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    . shows Palestinian land loss to Israel from 1946 to present day. for the courage to do this.

  2. 17 hours ago

    Flynn’s indictment and guilty plea for lying to the FBI are partly based on Trump’s effort as president-elect to defeat UN Security Council resolution reaffirming int’l law prohibition against illegal Israeli settlements which constitute a war crime.

  3. Commentary: With the Trump travel ban, Americans face an important choice via writes

  4. Nov 30

    “If the past year has taught us nothing else, it should have taught us that loving Israel does not mean that you love Jews.” — Jewish Voice for Peace

  5. Nov 30

    In unprecedented move, 10 Democratic senators demand that Netanyahu halt demolition of Palestinian village by

  6. Nov 30

    "Antisemitism and the Struggle for Justice," recorded on Tuesday. Informative, inspiring, all-around excellent!

  7. Nov 30

    Progressive Jewish groups are starting to hold long-overdue public conversations about antisemitism. This week’s panel in NY, featuring & , was latest example of a promising trend

  8. Nov 30
  9. It was only a matter of time before Apartheid Israel resorted to this: New bill would put boycott activists in jail for up to life in prison.

  10. Nov 30

    The UN list will be a pressure point for us to get corporations to step away from their role in propping up apartheid and illegal occupation.

  11. Nov 30

    It is customary to read a book before authoring a review of it and . The claim we say criticism of Israel is never antisemitism is false. My conclusion, page 208, second paragraph, as just one example.

  12. Nov 30

    Might be helpful if you read the book pg 208: "... everyone who organizes for justice in Palestine must wrestle with antisemitism...because of a need to be vigilant to ensure that critique of the Jewish state doesn’t become blanket criticism of Jewish people."

  13. Nov 29

    "Israel’s policy of constructing and expanding settlements on stolen Palestinian land is illegal, discriminatory and

  14. Nov 29

    Israel advocates demand censorship of children's book 'P is for Palestine'

  15. My latest: Welcome To The Post Modern Anti-Semitism Debate via

  16. Nov 29

    American Jewish visitor forced to sign loyalty oath in order to get tourist visa to Israel – Mondoweiss

  17. Nov 29

    Hundreds of young Jews, former Birthright participants and Palestinians to protest Birthright in NYC, call for boycott via

  18. Nov 29
  19. Nov 29

    Reports say that Israel expects Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital within days. This is truly cause for alarm.

    , , and 7 others
  20. Nov 29

    From to Palestinian human rights is a leader in US congress. Honored to meet with him today along with and

  21. Nov 29

    The Importance of JVP’s Anti-Semitism Panel With Linda Sarsour "Let us allow those committed to justice, equality and dignity for all people be our supports, our siblings, our partners. The world we so desperately need depends on it"

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