: ‘We must all commit to dismantling anti-Semitism’ | +972 Magazine

  20. Nov 29

    . head : "Loving Israel does not mean that you love Jews...we are seeing a virulent, Trumpian form of Zionist antisemitism"

  21. Retweeted
    Nov 29

    Linda Sarsour is a powerful advocate for Palestinian rights and an ally in the fight against Occupation and anti-Semitism.

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