Famed Italian pasta maker Barilla: Gays can eat someone else’s pasta

Barilla is a famous name in Italian pasta.  And it seems they don’t have a taste for gays.

If you check your local supermarket here in the states, or in Europe, you’re bound to see Barilla’s products with the familiar red label.  They’re a big, worldwide brand.

Well, the Chairman of the privately-owned company, Guido Barilla, got himself into some hot water yesterday when he told an Italian radio show that Barilla is a company that “likes the traditional family.”  And therefore, you’re not going to see any gays in Barilla’s advertising.  And if gays don’t like it, “they can always go eat someone else’s pasta.”

Already are, stronzo.

UPDATE: Barilla has apologized three different times today – and each time, getting itself into more and more hot water.

[UPDATE 2: Barilla has issued its 4th apology, this time via a video from CEO Guido Barilla.]


UPDATE: I’ve got the audio. Honestly, he sounds like a bigger jerk in the audio than he does in the written quotes.  It’s all in Italian, obviously.

Here are some of Barilla’s comments (my translation – at the time of publication, the English-language press had yet to pick up this story):

“Non faremo pubblicità con omosessuali, perché a noi piace la famiglia tradizionale. Se i gay non sono d’accordo, possono sempre mangiare la pasta di un’altra marca. Tutti sono liberi di fare ciò che vogliono purché non infastidiscano gli altri”.

“We won’t include gays in our ads, because we like the traditional family. If gays don’t like it, they can always eat another brand of pasta. Everyone is free to do what they want, provided it doesn’t bother anyone else.”

Consider me bothered, Guido.

After his comments caused a bit of outrage, Barilla is now trying to backtrack – kinda (agin my translation):

“With reference to statements made yesterday, I apologize if my words have generated controversy or misunderstanding, or if they have hurt the sensibilities of some people. In the interview I simply wanted to highlight the central role of the woman in the family.”

Right.  Because there’s nothing sexist about that.  The central role of women in the kitchen. (Like when she picks up a frying pan to slap your sexist ass.)

Barilla added that he has “the utmost respect for any person, without distinction of any kind,” and “the greatest respect for gays and for the freedom of expression of anyone.”

Yeah, freedom of expression.  Anti-gay bigots usually misunderstand the concept of freedom of expression to mean that they get to say any inanity with impunity.  Doesn’t work that way.  Barilla absolutely has the right to say that Barilla pasta is for straight people.  And we have the right to tell him to vaffanapoli.

UPDATE: Speaking of free expression, Italian gay rights advocates, including members of the Italian parliament, are now calling for a boycott of Barilla (#boicottabarilla #boycottbarilla).  Italian “family” advocates are, however, siding with Barilla over gay families, which they claim are not “natural.”  Those same family advocates claim that – get this – criticizing Barilla for its attack on gays is itself an attack on “civil liberties.”


Barilla added in his mea-kinda-sorta-culpa to the Italian press, “I repeat that I respect gay marriages.”

But not enough respect to include us in his ads, because Barilla is a company that likes “the traditional family.”

Oh, Barilla’s against gay adoption too.

How do you say “buh bye” in Italian?  Oh that’s right: Ciao, Barilla!

(Feel free to give Barilla a piece of your mind via their Web site or Twitter or Facebook.

Follow me on Twitter: @aravosis | @americablog | @americabloggay | Facebook | Instagram | Google+ | LinkedIn. John Aravosis is the Executive Editor of AMERICAblog, which he founded in 2004. He has a joint law degree (JD) and masters in Foreign Service from Georgetown; and has worked in the US Senate, World Bank, Children's Defense Fund, the United Nations Development Programme, and as a stringer for the Economist. He is a frequent TV pundit, having appeared on the O'Reilly Factor, Hardball, World News Tonight, Nightline, AM Joy & Reliable Sources, among others. John lives in New York City, and is the cofounder of TimeToResign.com. Bio, .

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  • pasta eating queer

    Uhm… has like… no one thought about lesbians in the kitchen? Everything would be just fine for everyone if they had some big lezzies throwing spaghetti at each other… I mean at the wall… seeing if it sticks… <3 "pasta eating queer"

  • blisterpeanuts

    Does she ejaculate? Does she give her hubbie diseases?

  • vegasdude

    YES.. I’ve known several Hetero couples, where the wife wears a strap-on to fuck her husband, and he loves it… so dont’ go saying Anal sex is EVIL.. cuz LOTS of Hetero couples DO IT and LOVE IT…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • vegasdude

    Ancient Rome was a great culture… ALL Men and Warriors had young male lovers… wives were ONLY for reproduction…. FUCK BARILLA…. You can cross them OFF my grocery list….

  • Tess

    You do realise that straight people do ‘that act’ too, don’t you?

  • LiberalScumbags

    All you neo-liberal twats screaming ‘bigotry’ and ‘intolerance’ are COMMUNIST PIECES OF SH!T AND YOU DESERVE TO BE SHOT FOR SUPPORTING AIDS-SPREADING SODOMY. Suicidal white morons. Dislike this comment all you want, but truth isnt a popularity contest.

  • Gi Morales

    i find that people with limited vocabulary love the word “troll”. SHUT UP YOU BIGOT.

  • Gi Morales

    just because he disagrees with sodomy between males doesn’t mean he is fat. he can disagree. people get confused about why anxl sxx is dangerous. i am not anti-gay per se, but the tissues in that area are very sensitive and breakage of vessels easily occurs, therefore increases spread of disease. if gay people didn’t do that act, i wouldn’t much care. due to that, i do care.

  • Cristacp25


  • cristacp25

    Maybe the history buff can send him a bok on ancient Rome reminding him that it was gay central?

  • Jozep

    Bravo! Bellissimo!

  • Jozep

    Beautiful color photo of a “medieval” mass…do you have any photos of live dinosaurs too?

  • Annette Rf

    You need to bone up on both medieval history and comparative religion. Why would a “fundie” feature an avatar of a medieval Catholic mass? Only a traditional Catholic or history buff would.

  • Annette Rf

    And homosexuals are not mentally ill, just in denial. Of course its all coincidence that the vast majority of homosexuals either have addictive behaviors, were sexually molested as children or suffered some other similar trauma. That’s all coincidence of course…

  • Annette Rf

    I’m a history buff.

  • all for traditional families

    why should he have to apologize?

  • Emma

    I’m not going to buy any more Barilla pasta and I don’t believe that the owner is sorry. There’s a parody of this whole thing at http://youtu.be/2y1l_OFOvyM and I think the guy in that video is just as sincere as Guido with his apology! lol

  • You fought the good fight Thom A—-well done.

  • no

  • Eat it!

  • Let us know when you auction your playground raincoat on E-Bay.

  • Sorry honey but we have shitdar and pick you out in a crowd.

  • Nazi’s made it legal to torture Jews. I don’t ask you to believe in gay humanity….just get the hell out of the way before you get run over.

  • Nope, if your avatar is any indication you are a Catholic troll.

  • Just yer head phobatina.

  • Anon


  • No history, no profile….troll

  • judybrowni

    He was a sweetheart about gay adoption, too, wasn’t he Mike?


    Several native Italian speakers downthread say the translations are accurate: so takthe your Barillo apology and dismissiveness elsewhere.

    But thanks for the page views!

  • Mike

    “We won’t include gays in our ads, because we like the traditional family. If gays don’t like it, they can always eat another brand of pasta. Everyone is free to do what they want, provided it doesn’t bother anyone else.”

    These statements have been completely distorted. He did not say these words, this way and in this context. The translation has been altered to make it look and sound as it does in English: horrible. This is the typical case blown out of proportion. Do listen to the interview in italian and draw your own conclusions.

  • Mike

    I’ve just heard the radio interview in Italian and I assure you that it wasn’t offensive in any way. Mr. Barilla actually said in the same conversation, that he has a great respect for gay people. The interviewer was continuously forcing questions on the issue, putting words in his mouth that he did not say. First he tried to get him on the racial issue, but it didn’t work, so right after that he moved on to a gay scenario. The interviewer was clearly trying to discredit Barilla.
    A few seconds ago ·

  • Thom Allen

    “You people.” Phrase made famous by an elitist. Because all “you people” are asswipes.

  • Thom Allen

    nettie, solely to piss you off. OF COURSE, you’re not fat, you’re just in denial.

  • Thom Allen

    nettie, we didn’t intimidate anyone into silence. We just called a bigot a bigot. And bigots, like you just love to speak out. Can’t keep your mouths shut.

    Yeah, we can smell bigotry on you homophobes

  • See, the problem with people like you that post shit like this is your brain is so small it would fit inside a mustard seed, and rattle around in that seed like a peanut in a boxcar.

  • Ahh, now I get it. You were home schooled by a one watter right?

  • What an idiotic post. You are a true two watter aren’t you?

  • Too much drama…who cares? Obviously you cared enough to leave a stupid ass comment in all caps.

    Get a life.

  • Jackass!

  • Jozep

    “Being gay was once thought of as immoral and unnatural and disgusting…” Yea..Till we found out there are people that are obsessed with ‘ man/dog sex, magical vaginas and rape, rape, rape”! They’re the NEW immoral, unnatural and disgusting!

  • Jozep

    Someone got the memo on turning around the ‘racist card’! (I know you are, but what am I?, Repeat..defense) Just like Christians are now ‘victims’ because their homophobic rantings are considered ‘hate speech’!

  • Jozep

    Yea, one noodle I’d like to ‘throw at the wall’…yea! IT’S DONE!

  • Jozep

    Please google words like ‘bigot’ before you use them, especially in a sentence where you question how it’s expressed…

  • Jozep

    And when Paula Deen was talking about having ‘n’s’ at her “plantation theme party” that was neither right or wrong? Christians have been stomping around for century’s deciding what’s right and wrong for all of us, and now that reason and science is exploding their myths and prejudices, “ultimately, neither is right or wrong”? Now, we’re all entitled to our opinions?

  • Jozep

    Please enjoy a heaping bowl of ‘Va’a fare in culo’ made with Barrila pasta, now fortified with homophobic’s! I hope I spelled the dish’s name right…I’m new at Italian!

  • Jozep

    Ha..ha…yea…it’s doesn’t have the zing of ‘fish tacos for Jesus!’ But even that fisherman would be a Ronzoni man now!

  • Jozep

    Jozep 4:11. Thus, by your fruit we’ll know ya! :D

  • Jozep

    Soooo….your avatar is of a ‘high mass’ but you’re not a Christian fundamentalist’, just a garden variety homophobe? You whine to Thom Allen..”why do you this…” And to me “why do you” that…meanwhile, never responding to either of us except to complain to “you people” about “stereotyping”… Stereotypically pathetic!

  • Annette Rf

    One good thing about homosexuals trying to intimidate people into silence: we will STILL hold our views and act accordingly, but now, you won’t know who we are. ;)

  • Annette Rf

    I’m not a fundie, why do you people always make such stereotypical ASSumptions?

  • UncleWuggins

    I assumed he was being ironic.

  • Jozep

    Nice try fundie! If he HAS TO BE homosexual just because he attacks homophobic remarks…then by YOUR logic I can say… ‘Shut yer pie-hole you FAT ASS homophobe!

  • Jozep

    This isn’t about insulting employees…this is about a marketing strategy based on dismissing a group found in every area of this planet, if they take offense to his insults!

  • No, no, no.

    As Thom Allen points out below, this is not the company policy.

    This business of lionizing those who are, in your terms, not “Politically correct” should stop, I’m really tired of some half-baked wing nut coming out with an opinion based on false information, and being congratulated for it. There are some things that are just wrong – they don’t have a basis in fact or science.

    Human beings may have a right to express an opinion, this is true. But there really are wrong opinions because they are based on things that are not true. A pair of people may express a different opinion based on their interpretation of the same correct information. In the end, however, only one of them is deemed correct at some point. A correct opinion may also be unpopular. So that does not wash.

    I find it puzzling that a certain subset of the population seems to think that it’s OK to insult an entire class of people and that those people should just take it lying down. These same people are often the ones who scream the loudest whenever someone expresses an opinion that runs counter to theirs.

    And this is the problem that I find in a lot of the comments offered by the johnny-come-lately trolls that have appeared here in this blog post. They seem to think that 1) what he said isn’t all that bad, 2) all gay people are worthless, immoral and subject to punishment from a diety whose existence is unproven, and 3) we should all roll over an do nothing when we’re insulted. You don’t see that with Bill O’Donahue’s Catholic league or with any of the other organization with a far-right philosophy.

    I don’t think your comment is particularly well thought-out.

  • Annette Rf

    LOL! Get it?

  • Annette Rf

    Typical homosexual fatphobe. Why do you treat fat people the way you do not want to be treated? Typical superficiality, and no, I’m not fat.

  • Annette Rf

    Being Italian, I should know good pasta. Sorry about you.

  • rotfl

  • Oh honey, if only you knew.

  • The mad cow know

  • A mom and a perv…..uckkk

  • And mom witches were burned at the stake—-your point?

  • “if I dislike the way a company chooses to portray itself (for instance Calvin Klein’s jeans’ ads)” Bet you buy your Mom jeans at Wal*Mart don’t you?

  • Mike_in_the_Tundra

    I am more than just a little concerned about John Phillips “sexual” activities and desires. I think he needs to stay away from children and animals.

  • Thom Allen

    People need to speak out when either occurs.

  • Thom Allen

    We should thank Guido for making bigoted remarks? And giving gays his permission to be free as long as they don’t offend him? He was disrespectful to women, gays, men who cook, single-parent families and other groups. And you want everyone to be OK with that?

    Corporate idiots like Guido learn through a wave of bad PR and decreasing sales. Guido and Barilla have already apologizes four times. He’s obviously getting the message. How upset are you that Guido pays minimum wage to many of his employees, limited, if any benefits and is disrespectful of Barilla’s company policies? Some of Guido’s family (the other owners of Barilla) are really pissed at what he did.

  • Thom Allen

    Good, wolf, and you eat all the Barilla you want and get even fatter than you already are.

  • Thom Allen

    Thinking and speaking out are two different things. It’s good to know who the bigots are.

  • Yep

  • Thank you Lizard.

  • You tell em pinhead!

  • I’m sorry, I don’t quite get your comment. Could you elaborate, please?

  • Thank you for the kind words, it’s appreciated.

    And I don’t know how I upvoted myself, thought I was just panning the mouse over to see who voted. Geez, must’ve bumped the mouse button. I’m not so desperate for upvotes that I give them to myself ;)

  • Tim

    Certainly I can see the difference, unfortunately it is not logical. And as has been pointed out elsewhere in these comments, the dog might be the instigator. Who says it is necessarily painful and cruel to the dog? It certainly is a moral question and that is the point. If you want to argue that people are “born this way” and that makes their actions OK, then you have to accept that others are born with their innate desires as well and those must be OK also. If they are not then the argument for your particular group falls as well.

  • noni

    Straight people aren’t threatened by gay people.
    It is people who have “chosen” to be straight who are threated by gay people.

  • ThefabulousBettyT

    Yeah. You are. I have no truck with bigots.

  • Pink Pamalamma

    Because raping the dog is cruel and abusive and causes pain to the animal, while the rabies shot is to protect the dog from contracting a deadly disease. You really can’t see a difference there?

  • Pink Pamalamma

    A relationship/sex between two homosexual people is comprised of two consenting human beings who are of an age where they are able to make such a decision. A child or an animal is not a consenting individual. You seriously can’t even compare these things.

  • Pink Pamalamma

    He can *think* whatever he wants, but it was a huge mistake business/PR wise to *say* those things publicly.

  • Pink Pamalamma

    Like who?

  • Mike_in_the_Tundra

    Using the words “perverted” and “lifestyle” does make you a bigot.

  • dirk van den broek

    Disagreement is fine, it gets problematic when people actively interfere with other peoples lifestyle. Why do some straight people feel so threatened by people that are different?

  • Louise Johnston OBrien

    Why doesn’t everyone speak out about a company who abuses their employees every day…

    Which is worse… saying something bad….. or doing something bad…. But no one cares much about that now do they.

  • Adam

    Why do people feel the need to attempt to take down an entire corporation because of one mans opinion? Barilla employs close to 8000 people! I highly doubt they share in that opinion.

    Lets try this approach “Hey man, thanks for your opinion. I disagree with you there and think you might be better off selling to everyone but its your company do what you think is best for you and your employees.”

  • Adam

    well said!

  • wolf

    I will make sure to buy only barilla pasta from now on.Way to stand up against this immoral lifestyle

  • Joey Tranchina

    As a fourth generation CEO of a global enterprise, Guido Barilla made one of the most gratuitously stupid misstatements in corporate history, then he foolishly compounded his screw up with the absurd assumption that only gay and lesbian people would be offended by his bigotry — the same mistake that opponents of marriage pour touts made in France.

    Bigotry is bad business. Anti-democratic insults — even when cloaked in venerable arch-conservative theology — are repulsive to citizens of a secular, pluralistic society. For a man of such international experience, Guido Barilla, must have been very sheltered — dare I say “closeted” — not to understand that.

    Mr. Barilla should step down and let his brother attempt to clean up the potential billion euro cock-up that he created for no reason.

    PS. This boycott does offer an opportunity, for everyone who cooks, to explore the delightful superiority of fresh pasta. Fortunately for me, the only person, who makes pasta as good as my grandmother’s, is my son.

  • wolf

    so if you disagree with the perverted gay lifestyle you are a bigot?

  • Louise Johnston OBrien

    I think they should be able to do anything they want with their product…

    or… I think they should promote…. gays… Christianity… Muslims…..Catholics…Romanians…, Kiwanis…girl scouts….

    REally people? they should simply be able to promote their product, and be able to think how ever way they want about any subject, in the same way anyone can think what they want about all the above and more…I’m not against gays… but everyone has the right to think what they want… period…Or, no one should ever again say they are against anything at all.,

    What they can’t do, is hate crimes…etc… But they do have the right to whatever opinion they choose to have….

    No one has to believe in something… must because other people do…

  • Thom Allen

    Another pasta heard from:

  • Thom Allen

    Putin’s Pasta:

  • Thom Allen

    Liz, I’ve read three different translations of his remarks, They all come up smelling of bigotry and sexism. Why don’t you provide your translation for us?

    BTW, his apology video has English subtitles that don’t seem to agree with what you said, either.

    So, as a culture you’re saying that the Italians are bigoted and sexist? Really? And, if true, that’s an excuse? Get real.

    And, just a little judgmental, aren’t we? How about you suck some Barilla for breakfast and get even fatter than you already are?

    And tell Guido we don’t buy his BS (or yours) OR his lousy pasta.

  • liz

    this is just a cultural and translation mistake coz he says that he that he respects homosexual marriage but having an advertisement with a gay couple would not fit in their image since they stand for traditional italian way of life!!!

    so before blaming someone for something i think you should properly learn an other language to understand it properly!!!

  • Thom Allen

    Additional response to Barilla (continued):

  • Thom Allen

    Responses to Barilla (continued):

  • Thom Allen

    Whoa, The_Fixer, that reply is perfect and brilliantly done!. Thank you.

  • Thom Allen

    Those aren’t his company’s “values.” The Barilla website has a pdf file that states that they are anti-discrimination. His thoughts are not what the company says are its values and policy.
    It’s NOT HIS company. It belongs to the Barilla family, some of whom are really pissed at Guido. It’s a stupid business move that will cost the Barilla company.

  • Me

    Thanks for reminding us about pedophiles. It is rarely mentioned in the media etc.
    We cannot seem to get away from our stereotypes

  • MFlorian

    I wonder if you’d be willing to say the same thing about people who think interracial marriage is “wrong”. Or if they think women or minorities shouldn’t have the right to vote.

  • Observe the edit I made to my above comment. Sorry, but Disqus gets a little wonky when there are a large number of comments, apparently. It attaches the wrong username to some comments.

    When I refreshed the page, the correct username appears with comments. So my confusion was due to a Disqus problem.

    In short, you’re good and I was confused for reasons beyond my control.

  • Siigari

    You know, I respect the guy for standing up for his company’s values. I really do. It’s not every day you meet somebody that goes against the grain and it takes some gonads to do it. Minus points for the apology, he could have just left it at that.

    Believe it or not, some people don’t agree with what’s politically and socially “correct.” And when asked, if they lie just to save some face it can actually lose points towards a different target group (whatever the opinion may be.)

    Humans all have an opinion and they all have the right to express it. Whether it generates flak or not is up to society to decide, but ultimately their opinion is neither right, nor wrong. Popular or unpopular maybe, but that’s it.

  • Gabriel

    I’m not sure what you are even talking about. When did I ever say being gay is a choice? I said I once believed that yes, but I know better now. I don’t understand your confusion.

  • Don

    small percentage?…. uh… have you been living under a rock? There are A LOT more of us than i think you seem to know. lol

  • Tim

    You honestly don’t see how illogical that statement is?

  • Gabriel

    That’s the point moron. Consent is NOT needed nor CAN it even be given by an animal. So the dog will be getting a rabies shot whether he likes it or not. So if you choose to sexually be with an animal that can’t give consent (whether he likes it or not) … yeah that is called rape. The same way that it is called rape when it is with a child. Duh.

  • Luigi Proud DemoCat!

    Russia claims their anti-GBTI laws aren’t anti-gay and Guido Barilla claims his hateful views aren’t homophobic. Boy, you nailed it on the head.

  • BillFromDover

    And that is to be a gourmet cook in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom… yes; after all, is he not an Italian?

    Anyone ever wonder what happens to your pasta when she gets confused?

    Enjoy that new sauce, Vince!

  • I am going to assume that your argument is reduced to reductio ad absurdum (argument of one absurd point to prove a different point).

    Therefore, we’ll talk some facts: the vast majority of pedophiles identify themselves as being heterosexual. A far lower percentage of offenders are homosexual, less than the presence of homosexual people in the general population.By heterosexual, we mean hose whose adult sex lives with their partners consists of heterosexual sex. A pedophile who has sex with a minor that is of the same gender is not homosexual if their adult sexual relationships are heterosexual in nature.

    Fact: Psychologists and psychiatrists have identified one key trait in pedophiles that has nothing to do with sexual orientation: Sexual immaturity. For one or more reasons, pedophiles have not sexually matured completely, therefore, they act on a desire for another sexually immature person. Fact: This is a mental disorder that has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

    Bestiality is somewhat less studied, probably because of its extreme stigma and the inability of the victims to talk about it. As others have ably stated below, one needs to have informed consent to have a legitimate (i.e. truly beneficial) sexual relationship. Those who are drugged, those that are animals, and those who are children cannot give informed consent.

    Your repeated mention of King Tutankhamen is not to be taken seriously for the same reason that your argument that “we did it that way in the old days, why not now” is invalid. We know now that people who have not reached age 25 do not have a fully-developed frontal lobe, the center of reasoning and judgment. Marriage is an adult thing; dealing with it and the potential of child rearing requires good judgment. You seriously think it is wise to make a 9 year-old boy a king? It’s reasonable for a 9 year-old to marry? That’s just plain stupid. We know that people that young are not ready for such things. We didn’t know that in ancient Egypt, but we also didn’t know that lead pipes would allow water to leach out some of that lead, and poison the water. The resultant brain damage probably prevented those people from knowing that, too. You see, there are a lot of reasons for not doing things as we did them in the past. good reasons.

    Your main argument seems to be that homosexual people who wish to have sex is on an equal footing with pedophilia and bestiality. I am surprised you didn’t throw polygamy in there for the trifecta. Again, you need to understand (yet again, as others have pointed out below) that homosexuals are involved in consensual relationships. That has been pointed out time and time again to you. Additionally, if you don’t like momosexual sex, you don’t have to participate in it. Therefore, it shouldn’t concern you.

    It’s time to retire your argument, it’s baseless, stupid and your reductio ad absurdum style of argument is as transparent as the protective plastic window on my computer monitor.

  • Vince Stagbaugh

    He said the “central role of the woman in the FAMILY”, not in the kitchen.

  • Dace Hawke

    Oh I am sorry, I forget that your comment WASN’T you just commenting about how much you have no relevant input to this article as a whole. Wait, oh yeah, that IS what you wrote in so many words. I wasn’t saying don’t have an opinion, or don’t comment, I was saying that when you CLEARLY were just pissed off the article existed in the first place the better point would be to idk, IGNORE it. Don’t start some stupid condescension rant because someone tells you that if you have no REAL comment other than the fact you have no real comment then just don’t comment.

  • He’s a one trick flea dear Mod.

  • If you have tats, a pierced ear, wear your baseball hat backwards or a mustache you have been corrupted beyond…..Hi Mr. gay!

  • Aren’t you just a mutha!

  • That works!

  • what?

    Besides the fact that he is unable to grasp the concepts…head like a rock, I think John needs to be reported to the police for investigation, personally.

  • Chris

    Thank you.

  • Chris

    You love to incite. Don’t you?

  • Moderator3

    You may want to take some time to think about your motivation for commenting 14 times in this thread.

  • Shawn Neaverth

    Bestiality and pedophilia are mental disorders. Born that way or not there’s no debate anyone able to do such a thing as rape a child or animal definitely has some deficiencies. Homosexuality, is not a mental disease and it has been proven homosexuals do not have higher then average rates of mental disorder, in fact many are better balanced psychologically then lots of straight people. The attractions are sexual in nature, but the core in which said attractions derive from are from completely different ends of the spectrum. Same sex attraction derives from the heart and the need to love and be loved, while the predator sexual attractions derive from hate, shame and nightmarish memories of the past. Your comparisons sound like you’re either a predator who doesn’t understand why he’s not accepted, or you’re just an indifferent bigot.

  • Jim Jordan

    You want to punish me by accusing me of the worst thing you can think of: being gay. I can see why the most appealing way for you to deal with social disapproval is to persuade yourself that only repressed homosexuals would have any problem with homosexuality itself. That’s why the term “homophobia” is so beloved by gay people and their advocates: it means FEAR of homosexuality, as if rational dislike or disapproval of homosexuality were impossible. If you dislike people who talk loudly in a movie theater, that doesn’t mean you’re afraid of them. It means you don’t like them and their unwelcome behavior.

  • mildew

    thom…do you have a younger sister named milly?

  • Nick Rowley

    I think Troll singular possibly…

  • Nick Rowley


    …Laugh. :)

  • Matt Rogers

    Most gay people don’t think that there’s no such thing as a straight guy. They think people who are homophobic have gay feelings that they’re having trouble dealing with. There are studies to back that up. For example, one experiment showed that 55% of homophobic men became aroused when showed photographs of naked men, and two men having sex. Only about 25% of less homophobic men had the same reaction. Your anti-gay posts suggest that you may be part of the 55%.

  • ThefabulousBettyT

    Well, that’s their branded products off my shopping list. I won’t be supporting any company that promotes bigotry and intolerance. Shared the story on my Facebook page.

  • blydie

    “central role of the woman in the family” – and what are lesbian? men?

  • Matt Rogers

    True, he has a right to express his beliefs, but we also have the right to express ours by taking our business elsewhere. You’re defending his expression while calling ours “ridiculous.”

    Prejudice is also more than just beliefs. It leads to bullying, violence, and discrimination. For example, Barilla argued in the same interview that gay people shouldn’t be allowed to adopt children. Adoption bans not only hurt gay people, but more importantly, they deny many children the opportunity to be raised in a loving home. And gay couples are often willing to adopt hard-to-place children such as those with physical and behavioral disabilities.

  • Matt Rogers

    Thank you, Moderator4.

  • Jo

    You’re an idiot.You don’t have enough sense to even make a good argument.Go back to your pedophile and beastiality websites.

  • No, you really don’t, HF. Trust us on this one.
    He didn’t delete his comment, by the way, we did. And we banned him.

  • Tim

    Interesting first argument about your dog and the rabies shot. So can a dog give consent or not? Or is it needed? You claim he cannot consent to sex so that would be wrong but you can give your consent for his rabies shot. Is that not wrong since he has not given his consent for the shot? If consent is needed, why does it not cover both situations?

  • Amanda B.

    The major difference between a homosexual relationship and a pediaphilic or beastial situation is the consent of both parties. Homosexual adults choose to be together, just like heterosexual adults do. When a pedophile has sex with a child, he is doing so without consent – either by flat out forcing himself on the child or by manipulating a child that does not have the age or maturity to give consent. As for beastiality, animals are also unable to guve consent as it is defined by the law. Both of these are situations of one-sided lust and intention. That’s why they are crimes – because they are rape! Homosexuality among two consenting adults is a completely different situation. Trying to draw a correlation between a crime and homosexuality just undermines your intelligence and makes your argument lack credibility.

  • Tim

    I’m afraid you’d be mightily surprised at my knowledge of those subjects. And no, the comment you attributed to him is not in the blog post above. Perhaps it is somewhere else that you read, or in the Italian? (I will admit to not knowing Italian so if it’s in the audio clip I wouldn’t know, I’m basing my comments on the above blog post only). Also name-calling is the last resort of someone with no cogent argument left. You can call me a troll but that doesn’t make it true. Nor does it prove any point you are trying to make.

  • LanceThruster

    It seems this limp noodle is doing quite a bit of projecting.


  • Nick Rowley

    Why so desperate for acceptance of paedophillia John? Is there something you want to share with the group?

  • Nick Rowley

    Like I said, you don’t know a thing about marketing or PR. :)

    You also don’t read the articles you’re commenting on, the quote is there, be a good troll and read it. :)

    I’m just going to point and laugh at you from now on.


  • Thom Allen

    Barilla pasta partners with the Russian Repressive Olympics. Barilla, the “Pasta of Prejudice” will be supplying all of the Bigotoni to Sochi for the Olympics. Guido says that he is a big fan of Putin. But Guido isn’t as clever with propaganda as Vlad is.

  • Thom Allen

    I don’t think his mamma considered the name “Guido” as being a racist one. Unless she dislikes him as much as I do. And, if it is racist to all Guido Guido, what shall we call him – douchebag?

  • Thom Allen

    you seem like such a spiritual person, filled with all of that negative, judgmental energy.

  • Thom Allen

    No, wrong again, moms.

  • Thom Allen

    Unfortunately, Babs, you’re wrong on all counts.

  • Mark Vincent

    “Consider me bothered, Guido.”

    I know his name is Guido, but nice double entendre there. I am sure someone as hypersensitive as yourself knows that Guido is also a racial slang towards Italians. I guess you are a closet racist?

  • Thom Allen

    mom, you don’t HAVE to do anything. You don’t HAVE to boycott anyone.

  • Thom Allen

    The company is NOT his, it belongs to the multi-generational Barilla family, some of whom disagree strongly with Guido. Did you read the direct quotes that he made? Bigoted and sexist.

  • Thom Allen

    Jim, who the hell cares whether or not you, ot other bigoted straights like you are disgusted by anything. Deflate your ego a little, and then we can talk. I may be disgusted by your love of guns, your religion, the way you look. I deal with that, so can you.

  • Thom Allen

    Oh, mom, you’re way off target.

  • Thom Allen

    No, Jill, he said much more than that. You just missed the rest, or didn;t understand it.

  • Thom Allen

    Animals can’t consent. When I take my dog to the vet, the vet doesn’t ask the dog if he wants to get his rabies shot.

    Vlad the Impaler used to have his captives impaled thru the anus on stakes in his courtyard. Polygamy was once almost the standard. Women were property. Slavery was common. We, mostly don’t do those things today. So your “arguments” have no weight.

  • Thom Allen

    A child set upon by a pedophile cannot legally give consent. Nor is s/he emotionally or psychologically able to do so. The child is also most often at a physical disadvantage and may have been taken hostage psychologically.

    Much the same holds true in cases of bestiality, though it is legal in a number of states in the US.

    So take your bad examples elsewhere.

  • Ninong

    Arrivederci, Barilla!

  • ali

    His freedom of speech is not being challenged or withheld.
    There is no call for legal action against him.

    Consumer action or boycotts are a form of free speech.

    His free speech is being met with… more free speech.



  • ali

    that’s the point of the article… to inform people of what he said, so that if they don’t like it they can stop buying his products.

    They’re not calling for legal action to be taken against him…

  • ali

    people do boycott those companies.

  • Tim

    Good answer if you don’t mind dodging the question. Not sure that would not have been followed up by pressing for an answer, but OK. Apparently Barilla thought it would be better to give a straightforward answer. Unfortunately for him that backfired. Can you please point out the quote where he said that gays are icky? It’s always better to argue facts.

  • John Phillips, you are banned.

  • No, the “ex-gay” people all seem to ‘revert”. It don’t work.

  • You are clearly an ill-informed person who has no idea of what they are speaking about. This is false equivalency.

    Your idiotic argument deserves no further comment.

  • mom

    IF we had to boycott every company that indulged in ‘poor marketing strategy’, we would get nowhere. As for myself, I am not the Marketing Police; if I dislike the way a company chooses to portray itself (for instance Calvin Klein’s jeans’ ads), well then I just take my money elsewhere. Which is exactly what this CEO said to do.

  • John Phillips

    So you can judge but can not be judged….I get it…look into history and find out that King Tut was married at 9 and a unmentionable prophet had a 9 year old wife…look at yourself as you pass judgement on others

  • Try again

    In case you hadn’t been informed, you’re an idiot.

  • John Phillips

    If the animal initiates the sex is it not consenting? Who are you to judge what is right or wrong…not to long ago in this country and still in some countries the age of consent didnt exist people were married at 13 or younger…now it is a crime…King Tutankamen was married at 9 or 10 years old and a certain prophet who is not allowed to be mentioned had a 9 year old wife…who decides what is right or wrong…you arer a hypocrite by saying your lifestyle is ok but others are not….you are exactly what you pretend to hate

  • Try again

    Such an asinine argument I can’t even begin to tell you how ignorant you are. TWO CONSENTING adults having a relationship is such a far throw from having a CHILD or an animal, that it is SICKENING that you even have the audacity to compare the situations.

  • Tim

    Are you reading the original comments by Barilla or the inflammatory comments by the blogger above? Barilla didn’t say gays shouldn’t buy, or are undesirable, nor that he would not sell to them, He simply acknowledged that there would be a certain number of people that would vote with their dollars elsewhere. The sense that he intended to exclude this group from their customer base is entirely a construct of the blogger and other commenters here.

  • Mike_in_the_Tundra

    Just think how boring their life must be, if this the way they entertain themselves.

  • Oh so now you are calling for his resignation??? With your argument, one should sacrifice their own beliefs for the greater good of the corporation huh?? If that was the case then the LGBT community would be gagged as they are a huge minority in the great scheme of sales of corp crap!

  • Jim Jordan

    “Love? His affections do not that way tend.” HAMLET Act 3, sc.1

  • Nick Rowley

    Oh how to answer that were I a CEO, simple:

    “You bring up an interesting observation, I will have to look into that”

    There, bish, bosh, done.

    What you do not say is “Well if people don’t like it, they can buy from our competitors, and further more I find people who might not like it icky” which is what Guido did.

  • No reply on that from Nick huh???

  • Mike_in_the_Tundra

    Legal, informed consent. A child or an animal cannot give legal, informed consent. Thus, if someone has sex with a child or an animal, they do not have consent to do so. I have been gay for a long, long time, and I never had sex with a man who was not in complete agreement with me. In fact, sometimes, I was the one giving consent.

  • Jim Jordan

    most other mammals, including primates, eat it.

  • Tim

    I never said the comments didn’t cause damage, however they probably would have never received much press if not for sites like this that are looking to invent problems.

    The bigger issue is that you can’t answer my question about how to answer successfully, which is my point. This guy was set up and as far as I can tell there was no answer that was going to both tell the truth and be “inclusive” enough to keep this site and others from calling him a bigot, etc.

  • John Phillips

    Right on….you are born gay just as you are born to be attracted to children and/or animals….show your support for pedophiles and gays and transgenders and people who love animals….end the hate

  • John Phillips

    Who is going to stand up for the Pedophiles who are “Born that way” it is not a choice why are they shunned and abused and incarcerated….Those who love non-humans are also singled out and abused do you really think someone chooses to love and be intimate with animals choose that if one is born gay then doesnt it stand to reason that all deviations from what you call the sexual norm should be welcomed and accepted and supported…it should be taught in schools that a relationship with a horse is a perfectly normal healthy experience and so is loving a child….why are people allowed to openly discriminate against one form of love and not another…Being gay was once thought of as immoral and unnatural and disgusting…think about it….let love rule

  • Jim Jordan

    I just double checked my dictionary to be sure I was right about the definition of OBLOQUY: “strong public criticism or verbal abuse”. Stand by, Mr. Phillips, your share of obloquy from our homophiliac fellow commenters will be coming your way shortly. I have no doubt you can take it.

  • ChrisFerrera

    Yup. You can say anything you want, have any opinion you want…but those of us on the right side of history reserve the right to publicly shame you. Get used to it.
    A straight guy

  • John Phillips

    Are you born a pedophile? I think you must be because no one would “choose” to be one…I guess we should include them in advertising….Come to think of those who are into bestiality must be born that way as well so maybe an advertisement with a guy sharing some pasta in bed with his horse…You cant pick and chose what is acceptable and what is not …everyone should be accepted and supported….do the right thing and let your kids hang around pedos….they are born that way

  • ChrisFerrera

    Nobody cares if you are ok with homosexuality. The thing that the anti-gay (or at least “not pro gay”) crowd fails to realize is that they (meaning YOU) have already lost the war in the US. The balance has shifted.

  • The trolls that keep on giving.

  • What to do with afterrbirth?

  • ChrisFerrera

    Your freedom of speech protects you from government action, not individual citizens dummy. (Let’s leave aside the fact that this guy is not a US citizen.) Sure, he can express his views and opinions, but the public, or at least a portion of it, can also express themselves by boycotting the company and shaming him.

  • Anonymous

    There has been a dramatic drop in self-identifying Christians in America over the past 15 years. Especially among young people
    “77% of Americans say religion is losing its influence. Since 1957, when
    the question was first asked, Americans’ perception of religion’s power
    has never been lower.”
    Christian leaders trying to gain political (read: financial) support is backfiring. People are not going to support churches on a compulsory level

  • Jim Jordan

    I realize that the view is widespread among gay people and their straight supporters that the trend in public opinion towards ever greater acceptance of gay people is inevitable. But if I were you I wouldn’t be so sure of that. In 1972 the proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution passed both houses of the Congress by overwhelming majorities and had massive public support in opinion polls. But it died when it failed to win ratification by three quarters of the state legislatures after public support nosedived and has never been resurrected. If same-sex marriage required an amendment to the Constitution today it wouldn’t have a prayer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equal_Rights_Amendment

  • mom

    ‘I’m saying that we are tired of being denied the same rights and privileges that people in heterosexual relationships have.’
    I disagree. First of all, Mr Barilla CEO did not deny anyone any rights or privileges by choosing an ad picture of a traditional family. Second, I think that too many gays are pushing the envelope; no one is liked by everyone…there are many people who don’t believe gay behavior is ‘normal/natural/acceptable’ but they agree that consenting adults should have the right to live as they choose. Can you accept that without calling those folks haters & bigots? Name-calling has no place in grown up conversation, from either ‘side’. You don’t have to like them, they don’t have to like you, but you both have to just learn to peacefully co-exist.
    ps-and pick your battles better…as I said before, why not boycott products made by some whose religious creed calls for death to homos*xuals?

  • jill colby

    He only said he will not use gay people in his commercials, big deal.

  • jill colby

    You may be born with it, but you can be born again.

  • Again, not much new here.

    Yes, the APA did remove the classification of homosexuality as being a mental illness (although I believe it was in 1973 – small quibble). Millions of people also used to believe that slavery was moral, and that lead in paint was a good thing. We’ve learned since then that these are no longer truisms.

    The exact biological cause of homosexuality is unknown at the present. But the science is settled – it is an innate characteristic.

    I’m not asking you to like same-sex relationships, I’m saying that we are tired of being denied the same rights and privileges that people in heterosexual relationships have.

    And you are the wrong side of public opinion. As more people become acquainted with gay people, their opinion of them changes. They come to understand that the false talking points that people of your ilk dream up are simply not true, and are more than willing to let us have our rights. I am not talking about those who are religious extremists, I am talking about average people who can think for themselves.

  • Jim Jordan

    I often think you gay guys don’t believe that there really IS such a thing as a straight guy, that under the skin ALL people are gay or LBT or whichever letter we’re up to now. You’re a very tiny minority of people all over the world, and in my opinion you are doing damage to our culture far out of proportion to your numbers. I’m not at all “disgusted” or otherwise disconcerted by the thought of gay anal intercourse. But like many people, including quite a few gay people I suspect, I just wish you’d be a little less out and proud about it. There are many public issues far more important in my opinion.

  • raz

    Judge and be judge. Even the Pope said he can’t judge a homosexual.

  • NYChaseter

    De Cecco is WAYYYYY better pasta anyway.

  • NYChaseter

    Jim, you sound like someone REALLY overcompensating. If you really are straight, and I’m in no way convinced you are, you shouldn’t give 2 sh**s what 2 grown a**, consenting adults do behind closed doors. It’s 2013…come out of the closet already.

  • Jim Jordan

    it is very far from being settled science that same-sex attraction is innate. Until 1974 the American Psychological Association classified homosexuality as a “mental disorder”. Millions of your fellow citizens believe that the APA was correct BEFORE 1974. Don’t lull yourself into the delusion that you live in a country where most people approve of your sexual behavior. We don’t. We may believe that your sexual activity should not be criminalized in the U.S., as it was for centuries and still is in most parts of the world. But that doesn’t mean we like it. Nothing is inevitable. Be on the lookout for a backlash.

  • 7otherpages

    Boring. Free advertising for Barilla. Outrage is the marketing scheme a la mode.

  • Neither is being gay. It is something you are born with.

    I am getting sick and tired of this kind of idiocy – claiming that being gay is a behavior. Is being straight a behavior? No, it is something that you are born with.

    Unless and until you can come up with a more novel point with actual facts to back up your ridiculous assertion, I suggest you be quiet. This erroneous point has been made repeatedly on this thread, and it’s getting quite tiresome.

  • Jim Jordan

    what is a human being anyway? are homophobic bigots human beings?

  • Jim Jordan

    being “of color” is not a behavior.

  • Nick Rowley

    You’ve obviously not tried my awesome puttanesca…

  • Nick Rowley

    I don;t care if you agree or not, you’re wrong. :)

    The crux of this is the PR damage his comments caused, the fact you don;t think they did (which is disprove by the subsequent “clarification”) is immaterial and doesn’t change the fact that it very obviously did. It’s a marketing/PR thing, you very obviously wouldn’t understand. :)

    No, the people in the ads isn’t the PR problem, it’s the “people can buy from our competitors” that is.

  • Tim

    I disagree. It seems he was honestly answering a question designed to make him look bad, which is exactly what is happening here with this blogger providing his interpretation of what the words meant. How would you respond in that situation? Remember that the honest answer is that you choose to advertise with a traditional family in your ads. How would you work in the truth and at the same time provide an answer that couldn’t be twisted by the asker?

  • Schauermom

    Barilla is completely entitled to his opinion on gay families, gay marriage, etc. I am also completely entitled to choose another pasta to buy which I will be doing. As far as those who applaud this man’s opinion, I really hope you wake up someday and realize how wrong you are. I cannot understand how people think this is ok. If you replace the word “gay” with “people of color”, maybe that would help you realize why this opinion is discriminatory, hateful and wrong.

  • gentlyson


  • Steve Sarro

    I should be able to say wildly ignorant and offensive things about segments of the population without those people getting offended and wanting to stop buying my products :(

  • Nick Rowley

    Not from a marketing perspective.

  • Nick Rowley

    If they said “We like to focus just on Brunettes, if blondes and redheads don’t like it they can go buy from our competitors” then your analogy would be apt. :)

  • Bree

    “Too Stupid”

  • Word

    This shit is getting ridiculous. It’s every person’s right to love someone of the same sex, but it is also every person’s right to have their own personal set of beliefs and run their company and business on their beliefs. The way he explained it, he did nothing wrong, he just simply stated his beliefs, stated the guidelines for the ads of HIS company, and said that if you disagree, then you don’t have to buy my pasta. Seriously people, get over yourselves and stop trying to pick a fight.

  • Elizabeth

    The point is not whether he has a target demographic. The point is that it is poor marketing strategy to exclude any potential consumers, whether they’re in your target demographic or not. And it is even WORSE marketing strategy to publicly disavow a sector of consumers — again, whether they’re part of your target demographic or not. This is an issue of business decision-making, not an issue of whether Guido Barilla is or is not a bigot.

    There’s an article in the recent issue of MIT Sloan Management Review that details very succinctly just why Mr. Barilla’s statement was problematic from a management perspective. Every time I comment on this thread regarding why his statement constitutes poor business judgment, it is this article that I am thinking about. The article is here: http://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/does-your-company-seem-socially-irresponsible/ and it discusses the factors that influence public perceptions of a business and how these can be used to manage reputation.

    Which, contrary to some of the comments here, is VERY important in the modern marketplace.

  • Ted Malone

    Chunck, to have an opinion about any group of people is sort of stupid. No group of significant size has much in common beside a single trait. So if you have an opinion about “the gays”, it is almost certainly based on stereotype and ignorance, so yeah, we wish you would shut up. I am certain that most of the people who share characteristics with you are no where near as stupid.

  • SCS

    Trust me, male or female, gay or strait, not one is going after your ‘noodles’

  • Steven-X

    People in general are to stupid to get this point.

  • Tim

    He never said they wouldn’t sell to anyone. He said customers could choose not to buy if they felt strongly. There’s a huge difference between those 2 stances.

  • Tim

    This poor guy is being vilified for simply having a strategy for selling his goods. The blog above is snarky and obviously looking to pick a fight. Most brands have policies on how their goods are presented. It’s not really a surprise that a pasta maker chooses to accent the tradition of the big Italian family in their ads. He didn’t say gays SHOULD buy another pasta, he simply said they could if they so choose. This is all about appealing to your target demographic and has nothing to do with trying to exclude a certain group.

  • Lindsay

    Wait a second, so if a company is looking for a brunette woman to star in their ads, are they being discriminatory against blondes and redheads? Come on. This is nitpicking and people are trying to look for a fight. Before you know it, every ad will be required to have every sex, orientation, hair color, eye color, skin color, age, etc. in every commercial so nobody cries discrimination.

  • Ya fought the good fight Judy against a swarm of the most contemptible lot of pin head trolls I’ve ever seen on this site. One wonders from where these first time, drive by losers came—–all the way to AB to wage wag war over a bunch of B grade pasta.

  • CB

    You, and people just like you, are exactly the reason why there is still such a negative stigma against the gay community. I don’t recall there being a protest of any kind demanding that gays be represented in Barilla’s ad campaigns before his comments were made. He aired this thoughtless personal view on his own. It’s not “polital correct gay bull crap” as you so eloquently put it, it’s the simple matter of treating people like human beings.

  • Elizabeth

    Oh, my apologies. It wasn’t you who said that. It was the originator of the thread. So my point about the fact that such ads exist was really intended for him/her. But my point that the article contained content that was accurate and unbiased, in that it demonstrated the existence of ads in contrast to the thread originator’s denial, IS aimed at you — the Huffington Post article had value in that respect, even if I were to concede the presence of bias (which I don’t).

  • HF

    That’s exactly right. These people truly don’t see how they are the same people from the sixties and seventies who wen ballistic about integrating schools and the entire civil rights movement. People would never admit, today, that they were one of those bigots. This is exactly what will happen in another 40 years with gay rights.

    Only this time…we have the Internet to prove just how disgusting all these assholes were.

  • HF

    My mind is just blown by how many people in these comments don’t get it. My god.

  • UncleBucky

    The Pope is not helping. In fact, with his chatter and pandering, he is making things worse. Better to deal with the RCC as corrupt as it is, rather than some candy-coated clown in a second hand car.

    Seriously, he excommunicated a priest who officiated the marriage of two people in love. I have no need for this Pope if he says one thing and then does another.

  • I think the mods got to his comments, and banned him.

    I got a notification that he had replied to a couple of my comments, and they included a snippet of his comments. They were vile and disgusting. Believe me, you don’t want to read what he said. This is one sick puppy.

  • HF

    Let me guess. You’re a white man who came from at least an upper-middle class family. You have never, once in your life, been discriminated against for any reason. Yet you think you get to have a say in whether or not people who truly ARE discriminated against should be bothered by it.

  • Miss

    I agree!! What if some of his employees were gay…that’s just wrong..keep your opinions to yourself regarding other people’s sexuality!! Last time I checked SEX and PASTA are not related!!!

  • HF

    FACT: Millions of people across the globe are infertile for some reason or another. They cannot procreate either, yet…THEY STILL EXIST! Isn’t that fucking amazing!

  • Eduardo_R

    So, in other words, he is allowed freedom of speech, but we’re not? Please. That freedom of speech you claim to support means we damn sure do have the right to condemn someone for their double standards. And it’s not aggressive to stand up for equality and put your money where your mouth is.

  • HF

    Just..wow. you have missed the entire point.

  • HF

    Well, I guess it’s also MY right to then tell you that your marriage is DISGUSTING! I am DISGUSTED, and I demand that I, who has literally nothing to do with you at all, who is in NO FUCKING WAY affected by your marriage, am allowed to have any say whatsoever in YOUR personal life!

    God, what a moron.

  • HF

    Facing extinction?! I don’t know where you live, but in America…

  • JakeT

    No, of course EVERYONE does not have to agree with gay marriage…HOWEVER, just because some may disagree with gay marriage, that does NOT give them the right to prohibit gay marriage simply because they happen to disagree with it.

  • HF

    YOU are tired of the bull crap? YOU, who has all your rights? Are you fucking kidding me?!

  • HF

    I am just SO sick of this stupid argument. How can you possibly not get it?

  • HF

    Disqus frequently screws up the posting of names.

  • jahaja

    Ah yes, sorry, my bad. Not wearing my glasses today haha.
    You’re absolutely right.

  • HF

    BIG. FAT. DIFFERENCE. between “embracing homosexuality” and just leaving us the fuck alone. Just leave us alone.

  • Well, you said this:

    “Apart from in-your-face music videos and hipster-oriented fringe marketing, the mainstream is a white-bread feel-good advertising market that will never in our lifetimes feature same-sex couples.”

    Pretty much the same thing, paraphrased.

    By the way, you’re wrong.

  • HF

    He absolutely did say that.

  • HF

    If your “agenda” is to deny me the civil rights I’m entitled to and you ALREADY HAVE, then no, I most certainly do not have to “respect” that. My god, the ignorance.

  • HF

    He deleted his comment and I am DYING to know what it said.

  • HF

    And here’s someone who has completely missed the point.

  • HF

    Please, please shut the fuck up. Literally every third comment is from you, and it’s getting really old.

  • HF

    LMAO. You have more belligerent comments than anyone here and you’re telling Gwen that SHE has no life? That HER only job is to spread the hatred over the internet? Pot, kettle and all.

  • Nick Rowley

    That’s OK you’ve done a pretty good job of providing that yourself. :)

    Now, toddle along, Tom’s waiting. ;)

  • HF

    Do you have any idea of what HuffPo really is? How many people write for them? Literally THOUSANDS. You can’t be stupid enough to think they’re all liberal. Sigh.

  • doughpro

    Oh goodness, you have gone from accusing me of being “very angry” to “impotent rage”. LOL. Hardly, and I challenge you to show me where I have exhibited either of those.

  • HF


    Your caps lock key is located on the far left side of the keyboard.

  • Ian

    Too bad. I’m a gay who eats a LOT of pasta. I’m just concerned how he can speak opinion on the entire behalf of the company, and not just his own personal views. This ostracizes anyone who now currently works for Barilla, and guaranteed they’re gonna get some flack for it, even though it wasn’t their own personal opinions expressed when this man so carelessly dismissed an entire group of people based on their beliefs. Have we…not gotten past that? He does realize that Italy is shaped like a thigh-high boot, right? He lives on what could be the gayest country on the planet. Dum-dum.

  • doughpro

    “You said that there would ‘never’ be any gay couples feature in ‘ANY product advertisements anywhere'”

    Where did I say that?

  • Elizabeth

    In today’s media environment, the rule of thumb is, “If you don’t want to see it on the cover of the New York Times, don’t say it.” There IS such a thing as bad publicity, and reputation is very important — not just in keeping customers, but also in hiring employees (particularly at the management/executive level).

  • Elizabeth

    And, in answer to your question… yes, in fact, I have. But YOU should take into consideration that as the executive of an international company, he needs to be mindful of the fact that his company reaches myriad audiences, and that media transmission/translation is generally instantaneous. His comment might well have made nary a ripple in Italy, but he had to be aware that it would not play quite so well in other markets — the US and northern Europe, particularly. So again, while I do believe he is entitled to his opinion, what he is NOT entitled to do is express it in an expectation that it will have no effect on the brand that he represents — particularly given that the brand carries his own name! It was a very unfortunate and obvious misstep, bad for his business worldwide, and he should not have done it — but having done it, the obvious way to limit the damage is to retract it and state that he misspoke, and apologize. Because you do not, ever, come out against the participation of a segment of consumers. It’s a major image faux pas.

    If he cannot bring himself to apologize, then he should resign for the benefit of his company. Because his leadership is compromised by this appalling lack of business sense.

    Note: I am not criticizing his opinion here — I don’t agree with it, I would imagine that’s obvious, but as I have stated, he’s entitled to it. But unfortunately the context in which he expressed it has damaged his corporation’s image, and by extension the well-being of all the people who work for and with that corporation. So if he cares about it — and I should certainly hope he does — he should separate his opinion and its fallout from the business.

  • Nick Rowley

    Well employees probably want to keep their jobs, something Guido hurt by his loose cannon comments.

    Maybe you should go have a nice wank over something wholesome like Tom of Finland, you know you have a copy secreted away. :D

  • Elizabeth
  • Nick Rowley

    And it is going both ways so why are you complaining?

    He freely expressed his opinion, and now others are expressing theirs and acting upon their reaction to what he said, his freedom of speech has in no way been infringed. :)

  • Elizabeth

    If this is more to your liking… here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-7IA54-tmE

  • Nick Rowley

    Nope, I find the topic interesting due to the fact that I work and have worked in it. You don’t find your job interesting? I mean not everyone does thing in a vocational way but ideally one should be interested in what one works in.

    It might explain your impotent rage at things though come to think of it….

  • Elizabeth

    Did you even look at the article? It cited specific instances of advertising that showed gay couples. You said that there would “never” be any gay couples feature in “ANY product advertisements anywhere”, and I was attempting to show you that such ads do, in fact, exist. I’m sorry you aren’t open minded enough to even look at the YouTube video linked to the article, but the fact is, you’re wrong.

  • jim

    Yeah for Barrilla. Many are tired of the polital correct gay bull crap. I hate seeing gays on everything and people are suppose to think that EVERYOUNE is ok with it. Well we’re not. Don’t want u around MY noodles.

  • doughpro

    Uh oh….Huffpo. Sorry, you need to do better than that. Not a fan of bias.

    Have you taken into consideration his audience when he made the statement?

  • mom

    Exactly!! ‘You’re allowed to have any opinion you like but you don’t have immunity from the reactions of others.’

    and it goes both ways.

  • Elizabeth

    You’re making a few assumptions about the people who are “screeching”, aren’t you? A fair number of the folks I’ve heard “screeching” are not, in fact, homosexuals. Myself included. And quite a few of us are making well reasoned, logical arguments. You might try it sometime, instead of simply flinging insults.

    And, may I point out, that every 1 homosexual person on the planet has two parents. Many of them also have siblings. Nearly all of them also have a friend, or two, or twenty, or a hundred… not all of whom are likewise homosexual (I would hazard a guess that most are not, in fact). So it’s not just “5% of the total population” — it’s that 5% plus a very large cohort of the people who care about them.

  • doughpro

    You claimed earlier that you had a lot of experience in marketing and PR. Were you being deceptive?

  • Pastamaster

    Thanks mate. I will!!

  • doughpro

    I am curious to know how many employees of Barilla will quit because of this. That would be a really telling sign of exactly who’s offended.

  • Elizabeth

    I don’t know Italian. But I do know sheep. They aren’t nearly as passive or inclined to follow as you might think.

  • LibertyDwells

    Amazing how the vocal and militant 10 or 20% of the 5% of the total population homosexuals comprise can get so much attention, isn’t it. But the reality is, say what you believe and then ignore them. If one refuses to engage in their screeching they simply lack the numbers to matter. The tempests in teapots they manage to create quickly blow over if one refuses to dignify them further.

  • Nick Rowley

    The company disagrees with you.

  • Barbara

    Like being gay has ANYTHING at all with eating spaghetti (LOL). Barilla certainly has the freedom to exclude anyone they want and so do we.

  • Elizabeth

    One doesn’t have to hate heterosexuals to love one’s fellow humans, gay or straight. I am heterosexual, and I have gay people in my life whom I love dearly. And Nick here appears to be my philosophical man-twin, because this is not about hating gays or hating heteros, it’s about marketing stupidity — of which this man, Guido Barilla, is profoundly guilty.

    I gave my opinion of Kent Wright’s math elsewhere.

  • doughpro

    Maybe one should look at the manner in which he made the comment. Wasn’t it a radio interview? Who made it go viral, and why? If anything, the company did get some free publicity, and even bad publicity is just that—publicity. Will it affect his sales, his company, or his employees? I highly doubt it.

  • mom

    How uplifting these replies are! How tolerant & informative!

    I still believe that all this ‘persecution’ towards a businessman who has the right to decide on his product’s advertisements, is laughable. Put your money (or not, your choice) where it will do some REAL good: boycott goods made by followers of any religion which STONES, BEHEADS & GENITALLY MUTILATES folks who act in non-sanctioned ways (suppressing women & gays comes to mind). Now that will MAKE a difference; quit nitpicking about what is supposedly lacking in some ad campaign!

  • Nick Rowley

    There you go again, failing to read for meaning, my reply was a response to your saying people are relying on the translation of the author. I’m telling you that I, at least though I suspect many others here as well, am not relying on the author’s translation.

    Do you act this way with all of those friends you claim to have? ;)

  • doughpro

    And you are the only one here with the ability to understand Italian…more self-stroking behavior.

  • Elizabeth

    Also, if this was a strategic impulse on his part to try to corner the evangelical Christian pasta-sales market, it has backfired, because he has created a negative image of his company that will be hard to shake. Take note of the @BarillaUS apology on Twitter. If this was strategy, he did not share it with his US execs, did he? And if it was strategy, it was a bad one. Because even if you’re targeting a bigger market share, you do yourself no favors when you diss any portion of your potential consumer base.

    The way to appeal to evangelicals is not to say “we don’t market to gays, let them eat Ronzoni” — the way to appeal to evangelicals is to keep your trap shut and make ads showing families eating pasta, perhaps saying grace first, with a cross on the wall in the background for subliminal ambience. Easy to do without openly scorning any group.

  • Elizabeth

    A lot of it is just plain old common sense.

  • Elizabeth

    But I do have a sub rosa affiliation with MIT Sloan.

  • Nick Rowley

    I love you. :D

    Marketing background at all?

  • Elizabeth

    He can say what he wants. But if he bluntly tells a huge segment of the population to stop buying his product, why should he be surprised or offended when they (and the myriad people who care about them) find his refusal of their business to be offensive and take it elsewhere, as he himself suggests?

    Bottom line is, he committed the major business sin of letting his personal views affect his company’s brand. When you’re speaking on behalf of your company, you ALWAYS invite ALL customers to partake. The money of gay customers is every bit as valuable as the money of straight customers, and he does his company and his employees a disservice by forgetting that.

    I feel horrible for the executives of branches outside Italy who are scrambling to do damage control because this dweezil doesn’t understand basic marketing concepts.

  • Elizabeth

    AMEN. It is bad business to invite people to stop buying your product. Because they WILL.

  • Elizabeth

    You can have any opinion you want — but you are not entitled to have it with an expectation that no one in the world will express disagreement. And you’re bound to get disagreement when your opinion categorizes thousands of individual human beings of varying skills, characteristics, and values by one facet of their personhood and dismisses all of their other myriad facets as not worth considering. Gay people can be loving, intelligent, witty, talented, conscientious, fun, hospitable, friendly, kind, and skilled at a great variety of jobs… so focusing in on their sexual orientation, which is really only relevant to people with whom they have sexual relations, is a curious form of bias. And you should expect people to question that position of yours because it is so very curious.

    Stick to it if you wish. But don’t expect everyone to agree with you, because most people do not, and some disagree emphatically.

  • Denise Parker

    No my brother isn’t dating anyone….he’s in Florida. I’ll gladly set you up if you would like. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have told you to choke on your Barilla. This Barilla guy and you are entitled to your opinions. You have proven to me again that I shouldn’t read the comments people make. Just for the record, the people screaming “HATE” and such probably like themselves too. Not even you are better than anyone else. Although, I’m sure you are awesome….just like my brother, who I love dearly.

  • Elizabeth

    It is also very bad marketing to tell ANY segment of the populace that would potentially buy your product not to buy it, for any reason. Always, always, ALWAYS deliver positive messages to the public — because the minute you start saying “we won’t sell to X or Y,” you’ve created an image of your company as discriminatory. And you’ll lose customers. No matter what.

    I really feel bad for the Barilla execs in the US, who have to do damage control because of one Italian exec’s thoughtlessness. They had nothing to do with the chairman’s opinion, but they’re the ones who are going to have to cope with the effects.

  • Homosexuality was viewed very differently in Biblical times. The homosexual hate is more recent than that, at least in European culture. The Romans and Greeks, for one, had little issue with homosexuality.

  • Elizabeth
  • You’re full of something that comes out of the North end of a Southbound horse.


    “Since civilization began, homosexual behavior has been abhorred and
    punished; we have come a long way from a gay being drawn &
    quartered. However there will always be folks that do not agree that
    sodomy equates love. Don’t they have a right to their opinion?”

    First, you’re trying that old canard – homosexuality is a behavior that can be turned off through some magic switch. Read what social scientists have to say. You’re flat wrong when you say that.

    No, only since biblical times and in certain cultures has homosexuality been taboo. It has not historically always been this way. It comes from a lack of understanding that two people of the same gender can have romantic feelings for one another. You clearly want it to be all about sex and are obsessed about “sodomy”.

    And I’m gonna say this: No, you don’t have a right to a stupid opinion. You have a right to a well-informed opinion. If you know nothing about engineering a ship, I am not going to let you design one for me.

    And you know nothing about sexuality, so you don’t get to express an opinion about it. Now go away.

  • Trezure Fenton-Cook

    A traditional family means man woman and kids. he should have left it at that. and been a good corporate monkey and evaded, politions are good at it, watch them. too bad the media cant find real news.

  • Roxie Davis Guilbault


  • Nick Rowley

    You’re allowed to have any opinion you like but you don’t have immunity from the reactions of others.

    It’s really not that difficult a concept, why do so many people have trouble with it?

  • Nick Rowley

    I actually don’t care about his opinion, but I do find marketing and PR interesting and blunders like this one are fun to watch.

  • Chunck Pearce

    silly,don’t you know you are not allowed to have an opinion about the gays,you are not allowed to say anything against the gays,if you do you will be hated and boycotted

  • Nick Rowley

    And, as I’ve said a bunch of times here, you do not, under any circumstances say “people can buy other companies products”. That’s the crux of the matter, he failed in the central role a CEO should have, that of booster of his product.

  • Nick Rowley

    I do, which is why I presented a critique of it. :)

  • mom

    This boycott is only hurting gays. People are getting very tired of being told WHAT they can say & believe. Worse is being called ‘hater’ or ‘bigot’. Whining about the fact that a PASTA COMPANY does not use gay families in their advertising (oh the horrors!!) is ridiculous.

    Since civilization began, homosexual behavior has been abhorred and punished; we have come a long way from a gay being drawn & quartered. However there will always be folks that do not agree that sodomy equates love. Don’t they have a right to their opinion?

  • glorrierose

    Oh good grief. The same old same old saw falsely reiterated.

    Criticism does not equal censorship. The man is free to say whatever he wants. I am free to criticize what he says.

    In your world apparently there is no freedom to criticize stupid ideas. Only the freedom to EXPRESS stupid ideas. Like yours, endlessly repeated.

  • Why are you disapproving his opinion???

  • glorrierose

    Here is the PR response that could have saved him from being boiled in all this hot water:

    “Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I will look into it.”

    That doesn’t commit him to doing anything about it. It also doesn’t get him into hot water with consumers of his pasta (which include not only gay people, but friends, family and supporters of gay people….a population that is more than 50% in most developed countries these days).

    Face it. The man committed a total PR blunder, no matter which side you are on with respect to gays. If you are an executive of a massive company dependent on worldwide distribution of your product, you simply DO NOT say anything to offend a large portion of your customers. That is not CENSORSHIP. That is recognition of economic realities.

    He is free to make his bigoted statements in private (though one must still be careful there as well — witness what happened to the Mittster after that surreptitiously filmed tape got out). But when he speaks as an executive to the press, he is speaking for the company, not as an individual. And the company has a vested interest in not losing a large portion of its customers.

    In your position of employment you do not have total freedom of speech. For instance, you absolutely do NOT have the freedom to disparage your own company in public. That will get you fired. By the same token you do NOT have the freedom as an executive to encourage a large population not to buy your product, because of the impact that will have upon the company, its shareholders, and its workers.

  • OK …..I see your point. Do you see mine?

  • Nick Rowley

    Nobody infringed his free speech, why are you trying to infringe on the speech of those who want to express disapproval of his opinion?

  • Rico757

    We want free speech… until we don’t agree with it … then we want to boycott companies because the head of the company expressed his freedom of speech.

  • Matticus

    Oh goodness, it’s not as if they are giving money to anti-gay organizations or anything. So they won’t have gay people in their advertising. So he sounded arrogant/ abrasive in an interview. SO WHAT. There are plenty of things to be angry about, and plenty of companies that need to be called out for outright financing bigotry. This is chump change, and understandable, already-apologized-for chump change at that.

    Pick your battles son

  • glorrierose

    What censorship? Who is stopping this man from saying stupid things? Has anyone deprived him of speaking, or even from having a platform in the media from which to speak (which is often denied to others)?

    YOU don’t know what censorship is. It is NOT censorship to criticize what someone else has said. It is NOT censorship to decide not purchase a product because you don’t like what the company exec is saying.

    We who oppose this man’s ridiculous bigotry have our OWN freedom of speech. We have the freedom to criticize him. We have the freedom to choose not to buy his products.

    You need to study your history books to find out what real censorship is.

  • Nick Rowley

    Nah, I translated it myself since I can read Italian. The author’s point stands. :)

  • Nick Rowley

    “Perhaps this is just a marketing ploy by the CEO…Chic file a had an increase of sales after their crisis.

    Do the math….”

    Chick Fil-A is a US specific company with market coverage in less than 2000 outlets mostly in the southern United States, Barilla is an international food company with a presence in many countries that have already legalized same-sex marriage.

    I can “do the math”, I don;t think you can…

  • Rrrr

    Totally right. But no one’s got the right to condemn him and be aggressive.

  • RRR

    Exactly. This is what I was talking about. He’s got the right to not include gays into his videos or whatever and you’ve got the right to disagree. As simple as that. Making the thing extreme is always bad. If someone doesn’t see homosexual people the way you do, leave them be, it’s their opinion. And the same goes for extreme anti-gay fighters.

  • Nick Rowley

    Something tells me you don;t really have many friends; homosexual or otherwise. ;)

  • blisterpeanuts

    “Everyone is free to do what they want, provided it doesn’t bother anyone else.”
    Based on the writer’s translation, this doesn’t sound all that intolerant to me. The CEO doesn’t want to feature gays in the company’s advertisements. So what? How often do you see gay couples featured in ANY product advertisements anywhere? I can confidently say: never. Apart from in-your-face music videos and hipster-oriented fringe marketing, the mainstream is a white-bread feel-good advertising market that will never in our lifetimes feature same-sex couples. Sorry but that’s reality. This all seems like an overreaction by people who seek drama and controversy.

  • randgmom

    This is not about convincing everyone to think the same or think like “we” do. This is about CEOs of huge corporations that are bigots or mysoginists or homophobes realizing that THEY DO NOT HAVE TO TELL EVERYONE THEIR PERSONAL OPINIONS. Just shut up & run your company. You don’t have to like gays or women or whomever, but you also don’t need to share your personal beliefs with everyone. And if you decide to do that, don’t cry when people’s dislike of what you said is reflected in your sales. Just like he can say what he wants, so, too, are people free to respond with disgust, distate or by boycotting his products. That’s the way it goes.

  • Nick Rowley

    You certainly sound amused….

  • Nick Rowley

    Contrary to a popular truism, there is such a thing as bad publicity. :)

  • doughpro

    You’re right. But trying to tell that to the heterophobes in here.

  • doughpro

    Umm………no. In fact, I am amused by your silliness. You need to learn tolerance. That is what I tell all my homosexual friends who get offended at those who don’t give them special treatment because they are homosexual.

  • Jerk Douglas

    The guy writing this is more interested in being angry than understanding that people have beliefs of their own. Sorry things don’t go your way right now, but this is not the way to change minds for lasting peace and understanding.

  • And yet the Barilla name is all over the internet now…..

    The math….

    Gay percentage in US 1.7% maybe 5% max. – 5 million

    Catholic and Evangelical Protestants 50.2% – 156 million.

    Maybe he is not so dumb after all???

  • glorrierose

    Ummm….that is what people are saying they will do. It was his recommendation (although he forgot to include friends, families, and supporters of the LGBT community…a much larger group with greater financial impact). So yeah, we don’t like his opinions, and yeah, we aren’t going to buy his products.

    Got that?

    Do I need to repeat it?

  • glorrierose

    You just don’t get it, do you? You are absolutely correct, he can do all that. Although it ISN’T his company, he is only an executive. Still, he can say and do whatever he wants with regard to advertising or anything else that does not violate laws.

    He CANNOT do that without repercussions from customers. We are also free to have opinions and to stop purchasing or never purchase Barilla products. That is OUR CHOICE.

  • glorrierose

    #1 The company is not his. He is only an executive hired by the company.

    #2 When you open your mouth in such a way as to disparage a portion of your customers and to discourage them from buying your product, you are risking company profits and also employment security of your workers. Acting willy nilly on your own like this can have a deep impact on others. So you need to be responsible and keep your bigoted opinions to yourself — both the bigoted opinion about gays and now his bigoted opinion about women (as queen of pasta in the family).

  • doughpro

    Where is your source for the company’s loss of “millions of dollars”? Just because people like you (who have no life, and your only job is to spread hatred over the internet) say something is true, doesn’t automatically make it true.

  • glorrierose

    He’s that stupid.

  • doughpro

    Does it surprise you that so many people took the author’s translation of comments made in Italian as truth? So wrong on so many counts…..

  • JakeT

    First of all, “freedom of speech” is not an absolute. This “freedom” does not give any individual the right to say anything and everything they damn well please. Second, this “freedom” does not prevent what a person says, especially publically, from being responded to by anyone and everyone if they so choose. There is no such “right” that says that a person can make a public statement and the rest of the world is expected, nay, required, to bite their tongues and say nothing in response. Finally, the “freedom of speech” described in the US Constitution protects speech from any GOVERNMENT retribution. It doesn’t refer to things said by, between and among various individuals.

  • Nick Rowley

    You don’t know what you’re talking about. I do however. It makes you very angry doesn’t it? :)

  • doughpro

    You can tout your credentials all you want, and continue to pat yourself on the back, but anyone with any experience in marketing and/or PR knows that there is no such thing as an “irrelevant opinion”. Everyone’s opinion is taken into consideration, which is why Barilla is making another statement. He’s not doing “damage control”, he is furthering his explanation for the ignorant masses who took offense to his honesty about his company’s advertising policy.

  • StevesWeb

    One might argue that it was the Christians promoting laws to deny equal rights to gay couples who took sex into the political arena. It was only when ancient fairy tales were applied that gay sex became political.

  • Google translate has this….

    “We will not be advertising with homosexuals, because we like the traditional family. If gays do not agree, they can always eat pasta from another manufacturer. All are free to do whatever they want provided it does not annoy others. ”

    A little different take on the translation, no?

    Perhaps this is just a marketing ploy by the CEO…Chic file a had an increase of sales after their crisis.

    Do the math….

    Gay percentage in US 1.7% maybe 5% max. – 5 million

    Catholic and Evangelical Protestants 50.2% – 156 million.

    Maybe he is not so dumb after all???

  • StevesWeb

    ” All sin will be judged.” it seems your prophecy hath fulfilled itself.

  • Gwen Drowne

    The word is DISCRIMINATION – whether the word was gay, black, Chinese, Spanish, etc., the affect would still be the same – its the context in
    which he made the statement. In this case, the CEO IS prejudiced against
    the Gay community and shows it in his statement. Now this CEO
    (aka JERK) is trying to “recant” his words – too late. Barilla has just
    lost millions of dollars with their so called “top management’s” razor tongue. Does the Gay community have the right to stand-up to Barilla? Damn right they do – kick his ass.

  • doughpro

    Maybe your husband prefers Barilla. Are you saying that your husband is a spineless dweeb who is forced to share your opinion on matters such as this? Typical closed-minded, intolerant behavior. And you call Barilla “hateful”?

  • didi

    I have more and more hateful comments on gays and will tell you that this literally made me sick. NO hope that everyone gay, straight, male or female stops eating your products.b remember they not only make pasta, they also make jarred sauce. I will even make sure that any restaurants that I eat in, do not serve your product before I order
    Oh, and when MY HUSBAND SHOPS AND MAKES DINNER. I will make sure HE doesn’t purchase Barilla any longer. So you bigot, Find your way out of this,

  • Nick Rowley

    “What makes raven’s views on the matter “irrelevant”? Because you say so?”

    Nope, because the company has already instigated damage control measures showing that they, unlike Raven are very much bothered by the response to Guido’s comments. It’s right there in the article, which isn’t very long and can be read in its entirety in a fairly short time.

    As to my credentials for judging the matter, I happen to have a background in consumer product research and have worked in marketing and PR so yes I actually do know what I’m talking about. :)

  • Art Vandelay

    Honestly, if some pasta CEO said he wouldn’t depict Christians in his ads, because he is an atheist, and that religious people who are offended by that could always buy other pasta, that would not offend me in the least. But even if the notion that he didn’t want Christians in his ads offended me, I would simply take his advice and buy other brands. I wouldn’t insult him personally and call him names and leave derogatory comments on websites and generally cry and hyperventilate like a little baby.

  • Andoring

    Yes. He could have communicated that in a better way as to not offend anyone and he went out and apologized afterwards. People say stupid shit sometimes and regret it. There’s a time a place for forgiveness. Perhaps you don’t feel we’re there yet, but just ask yourself where you’re coming from. Is it justice and understanding, or revenge?

  • doughpro

    Really? What makes raven’s views on the matter “irrelevant”? Because you say so? And for that you pat yourself on the back and insinuate that you are a much better “verbal jouster” than raven. Classic narcissistic, shallow-minded behavior.

  • bwhite74

    Are you kidding me? Do people have nothing better to do with their life than debate over pasta? People need to get a grip these days. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Weather gay or straight black or white. We spend so much time trying to convince other people who don’t share the same opinion as maybe we do that they are wrong. We have become a cry baby nation that no one is allowed to truly say how they feel because someone else might be offended by it. Agree to disagree people and move on. What bitter, angry people we have become by reading what some of these comments have said.

  • Tommy Ferrugia

    Ummm, actually I, fortunately, have not contracted HIV through drug use or relations with a woman, so I really don’t know how you dreamt up such an idiotic remark. However, since I can already tell that you are a person of good breeding and CLEARLY not an ignorant, inbred loser who harbors pointless hate (due to a deep seated self-loathing), I will assume you made that remark out of concern for my well being. So, thank you!

  • doughpro

    You must one of those running around screaming that they’re not going to buy any more Barilla pasta. Oh the inhumanity of it all…the owner of a company prefers to portray the traditional family in his commercials. Get over it.
    You missed the irony in Holly’s comment because you’re apparently blinded by your own bigotry. You think it’s okay to call a man an “anti-gay bigot” because he does not share your opinion? I hate to tell you, but THAT is bigotry.

  • raven

    amen!!! preach on sistah man :)

  • Nick Rowley

    And possibly glue to your rubber yes? You are quite the verbal jouster. Tee Hee.

    I however do actually know what I’m talking about and the facts have born me out.

  • raven

    you’re irrelevant :)

  • Nick Rowley

    Ah well the company however does care that Guido’s comments caused them trouble. Your views on the matter are irrelevant. :)

  • curious

    There are boundaries my friend. I don’t think this is a matter of agreeing with every inane thing a CEO believes or prefers. The issue of equality on our planet for folks of all race, sexual preference etc. is not an inane issue. I’m sure if this CEO announced that their pasta is not appropriate for christians and that those religious people should eat something else we’d be reading comments from the likes of you of a different tone.

  • raven

    I like barilla pasta I don’t really care what was said, it doesn’t change my opinion of the company. honestly who gives a shit, I’m so sick of hearing shit about gays, “don’t do that the gays might get offended, don’t say that it offends the gays” get the fuck over yourselves already lots of shit offends people your not special.

  • Eileen Small

    It really is NOT any skin off my nose and that’s the truth!!. If a product uses only men or only dogs in their adds, it doesn’t offend me and I don’t feel that I’m discriminated on because I’m a woman. I guess i’m just not that insecure! And, no, before someone finds the need to ask, I don’t think homosexuals are a privileged minority except in their own minds and the minds of whomever they can manage to convince of such silliness. If gays don’t want to buy this product because their itty-bitty feelings are hurt, I certainly agree that they have every right not to do so. If I want to buy it– I will do so–period!. I am tired of all these different groups looking for ways that they can feel abused and that they hope will entitle them to some privileged status or to get some kind of cudo . Hint: nobody cares who I sleep with or want to hear about it–and I don’t care whom anyone else sleeps with or want to hear about it! And it certainly has no impact on what foods I buy! If it’s great pasta–and it is–I’ll definitely continue to buy it over others That’s my only point!

  • curious

    oh….I see your point now. It took a couple of reads of your comment but now it makes sense. You’re delusional. Got it.

  • Teddy Spaghetti

    Eh, they’ve got a right to advertise using whoever they want — the person, people, or family that they feel best represents their brand. That being said, don’t get all pissy and tell gays they can “go eat someone else’s pasta” if they don’t like it, because they probably will. I didn’t find anything offensive or wrong with his statement until that quote. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

  • Jon J Demko
  • Nick Rowley

    Pretty homoerotic avatar there dudebro. :)

  • Matt

    Vaffanapoli? Let’s not be bigoted against the south while writing an antibigot article please.

  • Nick Rowley

    That’s odd, do you happen to speak Italian? If so please provide the translation as you read the original? The translation works fine as far as I’m concerned.

  • Ann Heffner

    hey, there are a lot of pasta brands out there. I used to buy Barilla. Please note the past tense.

  • Nick Rowley

    He said, whether intentionally or not, “go buy another company’s product” that’s a gaff no consumer product company should ever make, regardless of the foundation.

    That’s what’s funny in this situation. :)

  • Nick Rowley

    Seeing a lot of “I’m gonna buy a bunch of packets of Barilla now” very edgy and delightful obviously. Except the company has already given him a bollocking and made him retract his statements.

    So, let’s assume all those comments are a plan of action and not simply impotent belligerence. A spike in sales (assuming it would be a spike) after the retraction sends the message that you approve of the retraction not the initial statements. So please, go buy as many packets as you like. :)

    I suppose you could somehow finagle your way onto a focus group where you could let the company know you were doing it because they were sticking it to teh gays or something but I’ll tell you what the marketing department’s reactions to verbatims like that would be: “Time to change our brand identity”

    You see, food companies, despite what loose cannon CEOs might say, actually want to sell product to as many consumers as possible; being associated with hateful homophobes isn’t a direction any brand wants to go down because it’s exclusionary and exclusionary means less sales. :)

  • Holly

    So let me get this straight….you’re a proponent of boycotting a company because someone has a different viewpoint as you and calling them anti-gay bigots….that would be like a straight person boycotting {insert any number of companies here} and calling their leadership anti-heterosexual bigots… I’m not sure that I follow your logic….
    When does respect only work when it’s one-sided?
    Why throw something online to blast them, rather than engage in dialogue?
    and why is that anyone who supports or cooperates in a traditional family unit is called an “anti-gay bigot”? This is getting a little old.

  • Kathy NeverSurrender Egan

    Brat, you are a troll who really needs to get a life.

  • Nick Rowley

    Both of those companies have already caved and retracted the statements/pledged to not contribute to any gay causes. Your purchases are telling them you approve of the caving. :)

  • Kent Van Heerden

    Barilla should market their pasta to the Russians, it seems like a good fit.

  • Kent Van Heerden

    No more overpriced Barilla for me and my “gay family”
    I always encouraged my family to buy Barilla since I liked their product (even if it is overpriced as hell)

    I don’t care that they don’t have an advert featuring an lgbt individual, what I do care about is how they basically said that they WOULD NOT EVER do it as if that would be a problem in this era.

    Then to go on and say anyone who has a problem with that can go eat someone elses pasta, well I’m taking their suggestion and I think I’ll be supporting Riscossa Pasta from now on.

  • Mike_in_the_Tundra

    Love it!!!!

  • Kent Van Heerden

    I agree completely.
    Since Barilla brand pasta is not gay friendly, I now have to go without eating pasta completely!
    I mean, seriously, it’s not like there are hundreds of other brands to choose from or anything.
    Barilla is the only producer of pasta and therefore we have no other options but to go a life free of pasta.

    Let’s imagine a brand of bread that comes out as openly racist, it’s completely understandable if people of color decide to go bread free for their entire lives, what with the limited options we have and the thousands of racist-free brands of bread on the shelves.

    I totally see your point, gay people should DEFINITELY support brands that are homophobic.
    Without Barilla, where would we get our pasta from? Oh good lord, the sacrifices I have to make, I will have to suffer a life free of pasta.

    I totally get you.

  • Anna Green

    “So you think you are straight?
    So is spagetti until it is hot”

  • Matt Rogers

    I’m pretty sure Naples isn’t the issue here.

  • Matt Rogers

    I’m not convinced that the company supports traditional values. A lot of people say they’re supporting the traditional family, when they’re actually opposing gay people’s families.

  • Matt Rogers

    If I understand your reasoning correctly, I don’t think it makes him a bigot because the word “bigot,” while unpleasant, isn’t a slur. It’s simply an accurate description of people who support discrimination. He’s suggesting that it would be difficult to be part of a bigot’s family, which seems pretty reasonable to me.

  • Jon J Demko

    NO, Im saying stop calling it a boycott and organize your self for a fart in the woods. That man simply another opinion. I will still eat that pasta if its any good. If you want to be a “LOVE ME ALL AND EVERYWHERE FAG” please be a my guest ;-) Thats all I am saying. And you got me there with the slavery ;-) You know, you are starting a new term. TRADITIONAL FAG. No wonder there is such thing as gay agenda. It will be the new term for Stupid radical faqs. Im sorry. Could you please, take care of your I WANNA ME LOVED AND ACCEPTED BY EVERYONE AND EVERYWHERE…. just somewhere ELSE?

    Thats whats going on in Russia is diffferent story. Human being as being hurt. I hardly cant see how a homofamily not being in pasta commercials are hurting me. As a matter of fact. Im quite glad that someone just stands his ground, to this radicalism of gay extremism. AND IM GAY! just to set the record str8.

  • goodgirlpuppy

    Supporting the traditional family and believing that is what God intended is different than being openly hateful to others that don’t agree with you.

  • Justinius Phoenix

    You can be a Christian and support Traditional Family, Just don’t condemn or exclude those Christian Families or even none Christian Families of Unconventional styles, Remember Jesus said Love they neighbor as thy self, and he said…. well he said nothing about Unconventional families…. I mean Jesus came from the most famous not exactly traditional family, His father (God) and mother (Mary) were never married and was raised by his mother and step father (Joesph).

  • KathyNYC2

    Yeah just like haters. God asks us to love one another as we would ourselves…not just the people that agree with us. Do unto others as you would do unto you. And of course, Jesus said, “let he who is without sin, cast the first stone” when speaking of adultery which is also a “sin”. Personally I don’t have much respect for anyone that has less compassion and shows less respect than God.

  • hiphip

    but doesnt this comment make u a bigot as well?

  • Angel

    And you became God when? Because you just sinned too my dear. Thou Shalt Not Judge Others.

  • Kat

    I’m sorry, just for clarification: We’re supposed to tell him to go f$€k … Naples? Am I missing something?

  • ali

    Hi. You’ve misread what I wrote… I didn’t say ‘imaginary representative’.

    I said ‘IMAGERY that is representative’ … as in the images they use in their advertising does not represent the true diversity in the population of Italy (because it leaves out black people and other groups of people).

  • Diedrich Pfizer

    Awesome choice Kayla! Barilla is delicious and supports traditional values.

  • SMB52

    No one cares about your religion here, nor should they when you are being hypocritical to your own faith rofl :P

  • Zachary James

    And the bigots come out to play… I feel sorry for your said family!

  • Marvin Ruffin

    What if you found out your favorite cereal company supported the Taliban? Would you give a fuck then? I’m thinking you might because that might affect you or someone you love in one way or another. Try seeing thing from outside your own perspective. Its not about “support”, its about not brushing away bigotry.

  • jahaja

    OK, I see your point. Apart from the “imaginary representative”. There’s nothing imaginary about the black population of Italy. There’s more of them than gay Italians.

  • Kayla

    Homosexuality is a sin not a sickness. Just like thieves or liars. All sin will be judged.

  • Kayla

    Good for him!! Bout time people speak up. All I’m buying for my family from now on is BARILLA!!! Bon Appetito!! :)

  • Jermy Stockwell

    Personally, I quite like gay pasta – Homocelli, Poofarooni, and Wriggletony are my favorites.
    My friend Tony is particularly fond of that last one. Perhaps Mr. Barilla ought to try them. Like many people, I find straight pasta too starchy and old fashioned: a bit like Mr. Barilla himself, perhaps? There’s no ‘give’ in it. There’s no fun it! Straight pasta is dull. It always was. As Leonardo de Vinci
    himself said, ‘There are no straight lines in nature. Everything is wiggly – including pasta.’ Surely Barilla should know that gay pasta is quite delicious and can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of race, colour, creed, or sexual proclivity. I am pleased to say, here in Britain, it is now completely legal to
    eat gay pasta. I’ve been eating gay pasta for years – quite openly – and it’s done me no harm – Ducky. Of course it is easy to joke about it. But Barilla’s surprisingly unintelligent remarks show just how limited, uneducated, and prejudice some people still can be. Having no doubt lost a great number of his hitherto
    loyal consumers, perhaps Mr. Barilla should think of marketing his very heterosexual
    product elsewhere. Russia perhaps?

  • Art Vandelay

    Like many of the outraged people commenting here, I also only buy products of companies whose chief executive officer agrees with me about every single issue. It takes a lot of time to do the research, but I have plenty of time on my hands. That’s because I haven’t been able to find a single company whose chief executive officer agrees with me about every issue, so I haven’t bought anything in years. I literally don’t have anything. I live under a bridge in a cardboard box, But at least I’m not supporting the companies owned by anyone who happens to disagree with me about anything

  • Krystal

    I think I lost a few brain cells from reading this stupidity. Gay people are not monsters with sex addictions, actually the vast majority of people who fit that description are straight. Gay people can be abstinent and at least they’re not bringing children into broken households and having a ton of children just to get bigger welfare checks like straight people. Gay couples are gay for the same reason straight people are straight. They love each other. If you can’t understand how one person can just love another then I feel sorry for you to have grown up in a world void of love. I’m not gay, I’m conservative when it comes to 90% of political issues and I just can’t make sense of how anyone could treat another human being who has never harmed another as less than human because of who they’re attracted to. It’s none of our business as long as no one is being hurt. Also I imagine all people are loyal to their genitalia regardless of preference, or does yours not work?

  • Art Vandelay

    I won’t buy anything if its ads don’t feature a gay couple. That’s just me, though. I feel strongly about that. Any company that doesn’t put a gay couple in its ads will absolutely not get my business. I know that means I won’t be buying anything whatsoever in the foreseeable future. I’ll probably have to go off the grid, live in a lean-to made of tree limbs, and eat only the nuts and berries I can forage. But at least I’ll be true to my cause. No gay couples in ads = No business from me. I’m solid on that

  • smellen

    wow….I was going to like your comment when I read the first line…funny stuff. But then I had to go and read the rest. You’re a real basket case! Lunatic-tic-tic.

  • Irol Vyng

    A gay guy walks into a gay bar. Another homo is sitting at the bar. the homo at the bar reaches over and grabs the chair next to him, motioning him to sit on it, and says, “Here, let me push in your stool.”

  • Irol Vyng

    You are trying to force sane people to accept you. You are sick, and want us to embrace your sickness. Go to hell.

  • Irol Vyng

    I’m buying a whole case of it. Not like you or your friends every bought it to begin with … you gays already have another noodle in your mouth.

  • Irol Vyng

    All fags are activists and radical, violent felons. Sodomy is a natural felony. It is a crime against nature. I’m proud to be intolerant of freaks who eat crap and smear it on each other. Homosexuality is the rape of a nation. Let all the fags have their own country, and in 40 years, there will be no more of them to parade their obsession with scat in our faces. You queers love children so much, you don’t produce any.

  • Irol Vyng

    God is going to act before he has to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.

  • Irol Vyng

    Homosexuality is the rape of entire nations. http://whiterace.org/el/open-letter-to-the-fathers

  • Ian

    John Aravosis

    Your translations are rather biased and incorrect and skewed in one specific way. It is true that Barilla stated that they were for a traditional family setup, but it also said it had the utmost respect for the gay community.

    Additionally it was the CEO that was giving his PERSONAL opinion on adoption by gay parents, at that specific time he was simply speaking his mind, not the opinion of the whole brand.

    Stick to English and Burgers mate!!

  • Irol Vyng

    You won’t be happy until all pasta ads include pictures of queers fisting each other covered in marinara. You pro-fags are really just anti-heterosexual. You want to force everyone else to be queer, so you can rape children with impunity. “Homosexuality is rape. It is the rape of an entire race. Homosexuality
    is the rape of youth. The gay agenda and its poison is designed to turn
    young men into monsters with a sex addiction that is rarely cured.
    Homosexuals protect other homosexuals and will betray family, friends,
    and country for their fellow fags. This is why western culture has
    historically rejected sodomy, because sodomy is the rejection of family,
    culture, nation and race, knowing only loyalty to the nerve endings of
    pleasure centers. Patriots are loyal to their generations. Fags are
    loyal to their genitalia.” http://whiterace.org/el/open-letter-to-the-fathers-of-the-boy-scouts

  • I think Barilla as a brand has the right to its own agenda. Same as the gays as a so-called “community” even though I don’t see the homos as a homogenous community. One has to respect the other’s agenda. End of the story. Besides, there are other brands of pasta. If you want to take food into the political arena, like you’ve done with sex, fine, do not buy Barilla, just buy something else, or make your own homemade pasta.

  • Sullivan

    Can’t wait to buy some Barilla pasta :-D I can’t wait. Love it. Good job, Barilla. I am supportive. I am not one to judge when people want to be gay but that doesn’t mean I can’t support you when you say that you support the traditional family. Anyone who is a Christian supports the traditional family and I respect that, whether people want to hear it or not. Excellent.

  • I love women who behave like a Countess.

    Go and get some lessons in “practical Irony” ;)

  • Nick Harman

    What a storm in a teacup. He believes he will get more sales if his advertising presents a traditional family of Mum, Dad and 2.5 children. In that he is not alone, I cannot recall any advertising for any product that overtly features gay people. So don’t have a go at him, have a go at the whole advertising industry.

  • Americana

    I think it’s great that a large company stands up for what it believes in. Most companies are sell outs and only care about the dollar. They will tell you anything you want to hear just to get y our money! I think the world has forgotten what traditional family values are all about. If you didn’t notice, gays are very small percentage of people on this earth! So it’s not gonna hurt this guys business one bit. Yes we know lots of heterosexual people support gays. I have been using Barilla for years and will continue to!

  • somi

    so you are saying, i need to respect a mans opinion, which is, that he does not even consider mine to be respectable (as in: a homosexual family construct is a valid construct) in first place? seriously?

    sure he can have his opinion, but so can i in despising this backward anti-humanitarian bullshit that simply does devalue the worth and existence of masses of people. … read the apologies. barilla goes on to promote the “traditional” family model with women in the kitchen. cute – what’s next? the “traditional good ol times” of slavery?

    the light and dark thing is bullshit. there’s tons of shades inbewteen a complete non-acceptance of equal rights that should be absolutely basic in a modern civilized society and needing to fly some flag.

  • You say that like it’s a bad thing. I mean the boycott.

    I reserve the right to not spend my money with people who arrogantly belittle me.

    I might remind you that many a gay activist, the ones you call “radical homos” has come before you, and has made it so that you and I can say “I’m gay” without threat of going to jail or being imprisoned. They’ve boycotted, marched and even rioted for the right of us to be ourselves.

    Yes, in some places it was illegal to be gay, and a gay person could face imprisonment for having sex with another person of the same gender. In many places, (even in the heart of the gay Mecca Greenwich Village in NYC), one can still be assaulted or murdered if it is known that he or she is gay.

    What the “radical homos” have been doing is bringing attention and social as well as commercial pressure to make the point that we are not perverts and that we are not a threat to straight people, and we deserve the right to live as well as straight America does. It’s been working. It’s taken a long time, but it has been working.

    So no, the goal is not to have a rainbow flag in St. Peter’s Square. You come off poorly for suggesting that, sad to say.

  • SgtMac

    Hey dude, you could always just ignore my response and take up NO opinion idiot. You don’t HAVE to respond at all, and people aren’t going to attack you for it, oh but wait…Dace, you just did. You came out and acted like a total ass and responded with stuff that just sounds like hate mongering and attacked me for my response in the comment section of an internet news story. Btw, I am a straight guy too, and my stance on the gays is irrelevant to this this endeavor. Your calling me someone who jumps in the middle of an argument of no reason to get attention in the comments section of an internet news story is fucking stupid dude. Comments section are for…..wait for it….

    Wait for it…


    Good for the goose but not good for the gander? It’s ok for you and only those that you agree with, right? If you disagree with them, then it’s ok for you to come out and start calling people ass and saying they shouldn’t be posting and should have “NO opinion idiot”…because since you don’t agree, they must be wrong.

  • Joan

    I will only buy Barilla from now on!

  • Lakbima

    As your fearless leader has said lets not negotiate must be the new worldview for you. Yes, it was taken from the entertainment to show their own hypocrisy. No conspiracy theory, just making observations. Try getting funding from the established scientist/system with a negative sounding hypothesis about homosexual or hom behavior. Just because you read up on what interests you that added to your biases and your worldview doesn’t make you more enlightened. It just means that you are in the echo chamber. Yes, as hets make homs hopefully more of the genetic/epigenetic nature must be understood to help all. See the low-information type did hit me the wrong way, not really. You are just a mus-guided information type.

  • Jon J Demko

    So whats the ultimate goal here guys? Boycott the shit out of everyone who has a different opinion on family than the gay agenda, until they hang the rainbow flag over at st.Peters sq in Vatican city and surrender to the gay lobby?

    You know for someone who screams at top of his lungs about tolerance, you’re being pretty fucking intolerant right now to that mans opinion about family. So what? He has a different opinion about family. Does the gay agenda has to really push their ass everywhere? And if its not welcome, do we gonna boycott even a chicken house or public toilletes? Are we so desperate and we cross the line between sense to stupid? When did this shit happend?

    You all radical homos (and Im gay) remind me of Lorreta:

    The world is changing from terrorist and citizens to LIGHT and DARK. Where light mean sense,information and DARK absense of sense and information. Where will you stand in the future?

  • Ah, so all peer-reviewed science that doesn’t comport to your preconceived notions about human sexuality is invalid? That’s not the way science works. We accept what good science says, regardless of whether we like it or not. Furthermore, the body of scientific knowledge concerning human sexuality is chock full of repeatable research.

    The fact is, we don’t know the exact mechanism behind homosexuality – yet. But those of us who are gay know one thing – we indeed are born into it.

    Ignorance is not “coded newspeak”. It’s an observation I made based on your lack of knowledge on the subject. I don’t claim to be an intellectual – let alone a pseudo-intellectual – just someone who has spent a lot of time reading and educating myself about what I am.

    Regarding homosexual activity being a “non-gene pool diversifying evolutionary dead-end behavior” is concerned, it doesn’t have to be a gene-pool diversifying behavior. I might remind you that straight people are the ones giving birth to gay people. And will continue to do so.

    The rest of your comment seems to be where you go off the rails. Entertainment media Borg (the word “borg” came from entertainment media, you know)? I can’t take anything that you say as being credible when you talk like that.

    You strike me as a combination low-information type with a passion for a good conspiracy theory. I won’t be answering any more of your comments, I’ve made my points and you don’t seem to want to address them on their merits.

  • Holly Phares

    Bravo, Cassidy! Your ability to articulate so succinctly and passionately these truths to those who just don’t “get it” is a gift. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to do this. Again, Bravo!!

  • Lakbima

    What is your first language or god of all things that are correct in ways of writing English. Please feel free to correct my English.

  • Nibbio

    Title says:

    “Famed Italian pasta maker Barilla: Gays can eat someone else’s pasta”

    Did he say that? NO!!!

    He said that he doesn’t want gay families in ads, and if someone doesn’t agree, he can eat someone else’s pasta

    Please , think what you want, but be honest, don’t change words!!!

  • Lakbima

    You meen scientists/academics that are reviewing each others work that has the same biases about human behavior. Yes hom activity is a choice. There are biological/genetic/epigenetic components to it also. And as a behavior it is a non-gene pool diversifying evolutionary dead end behavior.

    Unlike you, I don’t claim to have full delusional, pseudo intellectual notions about scientific and social arts (non repeated) studies about human behavior. If the so called it happens in the womb because of hormonal changes is true, then it can be mitigated. I am open to the idea that biologically so called transgender individuals don’t have a choice about their biological makeup. Yet, as sex changes show, even that can be changed unlike being of a breed of humans (Michael Jackson may question that idea also though).
    “ignorance” Ah, the coded newspeak of the pseudo intellectuals who think that they have higher brain waves because they think they are “open minded” about how people get pleasure. That is the only way the borg can control you (lets get the low hanging fruit with emotional appeal and get their vote and then who cares about the country). You are so open minded that there are no barriers to filter out ideas that pollute your opened up mind. After all the entertainment media borg in their efforts to install their transient morality (as that is good for their business model) is doing a nice job of being the polluted idea generatros and the destroyer of barriers.

  • This is how free spreech and freedom works; you are free to say and express whatever opinion you want and I am free express whatever my opinion is about that opinion. I am free to not put my hard earned cash in your Hands if I don´t like your opinion. If he has enough customers who don´t mind his opinion he will survive, if not he won´t. period.

  • andy

    will never buy barilla again. will urge my friends not to buy it either.

  • Anonymous

    It’s not a glitch, it’s a user hired by Barilla to do damage control. They change names to avoid suspicion.

  • Bitch —please

    Good bye Barilla

  • Anonymous

    He lives in “PR trolling land.” He was obviously hired by Barilla to look like a bunch of people defending the company. He adds in opposing comments to make it less suspicious.
    I see this on a bunch of sites, especially when a post makes a company look bad.

  • Anonymous

    It’s called PR trolling, and companies hire people to do it when they are in deep trouble. I think they paid for at least 1000 comments on here alone.

  • juli

    Hurray for Barilla!

  • Daniel

    There are websites, lol. How do you think they obtain their supply?

    They could buy ‘better’ munchies, but it certainly would’t be a positive thing. Do you want Barilla to be forced to retract opinions that he still believes?

    And I am NOT supporting bigotry. I am supporting the honest, open, and public forum. If there exist bigots there, better than having them in the closet with their negative emotions stewing.

  • Mimmo Modarelli

    Continuiamo a farci male. Saranno più i gay nel mondo che non mangeranno più prodotti Barilla o i benpensanti che gioiosamente abbracceranno tali prodotti avendo con essi trovato un paladino della “famiglia tradizionale” come le sue, no, non ho sbagliato, le sue, ne ha due, secondo la tradizione consolidata è divorziato e risposato

  • Crystal

    Very curious Dave, but when did u actually “choose” to be “traditional”. When did u think about banging a guy and then say to yourself “ya, I’m gonna stick with vagina”?. When did u make the choice , weighing the pros and cons?

  • judybrowni

    The “marijuana community,” whatever the hell that might be, can do better for munchies than Barilla pasta.

    But yes, if such a “community” existed, and Barilla mouthed off about them, they could also choose to buy better munchies for that reason, too.

    You make less and less sense as you desparately grasp at straws to support bigotry.

  • Daniel

    Actually what I did was refute a foreseeable counter- argument that did split hairs.

  • Nobody said that all straight people should be strung up – nice straw-man argument there.

    I merely said that if one educates themselves, they would find that gay, bi and trans people are a normal variant of human sexuality.

    Why are we so bothered by him saying he will not use gays in his marketing? Because he singled us out, saying the he only wants to appeal to those in ‘traditional” marriage. Which we see as a code for regarding us as ‘lesser than”. And he said that he does not agree with adoption by gay couples. Additionally, he was arrogant when he said it.

    When you put these together, you wind up with an expression of animus against gay people. We’ve taken a lot of crap over the years, listened to a lot of lies and have experience harassment, discrimination, beatings and even murder. We’re actively working to improve the lot of our own. Now do you understand?

    These anti-gay expressions of thought made by people who have little knowledge about us and even less about what comprises humanity are damn frustrating. I hope you can understand why we don’t want to give this guy our money, and why we are raising such a fuss. If you think that this comment was an attack, re-read it. It is emphatic, but you’d definitely know if I was attacking you.

  • judybrowni

    A cheer for Daniel:
    Split those hairs! Split them! Split them fine!

  • Daniel

    I do understand that he is being bigoted. However, boycotting does not address that at all. Remember, he has done no injustice in saying this; merely expressed his opinion. Many people have the same stance on abortion as he does on gay marriage: “It should be legal, but I don’t support it”. Can’t you give that to him? I understand the difference that being gay is a state of being and abortion is not, but he views marriage as a choice. Would it be a appropriate for the marijuana community to react the same way if he made similar comments about marijuana?

  • Thom Allen

    levi, there seems to be an occasional glitch with Disqus. Sometimes two or three posts get the same username and these posts have been diametrically opposite. There are a few comments below about that.

  • judybrowni

    I don’t think it’s kind to laugh at the crazy guy.

  • judybrowni

    Ah, but your name came up as “dave” on my browser.
    In any case, we’ve been hearing the same repetitive idiocy all fucking day long.
    You’re no special snowflake.

  • Thom Allen

    Gabriel, very glad that it worked out so well for both of you! You sound like a good man.

  • Exactly! Very well put!

  • Thom Allen

    Who cares that he has “no say” in American politics? What does that have to do with the price of pasta in Iowa? And he was giving an interview on the radio. That wasn’t “accidentally” opening his mouth. What he said was bigoted and now he’s getting appropriate responses. And a number of posters, myself included, have mentioned that he’s sexist and was essentially confining women to the kitchen.

  • levi

    *continues to slow clap* Actually, that was my first comment, so unless there is another levi out there who is shooting the same opinions as me, I would recommend that you step away from the internet before you hurt yourself.

  • I think you have to be on the same plane of existence to get his jokes.

    Which makes him either a very interesting person, or a loon. I can’t decide which.

    He is entertaining, though!

  • Dave

    Just as I wanted not to do, I provoked attack. Too bad a view and a voice is a bad thing these days. Judi, I have a view, you also have a view, it appears that you are angry. I did not attack, only state what looked obvious to me. It is apparent that you are right and I will not try and change your view. I will notify my wife of 17 years to keep an eye on me for some of the things you have predicted will happen to me. Ralph, thanks for the post, it really opened my eyes to something I would have never considered. I usually do not involve myself in this whole LGBT thing but found this Pasta post on FB. Who knew. Thanks Tom. I guess left field is where I live. BTW Fixer, I am no scientist, but if it were not for me and my kind, you would not be here. I am still confused how you can be so insulted by a guy saying he will not use gays in his marketing. 1 guy, one company, with a view. If you like pasta, eat the pasta…be happy the way you are. Who cares what he believes. Life is way too short.

  • Thom Allen

    But Guido IS being implicitly bigoted in his remarks. You;re just too concrete to understand.

  • judybrowni

    All you’ve been doing is whining, and it’s repetitive whining at that.
    Your opinion was stupid to begin with, has continued to be stupid every time you’ve repeated.

  • levi

    So, I mean, I get why I should be offended about his original comment, but when it comes to the comment about women being the center of the family, there’s a clear cultural miscommunication that is going on here. But I’ve also accepted that no one probably cares about that, because all everyone in this post wants to do is whine because someone who has no say in American politics accidentally opened their mouth. *slow clap*

  • judybrowni

    Yeah, I see how ridiculous Daniel is.

  • Thom Allen

    Drop Barilla the company, drop Guido Barilla, or both? Personally, I’d like to see Guido sent to Antarctica, those penguins are vicious and would kneecap him with their beaks.

  • judybrowni


    Please ask the voices in your head to translate.

  • Daniel

    ‘no differentiation of service between customers’ means that each customer is being treated equally, unlike those buses where non-whites were forced to sit in the back as second class citizens.

    A better example would be “Oh, so you don’t like the fact that I collect model trains? Let me call up the National Modern Railroads Association and tell them to stop buying your product”. Do you see how ridiculous that is?

  • pappyvet

    Defending ourselves is also free [for the moment] speech. It’s the defending against outrageous verbal nonsense that the wingnuts do not want.

  • Thomas_Outt

    Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Melita Bonaparte, was named the first Ambassador to Antarctica, a dual arrangement with American & French governments. The South-based penguin community has agreed to drop Barilla entirely & The Princess supports their decision.

  • Thom Allen

    You’re right “Cassidy” became luigi and my comment to “Cassidy” now says it belongs to luigi. Thanks, Fix, I noticed it earlier and thought the trolls were being a little “trollier” tonight.

  • judybrowni

    If you could only translate that into English…

  • Daniel

    There is no differentiation of service between customers, so that example doesn’t apply.

  • Daniel

    His products have nothing to do with his views. The ends don’t justify the means, and while I don’t blame you if you can’t bring himself to eat his food after what he said, organizing a boycott which could potentially be devastating to the company is. Any apology he could possible give is now completely meaningless, since it has been induced by this culture of boycotting people who disagree with us. This culture keeps business owners from letting their potentially controversial view be known. His opinion seems like that of a good person who is ill-informed.

  • judybrowni

    DAVE TRANSLATION: “How dare you be intolerant of intolerance!”

  • judybrowni

    Damn. it’s one of those over-sensitive pencil eraser heads.
    Boy, those people over react.

  • I refreshed the page and yet different usernames are appearing. You might want to try that, it might clear things up for you as well.

    It was sure confusing as hell for me!

  • Thom Allen

    We’ve been through that. He’s wrong, he’ll hear about it.

  • judybrowni

    Reading comprehension: you should try it.

  • Thomas_Outt

    Dear Dead Head. Her Imperial Highness , Princess Melita Bonaparte, will no longer request your brand of pasta from her chef & upon entering any restaurant that has pasta on the menu, will inquire of the brand name. So will her Governor-General, Thomas Outt. You have been officially removed from the Christmas card list.

  • Thom Allen

    I think Disqus is having a breakdown. This is the third time I’ve seen the “same” user make comments that are 180 degrees apart.

  • Look further down for yet another pair of contradicting messages. Either Disqus is seriously screwed, or these people are playing some interesting games.

  • Donna V.

    Good for him! This is a free country and it goes both ways. I get offended when I see gay pride parades and they are barely dressed acting inappropriately. I am supposed to be ok with that. Well I think he is entitled to his own beliefs and opinions.

  • Wait just a minute.

    Same username, two diametrically opposed viewpoints. In the first, you say being gay is a choice. In the second, you say your son did not choose to be gay and you acknowledge that.

    What the hell is going on here?

  • Thom Allen

    Let’s see. A few minutes ago you were a Barilla fanatic and a Chik-fil-A sucker. Now you’re abstaining from Barilla. By the time you read this, you’ll be straight, female and a resident ot Antarctica.

  • judybrowni

    “You know, Mrs. Parks, we’re really tired of you talking about busses. Just don’t take one, if you don’t like the seating arrangements.”

  • Cassidy

    Let’s just put this out there and be done with it:

    -Rants about how we’re disallowing free speech are invalid. The free speech happened. We are now in the “response” portion. Our response is to boycott the business of someone we disagree with. If he changes his views based on this action, that’s on him. This loss if business part of the cost of free speech, and a calculated risk in any situation where the figurehead of a company chooses to make such remarks. Freedom, as many people are fond of saying, is not free.

    -Rants about “causing drama” can stop right there as well. I don’t believe we are the ones who chose to target a single group in a public setting; that was Barilla’s move. We are simply–and quietly, given that all of this so-called “drama” is largely in text form–choosing to respond by withholding our money. That is our right, and it is neither extremist nor attention-whoring. People choosing not to buy furs or blood diamonds for the repression those items embody are seldom called out for drama, I notice. Yet if it has to do with our sexuality, even a measured response is called “overblown.” If it’s not worthy of attention, don’t pay attention to it. Let us boycott and mind your own damned business.

    -Rants about how we should “stop being sensitive:” No. Stop being assholes about our sexuality. Stop treating us like we are not an acceptable part of the world, like we are less than nothing. Stop threatening burnings, lynchings, murders, rapes, and the theft of our children. Then we will stop being sensitive. Until then, however, do your best to remember that just because you have never been a victim of discrimination does not mean that discrimination does not exist in all its forms, extreme or mild. Murder happens, though you have not been murdered. Rape happens, though you have not been raped. Beatings happen, though you’re not the one under the fist.

    And for the love of god, proofread your comments. English teachers all over the country weep for you.

  • Daniel

    the difference is that there is no differentiation between customers here, nor any force being applied.

  • Thom Allen

    Daniel, it’s already having an effect. Guido “clarified” and Barilla US apologized. Smart business owners treat almost everyone as potential customers. Barilla offended gays, women, friends and relatives of gays, non-sexist men, liberals and others. That, in itself is an extremely bad business move. Guido needs to learn from his mistakes. He’s free to express himself, just as I am. And I can refuse to eat his products and tell others why I feel that way and encourage them to do the same.

  • judybrowni

    The peanut gallery heard from.

  • judybrowni

    “What have you got against busses, Mrs. Parks?”

  • luigi

    I don’t eat their pasta because it sucks. I think most Italians don’t eat it either. lol

  • judybrowni

    You’re free be as self-loathing as you like, as well as free to be a troll posing as a self-loathing gay.

    You’re free to pretend to be any kind of idiot you like.

    Just as us moral folks are free to call out bigotry.

  • Thom Allen

    Ralph, one question. How can you be a “born again” christian when you weren’t born for the first time – you were just hatched?

  • Daniel

    You are reacting in a very irrelevant way by boycotting. In making this statement, Barilla hasn’t done anything to harm gays. Buying his pasta won’t set back the gay rights movement. All you are doing is fear mongering business owners into not being expressing their opinions. Yell at him all you want, try to convince him he is wrong, but to boycott is simply spiteful, and indeed petty. When I think of this boycott.

  • Art Vandelay

    You clearly are trying to insult Dave by calling him gay. That is abundantly clear. And you think it’s somehow shameful for gay men to meet in bathrooms, as if there is something wrong with that. You are homophobic Judibrowni, pretending to be a supporter of gays. You are busted. It’s clear to everyone. I also notice that you keep calling anyone who disagrees with you a “troll.” Name-calling and ad hominem attacks are the refuge of people who cannot argue with logic and intellect.

  • Bareback Barilla

    I am gay and I am still going to eat Barilla pasta because it’s good and I don’t give a flying fuck what 1 person in the company believes. Same with Chick fil a. Nothing comes between this gay and food (besides xtina beating me to it)

  • Thom Allen

    Compliments from a shitbag, I’ll bet Ralph Kevorkian will eat THAT right up!

  • Victor H. Rodas

    allylloyd, in other words, I should accept to be condemned to behave politically correct, even though that is against my principles.

  • Thom Allen

    Thank you for being the perfect role model of a stupid shitbag!

  • I am happy that I annoy you with my agenda of wanting to be treated equally under the law.

    Straight people who are too dense to get the point really annoy me.

  • Cassidy

    Everyone else has covered why you’re wrong about gays. Can I just point out that I don’t think “adumbration” means what you think it means?

    Don’t try a Preacher rant unless you know what all the words mean.

  • Gabriel

    I am a straight man with a gay son. At first i did not understand. It was a disappointment to me that MY son, MY boy would choose this lifestyle and shame our family. That was until he attempted to commit suicide at 17 and left a note telling us how sorry he was that he couldn’t change for us… I thank God every single day that i found him in time. He is now 19 and could not be happier.

    However, now I am the one who has shamed my family. I was not there for MY son, MY boy when he needed me the most. I somehow convinced myself that being gay was a choice and in doing so almost lost one of the most precious things in my life.

    I don’t ask anyone to agree with anything. Believe what you want and believe it however you want. But saying gays should buy another brand of pasta is the same thing as saying black people should buy another brand of pasta because I can assure you that it is NOT a choice and I will be DAMNED if I let anyone talk to my boy like that. I had to learn my lesson the hard way and will probably never be able to live it down.

    Just dont be me.

  • Cassidy

    Are you sure you don’t want to be gay? You really need to not breed.

  • judybrowni

    Honey, I’m quoting the science: homophobes tend to be self-hating big ole closet cases.

    Not gay, by any means, or happy.

    But wanting us all to be as self-loathing.

  • Thom Allen
  • Thom Allen

    We’re gay because we “don’t agree”? Traditional marriage is a man plus a woman? You’re so far out in left field, you can’t see home plate.

  • I’ll have you know that I am not a “screaming Nancy”. This discussion is not about what or who makes anyone horny. It’s about gay people not wanting to give their money to a guy who, like yourself, is insulting and an artifact from days gone by.

    I will not shut up. And if you had the bravery to confront me in person, you’d find that out. And you would be walking away with your pride in your pockets, because I play for keeps, foolish one.

  • Art Vandelay

    Judybrowni, you’re closet bigotry is showing. You purport to be a defender of gay people, yet you imply that someone who you think does not support gay people is himself gay. In other words, you think that calling Dave gay is an insult. If you truly support gay people, you would not think that calling someone gay is an insult. And you certainly would not add that snarky comment about closeted gay men having “dates” in men’s rooms. My god, could anyone be more homophobic that you?

  • nik

    You assume that these statements have no bearings on the man’s political or personal behavior. There’s no telling what someone who believes that gays are second class citizens will vote for or donate money to. An intelligent person, gay or straight, will do what’s best for them and take their business to a company that values them and stands by them and, for gay people, Barilla is not one of them.

  • You know nothing of sexual orientation. If you did, you would not say such preposterous things.

    Before you write another comment claiming that homosexuality is a behavior rather than an orientation, acquaint yourself with scientists who study sexuality and read their works.

    It’s one thing to have a well-informed opinion. It’s quite another to spout off out of pure ignorance, which is what you are doing.

  • itbejenner

    Also http://grist.org/politics/science-confirms-politics-wrecks-your-ability-to-do-math/

    Just a little food for thought, not pertinent to the immediate conversation, but to the overarching theme of moral outrage.

  • ali

    Barilla may not use imagery representative of the Italian population by neglecting black people in their adds, and that may not have attracted much criticism yet.

    But if he were to have came out saying “We will not be using black people in our ads because we prefer the traditional family” and that “if black people don’t like it they can get their pasta elsewhere” and that he doesn’t agree with ‘black adoption”…
    …you can be very sure that a similar article would be written and massive numbers of people would be no longer buying Barilla due to his racist attitudes.

    When someone makes their attitudes known, and those attitudes are prejudice or discrimatory, regardless of the kind of prejudice or discrimination, then there will be people who choose not to support the business owned by that person, and who take their business to other companies who have not made such discriminatory comments.

  • judybrowni

    Do we expect you to “embrace” homosexuality, well, yeah, you’re right you probably will. There is a long tradition of homophobes as big ole closet cases. And your terminology is telling.

    Besides researchers provide empirical evidence that homophobia can result from the suppression of same-sex desire.


    Say hi to Ted Haggard and Larry Craig during your men’s room “dates,” honey.

  • Poey

    Oh no, i agree with traditional marriage. The fact that i’m gay doesn’t mean i don’t agree with traditional marriage.
    Be straight. You chose to be straight.

  • You have been misinformed.

    Gay people do not choose to be gay. We are born being gay. The same way that you were born straight. Why would anyone choose this way of life when we are constantly exposed to the likes of you and your kind who’ve been so kind to share your hatred toward us? You think we’re in this for the punishment? Not hardly.

    Nobody said you had to “embrace homosexuality”. Just cut out the hate and let us have equal rights. That’s all we ask.

    Additionally, we have the right and responsibility to make noise when some jerk insults us.

  • ParloItaliano

    This is the translation that I’ve come up with for the sentence: It says, “We won’t advertise with homosexuals because the traditional family pleases us. If the gays are not in agreement, they can always eat another brand’s pasta.”

  • judybrowni

    So, then you’re in favor of he Biblical traditional marriage: polygamy.
    And you’re also in favor of the incest between Noah and his daughters.
    Onan’s sin, was refusing to impregnate his widowed sister-in-law: when will you be knocking up your sister in law? I’m sure your wife would want to know.
    And you’ll be stoning to death that neighbor who dares to watch football on Sunday, as well as selling your daughter into slavery.
    All Biblically-approved, if not required.
    Get back to me with a letter from prison, after you’ve led a truly Biblical life.

  • How would you kow? You’re not acting like a civilized person when you talk that way.

    Your opinion is, therefore, invalid.

  • So we have no right to disagree? We have to take this lying down and continue buying his product?

    Intolerance begets a response, and my response is to point out his stupidity and not buy his product.

  • Dave

    I do not understand why everyone is expected to embrace homosexuality. Such drama, caused by a right to choose who you want in your marketing? I think it is childish…this whole “you’re not gonna tell me what to do, or say, or that you don’t like me and my friends…we will beat you up” attitude. Everyone does NOT have to agree, which is why you are gay in the first place….right? Because you do not agree with traditonal (man&woman together) marriage. LGBT appears to be promoting hatred by expecting that all of the world be ok with your way of life. Fine be Gay, LGBT, Homosexual, Lesbian, whatever you feel the correct way of describing your choice is. I choose traditional, is that a crime? For if it is, then your choice of LGBT is as well. Smile everytime you get chance.

  • You and your ilk are the only ones who associate pasta with any kind of sex. I firmly believe that the ones who turn any conversation about gay people into a lurid discussion of sexual practices has a deep problem. You’re apparently obsessed about sex. Go see a doctor about that, I think you really could benefit from professional help.

    About those bible verses you point to. First off, Leviticus is ridiculous. Got any tattoos? Leviticus says they’re an abomination and worthy of death. Same with cotton/poly blends, shellfish and a host of other things that are supposed to upset your god. Oh, and the story of Sodom and Gamorrah is not about punishing the gays – it’s about punishing people who are wicked, meaning those who don’t help the poor, who do not help their neighbor. Sound familiar?

    I’ve read the bible. It is full of not only contradictions, but of tales of violence, retribution, discrimination and arbitrary rules that make no sense. No thank you. I prefer to try and live by the golden rule, which came many, many years before your bible was passed on verbally before a bunch of primitive peoples decided to write it down.

  • Rao

    Urra to you! well said.

  • judybrowni

    You’re a peach, on the other hand.

  • judybrowni

    Some Barilla brands which don’t have “Barilla” in the name:

    Alixir — alcoholic beverages,
    Crisp’N Light — biscuits, cookies,
    Cucina Mediterranea — Frozen main dishes,
    Fantasie Del Sole — many food products,
    First Fast — coffee, other food products
    Italy’s #1 Pasta — pasta,
    Macine — baking powder, salt,
    Mulino Bianco — baked goods,
    Natura Al Dente — many food products,
    NutriPlus — pasta,
    Orizzonti — coffee, other food products
    Pan Di Stelle — biscuits, cookies,
    Pavesi — Coffee,
    Pavesini — baked goods,
    Plus — sauces,
    Restaurant Creations — pasta sauces,
    Ringo — baking powder, biscuits, cookies,
    Ritornelli — biscuits, cookies,
    Share The Table — baking pans,
    The Choice of Italy — pasta,
    Voiello — coffee, other food products
    Volare — semolina-based snack foods

  • itbejenner

    Trust me, after a couple years being a college resident assistant, followed by a stint of teaching in struggling public schools, the realm of offensive has expanded past some stupid remarks by a pasta company executive. Seeing the sort of nastiness that festers in extreme poverty dysfunction sets a pretty high bar.

  • Rao

    Good man, its nice to see that not all are becoming stupid shit bags in the name of (twisted) freedom of choice. queers are disease to a civilized decent society.

  • The Chuck

    It is entirely within their rights to have this opinion. It is also within the rights of the community to choose to boycott. Both are acceptable freedoms of choice and expression. He’s not out trying to kill gays, prevent gays from eating pasta, or refusing to hire models who ARE gay. He’s simply saying “We’re not going to pander to gays by transparent use of same sex imagery to get a cheap boost in sales.”

    Because really, that’s what advertising where using same-sex couples is touted as “progressive” is. It’s not about making a social change in most cases, it’s about getting more money. Whether that money comes from straight people saying “Wow, this company is open-minded, they deserve my money!” or from gay people saying “This company is clearly acknowledging my lifestyle as valid, they deserve my money,” doesn’t matter. The end result is all geared toward the money.

    But what everyone involved on either side of the argument should remember:

    If it’s okay for you to call him names, it’s okay for HIM to call YOU names. It’s not magically only discriminatory for one side to do it, but not the other.

  • itbejenner

    Easy to call, hard to prove. How about adding something positive to to conversation. (not a taunt, really would be interested in hearing about how something constructive could come out of all of this) as far as the LGBTA organization on campus goes, HAVEN at University of Delaware. I was involved as an ally. I became significantly less involved when they picked up an issue similar to this (a stupid article in the poorly written school newspaper) and started to run with it… The whole incident really undermined the idea of pursuing understanding and equality and led to some people saying some very stupid things.

  • lush rimbaugh

    matt mcCaw u do realize that the guy isnt being called a guido but his name actually is guido. he is literally a dumb guido!

  • I think you mean that you want the right to tell us we suck, but you don’t want us to have the right to respond and tell you, no, you suck. That’s not freedom of speech. That’s actually kind of a Soviet (or now Putinesque, pun intended), concept of freedom of speech. You have the right to be a dick, and when we dick back we’re somehow bad people. I’m not sure what country you think you live in, but it’s not America.

  • quit-the-pc-bs

    Touché my friend…

  • lush rimbaugh

    for everyone saying people are being touchy and people are misquoting him and bla bla. its simple he does definitively say that if gays dont like his opinion, or advertising strategy or marketing ideas then the gays (specifically) not blacks, not chinese, not americans, not teabagger republicans. he specifies if the gays dont like it they can eat something else. that is the reason for me to be upset and for me to not ever buy their products again.

  • Eduardo_R

    Way to miss the point.

  • Ralph Kevorkian

    They’re more than right! I have a new respect for Barilla for this! Who wants to eat pasta with the image in their minds that it was bought from a company that touted a commercial with a couple of flaming men flailing their hands as they walk. Or a couple of dykes with buzz cuts? Yechh, no thanks. Seeing them puts the image in the heads of the viewer of them blowing each other/fucking each other in the ass/smooshing their vaginas together. No way. The govenrment is already bowing down to the gay agenda with statutes restricting gay insults, as well as this angering “Bisexual Visibility Day.” It’s SO annoying. They’re basically super-liberal democrats who bitch and make noise about their “rights.” Ugh.
    Plus, I’m a born-again, Bible-believing Christian. Consider Leviticus 20:13, Mark 7:20-23, Romans 1:25-27, 1 Timothy 1:8-10, and the entire story of Sodom and Gomorrha. You want more tragedies? More anger/adumbration from God? Then stop this trash that you call homosexuality/equal rights/etc. We are living in a very prophetic time period, and the end is closer than you think. NOW IS THE TIME TO REPENT!! Ask for enlightenment from the Lord and pray for him to guide you! Submit to Christ and turn away from your idolatrous and sinful manner of life. Read the Bible!! You don’t have to live this way! REPENT NOW WHILE YOU CAN!!
    Urra, Barilla!

  • lush rimbaugh

    no….. he doesnt say that at all. ur not quoting him. your not quoting him correctly at all. sooo what do we do when we have nothing to add to the conversation?….. thats right! we shut the fuck up!

  • Eduardo_R

    Yes, it’s his company. But it’s our purchasing dollars and we have he right to say that we’re not going to purchase his product — and to follow through on it. We owe him nothing.

  • FLL

    You’re right. What we need is some humor to lighten the mood. Someone mentioned that if you shaved off all of Maggie Gallagher’s hair, she would look like a pencil with an eraser on the end. Compare the two pictures below. Let Maggie Gallagher be a cautionary tale, Becky.

  • Eduardo_R

    Calm down. A boycott is free speech too. No one is burning anyone’s house down.

  • greaser1977


  • greaser1977

    nice they didn’t make fat jokes htere Becky- would you be moving on?

  • greaser1977

    and we can tell him to shove it right?

  • greaser1977

    bigots always stick together- may your pasta be over-cooked-

  • lush rimbaugh

    no, u misinterpreted the interpretation of the translated interpretations translation.

  • greaser1977

    banned from my house- in fact you can shove that pastra right up where the sun never shines!

  • lush rimbaugh

    if u think him saying if gays dont like it then i dont need their money is cavalier. i’d hate to see what u consider offensive!

  • itbejenner

    Nope that was not mistranslated. But, in the realm of anti-gay rhetoric, I would assess someone saying “I favor same-sex marriage, but not same sex adoption” to be on the mild end of things. He doesn’t elaborate on things like “the danger of corrupting the children” or any of the other religious/psychosocial bs that you sometimes see.

    It’s an opinion, one I don’t agree with, but not one that causes me to become overwhelmed with moral outrage.

  • Legirons

    a little more traditional family and a lot less of the screaming nancies and their GLB LBS LBST EIEO or whatever they are called groups would make this world a much better place. Who cares what gets you horny. Quit identifying yourself by who you sleep with, be a good person and shut up. And if you’re BI, really shut up. Why should you get extra protections because you can’t make up your mind? Idiots.

  • Anonymous

    Looks like the same account posting everything, then changing the name & deleting the comments. Very creepy, but apparently the case.

  • Legirons

    Not for me, I’m changing brands to this guy’s and then I’m gonna go buy a Chik Fil A sandwich.

  • lush rimbaugh

    quite frankly… im incredibly confused by this whole thread and both the threads in that screengrab…. am i losing my mind here?…

  • Legirons

    Freedom of speech and freedom of opinion only extend to the speech or the opinion agreed to by the screeching liberals. They will yell, sit in, demonstrate and threaten if they agree with the speech but by golly if they disagree with the sentiment they will try to burn the house down. I have just found my favorite new pasta maker.

  • LTK


  • itbejenner

    The whole part about “liking the traditional family” is potentially misleading. The use of “piace” often translates poorly, and can be ambiguous even in Italian. It does not necessarily mean “we like the traditional family, by which we consider it to be fundamentally better than families with same-sex spouses” it could also mean “we think the commercial where we show mom, dad, and the kids sitting down to pasta and sauce is a good way to sell the most pasta.” As far as the rest of the quote goes… meh, he’s trying to be cavalier and comes off as a bit of a jerk.

    I am not trying to be some sort of defender of Guido Barilla. I just have too much first hand experience with how much trouble a misinterpreted/overblown statement can cause. (and how divisive the reactions to it can be) Some of this experience comes from my time as a member of an LGBTA organization on campus.

  • Rrrrr

    It is his company, right? He can say whatever he wants about its marketing policies. Freedom of speech is having your own opinion and having the right to express it. If some ultra-tolerant people think that all the others HAVE to see the things exactly the way they do, they’re nothing better than racists or sexists or whoever they hate. Simply because they’re doing exactly the same thing – they are being ignorant. Just in a different manner and way. Total hatred is bad, but positive discrimination and exaggeration (like putting black people into movies about Ancient Rome where they act as senators, I mean what the hell?). The bottom line is that discrimination is bad but some ‘tolerant’ people are making it all look totally absurd. They guy from the pasta company didn’t use any direct insults, he just expressed the marketing policies of his very own product.

  • Nick Rowley

    You assume, incorrectly I might add, that only those who are gay would stop buying the product.

    You further assume that those who stop buying the product are only individual purchasers, this discounts the fact that food companies rely more on their business from restaurants and the like. Being in the restaurant business attracts a certain, let’s say “creative sort”, any guesses on why upsetting people who are gay might be a bad thing for sales to restaurants?

    Like I said, you know nothing about marketing or PR, you continue to show that in your replies. :)

  • girly-girl

    Poor Kentucky is missing out on some great food, then.

  • Frannie

    I submit to you that it will be lots more than 4% by the time everyone finds out about this. You don’t have to belong to the group in question to wish to take a stand against ignorance and prejudice. There are plenty of straight people (me included) who will gladly buy another brand from now on.

  • Sage of the Nation

    Riiiight. Well, I’m sure we can all agree you all have too much time on your hands to make these charts to derail from the actual topic of the article, which is that we should all not eat inexpensive pasta, because an Italian man uses a traditional market strategy. Riiiiight.

  • quit-the-pc-bs

    you can’t cook pasta in KY

  • Anonymous

    No, that’s not what happened, actually.

  • Sage of the Nation

    I only see proof that one person took a post and its responses and reposted them. For whatever reason, it’s beyond me. Maybe they liked an aspect of it and wished to repost it.

  • girly-girl

    Because saliva just doesn’t get the job done.

  • jahaja

    To make a long reply short: look harder next time.

  • Anonymous


    Proof that the same person is posting many comments (with different opinions) from the same account – then deleting them & changing the name.
    Let’s move on from this pathetic person/people who are just trying to stir up controversy.

  • Mikequarters

    that is ad hominem as crap, miss.
    I.E. your rebuttal is null, you didn’t really say anything in that post.

  • Becky Sauceda

    Stop being so damn sensitive people….jeez. Everywhere you look, someone else is freakin offended by something stupid. Get over yourself and move on!!

  • Nick Rowley

    Well I knew that was going to happen, he’s about to get the bollocking of a lifetime from his board.

  • quit-the-pc-bs

    Just remember: It takes a traditional woman to get you noodle wet.

  • Nick Rowley

    “Apparently, you are not educated enough to know that Rosa Park had no intention of starting a movement. ”

    Nope, might want to read a bit more about the situation rather than the thumbnail sketch you were given at school. Parks was pretty active in the local office of the NAACP, her action was very much intended to start a movement.

  • jahaja

    guh, broken record!

  • Matt Rogers

    This isn’t Johnson Products marketing their haircare to the black population. Now, if the CEO said that Johnson Products wasn’t going to include any black people in its advertising, and furthermore, black people shouldn’t be allowed to adopt children, that would be similar to some of Barilla’s remarks.

  • Anonymous

    I have a screencap proving the same acct posted the above 3 comments. Loser.

  • Klee

    You miss the point, Jessica. This was not a marketing statement. This was an anti-gay statement. African American hair products are not anti-white. Senior commercials are not anti-youth. Don’t defend bigotry. It makes you look, well, like a bigot.

  • FLL

    If you have a decent understanding of Italian, fine. Please let us know if the following quote (and translation) from John’s post is accurate:

    “Non faremo pubblicità con omosessuali, perché a noi piace la famiglia tradizionale. Se i gay non sono d’accordo, possono sempre mangiare la pasta di un’altra marca.”

    “We won’t include gays in our ads, because we like the traditional family. If gays don’t like it, they can always eat another brand of pasta.”

  • judybrowni

    So, was Barillo’s offensive comment on gay adoption somehow mistranslated, too?

    You conveniently forgot to mention that quote.

  • Jessica Lee

    Well 4% of the population not eating his pasta is not going to break the company. It’s not my definition of traditional, it is there definition. Believe me there are many more issues to get excited about than this.

  • KarenL

    Certain mild forms of hate speech may be a protected right, though stronger ones are not. But whatever this right is, we are tired of bigots putting it on par with civil rights and the rights for all human beings to be treated as being as worthy as the majority. NOT A COMPARISON. Unless it’s really, really important to share your bigotry.

  • Sage of the Nation

    I still don’t see how one man’s marketing opinion changes the quality and value of a household commodity. It’s still cheap pasta. It hasn’t magically been changed into some sinister foodstuff that gives cancer.

  • Nick Rowley

    What racial slur?

  • jahaja

    It’s “Rosa Parks’s refusal” btw, not “Park’s”. Pot, kettle, black…

  • Nick Rowley

    Define “Traditional.”

    You don’t understand marketing in the slightest, and certainly not PR, this is a disaster for the company PR wise. :)

  • Klee

    Matt and Judy have it just right. No one is asking for equal rights for a “lifestyle,” it’s to be respected as a human being by other human beings. Obviously you are NOT all for equal rights in *everything* if you don’t understand this simple fact. “respect the same in others”? No thanks – I DON”T need to respect bigotry.

  • itbejenner

    Has anyone who is actually fluent in Italian listened to the audio? I have a decent understanding of the language, and this interview on a fast-paced radio morning show is all over the place. It starts off talking about how Barilla has added couscous to its “family” of pasta. Then the host takes this use of the word family to turn the discussion to having ads that market to families that include same-sex spouses. What Guido Barilla then says is that the marketing demographic is the “traditional family” (which, if you think about how advertising works, is the biggest market niche). The excerpt about really mangles this aspect of the conversation. For instance, the line “a noi piace la famiglia tradizionale”
    translated (with a loss of nuance) as “we like the traditional family” does not seem to be used as a moral or value statement. Rather, it seems to be in reference to a target demographic. Latter on in the same conversation, the host asks if Guido opposes same-sex marriage, and as far as I can tell, his response boils down to “it’s cool with me.”

    While I applaud companies that genuinely embrace equality (whether it be in reference to race, gender, or lgbt issues), I do not expect all companies to use their advertising to take a moral stance. I’ll settle for socially responsible (not depicting women as objects, or embracing degrading or unhealthy behavior or self-image). It seems sort of crazy to me that Barilla is some sort of flash-point issue while a lot of really messed up stuff in advertising goes on under the radar.

    Thank goodness for the sound-bite and the ready-to-go sense of rage and indignity.

  • Anonymous

    So how many “opinions” does this account have? Because you use the same profile, then delete the source and change the names. Having fun trolling?
    Or maybe just writing us from the mental hospital?

  • Sage of the Nation

    I don’t think so. They sell pasta for very affordable prices. I think they have done a nice job to aid many people who are gay and otherwise, to manage through hard times. I think intelligent gay persons will continue to do what is best for them and not what is best for the title adhered to them.

  • Jessica Lee

    This is an Italian company – the CEO is right; if anyone doesn’t like the company they don’t have to purchase the product. They are aiming for traditional families just like other company’s aim for singles, blacks, gays or seniors. It is who they market to – nothing more and nothing less. Stop reading all this crap into a marketing statement. I am certainly not offended when Johnson Products markets their haircare to the black population nor am I offended when I see an ad from Travelocity about gay travel. I am not that demographic and I understand fully the concept of targeting your market. There are plenty of companies that make pasta – he’s right you can choose whatever pasta you want.

  • jahaja

    so i made a typo and can’t be bothered to use the caps key sometimes. so what. you must be new to the internet, we’re not writing fine literature here.
    and if someone needs to revise their history it’s most certainly you. to even attempt to compare that little pasta comment with what rosa parks was up against? SERIOUSLY?!! do you not even see how monumentally out of proportion that is? ffs. it’s like bringing in the holocaust into a discussion about playground bullying. and repeating the same silly remark several times doesn’t make it more relevant btw. get a grip.

  • Anonymous

    1. I notice trolls flock to basic, petty issues like pasta (or Chik-Fila-A or the Salvation Army) because most of them lack the intelligence or caring to deal with important matters.
    2. All their whining isn’t going to change the fact that the idiotic Barilla guy went to a radio show, made these comments, and apparently believed they wouldn’t be translated to English.

  • Sage of the Nation

    Irrelevant! Woo!

  • Me_Jane

    Is this a total contradiction to your previous post, or is it sarcasm?/

  • judybrowni

    Translation: “It’s no skin off my nose if gays are second-class citizens in this country. In fact, I prefer it that way.”

    EXTRA POINTS FOR THE TROLL TROPE: “I get to deem what’s important — no reason given.”

  • Bridget McCurry

    One of my favorite pics of all time!! To read words from the father on the right about these three adorable kids is amazing. When I worry about the future, this picture helps!

  • Anonymous

    Lol, what about bigots trying to pass laws in other countries that sentence homosexuals to death? Donating to these “programs?” Use a real profile and stop deleting your comments, removing the profile link.

  • FLL

    At this very moment, people who teach English as a foreign language are throwing up their hands in despair.

  • judybrowni

    “Really, Mrs. Parks, we’re all getting tired of your little arguments about busses.”

  • Anonymous

    How idiotic. Why is discrimination a “right?” Do you understand what rights are? Discrimination takes away others’ rights, nimrod.

  • Lakbima

    I will be buying barilla, if hedoesn’t cave to the borg. Must stand up to the borg in effort to be the
    new moral authority. A morality that is a transient onethat is there to support the business model of transient morality. Hom activity is behavior & not newspeak “orientation” or “identity” may be epigenetically, genetically affected & mitigated. 1 of the biggest lies of libs/progs: hom behavior not changeable but they say: all other aspects of human behavioris modifiable. Hom behavior is a choice not a identity. Cannot choose to act black or handicap but can choose to act towards an attraction.

  • KTL

    Wow, what a dumbass! Barilla is going to loose TONS of business, good job in making your sales go down buddy! I have a “traditional” family, married, two kids, fluffy cat and all, but I will not feed my kids eating pasta made by bigots!

  • Matt Rogers

    No one wants equal rights for their “lifestyle.” They want equal rights for themselves and their families. In any case, how are we not respecting other people’s equal rights?

  • judybrowni

    “So, what have you got against busses, Mrs. Parks?”

  • Heaven Welters

    That was exactly the point of judybrowni’s post dearie. The point was that Rosa Parks was not punishing the bus, or the other passengers, or the driver, or even the people who made the bus when she refused to move. She was protesting the laws and bigotry that were oppressing people like her for something that they could not control or change. People who choose to boycott this company’s products, as I will, are protesting the bigotry behind it, not the pasta itself or the non-bigoted employees. There was no insult, to ANYONE, anywhere in judybrowni’s comment.

  • FLL

    Well put. Take note of the ratio between people who switch to another brand and new supporters of Barilla products. I think that ratio will be 10 to 1 in favor of consumers who switch.

  • Sage of the Nation

    That’s not a right. By enforcing the ‘freedom of discrimination’, you’re robbing the right to discriminate. And no matter how ugly it is, is still a right in itself.

  • Me_Jane

    I’m all for equal rights in everything, but why the uproar? You want equal rights for your lifestyle, then respect the same in others. As he says, if you don’t like the statement, don’t buy it.


    They have just as much right to their opinion than you do. Don’t buy their product if that bothers you. You’re just as bad as you deem Barilla. You want your statement to be known and accepted – but you don’t want theirs. It’s called freedom of speech. I get so tired of it….

  • Matt Rogers

    How are we attacking Barilla?

  • KathyNYC2

    Barilla has the right to speak what he wants..and I as a straight woman who “is important to my family” has the same right to buy another brand of pasta from now on. Sad..I kinda liked Barilla pasta..but there are enough alternatives.

  • Sage of the Nation

    Comparing this silly pasta dillema to Rosa Parks is an insult to the Civil Rights movement. There’s one thing, in Mrs. Parks’ case to be denied a legally binding public service, like transit, and a stark other for a company, bound by the laws and actions of capitalism, to not stress homosexuality in its marketing scheme. The main difference, you have the choice not to eat the pasta and whine to whomever you’d like, whereas Rosa Parks, an actual activist, was restricted in her rights. You are shameful, honestly.

  • Matt Rogers

    It depends on whether you’re facetious and insulting, or just facetious.

  • Sir Spamalot

    Um, not to be pedantic, but in this context, they don’t.

    The First Amendment of the US Constitution protects the people from LAWS PASSED BY CONGRESS (and state/local legislatures, under the 14th) that restrict the freedom of speech, press and religion.. It has ZERO to do with the speech of individuals or corporations. That’s why it starts with “Congress shall pass no law”.

    -If a company decides to fire you because it doesn’t like something you say, the 1st amendment has nothing to do with it.

    -If people shun you for what you say in a blog post, that has nothing to do with the 1st amendment.

    -if customers boycott your product because you say some hateful crap in an interview, the 1st amendment has NOTHING to do with it.

    Also, and I’m saddened to have to remind anyone of this, but the 1st Amendment only applies to people in the United States. Italy has no such thing.

  • judybrowni

    First, learn to spell and punctuate.
    Then, study logic.
    Then study history, so you don’t have to repeat it.
    Then, and only then, you might have an opinion worth notice.

  • FLL

    The troll brigade on this thread misses the point. No one is contesting Guido Barilla’s right to say stupid, bigoted things. The point is that everyone buys food products, and any company that sells a food product would be crazy to go out of their way to throw gratuitous insults like Barilla did if they want to remain a successful company. Watch Barilla sales start to go down. For every bigot who starts buying more Barilla products, there will be 10 consumers who will switch to another brand. Does that clear things up for you, troll brigade?

  • Samantha Gilmour

    You are highly misinformed if you think nobody is speaking out against public officials. All because you don’t listen and hear them, you think you’re correct. You are sorely mistaken and sadly misinformed. Get an education and know what you’re saying before posting your ‘facts’.

  • Matt Rogers

    Oh yes, gay people who want to be treated equally are so annoying — and worst of all, it’s most of them!

  • judybrowni

    Translation: “It’s no skin off my nose if gays are second-class citizens in this country. In fact, I prefer it that way.”
    EXTRA POINTS FOR THE TROLL TROPE: “I get to deem what’s important — no reason given.”

  • Rachel

    Um, hello. When a person has a different opinion than a liberal, or agrees with a side of a social issue typically not in line with liberal beliefs, liberals do their best to destroy that person. Leaving them hateful mail/calls/online comments insulting everything from their beliefs to their weight or appearance, trying (and often succeeding) to ruin their business or get them fired, etc. etc. This has been demonstrated time and again. Liberals do not believe in tolerance or freedom of anything except to think and act exactly like them.

    And I’m sorry, but disagreeing with a particular belief or action is not bigotry. It does not equal hate. People simply are not obligated to agree with whatever you choose to do in your life.

  • FLL

    No, you annoy the hell out of everyone at your place of employment. Luckily for you, being constantly annoying is not grounds for getting fired.

  • Eileen Small

    So silly. I may have to go buy some Barillo pasta just to make a point. Gays with agendas–which are most of them–just annoy the hell out of me!!!

  • jahaja

    …said no one. ever.
    loose the analogy, it’s completely inadequate.

  • judybrowni

    Yup, back in the day, you would have been one of the bigoted idiots asking Rosa Parks, “So what do you have against busses, Mrs. Parks?”

  • jahaja

    Matter of fact, there’s most definitely more black people than gay people in Italy.

  • jahaja

    Em, it’s not really a question that’s up for debate, it’s just fact of Italian demography.
    I’ve never been to Idaho nor Montana but I’ve spent a lot of time in Italy. You probably weren’t paying attention or you were just sticking to the tourist spots where all the German and American tourists hang out… The ones that Italians avoid… Otherwise you’d see plenty of black people everyday.

  • Jal Freezi

    What a storm in a PASTA POT!! What if he had said: “We won’t include children in our ads, because we like the mature family. If children don’t like it, they can always eat another brand of
    pasta.”… so F..ING what!! There was absolutely nothing degrading about what he said. GAYS need to seriously get over themselves. Cannot even use the term now without someone being offended ni some way. Over it! Fight the battles that are worth fighting. Nothing here is homophobic, sexist, or even mildly degrading… it’s just a statement saying that their markeing will focus on “the traditional family”.

  • jaz

    I find it pretty hard to believe you’ve got more important things in life, when you have so much time to waste trolling just about every freaking comment in this section.

  • Anna Rather

    Well, I’ll be buying pasta from a company who are NOT bigots from now on. Can we all say Barilla will go bankrupt from their bigotry?

  • judybrowni

    Please, please use the word “gay” that way, as much as possible yourself, Ally.

    Hilarity, or a hate crime, will ensue.

    Win, win, either way.

  • jahaja

    That analogy was very much of a stretch. You can’t really put a pasta company’s branding strategy on the same level as institutional and nation-wide segregation, discrimination and brutality, which was what Rosa Park was up against. To just decide to buy another brand of pasta or show dislike to them on the internet because you don’t identify with the people on the packaging, isn’t exactly on the same level as risking to get beaten down or thrown to jail for exercising your right to exist as a person. Maybe it’s just me, but it seems to me that the struggle for gay rights has far more important issues to deal with than to challenge how an Italian pasta maker thinks a traditional Italian family looks like.

  • TampaZeke

    Well they must be hiding them well. I spent two months traveling around the country and I can practically count on my fingers the number of non-tourist black people I saw there. But perhaps you also think there are “a lot” of black people in Idaho and Montana too.

  • Matt Rogers

    Just curious, how come you’re calling yourself “ally”? Most of what you’re saying makes you sound like an adversary.

  • EnglebertFlaptyback

    Aww…don’t go! Insensate bigotry is so CUTE! *Pinches ExNYer1995’s cheek*

  • judybrowni

    Oh puhleeze try some other illogical ploy: then the other spaghetti companies will have to hire new help when we buy from them. Problem solved.

    But this “boycott” has already worked wihout a single job in danger (except, perhaps, Barillo’s, it’s a family business and his family is pretty pissed at him, perhaps he’ll have to retire to his yacht.)

    The “boycott” has already worked, done it’s job to get people talking about discrimination.

  • Matt Rogers

    Well, for me, saying that “we won’t include gay people in our advertising” is exclusionary. It’s like he’s saying gay people are so bad that we shouldn’t be seen. He has a right to send that message, but it’s a message I disagree with.

    I also disagree with his statement that gay people shouldn’t be allowed to adopt children — although again, I believe he has a right to say it.

  • allylloyd

    The 49ers/Rams game sucks!

  • allylloyd

    So if I say I really wish GAY just went back to its original meaning HAPPY, I wouldn’t be insulting any homosexuals/lesbians right?

  • That was meant to be sarcastic.

  • Del

    Uh, how about we don’t use racial slurs when talking about social issues. What they said isn’t cool, but that’s no excuse for you to be racist.

  • ExNYer1995

    Ahhh… yes, this is my first and last time at this blogsite too.

  • allylloyd

    So I can be facetious about homosexuals and lesbians and you some of you won’t think it’s insulting?

  • jahaja

    RAI Uno etc

  • allylloyd

    I’ve never seen any Barilla commercials. what stations are they typically on?

  • annon

    If his first marriage magically never happened then he has two bastard children. That is soooo christian and exhibits excellent ‘traditional family values’.

  • judybrowni


    It’s an analogy, pumpkin.

    A very good sarcastic one, at that, if I do say so myself.

    The same sort of dismissive statements about Rosa Park’s refusal to sit in the back of the bus were spouted by bigots and idiots back in the day.
    I heard them and read them.

    But the thick and bigoted never do seem to understand analogies, probably because of the logic part of analogy.

  • Boo!

    This is truly beautiful!

  • jahaja

    A lot, as in a significant ethnic minority. Some recently immigrated, some there for generations. There’s been black people in the region since Ancient Rome. Italy is just across the sea from Africa.

  • allylloyd

    So if I was to say, I agree with what he said, you’d say I’m not homophobic? When is it facetious and when is it INSULTING?

  • TampaZeke

    For someone who thinks that this is no big deal you certainly have spent a whole lot of time, words and CAPS commenting about it.

  • allylloyd

    I don’t eat boxed pasta so I don’t know if it’s good or bad. However, I’m wondering how you’ll feel if your boycott works and all those people who live in Illinois and work for him are on SNAP and Medicaid.

  • Matt Rogers

    Oh, for heaven’s sake. Judybrowni wasn’t insulting black people, she was being facetious.

  • TampaZeke

    In case you didn’t know there are GAYS in Italy. In fact there are more gays in Italy than black people in Italy. So, what’s your point?

  • Florida Farmer

    Certainly he is allowed to think and say whatever he wants. The fact that the company is private or that he is the CEO is really irrelevant: it does not absolve him of the consequences of his actions or words.

  • TampaZeke

    I’d like to know how you define “a lot” and “traditional”.

  • judybrowni

    He sells his shitty pasta in the United States, and has a corporate offce in Illinois.
    Where we have the right to not buy it.

  • allylloyd

    If you don’t think “what did Rosa Parks have against busses, anyway?” isn’t insulting, you are a fool. Rosa Parks didn’t have a DAMN thing against BUSSES. She was against the law that said she couldn’t sit in the front of the bus because of her skin color. I have to ask, are you a Black woman?

  • Florida Farmer

    I really wonder about people like you and your incessant consideration of sex with children and animals.

  • jahaja

    There are indeed a lot of Black Italians, but none in Barilla commercials and I don’t see anyone making a fuss about it. If they want to focus on an outdated image of the traditional Italian family with everyone eating big family meals outdoors and riding 1930’s bicycles to work, then let them. It’s just a way for them to try to differentiate themselves from other pasta brands on the supermarket shelves. No big deal. His comment was completely taken out of context.

  • umr

    Not even close to being an insult to black women. Try again.

  • allylloyd

    The CEO of the ITALIAN corporation said the ITALIAN company wants to promote traditional families in its advertising. The AMERICAN corporate office never said it. So you are going to punish AMERICANS (who work for Barilla in the USA) because of what an Italian said?

  • Matt Rogers

    Sorry, but it’s a cop-out to support your statement by telling me to look for the support myself. You’ve also moved the goalposts. Before, you were saying that people’s First Amendment rights don’t mean anything. How does someone saying your comment was a “troll trope” constitute calling your First Amendment rights meaningless? And who told you to engage in hate speech?

  • judybrowni

    Odd how you don’t think we have the right to call out your — or Barillo’s — bullshit.
    Climb down off your cross, Jesus,
    Freedom of Speech isn’t the one-way street, you so desperately want it to be.

  • TampaZeke

    Oh my god, you truly are the biggest idiot on the web! You can’t possibly be unaware that Catholic/Orthodox/Anglican/Episcopal churches are all CHRISTIAN, as in “followers of Jesus, the Christ”? Are you really trying to argue that this is CHRISTIAN and therefor has nothing to do with the Jew Jesus and what he thought/said/taught?

  • disqus_1eDtjyJnMH

    The reason we should put the spotlight on it is because people need to aware of what kinds of businesses they are supporting. I am glad this is getting attention, because I now know not to buy Barilla products.

    Rights have nothing to do with it if we’re not talking about legal issues.

  • allylloyd

    So it’s not okay to insult Homosexuals/Lesbians but it’s okay to insult BLACK WOMEN?

  • TampaZeke

    Some more of that magical Christian fairy dust that just makes marriages disappear like they never happened.

  • allylloyd

    Believe it or not, some REPUBLICANS support Abortion, Women’s Rights, Immigration and Gun Control and some DEMOCRATS don’t!

  • judybrowni

    And we have the right to disagree, and shun his shitty pasta.
    But you’re right, what did Rosa Parks have against busses, anyway?

  • mayqueen


  • TampaZeke

    You mean like the MOTHER AND FATHER that produced them, abused them and abandoned them? THAT traditional, sacred, pure and perfect MOTHER AND FATHER? And before you answer, just know that I and my husband have TWO adopted children that we SAVED from, not only the MOTHER AND FATHER that produced and abandoned them but also the foster MOTHER AND FATHER that abused them, neglected them and almost killed them.

  • allylloyd

    And if PASTA is the only trouble in your life, you had better be THANKFUL. Because some of us have more important things on our minds!

  • allylloyd

    Read the responses to my posts. I’m a TROLL because I’m not speaking “hate” speech against this man and saying I’ll boycott Barilla. Sorry, but I’ve got more important things in my life.

  • Chrisboi2010

    He can say what ever wants to say, it is his rights. Even though I don’t agree with him he has his rights to belief whatever he wants. It is also my right not to purchase the product he makes. Simple. Lets move on and stop putting spotlight on things like this.

  • TampaZeke

    I’m still trying to get my head around this argument that he should be entitled to state his opinion but I shouldn’t be allowed to not buy his product because I disagree with his opinion about my family. PLEASE, explain to me how it is that I should have to financially support someone who expressed that my adopted family is a problem that should be avoided by denying adoption to people like me and my husband.

  • judybrowni

    If you insist on being wrong, over and over, especially when that insistence is that some of us be treated as second-class citizens, you should expect some blowback, honeypie.
    Go over to Red State: they love them some idiot bigots over there, they’ll worship your stupidity and intolerance.

  • Matt Rogers

    That also is mind-boggling to me. The last thing I would say about “leftists” is that many of them don’t defend freedom of speech. I would say, however, that many leftists also defend other rights, such as the right to be free from unjust discrimination.

  • allylloyd

    What? Now you are picking on her because she doesn’t want to attack this man? Get serious!

  • A Smith

    This is the internet. We are all angry and pointless.

  • allylloyd

    In case you didn’t know there are BLACKS in Italy! So having a heterosexual Black family in one of the ads wouldn’t be surprising. Sorry, but my family has bigger issues than the words of a CEO!

  • A Smith

    Freedom… to buy pasta? Only governments can censor. Freedom of speech that hurts no one’s feelings misses the entire point.

    In the USA, at least, the Barilla guy is within his rights to speak freely and be a jerk.

  • go2gym

    Thank you for sanity, SMB. Also, to value a woman’s “central role in the family” is not sexist. It’s actually putting her very high up. Does the author know what “central” means?

  • go2gym

    Victor. Many Many Leftists do not hold those same understandings as you, and will NOT defend freedoms of his speech unless they agree with the content.

  • Matt Rogers

    allylloyd, where did any of these commenters say that anyone’s First Amendment rights don’t mean a thing, or that anyone has to say what they want to hear?

  • allylloyd

    deforge–I’m talking about what annulment means regarding certain churches (Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican-Episcopalian). In those churches, if you divorce and want to remarry in the Church, the first marriage must be annulled. If it is annulled any recording of it is destroyed. So basically, you were never married and can get married again.

  • TampaZeke

    Would you say the same if he had made an anti-American statement? Or a racist statement (“no blacks in my traditional Italian ads)? What if he disparaged YOUR family? Would you still want to buy his pasta and say it’s no big deal?

  • James

    Ok but when someone says something about blacks boy do they ever come down on him?? So do they take it too far too??

  • mayqueen

    no one asked you

  • allylloyd

    Victor, according to some of the people here, your First Amendment rights don’t mean a damn thing, unless you say what they want to hear.

  • Jim Jordan

    by homophiliac I mean the opposite of homophobic.

  • Florida Farmer

    Yeah, those kids are just figments of their imaginations because a magical sky fairy (or mouthpieces thereof) said “poof!” – and that marriage was no more. I suppose it *could* be called “tradition” for people to get to wipe what they consider mistakes clean off their board. In the real world, no one gives a toss if the first marriage was annulled: had there been no marriage, there would have been nothing to annul; ergo, there was a first marriage. See how logic works?

  • TampaZeke

    Yeah, that’s why they’re falling all over themselves in Italy and in America trying to put out the fire and apologize profusely (see Barilla USA). It’s because they aren’t worried about pissing of gay people and their friends and families.

  • judybrowni

    “Let’s turn the tables to something impossible, and bring in Nazi’s because…well there’s no connection but, but, but…

    Bigots get laughed at! And have fingers pointed at them!, And that’s totally the same as millions of Jews being murdered and incinerated in death camps,”

    EXTRA POINTS: for dreaming up a new word — homophiliac! — that makes being pro- gay sound like a disease.

  • Victor H. Rodas

    I definitely don’t agree with his remarks but I’d defend to death his right to speak out his beliefs and choose his preferred target market . (someone very important said it before me)

  • mayqueen

    So find a site where you can stun others with your narrow minded comments about those topics for God’s sake, this is a story about pasta.

  • allylloyd

    In case you didn’t know there are a lot of BLACK ITALIANS. As in America, they come from Africa. Only in Italy, they came of their own free will!!!

  • allylloyd

    It’s the same people wearing different clothing!

  • Matt Rogers

    If by “homophiliac” you mean gay, I don’t think that will ever happen. Gay people don’t agree with discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

  • Jim Jordan

    The overall median personal income for all individuals over the age of 18 is $24,062. That’s how.

  • Sam

    Yes they would have.

  • TampaZeke

    Next time maybe he’ll say that he doesn’t want any black people in his commercials because that wouldn’t be traditional Italian. Then Luwanda will be the first to make a big deal out of it.

  • allylloyd

    Deforge, the people on this site like to ATTACK people. Trust me, some is going to tell you are really a homosexual/lesbian because you don’t think the RIGHT way!

  • Nope

    No, the political correctness nazis wouldn’t have, but the conservative christians certainly would have come down on them for refusing to display a “traditional” family. You’re dmned if you do and dmned if you don’t. You’re going to offend someone, and the worst of the bunch are going to make a huge deal out of NOTHING.

  • TampaZeke

    Yes, yes I am a condescending asshat, but only to idiots who deserve it for thinking that this man’s freedom of speech was in any way breached. I’ll admit that there is a small minority of home schoolers who aren’t fundamentalist Bible thumpers who only want to shield their children from real science, real history and, in Navybrat’s case, Civics 101, but they are few and far between! Sorry if these facts piss you off. That wasn’t my intention, though I have to admit it was like icing on the cake.

  • Florida Farmer

    Heavens, are you getting the vapors because not everyone is engaging in talk about public officials in the US on a story about an Italian CEO? Let me get the smelling salts!

  • judybrowni


    FOR DISTRACTION: A: “You should be discussing something else I deem more important.”

    B: “I get to decide what’s important, when, because — no reason given.”

  • mayqueen

    You need to climb down off that cross. The last perfect person was crucified over 2,000 years ago for doing nothing wrong.

  • SMB52

    Being a gay myself, where in what he said should I be offended? I’m seriously looking hard and I can’t see why everyone is being soo hateful. He hasn’t said anything degrading or anti-gay, so what gives?

  • Jim Jordan

    If the homophiliac president of a major corporation announced that his company’s ads would henceforth feature ONLY gay families because he preferred them to “traditional” families, would the Political Correctness nazis have come down on his head the way they have on Barilla’s? Not a chance.

  • Boss Mon

    yup ya so right

  • judybrowni

    No, thanks, I’d rather fight for equality.
    Something this nation was built on, ya know?

  • allylloyd

    I just want to see all the thumbs downs: as an American, I’d rather Americans be more concerned about American things like ACA (Health care laws), Immigration Laws, Gun Control, Education,, not what the CEO of an Italian company said. I know its funny but I care about the USA and its laws.

  • mayqueen

    Yes, because God knows this discussion is really about trees.

  • Matt Rogers

    How do you figure that?

  • Anonymous

    Now we really believe you’re not a Republican.

  • mayqueen

    I see only one lunatic with the caps lock key permanently on and it is not judybrowni.

  • Matt Rogers

    Well, a person could eat too much pasta, gain weight, have heart trouble, and then be able to treat it thanks to the ACA.

  • Try again

    If the idiot had just kept his mouth shut, nobody would have cared either way. It’s not like people are looking at each individual company and saying, “huh, Barilla hasn’t used a gay couple in their ads yet!” (Ok, I’m sure there’s someone out there who is, but it’s not a large quantity of people. But if he had just not said anything nobody would have been any the wiser OR cared! Now the idiot’s gone and made a bunch of people mad for just being a jerk. Who cares what kind of families you use in your ads? You just don’t have to be an a$$ about it, just keep your stupid fat mouth shut.

  • allylloyd

    What I’ve noticed about this chat site is a lot of people who call themselves “liberals” like to attack other people. And they wonder why the other side does it? If you ask me, they are the SAME side wearing different clothing!

  • judybrowni


    FOR DISTRACTION: A: “You should be discussing something else I deem important.”

    B: “I get to decide what’s important, because — no reason given.”

  • Jim Jordan

    most Americans are second-class citizens (at best). join the crowd.

  • allylloyd

    When I live in Italy, I’ll worry about it. Right now, I’m concentrating on my home–THE USA!

  • judybrowni

    Yeah, and what the fuck did Rosa Parks have against busses?


    FOR DISTRACTION: A: “You should be discussing something else I deem important.”

    B: “I get to decide what’s important, because — no reason given.”

  • Matt Rogers

    Dude, you’ve kinda been all over the board.

  • deforge

    you shot your argument in the foot by adding the last line. kids need a safe and supportive environment. fact remains that statistically certain demographics are considered more risk than its worth for an adoption. like single men for instance. I personally know many gay couple who e wonderful parents to their kids. likewise I know many single men who are great dads. yet it doesn’t stop single men from being prevented to adopt. straight or not. right or not. so it only follows preexisting logic that if 1 man is not allowed to adopt.2 men are not improving the chances.

  • allylloyd

    That’s wonderful. But PASTA has nothing to do with more important topics like ACA (Health care), Immigration laws, Education and Gun Control!!!

  • judybrowni

    Translation: “It’s no skin off my nose if gays are second-class citizens in this country. In fact, I prefer it that way.”

    Extra Troll Points for This Trope: “I get to decide what’s important, because — no reason given.”

  • allylloyd

    That’s what I’ve been saying and I’m being attacked! In my opinion, if you wanted to eat pasta that badly, you’d make it yourself!

  • allylloyd

    Barilla’s corporate offices are located in Parma, Italy. They also have a corporate office in Illinois (so do other European companies: Volkswagen, Mercedes Benz and Fiat).

  • Boss Mon

    No worries allylloyd, people are so quick to jump on you if you feel different from them on this topic. Life goes on

  • Matt Rogers

    See, their pasta is sold in America.

  • Daniel

    no, that’s not what I said at all. You are actually just making an ass of yourself.

  • Simon

    Italy is about to pass a law which punishes homophobic acts and speeches. What about this, now?

  • Jim Jordan

    I’m very disappointed that Guido Barilla backtracked from his original comments. Another victim of the homophiliac cry-babies. He should have stuck by his guns. As for Aravosis’s sensibility: you wonder where the negative stereotypes come from? Exhibit A.

  • deforge

    that’s still his OPINION. until he starts trying to push that into legislation its still a none issue. many people think Single en should not be able to adopt. many people think Americans should not be able to adopt foreign kids because of the frequent reports of abuse. clearly adoption is a fickle manner homosexuality aside.

    notice how you didn’t address the part where I called out the author in a blatant lie,
    accusing the Italian of saying something he did not say at all..
    why not, wasn’t it conveeeenient?
    the fact that the author blatantly spins, exaggerates, and lies lost a lot of credibility with me. intentionally twisting words and reality and blowing it out through a powerful medium IS NOT GOING TO HELP OUR FIGHT FOR EQUALITY. its only going to alienate people who actually pay attention to the details, and harm/discredit the honest and truthful efforts.

  • judybrowni


    “You’re intolerant of someone’s intolerance! You must tolerate their intolerance because I said so, that’s why

  • Simon

    It’s funny how atheists/agnostics know Christianism better than Christians themselves.

  • allylloyd

    So if you are an American, you can only use your First Amendment right if you “say the right thing”. Great, but this man is an Italian, so our First Amendment rights don’t mean a damn thing to him!

  • mayqueen

    Buddy, I am Italian and you are as far away from being a gangster than a person can be, believe me. Doesn’t bother me, it amuses me to read your comment and see that you actually believe you are a gangster. You’re 15 years old tops, right?

  • Luwanda

    The man apologized. Who cares what kind of couples are in his commercials? You all are taking this 2 far.

  • allylloyd

    Boss Mon, that’s my point. Please note I never said what I thought–I clearly stated A lot of people are against Single People adopting!!!

  • Anonymous

    Pretty sure this is an American company; if you mean talking about laws, prove it by doing something other than being on this pasta article.

  • judybrowni

    Not, traditionally so.
    Nope. Although much practiced among the Borgia popes (and their children.)
    Traditionally, it was damned hard or impossible to get a divorce, no less an annullment in THE CHURCH, until very recent times.
    You bigots are sooooooooooooo confusing, as well as confused: so Jesus humping for traditional marriage wasn’t Christian, because he was a Jew, but he was the Christ, which makes him pretty darn Christian by definition.

  • Boss Mon

    Many people are against single people adopting a child

  • Simon

    Someone who think people are allowed to say whatever they want just because in name of freedom of speech. It doesn’t work like that.

  • allylloyd

    Yes, as an American, I’d rather AMERICANS talked about AMERICAN THINGS like ACA, Immigration Laws, Gun Control, Education, you know–those kind of things….

  • Phoenix

    How quickly they cry foul when the shoe is on the other hoof.

    Oh, I’m sorry. Was I not tolerant enough of your intolerance?

    Conservative predictability.

  • mayqueen

    Who are you??? I am flummoxed by your ignorant statements and your apparent addiction to the caps lock key.

  • Simon

    Did a wizard with a magic wand appear and seamlessly rewrite time, making the first marriage disappear? Oh, come on. It happened and nothing can change it. Now, if you really want to stick to the ‘traditional family’ concept, you shouldn’t consider stuff like divorce and remarriage. ;)

  • allylloyd

    YOU PEOPLE–I’m not a teabagger or a Fundamental Christian–so just what TYPE of person am I?

  • Matthew Kane

    I’m sorry, don’t hate on me because I’m a bad ass. There are numerous films out about me. Sorry if that bothers you for some reason.

  • mayqueen

    There is no such thing as a “nuclear family” It is an outdated idea that was a ridiculous notion in the first place. Family means many different things.

  • mayqueen

    The nuclear family is an anachronistic model. Family means many things today.

  • Simon

    (Unrelated: let me confess you my love)

  • allylloyd

    The first marriage was annulled; this means it didn’t happen. So the second marriage is technically the only marriage.

  • judybrowni

    FOR DISTRACTION: A: “You should be discussing something else I deem important.”
    B: “I get to decide what’s important, because — no reason given.”

  • Annabel Eyrick

    I have always been an avid consumer of Barilla pastas. Even though I’m not gay, they just lost me as a customer. Forever. I refuse to eat anything made by ignorant idiots.

  • Matt Rogers

    How exactly are gay people “destroying everything in their path” by getting married, holding down a job, or serving openly in the military?

  • Simon

    The day when you people will understand that a homophobic remark made by someone, even more if that one is the CEO of a big company, therefore a prominent figure, DOES HAVE consequences, well, that will be a great day for the world. It is NOT just an opinion, it is NOT just a statement. It’s something offensive.

  • Navybrat

    You all are over-reacting here. It would be amusing if it weren’t so judgmental and pathetic.

  • mayqueen

    Feels good to be a gangster??? Are you ten years old??? Oooh, I am such a gangster!!!!

  • Boss Mon

    YES!! Gays act like they support everyhing and there isn’t anything or person they don’t like or support

  • Matthew Kane

    When they do they definitely don’t eat Barilla, $1.00 per box pasta. That’s why I say this whole thing is bullshit and reactionary. That man knows his own demographics and knew saying that would have virtually no effect on his sales.

  • Navybrat

    So your interpretation of what Barillo means is more valid than Marion’s? How condescending! Your use of “Guido” is an indication of your immaturity. Marion’s statement is basically true. Your comment was basically crap.

  • judybrowni

    Translation: “It’s no skin off my nose if gays are second-class citizens in this country. In fact, I prefer it that way.”

    Extra Troll Points for This Trope: “I get to decide what’s important, because — no reason given.”

  • mayqueen

    I hope you are aware of how ignorant and idiotic you sound.

  • allylloyd

    How is that you (AMERICANS) are so upset about what the CEO of a privately owned Italian company says but not your own PUBLIC OFFICIALS? My goodness!!

  • Daniel Mourad

    that’s one of the most bigoted things i’ve ever heard. Replace bigot with any other word…

  • emjayay

    Like I said above, this is very unusual for this site and no doubt an email alert to homophobes went out or something. Maybe Rush told them.

  • Anonymous

    Most of these are new accounts popping up constantly with strange usernames, which keep changing. I’ve given up on responding because people are just trolling at this point, few have real profiles. Also I think they are trying to make it seem like more people are on here by changing the names.

  • Matthew Kane

    “I want to see the community improve.”

    “Shut up douche bag.”

    Enough said.

  • mayqueen

    the pope told him

  • Navybrat

    What companies use gay in their advertisements, TV commercials, product boxes? Please, enlighten me because I haven’t seen any. How many supermarket products have gays on their boxes, bottles, etc.? You comment is just all-around stupid. He also has made no anti-gay remarks, he has stated support for their rights. Of course, you can squeal about his statement that they won’t use gays in their advertising as a slur. I see it as his right to advertise to whatever consumer base he chooses. In this case, his choice is the nuclear family. I’m sure there will be some feminists crying about the “woman in the kitchen” being a stereotype. Good luck making everyone happy.

  • mayqueen

    allylloyd, What the hell are you screaming about??? Yes, Jesus was Jewish. What does that have to do with anything?? Jeez, you need Valium or something buddy.

  • Matthew Kane

    I think you are a first class cock sucker.

  • emjayay

    Then stop spewing it.

  • allylloyd

    I’m not a Teabagger or a Fundamentalist Christian and I have no problem with his statement. Why? Because he’s allowed to make a statement. If he wants his company to promote the Traditional family, that’s his choice. What I don’t understand is why people are so upset about. SERIOUSLY ask yourself, what do these words (spoken by the CEO of a Privately owned company) have to do with the amount of PASTA you eat. If you really wanted to have PASTA, you’d make it yourself!

  • emjayay

    I used to buy Barilla Plus because it has a lot more protein and Omega-3s and lentils and stuff. If anyone else used to use that, there is at least one (Stop and Shop, I think) house brand copy. Probably others.
    For other pastas including whole wheat etc., there are lots of alternative brands and there’s not much difference between them. Some are also from Italy. It’s a very simple product. No need to buy Barilla.

  • judybrowni

    Oh no you didnt just pull that bigot trope out of your ass?
    I dare you to read all of the following news stories about mothers and fathers (heterosexual) who abused their children:


    Versus my sister the doctor and her wife whose son in now in college.

  • Simon

    He must be a close friend.

  • Matt Rogers

    True, but how do you know his first marriage was annulled?

  • izzoiz

    what a low rent scumbag.

  • Beartx

    Peace? How disingenuous.

  • FLFF

    Oh please aren’t we ALL tired of the gay ‘offended” crap line! This BS is getting old! You fought the battles and won the war destroying everything in your path. So now go back to what you do and let the rest of us ALONE! We are TIRED of all the BULL CRAP!

  • Shawn Neaverth

    No, I see why you went there but I meant, individually every human is right 50 percent of the tie and wrong 50% of the time. You misunderstood what I said

  • David Severson

    What the hell are you talking about judybrowni…? you’re off point!, read the thread, I never said anything of such nonsense, your defensiveness has you grasping at straws! My initial comment never bashed either side, but that we all have the right to our opinions, and choices.
    And to point out that we all exist by traditional means, unless you’re a robot!
    Can’t you just be happy..?

  • Daniel Mourad

    The thing is, you are reacting in a very irrelevant way by boycotting. In making this statement, Barilla hasn’t done anything to harm gays. Buying his pasta won’t set back the gay rights movement. All you are doing is fearmongering business owners into not being able to express their opinions. Yell at him all you want, try to convince him he is wrong, but to boycott is simply spiteful, and indeed, petty.

  • allylloyd

    Jesus Christ was a JEW and he followed JEWISH LAW. I said CHURCH (as in Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican/Episcopal) which ANNUL marriages. If your marriage is annulled (even if you have children) the marriage NEVER took place and you are free to REMARRY! That’s why he was able to remarry –he had his first marriage annulled!!!

  • joe

    As my gay friend Tom said…. It’s all good, because Gays don’t eat pasta anyway, way too much carbs!!! LOL!
    I say Frig him and his pasta! He is not the only pasta maker in the world! Whatever!

  • Navybrat

    It does make it right. It was like saying “I won’t use beagles in my dog food commercials. If the owners don’t like it, they are free to buy other dog food products.” What’s the difference? There isn’t any. he made no anti-gay slurs or expressed any problem with their rights. “Barilla added that he has “the utmost respect for any person, without distinction of any kind,” and “the greatest respect for gays and for the freedom of expression of anyone.” Does that strike you as anti-gay? I believe the person who wrote the article chose to not believe that Barilla isn’t a bigot. I also believe that, from what he wrote, that he is gay and not willing to give the benefit of the doubt as to Barilla’s stance on gay rights. So who is biased here?

  • Simon

    I think I should start admiring them for their perseverance. Really. I couldn’t even be that straightforward.

  • emjayay

    Wow, about twenty or thirty times the comments a very highly commented on post normally gets here. Also, judging by the serial bigotry, obviously this was linked to by some right site. Probably some fundamentalist Christianist or teabagger site(s) I’m guessing. Anyone know how to figure out which one(s)? I’m guessing it’s not hard if you know how. Maybe an email alert to homophobes went out.
    It’s all the same stuff we’ve heard over and over. Maybe it will die down some when all states have marriage equality. 13 states so far, but representing about a third of the US population. It’s only a matter of time of course.
    On the other hand, the comments on Barilla’s FaceBook page are running maybe 50 to 1 against Barilla, in reply to the apology the Barilla PR writer put on their page.

  • allylloyd

    As I said to my friends, At some groceries stories Barilla pasta is sold 10 for $10, if you’re living on a fixed budget, you aren’t going to care what the CEO said, you’re going to be thinking about feeding your family!

  • mayqueen

    So people here say this dope has the right to free speech and there’s nothing wrong with what he said. Then why is he apologizing if what he said is not wrong???

  • Matt Rogers

    Well, it certainly sounds like that’s what he’s saying — if you leave out a lot of what he said. However, it’s true that we don’t really know if he’s funding an anti-gay agenda.

  • judybrowni

    Hey, a bigot is a bigot is a bigot.

    They’re always going to straight to the bigotry, perceived or imagined

  • Beartx

    I am gay and am voting this down. I have done work with the mentally ill, and I am finding you a bit too much of a martyr and attention seeker to take seriously.

  • Beartx

    Speak for yourself, Dbag. You seem not to have recovered from your past. That makes you the biggest loser?

  • mayqueen

    great buddy, while you are at it, take all of that pasta and shove it up your ass.

  • Simon

    Oh my god, you didn’t seriously say that, did you?

  • mayqueen

    Oh my, a little over wrought, aren’t you “#againstgaymarriage” Methinks you doth protest too much.

  • Simon

    You know, “a lot of people are against” the roundness of Earth. Yes, there exists even a society which claims that our planet is, in fact, flat. What I mean is that “a lot of people thinking something” doesn’t necessarily mean that their belief is correct.

  • Navybrat

    Barilla never made any statements that could be regarded as “ant-gay”. He did state that “We won’t include gays in our ads, because we like the traditional family. If gays don’t like it, they can always eat another brand of pasta. Everyone is free to do what they want, provided it doesn’t bother anyone else.” Anti-gay? No, his right to advertise his product the way he chooses, and are free to buy other brands. BFD. How many products do have gays in the advertisements? I can’t think of one. But this man states his preference for family-based advertising and obviously someone must have asked about using gays in his advertising or the subject would never have come up. He didn’t just blurt out that gays won’t be in his ads. His choice, his right. Go ahead and boycott. If you do manage to hurt his customer base, then you can also be proud that you cost people their jobs in a depressed market. Way to go!

  • mayqueen

    It takes a male and female to procreate? WTF????? So basically “traditional” relationships exist solely for procreation purposes??? Uh-huh. I am stunned.

  • allylloyd

    Really? Why because he was JEWISH?

  • judybrowni

    Because people who think my brother and sister are second class citizens are equally as right as me?
    Please go fuck yourself.

  • Simon

    I don’t think he actually went to the Roman Rota to get the marriage annulled. And even if he had, this is just a bunch of excuses. The traditionality of something is such a weird concept in people’s mind, and it’s funny how they keep changing it according to their needs but not to other people’s needs.

  • Beartx

    Wow Marion, I agree with you on this one.

  • allylloyd

    A lot of people are against Gay Adoption. They are also against SINGLE people adopting for the same reason. They want kids to be raised by a MOTHER and a FATHER.

  • judybrowni

    Jesus wouldn’t agree. Tsk, tsk.

  • mayqueen

    Well aren’t you the condescending asshat. Insulting Simon in that manner only makes you look ignorant. Plus, your comment is insulting to people who home school their children. But carry on, it’s amusing in a weird way

  • Matt Rogers

    He said his company “won’t include gay people in our ads” and that he doesn’t think gay people should be able to adopt children. How is that not anti-gay?

    As for “exactly what he said,” it’s right there in the article, which repeatedly quotes him.

  • judybrowni

    Bullshit. According to several native Italians below.

  • judybrowni

    Notice you didn’t quote the line about his objection to gay adopton.
    Why not, wasn’t it conveeeenient?

  • allylloyd

    If he was married in a Church and the first marriage was ANNULLED, then his second marriage isn’t a bad thing because technically HE WAS NEVER MARRIED THE FIRST TIME!

  • mayqueen

    Thank you :)

  • Anonymous

    Did you read my comment properly? I think not

  • Kenneth

    He has every right to his opinion, and the rest of the world has the right to ban his products if we decide to. Granted we can’t attack him for his beliefs, but we don’t have to support him or his business if he won’t support us. And as far as him saying that he is pro gay marriage and against gay adoption because it is against HIS familial beliefs is hypocritical. From what I could see, his company lawyer saw that he seriously screwed up and told him how to backtrack and try to save face. And as for me, I will never buy Barilla products again!

  • Simon

    Yes, you can read about it on Wikipedia. Unfortunately, it’s only in Italian: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guido_Barilla.

    Let me translate it our English-speaking friends:
    “È sposato e ha cinque figli, due avuti dalla prima moglie Federica Marchini, e tre dal secondo matrimonio con Nicoletta Marassi.”
    “He is married and has five children, two of them from the first wife Federica Marchini, and three of them from the second marriage with Nicoletta Marassi.”

  • deforge

    I was ready to hop on the barilla boycotting bandwagon until I read what he actually said.

    “If gays like our pasta and our advertisings, they will eat our pasta; if they don’t like that, they will eat someone else’s pasta.”

    he is simply stating the fact that some people will *chose* not to eat it if lack of gay advertisement bothers them. instead, this being spun as if he is *telling* people not to eat it if they don’t like his stance.

    he’s entitled to his subjective view point. as long as he is not barring gays from working there and not funding anti-gay agenda, this is a non issue that is being spun otherwise by a sensationalist media.

    that said, I cant think of a single company making ads featuring gay partners. i’m sure there are some, but obviously its not wide spread. for this to have even come up as a question it sounds like someone was trying to bait the issue to generate some corp-shaming which is a lucrative sell for the media lately.

    also, “Barilla absolutely has the right to say that Barilla pasta is for straight people.” except no such thing was even said. this is slander and John Aravosis is an attention ore.

  • Anonymous

    Exactly. And for some reason, thought that Italian couldn’t be translated – why else would he apologize in America a day later?

  • Matthew Kane

    As you can see with the down votes, the only two people here with an open mind that actually want change for the better are getting down flagged. Damn it feels good to be a gangster. The rest of you. Spineless.

  • judybrowni

    Odd how tolerance is so accepted here in the United States of America, not like it’s in our Constution or Bill of Rights, or anythi ng.

    Get down off your cross, Jesus.

    You don’t get a crown of thorns for your bigotry, just laughed at.

  • Anna Julia Pavone-Palazola

    Shame on whoever translated this conversation!! It has been taken totally out of context!

  • arcadesproject

    I think everyone should eat their own pasta. Eating someone else’s would be unsanitary, rude and just plain weird. And Mr. Barilla can insert his where the sun don’t ever shine.

  • Beartx

    You straight guys are always about the loads.

  • mayqueen

    Traditional family and the tool is divorced?? Thanks for this I now can officially stop listening to this supreme hypocrite yammer on about gay and non gay pasta, and “family values.” This guy should not only remove the plank from his own eye, but also remove the stick he apparently has up his ass.

  • Beartx

    We intend to, with our gay dollars going to any other pasta maker.

  • Anna Julia Pavone-Palazola


  • Beartx

    You really don’t read a lot about science or adoption, do you?

  • mayqueen

    I am also Italian, and I agree with Simon. It also seems to me this man is not too swift, basically telling people to buy other pasta (?) if they don’t agree with him? Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

  • Simon

    Let me add something important about this happening: Guido Barilla likes to talk about what he consider a ‘traditional family’. Should I mention that he got divorced and married another woman afterwards? Oh, maybe now that he has even TWO traditional families (with children included) he can freely speak about gay people and their marriage.

  • judybrowni

    TRANSLATION: I’m a homophobe because my gay urges give me the willies! My self hate should be your self-hate.

  • Beartx

    Hate hate hate hate. BUT I have gay “friends”. and Black friends, so that’s cool right? Whiny ass bitch. Why the F are you even on here, if not to stir up hatred?

  • judybrowni

    I have a gay brother and sister, and I doubt that any of us, including my father and his wife who has two gay sons will be buying Barilla.

    Why the fuck should we?

    But extra points for BIGOT TROLL TROPE: “You’re intolerant of someone’s intolerance! You must tolerate their intolerance because I said so, that’s why.”

  • Navybrat

    You didn’t see any anti-gay slurs from Barilla either. Unless you let your bias dictate what you interpret a person says.

  • Anonymous

    Imo, most of this bile has to do with Christianity facing extinction. The church is attempting to get political now more than ever to save its existence. It’s backfiring. The statistics back up the idea that their values are going out of style, and they want to bash people until it’s reversed. 1200 comments on here and most are from trolls.
    No place for rational discussion. Eating Chik Fil A and Barilla won’t save the church.

  • Navybrat

    Barilla is a bigot because he wants the nuclear family in his advertising?? He didn’t say one thing about being anti-gay. In fact, he said quite the opposite. But I doubt if you checked the facts and did your own research here. Just go along with all of the rest of the uninformed commenters.

  • Simon

    The point is that NOBODY is forcing him to put gay people in his advertisements. They just asked him about it and he started with his homophobic remarks, which ARE an offence to people. He could have just stated that he wouldn’t, he couldn’t just skipped the question, but no, he had to underline how he hates fags.

  • Wisdom from the drive by 18 comments newbe.

  • judybrowni

    So marriage is only about procreation?

    You should have told that to my 79 year old father when he married his 66 year old wife.

    He’s 90 now, but theyll try their best for you, if that’s the only way you’ll agree that their marriage can be legit.

  • Shawn Neaverth

    It’s official- this place is crazy land. Comments sections are supposed to help people unite and exchange ideas. We COULD actually do something of substance maybe work together but It’s obvious no way is that possible yet.There was a time when people were open to each other and didn’t consider every single opinion of theirs to be an actual fact. Perception is not reality, reality is fucking reality. There’s no way everybody can be right about everything all the time, how bout we all agree we shoot 50/50 and try being humble? It looks sad seeing the same tired old fight among us tie after time and adults should know better by now.

  • Simon

    Freedom of speech ISN’T an option when it harms other people’s freedom and life. Let’s stop with this.

  • Navybrat

    By all means buy from one of those fine Italian pasta makers! Lol!!

  • Navybrat

    And that is their prerogative as well as their right. There is nothing wrong with the nuclear family.

  • Navybrat

    Exactly! He also said that he has no problems with gay lifestyles and rights. No-one wants to hear that, though.

  • Simon

    Dear Davide, I am Italian too, born and raised, and I know English quite well. Let me say that the article was perfectly written and the words of Guido Barilla correctly translated. If you want to state your opinion about this matter, then just do it, without accusing the author of a misleading translation, because there is absolutely NOTHING wrong about it.

    Buh bye to you too.

  • Navybrat

    Wow, you sure misinterpreted that statement.

  • Anonymous

    This already happens – but they chastise powerful people for saying “God loves gays,” “I’m an atheist,” “gay people should marry” – free speech is no longer allowed if it’s “blasphemy,” even the mildest statements; funny how that works.

  • Betty McG

    Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera reported that two other pasta manufacturers are now posting on their company sites that everyone is included in their family and that families are not just the blinkered 1950;s style family; It will be interesting to see what advertising comes from all this. Corriere posted some of the pro-gay or anti-Barrilla ads that have been put on facebook. Thom Allen waayyy up the line from here has posted one of the new boxes and the link.

  • Matt Rogers

    Being gay, straight, or bi isn’t just about sex. It’s also about love.

  • U B inchoate.

  • Navybrat

    Except he isn’t “anti-gay”. Did you even read the article, do some research that wasn’t biased to find out exactly what he said? I didn’t think so. Hmmm, can we say uninformed and too lazy to do research?

  • TampaZeke

    Where did you learn that freedom of speech means freedom from harassment or consequenceS? Let me guess, HOME SKOOLED?

  • #againstgaymarriage

    Shes just another person that wants her 15 seconds of fame lol ur 100% right who gives a fuck if the pasta brand supports gays? Its fucking pasta u whiny ass bitches!!!

  • judybrowni

    You should read the Bible sometime, it’s pretty racy what with all the God- approved wives and concubines.
    And incest!

  • judybrowni

    And it’s our right not to buy his shitty pasta.
    For some reason, bigoted trolls never understand that everyone has the right to an opinion, and what they put in their grocery cart.

  • Anonymous

    Maybe those employees should take it up with the CEO, who chooses to diminish their brand by being controversial. You act as if no religious groups boycott certain brands for being pro-gay.

  • PBunny

    boycott. And I will share with my 80,000 co workers!

  • TampaZeke

    He most certainly is free to think and express anything he wants to but he’s not free to expect that there will be no consequences when he says he’s against gay adoption any more than he would be free to expect no consequences if he were to express an opinion that black people shouldn’t adopt or if he were to say Jews shouldn’t be allowed to adopt or Christians shouldn’t be able to adopt. Had he said that he didn’t believe that Christians should be allowed to adopt I guarantee that those screaming “FREE SPEECH!” would be DEMANDING a boycott and his head on a plate.

    Do you respect ALL opinions? Do you respect the opinions of racists? Misogynists? Anti-Semites? Anti-Italians? Or do you just respect the opinions that don’t negatively target you specifically?

  • Sage of the Nation

    Tell that to my gay friends, I’m sure they’d not find your ironic assessment to accuracy, love. They just understand and respect the benefits and demons of capitalism and don’t let it ruffle their feathers like you do. The only hate I see is in the intolerance through the accusations of ‘blind’ ‘bigoted’ and ‘stupid’ without proof of claim. This is why your movement will never have complete respect. You can’t beat intolerance with intolerance.

  • Navybrat

    I agree with you.

  • judybrowni

    He has the right to his opinions, and we have the right to voice ours.
    Somehow the Freedom of Speech road is never two ways for the bigots.

  • jennybeth70

    These are stupid examples.Neither a child nor an animal is capable of consent.

  • Navybrat

    Your comment is a mess and I don’t know what you were reading but it can’t have been the Bible.

  • countryliving4me


  • David Severson

    Nobody said anything about ‘marriage’, it’s about gay or straight. It takes a male and a female to procreate, both traditionally and non-traditionally… that can’t be said of two of the same sex.

  • judybrowni

    A double Troll Trope.
    A: “You’re intolerant of someone’s intolerance! You must tolerate their intolerance because I said so, that’s why.”
    B: “I get to decide what’s important, because — no reason given.”

  • Matt Rogers

    I didn’t see anything that could be accurately translated that way.

    “Non faremo pubblicità con omosessuali, perché a noi piace la famiglia
    tradizionale. Se i gay non sono d’accordo, possono sempre mangiare la
    pasta di un’altra marca. Tutti sono liberi di fare ciò che vogliono
    purché non infastidiscano gli altri”.

    That statement clearly excludes gay people, it doesn’t just support non-gay families. This translation is a bit more literal:

    “We will not be advertising with homosexuals, because we like the traditional family. If gays do not agree, they can always eat pasta of another brand. All are free to do whatever they want provided it does not annoy others.”

    It looks to me like John’s translation is more accurate than yours.

  • countryliving4me

    Ditto!!!! I for one will never buy their products again. Sickening!!

  • Aelfgifu

    So he’s not just homophobic; he’s sexist? Thanks for the clarification of just how big of an @$$ this guy really is.

  • countryliving4me

    Prejudice in any forum is wrong!

  • TampaZeke

    As simple, “Mea culpa, I didn’t realize his name was Guido”, would have been the right answer here.

  • Navybrat

    So he doesn’t want gays in his advertisement. He has that right. You can’t force people to think the way you want them to. He is entitled to advertise his product any way he wants. If he wants families, that’s his right. If he wanted gay families, that would also be his choice. He didn’t “bash” gays, and expressed that he is not against gay rights. What do want him to do, kiss your asses? Find something important to get upset about. Gay rights are improving all of the time. Stop telling people to boycott companies that don’t support gay rights. The only people that get hurt if a company like Barilla or Chik-Fil-A isn’t a big supporter of gay rights are the employees trying to make money in a really crappy economy.

  • Absolutely!

  • judybrowni

    There are none so blind as those who would be willfully blind, bigoted, and stupid.

  • Aelfgifu

    When did you make the choice to only sleep with women?*

    *This comment should not be misconstrued to imply that any women have actually ever taken you up on the offer.

  • Ted

    If a married “straight man” is wanting to fool around with another man then he obviously isn’t “straight” is he?
    It’s a family owned company that is headed by a man that believes in traditional family values so if they don’t want to portray homosexuals in their ads then that is their right.

  • Aelfgifu

    She nailed you for the hateful person you really are. Deal with it.

  • Antonio Perales

    He suggests gays can eat ‘another brand of pasta’? That can be arranged.

  • None of this crap for me now :p

  • Sage of the Nation

    I am so thankful we have an English to Stupid translator here to bless us with her ignorance.

  • Anonymous

    You are lucky to be alive, then again a lot of people waste their lives and don’t see it. The dead didn’t get off easy, that’s a stupid and arrogant thing for a living person to say. I think you’re the one with a victim complex and I’m done here. See ya!

  • Navybrat

    Yes, he is free to express his own opinions without having to put up with this harassment. Last I heard, freedom of speech is still an option. This should never have been an issue. There are much more important issues in this country that need to be addressed.

  • David Severson

    LOL, good one judy brown i

  • judybrowni

    Translation: it’s no skin off my nose if gays are second-class citizens in this country. In fact, I prefer it that way.

  • Shawn Neaverth

    It’s hard to get someone to hear when their ears are already full and their mind is made up, and are just too stubborn to open up further and expand the circle. It’s mostly caused from their fears to not fit in with the crowd and right now anyone on this comment section getting involved probably has a stressful confrontational life at the moment, and no one that high up on the ladder to be free of stress would bother commenting about a pasta CEO. Don’t despair though because all generations watch each other and the younger ones are learning from us now, they definitely will learn from us and there’s good reason to have hope they’ll outshine us.

  • judybrowni

    Same right back at you, bucko.

  • Matthew Kane

    First time I’ve ever been here. Classic professional troll tactic.

  • judybrowni

    You just did.

  • Jennifer Christiansen Sneed

    ” I simply wanted to highlight the central role of the woman in the family” So…lesbians are ok, then?

  • Davide

    this translation is totally wrong.
    who wrote this totally wanted to make up a scandal, and that’s not right because you totally changed the meaning if what he said.
    i’m italian, born and raised, and what he meant is that his company’s image is the traditional italian family where the woman is the heart of the house, which has the pride to cook every day for her kids.
    he said that this is his company’s image, this his what they’ve been referring at for years. also because Barilla is a family conducted company. that’s just how it is.
    he said that he would not do anything else. when he has been prompted and provoked by the journalist, he said that he’s ok with gay marriage, because it has to do with people that want to get together.
    so, i totally don’t understand why do you wanna make a case that DOES NOT EXIST!
    he said that everybody in his life can do whatever. everybody is free, he said.
    he’s is personally pro gay marriage but against gay adoption, but hey, isn’t he free to think and believe in what he wants?
    he’s free to think, and you’re are certainly not entitled to offend him like you did!


  • Rob

    what is a ” traditional ” marriage now days ? Many ” straight ” marriages end in divorce or one of both have an affair. EQUALITY.

  • Matthew Kane

    Go hug a tree.

  • judybrowni

    And by “traditional marriage” I assumes he means the Biblical tradition: polygamy
    When a man, and a woman, and a woman, and a woman he might send out into the wilderness, become ONE.
    Actually, that might make Barilla’s ads more interesting.
    (Oh and don’t forget that other Biblical tradition: slavery, while you’re at it.)

  • Anonymous

    You should cherish your life. Death is not a solution to anything. The struggle continues even as the dead are not a part of it. Living people will always be tortured.

  • Lushlife

    ??? What ??? Why would I prefer that?

    Okey dokey. You’re crazy. Feel better?

  • Rob

    its dick heads like YOU that cause trouble, If ” straight ” people can get married, why can’t gay people ? we are human, we pay taxes. Love is the main thing. if Marriage is between a man and a woman, how come so many ” straight ” men want to fool around with other men ? the woman can’t be good enough. wake up. times are changing.

  • Sage of the Nation

    I don’t look at my food and ask “I wonder if you support gay rights” I just eat it and move on with my life. These articles and the hype generated from them are getting ridiculous. Perhaps if the pasta was being forced down their throat by the government, we’d actually have something to harp about.

  • Matthew Kane

    Who has suffered the most. Someone who was killed or someone who was tortured? The person who was killed got off easy. They weren’t left with a lifetime of psychological damage. Factually, people that live, suffer far more than people who are dead. I have been to Laramie to pay tribute to Matthew. Have you?

  • David Severson

    Sooooo…. which one shot the load…?

  • Anonymous

    You could say we’re both arguing over a pasta CEO’s opinions on this page. Does that mean we do nothing outside of this? No, but here we are on a petty comment board. Just pointing out that you spend time on here bashing others doesn’t mean you do nothing else. It means you waste an awful lot of time on here.

  • Matt McCaw

    Didn’t stop you from engaging in a witch hunt against an Italian businessman who doesn’t seem to speak English.

  • Matthew Kane

    Well, what I do for a living, very specifically, is travel the country advocating for homeless people, feeding them, and outing toxic waste dumps in residential neighborhoods that have left people with cancer, chrohn’s, fibro, and other unexplained illnesses. I have helped thousands of people. There is most certainly no issue with my empathy or sympathy mechanisms. I am embarrassed by my own community. Even sitting her trying to fight for the community to improve itself I am getting bullied. Look at all the down flags on my posts. You fight for one thing, not gay rights, but your own uneducated opinions and your right to hurt people and call it “boycott.”

  • Bigot troll duly noted.

  • #againstgaymarriage

    Good comment… they are just like any other ppl out there… just finding a reason to bitch and conplain… yeah yall can go suck on each others cocks or munch on other carpets but leave this man alone!!!

  • Anonymous

    You would win over a dead guy? Interesting. Your arrogance has reached new heights.

  • A Smith

    Ah, the old “I apologize if YOU were offended,” non-apology, thus making it my fault.

    On the other hand, he is free to tell his customers whatever he wants, just as they are free to go buy another pasta.

  • judybrowni

    Translation: Baaaah waaah, somebody had a different opinion than mine! Somehow that infringes on my life!
    My sister and her wife have a sonnow in college: hint, no “traditional marriage” involved.

  • #againstgaymarriage

    Who gives two flying fucks if he is against gays? I dont oppose to them being in a relationship thats their own disgusting choice… but when it comes down to marriage… i will not vote or support it. Marriage is when a man and a woman become one. Not same sex… barilla can say and express what he wants to and he has enough money to have the say so that gays will not be in his advertising because i wouldnt want them in my advertising!!! What message would that send to children? Keep it traditional barilla!!! U have my support 100%!!!

  • Anonymous

    No kidding? That’s why most people sit at the front of the bus – they’re tired. Except if you were black, you HAD to keep walking even if you were tired. Surely she knew she was breaking the law, however absurd it was.

  • judybrowni

    Well, since I speak and write English…as do most on this blog, if there’s an insult in another language you might want to translate it for us, before you go off on a rant.
    Sorry, but I forgot to study Italian in case, one day, somebody would maybe write what might be an insult in that language on a political blog.
    Silly me.

  • Thom Allen

    “Who you have sex with is a choice.” Who you want to have sex with is not a choice. There’s a difference, just like with pasta.

  • Matthew Kane

    Says the pot to the kettle…

  • Matthew Kane

    Apparently, you are not educated enough to know that Rosa Park had no intention of starting a movement. Her feet were tired. She just didn’t want to walk any further. Other people, not unlike the people in this forum, turned her into a champion of rights.

  • db

    So by your own statement this boycott isn’t bullying at all, (impressive about face from your other comments) the LGBT communicty is just following his instructions to not buy his product.
    Still technically a boycott, but you’ve just pointed out that anyone crying about the gays being mean or bullying are wrong since Guido called for the boycott himself.

    As for the names you’ve been called, I’m going to give you the same answer that Rupert Murdock received when he Tweeted: “Seems impossible to have civilised debate on twitter. Ignorant,vicious abuse lowers whole society, maybe shows real social decay.”

    – I find that in life one reaps what one sows…

  • Lisa

    It’s not intolerant to reject racism, sexism, or homophobia.

  • Capital_7

    We’re allowed to say whatever we like about him, and we’re allowed to dump his company’s product because we don’t want to support an asshole.

  • Thom Allen

    Of course he was “forced” into it. Just like he was “forced” to make his original bigoted and sexist comments. Poor, poor Guido. A “loss for the community”? What loss? WHAT COMMUNITY? Perhaps you need to take your next dose of medication now so you’ll feel a little more mentally stable.

  • Anonymous

    Maybe you have problems empathizing with others. You are not the only person struggling

  • CR

    Well, yes. And we’re allowed to think he’s wrong and say so. That’s how this works. Two way street, eh?

  • Capital_7

    I love an asshole troll. Good on ya! You can eat whatever shit lardass pasta you like.

  • David Severson

    Yes you have the right to be mad, hurt, sensitive, a cry baby, gay or straight, and to boycott for that matter! But, Barilla also has the right to tell you to go suck on someone else’s noodle…

    Just remember this – If it wasn’t for ‘The Traditional Family’, most of you wouldn’t even exist to exercise your right to your noodle of choice. So go on and just be happy people, cause words are just words, and quality pasta is everything…. use your noodle and choose wisely!

    PS – Sorry for excessive use of the ‘n’ word, although it is my right….

  • judybrowni

    All caps, no less your spittal rant, make you sound crazy.
    You might want to step back from that.

  • Matthew Kane

    If there was a contest I would win. I’m a member of both communities.

  • stormkite

    Sure he is. Nobody says he can’t. Most of us are very glad he has; we like knowing who/what we’re dealing with. Or declining to deal with, as the case may be.

  • JayCee

    WOW … Guess this Pasta eating TRADITIONAL familia will not be eating Barilla…. Nor will my children…. this is 2013, not 1952. Apology or not…. Barilla lost my custom!

  • Ken Orcutt

    I need to stock up on his pasta.

    Who you have sex with is a choice. (except of course rape)
    What skin color you are born with is not a choice.

    Why is it that people are NOT free to reject what they see as a bad choice?

    Would it be ok for him to tell pedophiles to go buy some other pasta?
    God made them desire to have sex with children. RIGHT?

    Or did the pedophile make a CHOICE?

    What about people who have sex with horses.
    God made them desire to have sex with horses. RIGHT?

    Or did they too make a CHOICE?

    I met a gay man who turned straight. I asked him why?
    He flat out told me the people he was exposed to as a child
    did not let him know it was OK to be straight.

    Who you have sex with is a CHOICE.

    Everyone has the right to accept or reject other peoples CHOICES.

    Or do they?

  • Anonymous

    And of course, people are never forced to suppress leftist opinions…if it’s not in America or the EU, it didn’t happen, right?

  • judybrowni

    Climb down off your cross, Jesus.
    There is no martyr contest, where you get to rank those who deserve civil rights.
    There are civil rights enough for everyone, but only if we fight for those who are being denied.

  • stormkite

    But if I choose not to shop at a store because I see them acting in ways that suggest they don’t WANT my business, is it not courteous to let them know why they’ve lost my patronage and how they can get it back? It’s entirely up to the business to decide which way to go, but they need to know what their customers (former or potential customers as well) are thinking in order to decide.

    The thing is, democracy and free markets are messy. Always have been, always will be. Believe it or not, one of the basic conditions for markets to work is for all parties to be fully informed about who’s doing what. Big business and its supports want DESPERATELY for that not to be the case, because it usually hurts them if the buyers know how they do business… but it’s still a necessity.

  • Matthew Kane

    Another loss for the LGBT community. This is sad.

  • Anonymous

    Gay people are definitely more prone to mistreatment than the average person. This goes for the mentally ill too; no one says gays are alone in being mistreated. I suggest campaigning for something productive you believe in, like mental health, rather than bashing another cause.

  • Matthew Kane

    See, the guy was forced to say something he didn’t mean to make a bunch of people happy. Great job. An apology from Barilla was a loss for the community. You are just too ignorant to see it.



  • Chunkytuna

    I’ll be buying more Barilla in the light of these comments. Couldn’t agree more with him.

  • allylloyd

    When did stating your opinions (thoughts) become a bad thing. This is the CEO of a PRIVATELY OWNED company. He’s allowed to think and say whatever he wants.



  • judybrowni

    So you want to hold a martyr contest?

    And only those you deem have suffered enough get to speak up?

    You, sir, haven’t suffered as much as Matthew Shepard, so by your logic, you should shut the fuck up..

  • Anonymous

    Really getting bored of your multiple accounts, changing your name and style of writing just to troll. 5 sec ago you were “Marion.” You were already called out by the moderator. Please go away

  • Matthew Kane

    Look, gay people are even getting mad and down voting my posts because I would have the nerve to suggest that WE are not the biggest victims of society and should not be acting like it. It makes us look like douche bags to people who have experienced real suffering at the hands of society.

  • Matt McCaw

    ‘Vafanapoli’. Used at the end of the paragraph beginning with the words ‘yeah, freedom of expression.’ His use of a language other than English must have thrown you.

  • Robyn Berry

    Well this is one traditional woman that will be permanently boycotting Barilla.

  • Thom Allen
  • Matt Rogers

    OK, so we need to learn about Italy, but not being an anti-gay bigot is an “absurdly high moral standard.” Got it. Looks like you have a standard of your own: a double standard.

    Btw I read the article, and I didn’t see any racial slurs that “equate being Neapolitan with engaging in anal sex.”

  • Bitter

    Anyway,Real Gays DO NOT EAT Pasta! remember boys let’s keep those 6pack abs!!

  • Matthew Kane

    Yes, they do. Every psychiatric ward, community mental health organization, and psychiatrist used their current patient base to test new drugs. That is a fact. I don’t want sympathy. I want you to get some perspective and stop acting like you have experienced societal repression like other groups have. Also, the way you are acting, I consider you to be inhuman. You couldn’t pay me to take sympathy from someone like you.

  • Shawn Neaverth

    judybrowni- No one saying “this is an overreaction” is trying to marginalize the LGBT community in its purpose and right to exist. I think the passions here are becoming more intense(and rude) because all the sides of the debate feel they’re talking to a wall, and people are not putting in the effort to try and understand. But different environment foster different opinions and worldviews and all of them, except for the trolls, are here for a reason and it’s important to know worldviews change over time and experience. Fact is this is yet another dumb comment to be asterisked on the long timeline of American evolution and the LGBT’s slow progression up the full acceptance ladder. If you know history you know socially every generation has its main struggle and the people who are struggling, and history proves that perseverance and dignity are the activating ingredient that gets them there. No opinion is really wrong they’re just held from completely different perspectives. It’s o.k to be upset by this but name calling is just old by now

  • judybrowni

    Ohhhhkay, but you claimed someone here — the blogger? — made an obscenity about Naples.

    And can’t back that up, so crazy person, was that just the voices in your head, or what?

  • Anonymous

    And heterosexuals don’t do the same to prostitutes and underage runaways? News to me.

  • stormkite

    It’s a point of view. I choose not to shop at stores that sell products I don’t like; as a courtesy to them I let them know why they’ve lost my patronage and how they can possibly get it back.

    This entire thing is simply the system working the way it should. Democracy is messy and feelings get trampled. And as has been pointed out before, generally the people shouting the loudest about their feelings being hurt are the people who started the stomping.

  • Matt McCaw

    There are MANY slurs against southerners and Neapolitans in particular in Italy. Discrimination against poor southerners trying to make a new life in the richer north is still very common. Racial slurs against Neapolitans are interchangeable with those for Africans, and the one our talented author chose to use equates being Neapolitan with engaging in anal sex. Maybe you guys need to learn something about Italy.

  • Dan Millard

    mmm let us see,,, ok he is anti gay,, but um he is also anti straight single male and against women’s rights,,, he says his company is for the “traditional family” where the woman is in the kitchen cooking,, hmm can we say 1960’s thoughts,, today I know many fathers that cook dinner so I guess they should not buy barilla pasta

  • Stev84

    Not really. That’s when the church cemented its power over all aspects of life and politics.

  • Matthew Kane

    Yet, even though I am bi I have been called a bigot and told to suck a “cock” twice. Mmm Hmmm. K “victim.” And listen, if the owner says don’t buy my product, and you don’t buy it, that’s not a boycott. You just gave him exactly what he wanted.

  • Stev84

    There was also a merger of lesbian rights with separatist feminism in the 70s. So things got a bit radical then. It was only with the AIDS crisis in the 80s that something like a combined community emerged again.

  • Anonymous

    The vast majority of people with mental illness don’t go through this. Also, homosexuality warrants the death penalty in several countries, and was a jailable offense not long ago in developed countries. Are conditions in prison much better than those in mental hospitals? Sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder; if you want sympathy, this is not the way to get it.

  • Chiron Stearman

    Exactly Judy.

  • Stefan1967

    Women can be gay too, moron.

  • dalydose

    If you’re accurate, without commentary in your headline, you won’t cause controversy and get a bunch of hits. I don’t think this guy would put a single person in the ads or probably even a childless couple or an older couple. They clearly see the nuclear family as their brand target market.

  • db

    “anyone who says anything negative about the LGBT community gets attacked and harassed” Here is a newsflash, if you say something negative about any community or group you can expect them to respond in kind, or to take action. Political parties trade smear attacks daily, if you say something negative about obesity expect a return attack, say something negative about Apple products or Justin Beiber and you can barely take a breath before the fanatics to go nuts.
    Responding to negative statements, and boycotting a company that doesn’t respect you or the group of people you identify with isn’t unique to the LGBT community; The NGC is credited with one of the first by boycotting slave produced goods, the UFW boycott of grape and lettuce products, the Jewish boycott against Ford in the 1920s, at least 3 different Olympic boycotts (Moscow, LA, South Africa, and Israel) One Million [ish] Moms and their (failed boycott of JC Penny) or the failed Southern Baptist boycott of Disney for supporting Gay Days, any national embargo on oil or the US embargo of Cuba, these are all boycotts.

    Trying to characterize a boycott as bullying is ridiculous and basically means that you don’t’ have access to a dictionary or can’t be bothered to Google the term. Boycotts are considered to be tied to the phenomenon of ‘moral purchasing’ which isn’t tyranny, and by using that term you are devaluing the lives of people who live under actual tyranny.

    Any CEO with a half way decent knowledge of business knows that you don’t insult a consumer segment with buying power (and the LGBT segment has A LOT of buying power) and expect no consequences. Everyone is free to say whatever they want, like you can make ridiculous unrelated statements about bondage/popper sex at the super 8, but in the same vein anyone is allowed to say whatever they want about the value of your statements (excrement) – that’s the joy of free speech.

  • Matt Rogers

    Expecting people not to be bigots is an “absurdly high moral standard”? And who the heck used an obscenity directed at the people of Naples?

  • Matthew Kane

    I know that before I become a film maker I was diagnosed with mental illness, then put in programs and used as a guinea pig for medical testing of several drugs that were later recalled for killing people. You are not a victim. Gay people, in the grand scale of human repression have experienced the least amount of suffering of the groups of people who have been isolated and tortured.

  • lush rimbaugh

    telling me i would never be shown in one of their commercials because i
    dont fit their image is an asshole thing to say. but then telling me if i
    dont like it then eat something else means im not even good enough to
    be his customer so he can fuck off and die.

  • Matt Rogers

    He also said “We won’t include gays in our ads” and that he doesn’t think gay people should be allowed to adopt children. That’s different from just saying he has traditional families in his ads.

  • Dace Hawke

    It is also Gay’s right to refuse to buy his product because they feel he has demeaned or insulted them. So your statement goes both ways.

  • lush rimbaugh

    stfu. McCaw is scandanavian for dumbass right?

  • Kathy Roddy

    Right. He didn’t say gays should eat someone’s else’s pasta (as the headline says), he says if people don’t like the fact that he has “tradition” (heterosexual) families in his ads they can eat someone elses’s pasta. Pretty much he’s saying that those who don’t like his advertising policy don’t have to buy his product, which is a lot different than saying he doesn’t want gay customers. It doesn’t make such an exciting headline, but it is more accurate.

  • Matt Rogers

    Actually no one is free to be gay or not to be. People don’t choose their sexual orientation.

  • Dace Hawke

    Hey dude, you could always just ignore the article and take up NO opinion idiot. You don’t HAVE to respond at all, and gays aren’t going to attack you for it, just don’t be a total ass and respond to it with stuff that just sounds like hate mongering. Btw, I am a straight guy, but I CHOSE to support the gays in this endeavor because I think they have a right. If you don’t support either side just stay out of it. Your like the guy who jumps in the middle of an argument for no reason cept just to get attention.

  • Kathy NeverSurrender Egan

    There are other fine Italian pasta makers whose spokespeople don’t put their feet in their mouths.

  • Matt McCaw

    As long as we’re holding obscure people in faraway countries to absurdly high moral standards, it’s no more appropriate, and perhaps less so, for you to use an obscenity directed at the people of Naples. Anti-southern bigotry does have a long and tense history in Italy.

  • Dace Hawke

    Your argument works in Reverse, read this article they say he has a right to say what he said, but further people have a right to respond. You can’t have one without the other and him being against gays is not irrelevant. Maybe to us straight people it is but, say your black and a company says “Black can buy our product, but we won’t show them any hospitality or consideration.” Isn’t that a little racist even if it is half committal?

  • HF

    It’s “you’re.”

  • HF

    You don’t get it at all. You don’t seem to understand that “traditional families” is code for “your sex life disgusts me.”

  • Marion

    No. It’s just that society has evolved a lot over the years so the concept of what ‘traditional’ means changes with it. Eg – fifty years ago, ‘traditional’ meant a wife staying at home to look after the children. Today, women also work. Divorce rates too have gone up. Same sex marriage in time will impact on the concept of tradition. The concept of ‘traditional’ moves with the times so describing a ‘traditional’ family is basically redundant. No need to insult. K?

  • MJS666

    Of course he has the right, but that doesn’t MAKE IT right.

    Again, depictions in the media have a huge impact on minorities growing up. It’s been proven over and over in psychological and sociological studies.

    My formative years were spent never seeing a gay family on television, in magazines, etc. I barely even knew that gay men could have families until I was a teenager, and only then through the internet.

    He has the right to do it, and I have the right to say it has sociological and psychological implications that need to be taken into account.

  • LadyAryun .

    Tolerance (definition: a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from
    one’s own; freedom from bigotry) is a two way street. I am a very tolerant person. I don’t care what you believe. You can scream your view to the heavens. In fact, I will fight for you to scream those views. However what I DO have objection to is them trying to pass LAWS to hurt the LGBT community and degrade them into something sub-human. This is rather unconstitutional in the basic sense of the law and against universal human rights. I wouldn’t make it so that YOU couldn’t stand at your dying loved one’s side in the ER… I won’t make them sit outside in the waiting room either! It’s wrong on a basic human level. Everyone, regardless of race, creed, melatonin concentration, sexuality or gender orientation, is a human being. Treat them as such!

  • Thom Allen

    And you can talk about enslavement, how? Personal experience? As fa as I know, Rosa Parks wasn’t whipped. And you were?

  • JakeT

    Well,of course he’d say that gay people were still welcome to buy his products! Although gays aren’t good enough to be represented in his advertising, being so non-traditional and all, he is happy to take all that traditional gay money every day of the week!

  • Riccardo

    you eat his food even if you dont know it. so thats quite impossible

  • Matthew Kane

    As I said, here is someone acting like the LGBT community has been enslaved. Like you would really know what it feels like to be whipped and forced into labor. Wow.

  • Thom Allen

    So you admit you don’t know what the phrase “traditional families” means, and then you’re going to interpret what Guido means even though you don’t understand the terms. That’s so astute, it’s breathtaking.

  • judybrowni

    Yeah, and what the fuck did a seat on the bus have to do with Civil rights?
    Rosa Parks was overreacting.

  • MJS666

    But I do agree that the statements weren’t hateful as much as they were ignorant.

    Offensive, but ignorant.

  • Anonymous

    I hope he also applies that thinking to gay and pro-gay people not buying his products. He should be tolerant when that happens.

  • Thom Allen

    The “homo” bandwagon? And the “colored caucus”? “Immigrant army”? “Welfare Queen” militia? Bigot? you? Never!

  • Tiffany Sikes

    I thought it was funny

  • judybrowni

    Yeah, it was damn silly of Rosa Parks to refuse to go to the back of the bus, and rotten to call bigots those who thought that was her place.
    Bitch was overreacting.

  • Marion

    yyyyyeah, I really tbh think it’s blown waaaay outta proportion too. The CEO didn’t say Barilla was for straight people – he said that he wanted to include ‘traditional families’ (whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean, as I think the ‘traditional’ concept is bull anyways) only in his adverts. I’m assuming he means one-man-one-woman marriages, and if that’s what he wants to do, he has the right as it’s his decision – even if some people don’t like it. He did say gay people were still welcome to buy his products – or not, as they chose, so therefore, he can’t be interpreted as saying that Barilla is for straight people. As for him being against gay adoption – it’s irrelevant. Gay adoption has nothing to do with the matter at hand.

  • Tiffany Sikes

    the whole “axe ” thing was a futurama joke. everybody needs the settle down. he was making a joke

  • Shawn Neaverth

    Be prepared for the mob, 3…2….

  • Thom Allen

    And when people disagree with him, he faces consequences. Additionally, it’s NOT “his” company. It’s a family enterprise and some of his family strongly disagree with his statements.

  • SgtMac

    Another article where basically if you don’t jump on board the homo bandwagon you just get branded a phobe and boycotted. He didn’t come out and say burn in hell or call them abominations or anything. Sheesh. Overreaction.

  • Shawn Neaverth

    judybrowni use your logic here- equating dumb comments to Rosa Parks is outright insulting to the African American community. This isn’t Russia, where gays ARE like Rosa Parks, risking jail time and physical harm defiantly standing up for themselves and being proud of who they are. Yes be upset yes don’t buy Barillo products, but save the civil rights comparisons for other more severe lgbt issues.

  • judybrowni

    Yeah, because Rosa Parks refusing to go to the back of the bus didn’t accomplish anything.

    Just ask President Barack Obama.

  • chickadee3

    Oh yeah, now THAT’S tolerant and loving… LOL.. Go Barilla! ;)

  • Moderator3

    Please decide which of your three names you want to use and stick to it.

  • thisguy

    Blah blah blah. Anyone is free to be gay as much as he’s free to not be. He doesn’t want gays in his commercials, then fine. I hate it when people want freedom to do something and then have a problem with other people not liking it. He flat out says that, and I quote “everyone is free to do what they want, provided it doesn’t bother anyone else.” I interpret “bother” to mean “infringe upon rights of”. That, people, is liberty. Let this man disagree with a homosexual lifestyle. He has in no way said people shouldn’t do it. In fact, he’s said the opposite.

  • Thom Allen
  • MJS666

    Maybe that’s because straight people aren’t a culturally and historically marginalized group.

    Many gay teenagers, including myself at that age, grow up only seeing images of a family that they will never have. I barely even understood that I could, too, find a husband and have children.

    This is the exact same “logic” that’s used to justify leaving racial minorities out of advertising. It’s been proven through sociological and psychological studies to leave lasting impacts on the psyche.

  • chickadee3

    I don’t hate anyone. But I do hate sin. I know you are offended my my calling it what it is… but I call a horse, a horse. God created all of us, but He gives us the freedom to make the choices we do in life. We’re all just trying to do the best we can with the life we’ve been given. So YOU stop the hate, just because I don’t agree with your lifestyle. Peace.

  • PeteWa

    you’re dumb, that’s his name.

  • Ugh. People.

    His name actually IS Guido. The only outrage here is the stupid thing the guy said.

  • Matthew Kane

    OK, I will do that. Let’s see, I’m a professional film maker, that just made a feature length film about homelessness, that got kidnapped and then sexually exploited by a tranny – on camera – and then repeatedly, over, and over again, hundreds of times over five months of shooting got solicited for sex whenever I tried to find a ride, rent an apartment, or any other type of assistance I sought out on CL while trying to show what it’s like for homeless people try to survive. What do you really know about the underbelly of the LGBT community and why a national product might not want to be associated with this kind of behavior. I respectfully suggest that WE as members of the LGBT community need to shut the fuck up and worry about something more important that gay people in pasta commercials. What a waste of media space.

  • Nick Rowley

    ” Look it up and do some research.” eh?

    Well I suppose you could say I did that for the three years it took to get a degree in American History.

    I didn’t say anything about bad or good, just conservative and liberal, and the affilitions of the current two majour parties in the US have indeed swapped.

    But of course you know that (or you really are clueless) toddle off beneath your bridge now, there’s a love. :)

  • Riccardo

    Please excuse Judy she has been on the computer for several months now. Apparently the kitchen has better wi-fi

  • Mary Porter Anderson

    It’s his company and his choice just like it’s my choice to no longer buy Barilla pasta.

  • judybrowni

    Because there are currently no laws that discriminate against GBLT people in the U.S.

    According to your logic, pointdexter.

    And Rosa Parks was concerned with a hell of a lot more than her seat on a bus.

    African Americans in the South were told they could just use another form of transportation.

    Which they did, and that bus boycott was the beginning of the end for other Jim Crow laws.

    Which is the reason Rosa Parks risked arrest, not just for her seat on the bus, nimrod.

  • Florida Farmer

    What is it with these posters who can’t comprehend that the guy’s NAME IS GUIDO. Nobody is tossing around slurs by calling him by his given name.

  • Mark

    Besides the irony of you calling me a bigot troll, when you’re the one actually displaying that behaviour yourself, please feel free to actually explain what you mean, I’m a gay person who eats pasta & I’m curious to understand what you meant by the parallels you’re trying to draw (I’m not american maybe it’s lost on me), it really isn’t very clear, thanks in advance.

  • Richard

    “Then the white cis gay moral knights blogged his thoughts with gleeful pride, for today was a good day that no asexual talks down to his ego. He snapped back feeling how proud he was of basing his assumption for the lesser heterosexuals and bisexuals, since they truly are the breeding pool of hate and STD’s (especially those dirty bisexuals).”

  • retarded

    it’s his name, dude

  • Anonymous

    Notice how these political boycotts don’t make a dent in sales – because educated people are already avoiding this crap.

  • RNBill

    Those that work for companies that encourage and practice discrimination are just as guilty as the CEO.


  • me


  • venom12345

    He is an independent business owner stating that his advertising will contain images of the majority which happen to be same sex couples and that he will not have advertising that depicts something other than the majority. Almost every major company does this exact thing they just didn’t say it in a press release. When was the last time you saw a gay couple enjoying a coke or pepsi or kfc for dinner? I cannot see why anyone is angry about his statements around his advertising strategy.

  • Alicia

    Yes, Barilla! Way to not be steamrolled by such horrendous, oppressive ideas like equality, inclusion and kindness! That damn leftist agenda….they just think we should be kind to, oh I don’t know, all humans, or something. That’s lame. By all means, exercise your right to be hateful and bigoted! Its a worthy use of your time and influence, and remember: Even if this unpleasant look into your personality and business dealings makes enough of an impact to deeply hurt your earnings and your brand name, you have other hateful bigots, like chickadee3, standing right there with you.

  • me

    he apologized for not being clear on what he meant to say. he didn’t apologize for how he felt or what he said.

  • Tiffany Sikes

    see that is more ignorant than anything the barillo guy said. good grief

  • i’m black

    yeah, actually, the difference between the two is that the Montgomery Bus Boycott was carried out in an effort to change the LAW that prevented Black people from riding in certain seats on ANY bus ANY WHERE.

    gay people really can simply choose to eat another brand of pasta.

  • Anonymous

    Makes sense; members of the majority are usually killed in hate crimes…

  • Riccardo

    disliking everyone elses comments doesnt make you right by the way..

  • SirViP

    That’s why the CEO didn’t try to apologize and “Clean up” his mistake, right? Oh wait . . .

  • Insulted

    Guido, really? Posting about outrage over someone being narrow minded and you use that word? He’s wrong, but so are you.

  • chickadee3

    LOL… And only gays eat organic? Is that what you’re saying here? Talk about stereotyping, sheesh!

  • judybrowni

    For some reason, bigot trolls can never make — or understand — analogies.

    It’s the logic part of analogy that throws ’em.

  • LadyAryun .

    I suppose divorced and broken homes are normal now-a-days. Being a bigot isn’t normal behavior of the decent human being. I’m saddened you can’t see that.

  • Riccardo

    You understand im a person right? pointing out things must be all you have to live for..

  • Tiffany Sikes

    to be completely honest I don’t see the big deal. he said that he will use a traditional family in his advertisments not that all gay people should burn in hell or anything like that. everybody including gay( and straight ) people are still entitled to their opinion and he wants too use a “traditional” family inhis commercials that’s his perogitive. and personally if lets say, poptarts decided they were only gonna use gay couples In their commercials I wouldn stop eating poptarts. people should stop being so sensitive

  • chickadee3

    Traditional family doesn’t exist?!? What planet are you living on??

  • Richard

    People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

  • edik415

    I voted for Obama, and I ate at Burger King today.

  • chickadee3

    Nope, sorry…. It’s you liberals who espouse the whole “tolerance” thing, and guess what? You’re the absolute WORST at tolerating alternative viewpoints. Like the one that says homosexuality is Wrong. Pot, meet kettle.

  • judybrowni

    Ad hominem from barely hominids.

  • Anonymous

    The right can always count on its base to eat poisonous crap like McDonald’s, Coca Cola, Chik Fil A, Barilla, Domino’s Pizza, etc. And you’re proud of that?

  • judybrowni

    Obvious troll…

  • Thom Allen

    Gay people don’t breed, at least we don’t breed people like you.

  • Florida Farmer

    “If you don’t like his remarks, don’t buy it.”

    Ah, yeah. I think that’s pretty much what people are saying. What’s your point?

  • Mark

    I don’t see the relevance, she stood up to inequality, but we still have busses (a product) now and the driver I’m sure didn’t loose his job (employment). So I’m not sure what parallels you’re trying to draw with Rosa Parks.

  • Riccardo

    Im to lazy to read your comment..

  • edik415

    Come on, guys. After all, yesterday was national punctuation day. Can’t we just let the holiday linger a little bit?

  • chickadee3

    Go Barilla!! Way to stand up to the leftist agenda!!!! Don’t let them steamroll you into believing the whole world supports them!!

  • judybrowni

    And, the period goes inside the quote at the end of the sentence, don’t is the hyphenated contraction of “do not,” annnnnnnnnnnnnnd your context sucks.

    (Although it might make more sense if you’d used the word “content.”)

  • Riccardo

    polly want a cracker.

  • Richard

    Bitch be cray at this point.

  • Florida Farmer

    Two people in one day railing about this – without bothering to properly read the article. Since the guy’s name IS Guido, what would you like anyone to call him?

  • me

    just like what happened to Chick-fil– oh, wait, nope, that didn’t happen. the world is bigger than we gay people and our friends. the sooner we accept that and get over the fact that not everybody is gonna like us, the faster we can organize internally, and continue to make strides.

    just look at Chick-fil-a and Gay Marriage rights…sitting side by side in this big ole country of ours.

  • Pasta Boycotter

    Yeah, well I’m going to boycott the shit out of it. And, if I worked in their factory, I would quit. I’ve quit on principle before.

  • kurmudgeon63

    I’m not a Repub but I’m a Libertarian. And I’ll tell you something else: I don’t need to get away from myself. I like myself. In fact, I LIKE myself so much that I don’t have to scream “HATE!” and “DISCRIMINATION!” and “OPPRESSION!” and see myself as a victim every time someone expresses a view that’s different than mine.

    Your brother dating anyone?

  • Richard

    Good bro.

  • edik415

    You only have to be tolerant of people who have the same beliefs as you. (Regardless of whether your belief is that being gay is “ok” or “wrong.”) ;-)

  • Elizabeth Berry

    Can you please tell Christians this? Cause they seem to be the worst at the whole “tolerance” thing. But hey, just my feelings.

  • Riccardo

    You dont start a sentence with ”and”. If you are going to attack me then dont aim for my spelling try some context clues.

  • judybrowni

    Yeah, what the fuck was Rosa Parks’ problem with busses?

  • Richard

    Dirty cis gender that doesn’t check her privileges.

  • Elizabeth Berry

    What really cracks me up is that people like you feel that the LGBT community and its supporters are just supposed to let intolerence thrive. We are just supposed to roll over and let people feel how they want to. Fine, let Barilla be a home to bigots. We just won’t buy your product. And let’s define “traditional family”. That hasn’t existed EVER! You are also very deep in misconception about homosexuality. Seek help for your issues!

  • Mark

    Boycotting a product doesn’t hurt the CEO do you have any idea how much money a CEO makes! It hurts the factory workers, the farmers & the economic ecosystem that rotates around it. Gay power is now just about idle “concerns” which make no impact improving the situation for gays anywhere. You wanna improve the lives of queers, pasta boycotting isn’t the start, you’re going to remove money from a system that probably already funds queers to live out their lives happily due to pasta money. Attack the person not the product because it really is peoples livelihoods you’re playing with. Be smart and think holistically about a situation not just the obvious reactionary approach.

  • edik415

    Item #1: This is a stupid statement to make. Dumb move, Barilla.
    Item #2: Does anyone else think that it’s getting a little bit ridiculous that, every time you turn around, some CEO is saying something that pisses off a large portion of potential clients? Last week, it was Starbucks and their anti-gun statements, now it’s Barilla and their anti-gay statements…and of course, there’s Chick-Fil-A… What’s next week? We’ll learn that the guy who invented the Tic-Tac thinks that there is no God, and all the Jews and Christians of the world will have to post their outrage on facebook? I don’t know where to draw the line.

  • greaser1977


  • judybrowni

    Obvious troll is obvious, and he also can’t punctuate.

  • judybrowni

    Obvious troll is obvious, and he also can’t spell.

  • Riccardo

    You are very observant, you get a cookie.

  • Anonymous

    Not much ground left, what with all the mud-slinging the wingnuts have done themselves.

  • Noudidn’t


  • Bill Jones

    Once again the fascists only support diversity if it is their diversity. And by diversity I mean agenda.

  • judybrowni

    Get help.

  • Riccardo

    see thats funny haha

  • Riccardo

    Its actually excellent pasta. You’re fantasy land makes me giggle.

  • Anonymous

    Too bad he has customers in the US.

  • Richard

    That’s why we have you breeders to thank for us. Churning out babies for the greater good.

  • Riccardo

    What makes this article hilarious is that most Italians give close to zero fucks what you think and will share their REAL opinion. Is what he said fucked up? Yes, but respect the fact he has more balls than any American.

    Also, refrain from trying to type anything in Italian, people can only stand so much ignorance from him and now you.

  • Vince Metzler

    Making a political statement isn’t bullying. Maybe you should live in Australia under Tony Abbott’s rule; I hear he’s going to make boycotting illegal and your lovely plutocratic corporate utopia will be complete.

    Seriously, now you’re just a bigger idiot. You should really stop posting, you’re digging your own grave.

  • supremeboy23

    WHAT AN IDIOT!!!! In an age where so many celebrities and businesses are CASHING IN and jumping in on the “gay bandwagon” of trying to market ANYTHING as “gay friendly” (which isn’t really ethical anyways, but it IS “good business” in an opportunistic sort of way) this guy is gonna loose SO MUCH BUSINESS!!! Whew!!! Now, watch ANY OTHER pasta making company will counteract with “HEY GAY GUYS!!!EAT OUR PENNE PLEASE, we LOVE YOU, we won’t JUDGE you, just PLEASE BUY OUR STUFF” (By the way..in Spanish..the word “pene” means PENIS, and “penne” with an extra N is just the name of a type of pasta…I couldn’t come up with a clever enough joke that would employ such wordplay, but I wanted to mention it anyways, for our non-spanish speaking friends) L.O.L.

  • Richard

    We should revoke their rights to speech and look them up and kill them.

  • Vince Metzler

    That way waaay too long of a post to be a simple troll. Dude, stop smoking meth. It makes you think like a bigoted hick-ass Tea Party member.

  • Anders Svenneby

    Mr. Barilla runs a private company, and of course he can say whatever he wants, and incorporate his own personal views in his company’s policy.
    But he should also be aware that pissing off your customers is generally NOT a good idea :-D

  • judybrowni

    You were the one slavering on about sex practices, not me. and writing like a crazy person.
    If you want to hate yourself, you have that right. Go ahead, live it up.
    But we’d rather not join you in the self-hate, which is also the province of closet cases.

  • Vince Metzler

    You might as well be sterilized.

  • Richard

    How dare you assume I’m of a certain gender you cis freak. You call me Miss Untermenschen and be sure to call me that for now on. Check your privilege.

    Expect this person views will no longer be headed once your generation finally dies off (to assume you are a baby boomer). The company itself will either say opposite of what he said or pretend he ever said it or fire him. In either case I’m not worried, since if you want equality I’d go your federal government for further protections against heterosexuals.

  • Anonymous

    Mr. Barilla is the CEO of a company, not your neighbor down the street. He’s responsible for his own PR gaffe. He went on a radio show and made this claim, apparently believing it wouldn’t come back to the US. Then he backtracked. It’s not as if a secret recording of him was released.
    Business and your opinions – they don’t generally mix.

  • Vince Metzler

    Chick Fil-A’s business only started doing well after they backpedaled and stopped funding anti-LGBT orgs. Your point is a steaming pile of bullshit.

  • Dottie Carr

    I would like to respectfully suggest that you familiarize yourself with the definition of the word “tyranny”, and then re-evaluate you’re bizarre logic.

  • Guest

    I would like to respectfully suggest that you familiarize yourself with the definition of the word “tyranny, and then re-evaluate you’re bizarre logic.

  • Frank

    No darlin.. We don’t want that playing on our side either lol

  • LadyAvon

    Evidence please.

  • Matthew Kane

    See my response below. Thank you for proving my point.

  • judybrowni

    And we have the right to feel what we feel, and the right to shun his shitty pasta.

    For some reason, the freedom road doesn’t go both way for bigots.

  • Vince Metzler

    Guy’s just trolling, but in the off-chance he isn’t, he probably won’t breed. He doesn’t get attracted to anything which is kind of critical for sex.

  • Matthew Kane

    You’re first point is correct, and the owner of Barilla said that, directly. But your response directly proves my point. Anyone who says anything negative about the LGBT community get’s attacked and harassed. In that one statement you just used the subject of mental illness to insult me, accused me of having an “obsession,” and then called a guy who is bi, a homophobe, because he happens to believe that members of his own community have become nothing but bullies. How about this guy doesn’t want gay people to eat his pasta, they don’t eat his pasta, and that is that. I know I am going to buy two extra boxes just because this man has courage enough to stand up for what he believes in. Simple as that. If that makes me a bisexual bigot then so be it.

  • Frank

    A stinky rancid one at that!

  • Rose

    You must not have read his back-pedaling quote. He said ” Everyone is free to do what they want, provided it doesn’t bother anyone else.” He’s saying he has a right to conduct his business in a way that doesn’t “bother” anyone, which is obviously a contradiction. I don’t see that as whining and complaining, and yes, we do have a right to insist he conduct business in a certain way. He doesn’t have to agree with us or follow our suggestions, but we DO have that right. So he contradicts himself (like most people who speak unjustly) because….he wants to keep his customers, or because he doesn’t want to look like a bigoted jerk? It doesn’t work, either way.

  • Vince Metzler

    When even this guy’s family is calling him out, he should know he fucked up.

  • judybrowni

    It’s probably better if you don’t breed.

  • Frank

    Let me “axe” you a question.. Are you married to your sibling?

  • Alyssa

    Mr. Barilla should feel how he wants to feel. I don’t agree with him but it is his right to feel how he wants to feel. Just because he has a different view were going to attack him. That’s like forcing him to accept something he doesn’t believe in. This is what makes the world go round different people different views. So if he said that he has all rights to say what he wants its his company.

  • Vince Metzler

    Matthew sounds like someone who enjoys hot, sweaty bondage/popper manorgies. Hun, just go for it if that’s your thing!

  • Dottie Carr

    I would like to respectfully suggest that familiarize yourself with the definition of the word “tyranny”, and then re-evaluate your logic.

  • Scott Johnson

    You people seem to forget that a business is usually started to make money for the person(s) starting the business, not to create jobs. Jobs are a result of some level of success, whether it be short term or long term…..to think otherwise is utter stupidity…..

  • SauronHimself

    Like the carbs were helping us in the first place…

  • Jakob Pamp Bengtsson

    Sorry – adding the toxicity was unnecessary, it was a kneejerk response from me and I was wrong in taking it to that level. My point still stands, though. As for bias, of course I’m biased. Discussions about issues like these are all about our personal bias.

  • judybrowni

    I was alive and sentient when Rosa Parks was riding that bus, and not surprisingly, bigots were making exactly the same dismissive remarks about that step in the Civil Rights movement.
    Which was the pont of my sarcasm, Mr. Thick.
    Glad you’re not a U.S. citizen, as well.

  • Ash Kaddoura

    Could you please define “second class citizens”? Certain minority demographics are difficult to market toward. It is rare that a commercial will contain a mentally ill child, a person with a physical abnormality, or any other type of minority that can be easily expressed in an advertisement? Why is this? Do advertisers consider people born without ten fingers or with autism “second class citizens”?

    It is unreasonable to judge this man based on his advertisement policy. He chooses to market to a much wider demographic, rather than to a controversial minority. How does this cause harm to gay people everywhere?

  • Frank

    as long as you’re asexual, and don’t reproduce.. PLEASE don’t reproduce. You will lower the average IQ of mankind yet again. We’ve taken enough of a beating.

  • Bradsdad

    I thought you all preferred munching on tacos.

  • Frank

    I think you could benefit from some.. Seem a little stressed lol

  • Robert

    first of all, i’m black, and i’m gay. mkay. as a member of two publicly recognized minority groups, both of which suffer from oppression, discrimination, and have to deal with bigotry and prejudice on a regular basis, i can say that this is…actually, none of that.

    i mean…if a straight person happened to wander onto this blog and complain that the content is “too gay” for their tastes, or “doesn’t present a balanced view of gay/straight relations in this country because everything is written from a gay perspective”, or even that the marketing for this blog is geared toward gay people, the logical conclusion would be, “Go read a straight people blog…” and that’s not bigotry, or prejudice. it’s just a reminder that…well…we all have options. and that’s okay. it’s actually great!

    as a black gay man, one of the wishes at the top of my list is that both groups (blacks and gays) will stop whining and complaining and tossing insults around every time a private citizen or private organization does not like them. barilla owe me NOTHING. i don’t work for them, they don’t collect taxes from my earnings and so if i don’t CHOOSE to buy their products, we never have to interact on ANY level. neither has to know the other even exists.

    further, there are lots of people that i don’t like for my own reasons (as i’m sure is the case with every single person reading this blog) and the beautiful part of being human is free will. i. don’t. have to like them. i can live my life uninterrupted by the people i don’t like, as they live their lives completely uninterrupted by me.

    and by the way, my mom is the central figure in my family, as my grandmother is the central figure in my extended family. neither of them cook or spend much time in the house at all.

    ps – relax. it’s not that serious. i thought gay people hissed at carbs anyway…personally, i boycott ALL pasta! #ABS #8PACK!

  • Damien

    I think his comment was not intended to come out the way it did. He is a human being and we all make mistakes with something we’ve said. This is only one article. I dunno, im just thinking outside the box a little

  • judybrowni

    We can say what we want, and buy what we want, as well.

    For some reason, bigots never acknowledge that the freedom road runs both ways.

    But honey, you also write like a crazy person.

    Why are you so obsessed with gay sex?

    Science has the answer: you’re a closet case! researchers provide empirical evidence that homophobia can result from the suppression of same-sex desire.

    go find yourself a nice cock to suck, you’ll feel so much better, I promise.

  • Scott Johnson

    playing with your poop can make you sick…..

  • JLS

    “Stick a fork in my ass, I’m done!” Way too many choices for pasta out there. Barilla is no longer one of them for me; and I make ALOT of pasta. Dreamfields, here I come!

  • Richard

    Maybe if Google translation worked.

    But I’m glade you posted bro. makes me happy bro.

  • Anonymous

    Which one is the real Reiden?

  • Rose

    “Axe?” Really? “Axe?” I can’t believe this, you must be joking or failing at being sarcastic. Did you really say axe? This is my hilarious moment of the day. Plus, if everyone were homosexual, how could they “force some heterosexuals to reproduce against their will?” They couldn’t axe heterosexuals, because if everyone was homosexual, there’d be no one to axe!

  • Ash Kaddoura

    Your entire argument is based on the assumption that Mr. Barilla claimed that his pasta “wasn’t for” the LGBT community. This is entirely untrue. Barilla said that homosexuals will not be seen in any commercials, which is a clear distinction from your rationale. Just to keep with the parallelism, I’ll say it too. Grow up.

  • Richard

    The religious should be mounted upon a stake and burned for the greater good. Children should be taken from their parents and religious property should be taken and sold.

  • Tim

    You are right, he can run his business how he sees fit. And people can disagree with it, and choose not to buy his products. They can also tell other like minded people, and encourage them to also not buy his products. They can even write blog posts about it online, writing their own opinion on the issue, and encourage even more like minded people not to buy his products. THAT is how freedom ACTUALLY works. What part of that do you not understand?

    I, personally, will no longer be buying Barilla pasta. My wife and I will encourage our friends to do the same.

  • Corey

    Well, yeah, kinda. You completely gutted the tone of the comment by changing the word choice, not to mention that you actually altered the meaning too

  • Italianbrian

    WOW! For the VERY First time in my life I am ASHAMED to be Italian! What a bigot! I suppose we will sit and wait for his insincere apologies in a few weeks when the sales of Barilla pasta TANK!

  • BigHiggaHigga .

    I’m not gay, but I will definitely be eating a different brand of pasta. Too bad because I almost always bought Barilla. Hopefully, Guido chokes on his pasta.

  • mom

    Wow, those asking for tolerance turn out to be the most intolerant! I have news for everyone: grow up. I predict his company will see an uptick in business, just like Chick-Fil-A from people who are fed up with others trying to force their views on everyone!

  • Johnny


  • Richard

    Not sure, since I’m not American.

    Though I’m sure her reason wasn’t based upon buses and more on laws in place that was for segregation. This is a CEO spouting out crap that most of you get angry over. This isn’t Rosa Parks serious as say your monosexual marriage stuff you protest.

    Glade I’m not American.

  • Johnny

    He is just trying to admit he was wrong, because the case has became know worldwide, and that can cause less SALES!!!

  • judybrowni

    Deliberately so, that was the point!

  • Joyce Furfero

    Oh, snap! If Barillo can do without gays, then we can do without Barillo!

  • Matthew Kane

    They’re allowed to believe what they want, correct? Or will the LGBT community now bully them, and crush them until they are forced to sell out what they truly believe just to stop getting harassed. That is not equality. It’s tyranny. The LGBT community expects everyone to be open minded but then judges anyone who doesn’t support hot m4mmmmmmmm bondage/popper sex at the Super 8 next to the airport, the door is open, lights are off, just come in. I mean who could resist associating their food product with THAT?

  • Paula Coley

    Arrogant, obnoxious SOB’s…CEO has nothing better to do than be homophobic. Guess as of today, Barilla pasta will no longer be purchased in this home. Have no fear…not only will the gay community purchase another brand of pasta, but so will their families and friends!!!!

  • Ash Kaddoura

    You just noted a logical fallacy, and then shrugged away their humanity with the same logical fallacy…

  • judybrowni

    You’re screaming and whining that someone had a opinion that’s not yours.

    I’d suggest a binkie, but you’d probably feel better if you’d just suck a cock already, you big ole’ gay-obsessed closet case.

    researchers provide empirical evidence that homophobia can resul from the suppression of same-sex desire.

  • Joyce Furfero

    Oh, snap! If Barillo can do without gays, then we can do without Barillo! Ciao!

  • Jaymi Stacy

    Axe? Axe is a tool used for chopping down trees for firewood. You ask somebody a question. Ask with a K. Your ignorance is astounding

  • Damien

    open your minds and replace “If gays don’t like it, they can always eat another brand of pasta” with “If the homosexual community is unhappy with our advertising, they could/would choose a different product” …. basically rephrasing his comment. Is there still an issue?

  • Anonymous


  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin

    Much better than it did during slavery, much better after reconstruction, much better after Jim Crow, so legislating racism has helped the community much, just so sad that mainstream America still sleep with hatred with only factor, color and race. It’s obscene and evil to deny anyone their happiness and joy or an opportunity to take advantage of these man made systems designed to disenfranchise not just Black people, but women, little people, people who don’t speak English, the list goes on and one. I love it when “certain” white people speak on subjects with insensitivity, lacking empathy because their ability to relate and show compassion for others is lost and drowned by their superiority and privilege complex.

  • Scott Johnson

    He didn’t say it wasn’t for gay people. He said he wasn’t going to include a gay family in his advertising. You folks make up less than 3 percent of the population, yet you want the world to revolve around you….why do you act like this?

  • Thom Allen

    I can understand what Jesus had against thorns and nails, though.

  • judybrowni

    Ad hominem, well, you’re barely hominids anyway.

  • Solkir

    Well first of all, no one is asking you to “bend your beliefs.” You just can’t use them as an excuse to oppress others anymore. Also, in response to your comment “If you like the food eat it if you dont, dont eat it.” Yes, that is exactly what’s happening. The article is telling us about a business owner who says gays are icky, and people are choosing not to buy his product based on that statement. I’m not sure how you failed to pick up on that.

  • Anonymous

    See his comment above (“decrees”)

  • Richard

    Castrate heterosexuals, hang homosexuals, stone bisexuals. Glory to the asexual master race.

  • judybrowni

    Yeah, WTF did Rosa Parks have against busses, anyway?

  • Richard

    I agree with ad block those numbers often decrees those views.


    My fellows use this.

  • Scott Johnson

    Then don’t buy it, stupid…..but please shut up about it. Or do we have to listen to the little babies scream and whine when they don’t get their way???

  • Trahern

    It also makes me wonder how many other companies share the same view. How often do we see gays in advertising outside of gay-targetted media? I’m sure there are plenty of other companies that still think doing so would hurt their sales – they’ve just been smart enough to keep their opinion out of the media’s grasp.

  • Thom Allen

    Well written, thanks.

  • Scott Johnson

    It’s only obsolete if you think you are the greatest thing to ever exist……

  • Richard

    That makes no sense. Those awards are handed out based upon killing yourself or sterilization in humours ways for the good of the people.

    But I agree that killing homo/hetro/ bi for us asexuals is a good thing for us. May you all be serve the minority.

  • Betty McG

    I read about this in an Italian newspaper this morning (about 12 hours ago). Some of Guido’s family are unamused about his stance and not just because of the PR issues. He may not be president of the family business for long. It seems he has issues with some of his own family. In Italy the boycott is being observed by more than the gay and LBGT community

  • Nikki in oz

    Axe? Oh, ask. I thought you were extolling the virtues of being an axe wielding murderer. But now I realise you are merely ignorant.

  • Thom Allen

    richard, using meth isn’t good for you. you need to get someone to edit your posts until they can (almost) make sense.

  • judybrowni


    And not just for increasing the page views on this blog with your trolling (and therefore making John more money off the ads!)

    But also thanks for revealing the paucity of logic in your “opinions.”

    You’ve proved hate doesn’t make sense.


  • therealpeople


  • Boo Jengles

    The government will come soon enough to stop free speech…. {hears knock on door}.. i’ll brb im going to go answer that.

  • Chiron Stearman

    The issue here IS pretty plain and simple. Now, homer over there can claim failure across the language barilla oops…barrier if he wants to, but it doesn’t work as a hasty retreat after showing his true colors. The people who will be upset by his statements most likely aren’t going to be the people that he thinks he has offended. There is a LARGER group of people than the group of homosexuals he has denounced who are working hard EVERY DAY to drag the dream of a world unfettered by the narrow minded CRAP like this and political correctness and all such uncivilized horse. He made his statement, and HE IS ALLOWED to. But then, All of those of us who do not wish to REWARD a wealthy family who has grown to be such from OUR selection of their product over others have every right to allow OUR beliefs to reward those whose visions of a balanced world that reflects our own to be the NEW pasta of preference. I have said it before and I’ll keep saying it. What you will ALLOW……….will continue. There isn’t anything wrong with homosexuality, and personally I’m sick to DEATH of all of the subhuman substandard intelligence SUBeducated snide smug little horses who think they have a right because of their financial success to get up on a podium and tell the world who doesn’t belong in humanities club. This guy is an ASS. I personally never bought his pasta anyway, I opt for the superior product made over at DREAMFIELDS….myself. It has an incredibly lower glycemic index which means not only can diabetics enjoy it, but so can homosexuals and any OTHER people of fine taste. So, my advice is this: This man is allowed his opinion, but you don’t have to support his way of life or his ability to perpetuate his ignorance upon others. Yea DreamFields!

  • trackbackone

    While your attempt at being sardonic lacks all subtlety, know that it is not some great crime to not want food that is made in such a way that it is the equivalent of slop or gruel made for poor people. Just as I am uninterested in healthcare for poor people, given that I prefer a more private and caring exchange. Working toward better things, what a concept, right?

  • Giovanni Gino Caffarella

    A beautiful answer and really means a lot to me to know knows the feelings of others! Because metalheads do indeed have feelings too! lol

  • Thom Allen

    Thank you spokesperson for all Italian women. Can you get a brush that’s even MORE broad? You can’t see past your bigoted stereotypes, fannyette.

  • Bobby

    Bueno. Voy a comprar De Cecco es el mejor pasta en todo el mundo. Ciao puta Barilla.

  • judybrowni

    And we are entitled to our opinions, and to choose which products we will buy.
    For some reason, the bigots aways forget that the freedom road goes both ways.

  • therealdjfade

    I will buy barilla from now on. There are way more normal people than homosexuals. If worked out good for Chick Fila their business doubled

  • Thom Allen

    Great idea and post, thanks!

  • Richard

    Half of everybody here is one. I suggest you stop the anal sex.

  • therealdjfade

    who cares you are a HIV carrier

  • Thom Allen

    You get the Darwin award for today!

  • judybrowni

    And we have the right not to buy his shitty product, as well as disagree with what he has to say.

    You bigots always forget the freedom road goes both ways, for some reason…

  • nicho

    Apparently, John, this thread is a mid-term project for the Troll Academy master’s program. It’s actually quite funny. Most of them are pretty bad.

  • Richard

    I’m also outraged at other peoples outrage. With all the problems in the world a CEO saying this is truly the biggest now. Let as rise up in pitch forks and torches.

  • Sir_K33tanz

    No, sorry. Look it up and do some research. You’ll do yourself a favor by knowing American history. I doubt you will cause you’ll believe what you want thinking the typical Democrats=good and Republicans=evil and anything in between is also Republican.

  • Thom Allen

    timbo, your comments don’t even make sense. We’d force heterosexuals to reproduce? We want “homosexual rights”? That one is really novel – I’ve never heard an LGBTQ person ask for homosexual rights – just the same rights as straights. Do black people have Black Rights? If so, how do they differ from “white rights”? What you wrote is so disjointed and confused that it’s actually funny. Thanks for adding a lot of humor to this thread. BTW, I believe Axe is a brand of body wash.

  • Trahern

    And if that’s what he said then I’d be with you, unfortunately “non sono d’accordo” is closer to “do not agree” than “don’t like it”. Adding a caustic tone to a language you’re not fluent in just to support your viewpoint comes across pretty biased. “Stronzo” was a cute touch, but nothing you can’t get from google translate.

  • Tommy Ferrugia

    I just emailed Barilla (via their website) and would like to suggest that everyone do the same.
    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am a straight, single professional living in America. I’ve been a big fan of your products for decades and used to buy your pasta frequently. I am writing to express my disappointment with the unfortunate remarks of your CEO, Guido Barilla, wherein he suggests that homosexuals should not purchase your offerings. What a disgraceful, backwards, ignorant, pathetic and just plain stupid remark.

    Your company is in a position to affect positive change and promote forward thinking social evolution. Instead, your moronic, brain-dead head officer makes a jack-ass comment that does nothing but incite anger and spread hate. And to what end? What good could possible come from denouncing 10% of the world’s population who, while it may burn him to recognize, are seeing great advances in their civil liberties and, one day soon, will no longer NEED to fight against the kind of stupidity spewed by your loser of a CEO?

    In short, I will NEVER buy another Barilla product again and will encourage others to switch to Ronzoni!!

    Ciao Bella

  • Peter Hinow

    Yes, let them run commercials where a 17 year old is serving Silvio Berlusconi a dish of steaming spaghetti…

  • Richard

    We should really kill off sexual people and let us asexuals take over.

  • nicho

    What bullshit.

  • Matthew

    That…could not have made less sense.

    You are the worst and do not deserve to have a keyboard.

  • HaHaHa!

  • Anonymous

    Since it’s a capital A, I assumed he meant the body spray.

  • Anonymous

    I think he meant “everyone.”
    Yeah, that one was hard for me in the 1st grade too.

  • I have no idea, I am as puzzled as you. I think we need to go “Axe” someone.

    Although I might find it hard to get that violent. I usually only Axe someone if they attempt to Axe me first.

  • nicho

    “Fact: If anyone were homosexual then the entire human race would cease to exist”

    Well, some people ARE homosexual — and the human race has not ceased to exist. So your argument is invalid

  • judybrowni

    My sister and her wife now have a son in college, so I guess that pretty much blows your intitial theory.

    As for the rest of your bigoted, crazy tirade: how come you’re so obsessed with the gay stuff?

    Science has the answer: you’re a closet case!! “researchers provide empirical evidence that homophobia can result from the suppression of same-sex desire.”

    Go suck a nice dick, honey. You’ll feel so much better.

  • GothicProphet

    wtf did I just read?

  • tamtam

    in alot of aspects i agree, but i beleive if he doesnt want to portray a gay couple because its not a traditional family he has the right to do so.

  • robert

    actually, yeah, if he doesn’t like Blacks, he can selectively not hire them. This very thing happens every single day in this country, especially with smaller businesses or privately owned businesses and in “right to work” states, in which job applications basically state that “we can hire or not hire and subsequently fire any one we want for any reason we want. including being black. or gay.”

    ps. i’m black and gay.

  • litchik

    Wow, Italian women love to cook? I’ll let my friends know. I’m sure they’ll stop what they are doing and run straight to the kitchen. Why be an artist or scientist when you can cook pasta Wait, wouldn’t they be making it fresh? or buying from the local market? Sounds like Barilla wants to profit from the modern world without joining it.

  • Brad

    Actually, he should be able to hire who he wants. Unfortunately we legislate racism and preferential treatment in America. The laws don’t work anyways. How well is the black community doing these days?

  • Anonymous

    They’re all the same.

  • timbo44

    Fact: If anyone were homosexual then the entire human race would cease to exist. Or else how would they provide for the perversion to continue? Would they force some heterosexuals to reproduce against their will?
    When will all homosexuals come out of the closet and stop with their agenda? When will they stop pretending they are hetero by marrying under false pretenses while simultaneously carrying on a perverted lifestyle and putting their wife at risk of contracting AIDS or HIV? If someone in Government or Hollywood is lying about not being homosexual, then how can they be trusted?

    Various estimates place the number of homosexuals at 10% of the population. Using facts and logic, that would mean that 10% of all job classifications, and sports personnel are also homosexual, and since they demand equal treatment and “demand homosexual rights”, whatever that means, how is one supposed to provide for that, if they won’t openly admit to being homosexual.
    Newsweek had a cover a few years back title something like “The First Homosexual President”. I didn’t hear of Newsweek being sued for libel. What does one make from that fact?

    And these “homosexual rights”, they are axing the IRS to change the tax laws, so that ANY two people of the same gender can “claim” to be homosexuals living under the same roof (not just be being platonic roomies) and then somehow they will now qualify for some sort of tax advantage or be placed in a different tax bracket. There’s already a law that states that under most circumstances two people living together for 7 years are considered common law married. There are just as many problems that arise on Day 1 after the 7 year-mark has passed as there are advantages, it all depends on the circumstances. For example: A couple lives together for 7 years and 1 day; one of them hit the lotto 3 months ago; neither one of them truly wants to stay under the same roof and they both decide to go their separate ways; one moves out, but then hears stories that the other has won a lot of money. Off to court they go. I’m just saying, living together is not a good idea, go get the license.
    As for those people who pretend to be married, they are fully aware of the old adage that when you have sex with someone, you are having sex with every person that that person has had sex with. This is a devious situation but homosexuals allow it to exist. For what purpose? Go axe someone who’s involved in that situation and you will ALWAYS get the same answer. If you can’t figure it out, Go and Axe someone.

  • Honey, you need to get out more.

  • tamtam

    thats funny i never stated WHAT religion , if any, so what religion are YOU refering too and why?

  • joejmz

    Given that he started out by calling him ASSHOLE in Italian it’s not much of a stretch to see that he used his name in a derisive manner since he could easily have addressed him more formally. Of course once you’ve called someone an asshole you’re not going to opt to be respectful.

  • Brandon Reid

    stating that a personal prejudice, e.g., “i don’t like homosexuals, black people, women, etc.” informs a company’s policy (like gays can buy another pasta for all I care) from the highest point (ceo) does not have to necessitate ‘bashing’ (like murder or hate speech?–that’s the threshhold of tolerance in your POV for discrimination?!) as you call it for people to be informed of this prejudice (esp. if that issue is near and dear to them, like gay people). if you’re arguing that advocacy in how people spend their moneys like ‘buyer beware: chickfilet and brillo (sp?) pasta are operated and make profits for prejudiced ceos’, then that’s a separate point. no one is arguing whether or not it is “right” that he has expressed his opinion or that he has one, it is what his opinion is, which is basically that gays do not fit into their picture of the world imagined by their marketing dept. so the point of this type of advocacy is, straight from the horse’s mouth, don’t buy this product if you are gay or don’t favor this thinking.

  • Anonymous

    Apparently not, nor the maturity to control themsevles

  • Matt

    So if he said his pasta wasn’t for black people you would be okay with it? Or if he mentioned that his pasta wasn’t for the Jews that would be okay??
    Of course you can target certain groups, but bigotry is bigotry. Grow up.

  • Anonymous

    Great last line. I’ll remember it.

  • Yep!

  • Thom Allen

    fanny, no one asked YOU to do anything, unless you’re hearing those voices again. Now go and take a nice nap and you’ll feel better.

  • judybrowni


    (But thanks, trolls, for giving this blog all the additional page views! Means John will make more money from his ads!)

    Shows there’s even a use for shit: as fertilizer to make things grow.

  • That works. I love Naples!

  • Anonymous

    Because your religion is becoming obsolete.


    Do you have nothing better to do with your time than reply to EVERY SINGLE POST ON HERE.

  • tamtam

    FFS why do we have to bend our OWN beliefs, religion to fit everybody elses. He has the right to choose what he wants in HIS commercials. If you like the food eat it if you dont, dont eat it.. Its pretty simple. The central role for a woman DID not state them being in the kitchen, although italians woman love to cook they also keep the entire household in check as far as kids and include the husbands.. let the flames begin…

  • Shekinah Love

    And we have a right to put him out of business through boycott and using our voices for equality! His statements actually DO cause harm to gay people everywhere, demonstrating to the world, that we are still *second class citizens*.

  • “Grow up.” Throw up

  • Thom Allen

    Those from Naples must be very creative and flexible. Must be a wonderful place. Are you from there?

  • Nick Rowley

    Conservatives created the KKK

    The Conservative party at the time happened to be the Democrats, however conservative =/= Republican and Liberal =/= Liberal throughout American history.

  • Thom Allen

    “He should be able to hire who he wants, serve who he wants . . .” Uh, no, fanny. So if he doesn’t like blacks he can selectively NOT hire them? He can prohibit handicapped people from working for him? Where have you been for the last 60 years?

  • George M Forgues

    I think the man protest just a little to loud… Maybe his noodle isn’t what it used to be…

  • Anonymous

    Unfortunately, your particular pasta crusade doesn’t mean anything beyond vanity and slacktivism.
    I won’t argue with you; I’d rather you be unimportant.

  • George M Forgues

    Everything means something.

  • andy

    So what. A business owner has a right to conduct his business in whatever manner he chooses, as long as it is not harming another. He should be able to hire who he wants, serve who he wants and use who he wants in his ads. If you don’t like his business practices, don’t do business with him – end of story. But no, there are those that insist on whining and complaining about it as if they have some right to insist he conduct business in a certain way. These people go through life LOOKING for a reason to be offended. Grow up.

  • Anon

    Despite your outrage at this bigotry, you use the term vaffanapoli, equating people from Naples to those who sodomize themselves or residents of hell. Great job!

  • JB

    Your headline is completely misleading. Also, name 10 Fortune 500 companies in the US that use homosexuals in advertising. His *choice* to not use homosexuals in advertising does not make him a bigot. Otherwise every other company that doesn’t use homosexuals in advertising is also guilty of that. And that’s going to be a lot of boycotting. Let’s target our attacks on the people who actually deserve it. The ones who speak out against homosexuality through hate or lies. Not the ones who make a business decision to target their product to a specific demographic. This is the kind of alarmist writing that takes away from the progression of LGBT rights in this world. Shame on you for misleading people with your completely ridiculous headline.

  • Nick Rowley

    Well, due to neurological based reasons, I tend to eat rice and corn pasta more than the stuff this company makes but I do find PR fascinating, especially disasters thereof.

  • George M Forgues

    Mark, your butt plug is showing….

  • Thom Allen

    He was hardly “pressured” in the interview. Guido let his true, bigoted and sexist feelings show. He pissed off a lot of people and he’s feeling the heat for it now.

  • Florida Farmer

    What’s out of context? He’s writing off a segment of the population, basically telling them to get lost if they don’t like things – and in the world of profit margins, that just isn’t a smart thing to do. He could have come up with something – anything – else, sidestepped the question, or hell, even said something to the effect that he didn’t have a direct hand in advertising and that team would be better suited to answer. There were any number of ways he could have answered (and followed up, given the inherent misogyny in THAT, making things even worse). He chose poorly.

  • Fredda Rubin

    I guess we will be seeing advertising with families that have 2 mothers then. Do we both have to know how to cook because my wife doesn’t? It’s really too bad because I had only bought Barilla previously! So idiotic!

  • Justin

    It seems to me that Guido Barilla has just as much of a right to not like homosexuals as the rest of us have to be homosexual. He wasn’t bashing gays, he was simply respectfully stating an opinion and making his company’s position on homosexuality in their advertising clear. Perhaps saying that gay people could eat a different pasta was a bit excessive, but in the end we all have the right to our opinion/freedom of speech. That is of course until the federal government kicks down your door and hauls you off to jail for making one off color comment via the internet.

  • Jakob Pamp Bengtsson

    I don’t think they need to acknowledge all people – explicitly saying “this already oppressed group can piss off” is the problem.

  • BiteMyJihad

    “Barilla tells gay couples they are welcome to buy another brand if they are offended by us not using gay couples in our commercials”. FTFY

  • Mark Paulson

    So what? I buy food for the food, not what its marketing departments choose to project. Get a grip.

  • Jack Swagger

    Stick that up your keester

  • Florida Farmer

    I think disqus is having an Issue of some kind. While almost every single troll is showing up as “Steve” to me, there is at least one non-troll Steve who may or may not be an actual Steve amongst all this, too.

  • BiteMyJihad

    She’s definitely not gay. She lacks the vibrant personality.

  • Mike Siciliano

    Ridiculous!…he is entitled t his opinion…whether you do or not….political correctness to the extreme…do ot become a “pasta” bigot!

  • Shawn Neaverth

    Wow, you’re sad. I hope you’re not gay or know someone who is, because you are a immature little twit. You’re the troll here you lazy add nothing. Go back in your hole

  • BiteMyJihad

    Nah, she’s rather just throw “troll” around like its 2007. Debating your comments requires intelligence and a modest grasp of facts. TROLL! See, look how easy that is.

  • It’s simple. Buy bigot food and support bigot corporation.

  • basenjilover

    Then tell SFGate “bad journalism”…. headline today…..

    Barilla tells gay couples they’re not welcome

  • fanny

    why are so many corporations being pressured to address gay issues anyway? its food: to be consumed by all people, gay or not. Do they need to start acknowledging gay people on their product labels and all advertisements just to remind them they are people and can eat it too? A CEO’s beliefs should have no relevance to a food product at all unless they are firing gay employees. WHO CARES. They can put a turd in their ads if they want. Some of these LGBT groups are crazier than PETA

  • yadda yadda don’t swallow your tongue.

  • Florida Farmer

    “How dare you be intolerant to my intolerance? I will not tolerate it!” I do love the people saying he isn’t telling gay folk to go buy another brand of pasta, though, when that is *exactly what he said*. Smart CEOs simply do not do that sort of thing.

  • Steve

    I’m willing to bet he’s friends with those folks too. They are all rich and hang in the same circles. They leave the bickering to the little sheep.

  • BiteMyJihad

    Barre in 2nd position. With a minor 9th for ‘attitude’.

  • Annette Rf

    Their pasta always has been the best.

  • dominickJ

    It makes him a hater because he says HE ONLY likes Traditional couples. He hasn’t stepped into the 21st Century yet to realize there are quite a few DIFFERENT “Traditional” couples NOW a DAYS!

  • 2nd or barre?

  • basenjilover

    Arrivederci, Barilla!

  • cursed_lamb

    Not as the CEO//Chairman of a multimillion dollar business with a microphone and camera in my face…Was it insensitive? Yes, however my issues is that is was just plan stupid and bad for business….

  • BiteMyJihad

    Ah a dittohead. That explains things.

  • BiteMyJihad

    Then why did you say “bite”? Stop backtracking and start sucking, b*tch! Know your place.

  • ditto that!

  • Shawn Neaverth

    How’s common sense and having knowledge on human nature trollish? Would you rather there be endless fighting and immature name calling the rest of your life? Pretty sure, all in all, gay men and women just want the issue over with, full acceptance for all both legally and socially, so they can rest peacefully. Your lazy response proves you fall on the “endless war” side.

  • Anonymous

    As long as the lowest common denominator spends its energy on issues like this (and it always will) – we’re good. Let them argue over pasta. It means nothing at the end of the day.

  • Go down? Dream on troll, I was going to taser it.

  • BiteMyJihad

    Methinks she doth protest too much. I stand by my position.

  • Steve

    He never said he hated gays. Where do you get that? He said it’s not the image he wants to portray in his ads. Maybe he doesn’t want giraffes or glaciers in his ads either. It doesn’t mean he hates them. Besides – where is he going to find a straight clothes designer in Italy?

  • BiteMyJihad

    Let me chub it up for you. I wasn’t expecting you to go down so eagerly. I wasn’t prepared. Apologies.

  • Alex

    Have you seen modern advertising? There is a huge amount of discrimination going on across the board. It needs to change. Absolutely. This guy just had the stupidity to say out loud what everybody in the industry has been doing for decades. Where are all the gay families in mini-van commercials? All those car must be against marriage equality. Does that make them right? No! But to be honest if a company’s marketing message tries to make you think that this is the pasta they used back in the old country 100 years ago, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9_HZmjlJsI guess what? Including gay people or not didn’t come up in the conversation. This guy is an idiot for sure but, come on, the conscious choice to not include gays never occurred to this guy until it came fumbling out of his mouth.

  • Thank you scold troll

  • BiteMyJihad

    What part of their explanation as to why is so incredibly offensive to you as a gay man?

  • Al Nigel Mayo

    central most important roll is care giver and nurturer and some women like to cook get a grip.

  • Sir_K33tanz

    4 people hate the truth. Snopes it. Wiki it. I’m a Democrat and I’m ashamed of it but I still shine on.

  • Shawn Neaverth

    Judybrowni- wow that’s a rather big comparison isn’t it? Will the lgbt community risk imprisonment if they eat/don’t eat Barilla’s shit pasta? No. This is not the time to bring up comparisons with rosa parks and the civil rights movement. Christian- gay men like you, who are humble and don’t knee jerk react to EVERY controversial ignorant person are the REASON why this country will have full legal and social acceptance someday. It will take time but people like Christian are the ones who will deliver it. I’m full for acceptance of the lgbt community, and know that the best strategy to get there is patience and humor.The ‘martyrs’ will only make the struggle worse. It’s human nature to react kindly to humor over drama.

  • judybrowni

    I’m 63 years old from four generations of Democrats, so I experienced the Civil Rights movement first hand.
    We lived in New Jersey, but in the summer of 1960 we followed my rocket scientist father to Tennessee, where he would be testing rocket engines.
    I’d been following the Civil Rights Movement both on TV, and reading black writers of the period (I was a smart kid) and that was horrifying enough,
    But nothing like seeing firsthand the difference between Northern Democrat

  • Straw man makes for good burning man.

  • Sir_K33tanz

    You should change your sn to ‘Unenlightened Troll’

  • Anonymous

    Yet it’s true

  • BiteMyJihad

    So it would be ok for the Barilla CEO to not tolerate gay people in his commercials? Is that what you’re getting at? Interesting…

  • John L. Davis

    It seems to me that Barilla pasta’s president’s statement against homosexuals is incongruent to his product. Pasta is supposed to be cooked al dente (to the tooth) while teeth usually aren’t meant to be part of any sexual encounter. OUCH! Barilla shouldn’t be mixing the two things together.

  • baseballfan07

    Nice little straw man you have there.

  • Sir_K33tanz

    So if they were to include gays in one of their commercials, that’s all you need for confirmation to move onto the next company to possibly boycott? Like it’s some kind of special interest group bullying others to prove they’re in support or they should be publicly shamed? That’s exactly what’s going on here.

  • Sorry, can’t bite your jihad—it’s too small.

  • Florida Farmer

    It is kind of creepy, isn’t it?

  • Anonymous

    Not surprising, since you care about pasta more than other issues. We could tell your age range.

  • Florida Farmer

    I think the real problem is that he followed up, in his furious backpedaling, with the comments about traditional families and the role of women, implying that gays can’t/don’t have traditional families. I guess in his little world all the gays are dudes, because in lesbian households, it would seem to me that women are doing whatever role-type things he’s talking about, and he should be telling all lesbians to buy more of his product. Or something. Overall, a solid fail on the PR front. A savvy CEO knows how to answer tricky questions without blithely writing off not just a segment of the population BUT ALSO people who support that segment. Gay folk have families. Friends. People who are going to be kind of pissed, either a little or a lot, but you can bet they’re going to hear about this in some fashion. It was, plainly put, stupid.

  • dominickJ

    Pathetic idiot you are!!

  • Anonymous

    Why is this comment thread exploding? Funny how the trolls latch onto these petty issues in lieu of more intelligent ones. The nuclear plant article has a fraction of the comments.
    I already eat pasta that hasn’t been bleached and processed to death – ie, not Barilla.

  • krendybluth

    Alex, in America, free speech means the government cannot sanction you for the content of your speech. It has nothing to do with citizens’ rights to disagree with your speech. In fact, such citizen disagreement is a product of our free speech. You are confusing free speech with everyone agreeing.

  • BiteMyJihad

    Yeah, enforced segregation on public transportation is totally the exact same thing as not having gay peeps in a pasta commercial. You shall overcome!!

  • Jill Kaufman Barroso

    I always buy Barilla Pasta,but after seeing that you don’t care about ALL

    people,makes one wonder how deep your prejudice is . maybe it is not just against gays,maybe against non Christians, Blacks,Hispanics??? I will never buy your products again.

  • Sir_K33tanz

    You don’t tolerate blacks?! WE HAVE A RACIST DEMOCRAT IN HERE PEOPLE!! I’m no Republican, either. I’m a Democrat like you. Funny how you try to profile and label people in order to rationalize your thoughts. My point of Popeye’s Chicken and their commercial still proves my point about how this Barrilla thing is blown out of context and how ridiculous you are for supporting it without giving any critical thought. I urge you to really think this through.

  • Reiden

    Thank you for this information, i was reading up some as well and it seems to be like this too. I read that he does support gay marriage but not for adoption, he had a perspective that to adopt someone who cannot make their own choice is something he cannot agree. I find that perspective interesting and I cannot find myself to agree or not to agree.

  • Atheist Loki

    Now I get to guess if the person who down voted my comment because they hate gays or hate atheists both. :-D

  • Alessandro De Luca

    you forgot to say “chained to the stove”… the closer she is to the dinner table the best it is. :)

    Of course I’m saying it full of irony

  • Monoceros Forth

    Oh, no, of course not! I’m a child who’s never ever known everyone in his twenties ever. No way I’ve known any college students.

    God, you’re pathetic.

  • BiteMyJihad

    Just like that boycott that shut down Chic-Fil-A! LuLz Keep clinging to your sense of self-worth yo.

  • Monoceros Forth

    Does EVERYONE has to agree with gay marriage?

    Does EVERYONE have to agree with straight marriage?

  • BiteMyJihad

    Stop lying. You don’t know any college students.

  • Alex

    pasta’s advertisements to portray a traditional family setting*

  • Alessandro De Luca

    he was talking about their advertising, that is normally very cute and professional and on the journalist asked him if they were thinking about multi-ethnic families, the next step was asking when to expect an ad with a same sex family and then Mr. Barilla explained his, and his companies, belief regarding families, gays and so on.

  • Alex

    Is free speech not allowed? Does EVERYONE has to agree with gay marriage? He clearly stated that he has no problem with it, but he wants his brand of pasta to portray a traditional family. So he’s right. if you dont like it – dont buy his pasta. I have no problem with gay rights but i also believe everyone has the right to his or her opinion.

  • Steve

    Might I suggest meditation and yoga for your anger issues? I’m not sure what you mean by “we dont care about your shitty noodles. all those “traditional’ basic bitch families can eat alll your fucking pasta because the gays are all set.” You mean the gays have stockpiled noodleroni and are all set for…. something?” Soo the gays are actually Preppers? What a strange world we live in. What an odd way for the extreme left and extreme right to come together. Ahhh such a glorious day it is. MLK would be proud!

  • Monoceros Forth

    How many meals do you eat out, sparky? I know college students. Economy is not quite on your list of priorities.

  • dominickJ

    Actually if the Idiot kept his mouth shut NO ONE would have ever known he was a Homophobe.

  • Colloquial definition of Troll (From the Urban Dictionary):

    One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

    I think the people here who have been accused of being trolls are pretty much living up to the definition.

    You don’t get to come here and shit on our lawn with impunity. It don’t work that way.

  • Sir_K33tanz

    The facts remain and you’re just embarrassed of your party’s past and that’s understandable. Jesus MAY forgive you if you repent.

  • thoms

    As a gay man I will still buy their pasta. If they don’t want to use gays in their commercials that’s fine I think I would be more offended If I were a woman when they want a woman as a central figure in their “traditional family” commercials because that’s not sexist at all…<<<sarcasm. What I get from their remarks is not that they hate gays but that a woman's place is in the kitchen cooking.

  • baseballfan07

    I’m a poor college kid. I can’t afford luxury food.

  • Monoceros Forth

    Damn, you enjoy cheapjack pasta? Have at it!

  • judybrowni

    Hatred is yummy!

  • Renee Fischer

    its just a stupid publicity stunt to get more attention and hence more sales..

  • Ryan Kingston

    So let me explain something. Tolerance does not mean you tolerate everything or every idea. I do not tolerate much of what the Republican party stands for the same way I do not tolerate the beliefs of the KKK. I do not tolerate bigots and I especially hate pure stupidity. Maybe Republicans should get their heads out of their asses and then they wont get criticized all the time.

  • Thom Allen

    That’s only the central role for a woman in a sexist’s opinion. Bigotry.

  • baseballfan07

    No. I have nothing against gays, but I’m still going to eat what I enjoy.

  • jimbrowski

    The problem isn’t that the don’t include gays in their ads; that’s no big deal. The problem is their explanation as to WHY being that they don’t support gay marriage and that gays can eat another type of pasta.

  • dominickJ

    Actually there are better Pasta Choices. So NOT eating their crummy pasta isn’t going to bother me at all

  • baseballfan07

    EXACTLY!! Women are a very important aspect in the Italian family/tradition.

  • Thom Allen

    Do the rest of the folks in your trailer park feel the same way, y’all?

  • shockadow

    Don’t change what the guy said, dude. He said,”The central role of women in the FAMILY.”
    He never mentioned anything about a kitchen…
    You made it sexist… Bad journalist. Bad journalism…

  • baseballfan07

    I just had some Barilla pasta today. It was fantastic.

  • judybrowni

    Choke on it!

    The fact that you came to this blog is proof the boycott is working. Thanks for the press, Mr. Barilla.

  • L.Y.

    after reading only the quote that you mentioned I would actually with you – after all, it’s not exactly an unusual method for companies that try the “for the whole family”-slogan to front it with a straight couple, the woman doing yoga and taking care of the 2,5 kids, and the man working and playing basket with his friends. i thought he kinda meant that he just wouldn’t try anything different to attract gay customers. but his sureness that it’s never going to happen, ever, shows a different story (’cause eventually they’ll have to do new ads, right?). and the line about “the central role of the woman in the family” is *seriously* making me angry. that doesn’t even have anything to do with being or not being gay, it’s just sexist. so, i’m glad most people have the common sense to recognize that.

  • Sir_K33tanz

    You should have a longer list than that but the gay community forgives you.

  • sstogner1

    wow, gay’s aren’t the only ones who will choose not to eat your brand. I won’t either – a stay at home mom.

  • Trudi Greissle Davidoff
  • Sir_K33tanz

    You’re upset because of a commercial and how the company wants to market their product. Nothing is stopping you from buying their product but yourself. The argument of their commercial not including Gays, Blacks, Chinese, etc is ridiculous. You invest too much personal feeling in the matter.

  • RandomCanuck

    And as a human, isn’t he also entitled to making mistakes? He did try to correct himself and admits what he said was incorrect and tried to make amends. If he truly hated the homosexual community he would not even try any measures to repair what he just said regardless of the communities view

  • judybrowni

    Oh puhleeze, in the South you’re talking “Dixiecrats” — who then followed their natural bigotry by becoming Republicans once the Civil Rights Act became law.

    That’s like saying a bird is Brontosaurus.

  • Thom Allen

    Trudi, thanks, got it and posted the relevant part to Barilla’s Facebook page with comments.

    Note that the pdf is titled, “Barilla_Etichs(sic)_and_Business.pdf” I guess Guido doesn’t believe in reading or following his own policies (much less editing them).

  • Trudi Greissle Davidoff

    Barilla may be family owned but they are partners with McDonalds :http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/may/23/mcdonalds-joins-forces-pasta-italy-barilla

  • baseballfan07

    Y’all can leave their pasta on the shelf. More for me and my family.

  • Dan

    The moment he said he would exclude them… is when he attacked them.. had he kept his mouth shut it would have been fine.. additionally did you see the comment .. as in if they don’t like it they can eat another pasta?? this doesn’t scream discrimination to you?? Well people can vote with there dollars and i’m guessing they will

  • baseballfan07

    Thanks, more for me.

  • Trudi Greissle Davidoff

    They have global business partners that I doubt want the negative press.

  • Sir_K33tanz

    Better ask them why they don’t include Blacks in their commercials. Cause all Italians are racist, right?

  • Reiden


  • judybrowni

    Yeah, that’s what they said to Rosa Parks about where she sat on the bus.

  • Sir_K33tanz

    Democrats created the KKK. Democrats pushed Jim Crow laws. Democrats are Republicans.

  • Reiden

    Ah! they should show this in my country! thanks for the vid

  • christian

    A gay guy myself, I think this is over reacting a little… SMH

  • judybrowni

    Whyis it bigots can never make — or understand — good analogies?
    I guess it has to do with the “logic” part of “analogy.”

  • Prescott

    Actually I was wrong. I thought it was Barilla, but it’s Skinner brand pasta so I’m good.

  • Sir_K33tanz

    Why is it necessary that every product should include gays in them? Why not blacks? I’m sure by now you have a long list of products you refuse to buy JUST BECAUSE they don’t feature gays in some way. Oh! Better make this political while you can get your digs in because it’s ALWAYS those damn conservatives! Point the finger because it’s always their fault! You’ve got blinders on like a horse and you’re not as tolerant of other people as you think you are.

  • Jspyrogram

    He didn’t ask them not to – he said if they don’t like it, they can eat another brand. “If gays don’t like it, they can always eat another brand of pasta.
    Everyone is free to do what they want, provided it doesn’t bother anyone

  • Thom Allen

    It pretty much translates as “If you don’t like my attitude, go away.” And millions will.

  • Reiden

    Could you direct me to one? With the radio interview in it? I can’t seem to find one with actual facts.

  • Ryan Kingston
  • nicho

    For those who don’t know, Howie Carr is an asshole right wing radio host in Boston. Total douche bag. Kind of a Limbaugh wanabee.

  • Sir_K33tanz

    Sounds like he want’s to market his product like that and that’s fine. The commercials don’t imply, nor prohibit any person from buying the product. How the subject came up with gays in the first place makes me think that someone was looking for an argument. If this is so bad, why isn’t anyone upset with Popeye’s chicken commercials only including black people? Cause they’re a MINORITY and it’s totally not racist if Blacks do it. You people can boycott this all you want but to make a problem out of this is retarded.

  • Thom Allen

    George Takei just posted on Facebook with a link to Guido Barilla’s statement. George’s comment was posted about 10 minutes ago and already has almost 4,000 “Likes”

  • MO

    This woman will leave Barilla pasta on the store shelf.

  • judybrowni

    Eat shit, for all we care.

  • Monoceros Forth

    Mr. Aravosis, this has all been a source of much comedy I admit, but can you or one of the moderators stop this “Dan” or whatever the hell name he’s using from posting again? He’s changing his username every half-dozen posts and pretending to be at least ten other people.

  • Buddha

    Don’t worry Barilla, I will indeed buy another brand from now on.

    Reiden, McDonald’s did have a gay-themed ad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBuKuA9nHsw

  • Johnny

    He can have an opinion, of course. But he says that as the president of the company, it’s the company’s opinion!!
    He could have said: “Ads are expensive, i rather do ads to the majority of the population”. None would say nothing against him, but when he says who doesn’t agree can buy another brand, that’s arrogance, prejudice.

  • Moderator3

    I’m beginning to think troll.

  • Ethiopia. There’s a surprise.

  • Le Sigh

    Rosa Parks sat in the back because she didn’t call shotgun.

    And yes. You are totally right! Rosa Parks is the ONLY person who has done anything for black rights. nice.

    Seems your opinions are from the same ones for 50 years as well. Rosa parks a dead horse much?

    And nice! Can’t respond to his comment with an argument, so lets go to name calling!

  • Charlie Fermeglia

    Too bad. It’s the best pasta going, Porca Putana,

  • Mary Kenah


  • judybrowni

    Nice threadjacking, but other than that…

  • gatorboy

    “As an ally of gay rights…”


  • Boy, that added a lot to the conversation, huh?

    Go Away.

  • Alex

    At some point in time in this artcle not including gays in advertising, turned into attacking gays.How is that? Now if barilla isn’t hiring gay employees or something of that ilk. then sure. Being a douche isn’t illegal. Freedom of expression means exactly that you can say whatever crazy nonsense comes to mind. Conservatives aren’t misunderstanding it. You simply can’t act on it or institutionalize that bigotry. Something that conservatives usually do misunderstand.

  • Monoceros Forth

    What’s especially ridiculous is that the idiot (and I’m pretty sure it’s now just one idiot) keeps getting caught just being a collection of sock puppets but he thinks that if he changes the username he’s posting with he’ll wriggle out from under.

  • Sam

    And if gays don’t like it, “they can always go eat someone else’s pasta.” – Nuff Said

  • judybrowni

    At last, the true “conservative” lifts off his white hood and speaks!

  • Stand back Howee-poo I’ll bite your face off.

  • Mary Kenah

    That’s tolerance. Not acceptance.

  • howeecarr

    Sure you dont bleat Karmy Warmy, sure you don’t

  • Monoceros Forth

    Why are you changing your username a hundred times?

  • Reiden

    =) good that you are, hope your GED is enough for you to be a judge. And, sticks and stones.

  • Enlightened Guru

    I hate gays…they should be killed

  • Yael

    If there’s a kind of pasta I always have in my kitchen – it’s that of Bariila.
    But if there’s something I will n-e-v-e-r tolerate, it’s injustice.


  • judybrowni

    Do your own research, troll.
    You coulda Googled in the number of times you’ve asked the same “questions.”

  • Atheist Loki

    I want more companies to stand up in public and stare their true opinions….. So I know what not to buy. My wife and I keep our home hate free.

  • Captain pulls head out of ass and finds she is a private.

  • judybrowni

    Yup, troll.

  • Chuckles McTruck

    It’s their usual tactic of intentionally confusing “freedom of speech” with “diplomatic immunity”.

  • judybrowni

    Because Rosa Parks refused to sit in the back of the bus, President Barack Obama was never forced to.

  • Reiden

    So you are very sure?

  • Le Sigh

    That isn’t true. He said that if they didn’t like how he was handling the marketing they can buy someone else’s pasta. Never said “Don’t buy this.”

  • genetics M.

  • Reiden

    A good point is, WHY is he even talking about gays? Did he deliberately talk about gays on the talk show? If not, who initiated it? Macdonalds or any other companies’ ads have always portrayed traditional families. Why him? What happened? Did someone on the talkshow initiate the conversation? How was the interview conducted?

  • Got that right private.

  • Zachary Burnham

    Ah, the old “They aren’t tolerant towards intolerance, so they’re bigots” canard. You’re free to spew any ridiculous nonsense you like, and I’m free to tell everyone I know what you said, and then they’re free to react any way they like, including boycotting the company. Why is it OK for people to spew venom towards gay people, but not OK when the gay people (and their straight allies) respond in kind? Free speech is a double-edged sword. In exchange for saying whatever you like, others have the right to say whatever they want in reply, to anyone who will listen, and in whatever form/forum they have access to.

  • trackbackone

    Trader Joe’s in Los Angeles is on the same supply network as every other store. Which means every brand is thrown on a conveyor belt by migrant workers. Pasta is sloshed with meat, dairy, etc. It is disgusting. Not to mention their founder died a devoted Nazi. I think a man responding to a question about advertising is not a big deal, especially since their product is the best on the market, with great prices as well. Visit their website for special offers.

  • judybrowni

    Writing is an expression of thought: yours doesn’t.

  • Roxanna Smith

    Well you remember how Paula Deen was bashed for making racial slurs, this is just another type of racial slur and they should hear and feel all the heat that Paula felt over her comment but this comment was recent and in a new day and age, not 20 years ago. Shame on you Mr. Barilla and I used to buy your pasta well no more. I hope more people stop to teach you all a lesson!

  • Monoceros FIRST

    Oh are you giving me tips from your playbook? Very clever…you left wingers have all the good tricks.

  • howeecarr

    Judy- you have a real obsession with the GED, don’t you?

  • Joshua Thomas

    Don’t censor people… -.- for your own political views…utterly disgusting…

  • We don’t ‘bleat’ Howee Wowie, We just file down the pin heads.

  • Sven Schmidt

    Well its kind of silly, “Gay Mafia”, I’m not sure what that is, just an excuse to discredit or belittle a target group methinks?

  • Reiden

    And YOU are very sure? =)

  • Chuckles McTruck

    No. Just no. Being tolerant of your intolerance is like asking if I can keep the bullet you just shot me with.

    Furthermore: this guy runs a PASTA COMPANY. What is he even DOING talking about this? YOU MAKE NOODLES, DAWG. Get some perspective for chrissakes.

  • Mhers23

    Isaac is a genius, she gets all of her reliable information from the media. Don’t you know Isaac’s opinion is the only one that counts.

  • judybrowni

    “I don’t think” being the primary point of what you wrote above.

  • This was just bad PR. The answer to the question “why don’t you have any gay couples in your ads” (did someone actually ask that?) is “I’m not directly involved in the marketing decisions for the company but I’ll discuss that at in my next meeting with the marketing director and get back to you”. And then just never get back. I know how these things work. It’s entirely possible that they sell as much pasta to gay people are they are going to and need to make ads to appeal to a different demographic. I am not deluded into thinking that anyone puts gay couples in their ads as a civil rights statement. they want my gay money! But this was so incompetently handled that I have to question why this guy is in charge of a company, especially one this large.

  • Ryan Kingston

    You forgot to list their phone number. here it is.

    (800) 922-7455

  • Monoceros Forth

    I’m just eager to type things out.

    Minus a few necessary keystrokes anyway.

  • Reiden


    Chill Judy, I know your english is fantastic. I’m just eager to type things out. I see what you are trying to say.

    You are an obvious humanitarian.

  • Kells

    Ouuuuh! You have a direct quote from the media!!! How reliable. Have you heard audio or video or this?! Maybe try hearing both sides before you state your OPINION.

  • howeecarr

    So anyone who posts a contrary view is a “troll?”
    And yet so many of you bleat of your “commitment to diversity,” your “tolerance,” your “inclusiveness.” Pretty easy to do when all you really want is a progressive echo chamber.
    And I’ll say it again; being LGBT does NOT automatically mean endorsing so-called “progressive” politics and worldviews wholesale; some of us prefer to think for ourselves.

  • outlawlobbyists
  • outlawlobbyists

    um Dececco pasta was voted #1 w/ America’s Test Kitchen no matter so Barillla pad can go on
    & cry in their starchy crapola now http://www.americastestkitchen.com/

  • Not enough gray cells there Judi. Google is a big word.

  • You’re making a false equivalency between the parties. Yes, the Democrats have a very liberal element. They are small and marginalized and vote Green half the time anyway. They are insignificant in national politics. In fact, we’d never hear from them at all if they weren’t quoted in the right-wing media. I can’t think of any Democrat at the national level that would pass for a leftist in most countries. It’s a big lie that Democrats are way off to the left. The Democratic party is the moderate party: sometimes center right and sometimes center left. Look at Obama’s actual record (not what people say about him but his actual actions as president. He’s not really a liberal (nor am I ) except in the twisted far-right media landscape we have to deal with in the US today. The Democrats are not perfect. I would never claim that they are. But the Republicans have been taken over by talk radio demagogues and the lunatic fringe of politics and Christianity. There is no getting around that. And for the people who vote Republican because they are fiscally conservative…the Democrats are far more fiscally responsible than the Republicans. No GOP president has reduced spending since Eisenhower (and even he wasn’t consistent in that regard throughout his presidency). People who still vote Republican and aren’t in the religious right or billionaires are delusional. And I don’t know why I should bite my tongue and pretend that the crazy isn’t exactly that. What the fuck was Ted Cruz doing yesterday. That’s the GOP today and you can’t blame anyone for not wanting any part of that.

  • Shiro

    I don’t think he was bashing gays, only that he wants to portray a man and woman family for his commercials. Immediately after he made that statement he said “People are free to do whatever they want, as long as it doesn’t bother anyone else”. His marketing practices are ultimately up to him.

  • Terry

    Your an idiot, please stop posting multiple comments, your making my IQ drop.

  • Probably from the worm farm where Barillo makes gluten free pasta.

  • Kyle

    As an ally of gay rights, this is the kind of bullshit that gives the gay activist community a bad name, jumping on every tiny thing like it’s the end of the world. He didn’t say he wanted to go out and persecute gays, or imprison them all. All he said is that he didn’t want to use them in advertising for his company, which is his CHOICE. He said flat out that he believes that gays and everyone else are free to do what they want. Get over yourself and stop nitpick overreacting at every miniscule thing you can find.

  • RandomCanuck

    I agree with alot of what he is saying in this article, but he goes to quite an extreme later in the article….. Being canadian I can’t comment US laws and freedom. However as the CEO of the company he chooses not to put homosexuals in commercials, which is a choice he is allowed to make. It doesn’t make him a hater on the gay community (well, he very well could be), but it is his choice, just like others may not put certain races or type of people in there commercials as a choice, not because they hate. By putting such pressure to get what, the gay community is forcing others to see and force others to do exactly what they want and nothing else, which is bullying and nothing short of it. Yes you have had a hard life, yes we understand, but does that make it right to demand that you get everything you ask for and if you don’t call it a hate crime? It just seems silly they call out for equality and tolerance while they give next to none themselves unless forced to by whatever circumstance. It really is a sad day when people go to such extremes as this (I hate to say this, but I am looking at the person called “HF”, her extremes can cause most people to actually dislike the homosexual communities….. She preaches tolerance and gives not even a hint of it back, really quite sad….). I will not boycott this as he is only human, he makes mistakes and have his right to his opinion, hope fully you can see the same thing, but when someone is so far one way or another, they live in there own world…..

  • judybrowni

    Yeah, and Rosa Parks refused to sit in the back of the bus because she hated buses.
    But because Parks refused to be pushed the back of the bus, President Barack Obama was never forced to ride there.
    We might credit your “opinions” if they didn’t parrot the same bigoted “opinions” used against every other civil rights fight of t he last 50 years.
    And, if your written English wasn’t an obvious cry for going back and getting your GED.

  • Sven Schmidt

    Wow you’re cool!

  • Captain

    gays dont eat carbs anyway

  • Indigo

    Your point being . . .

  • Sanders

    Because he likes advertising to traditional families and if you don’t like it you guy buy elsewhere? That makes you against gays? Hmmm I guess if you don’t like all the colors of the rainbow you must be against gays too. Hypocrite.

  • Nick Rowley

    “How dare he suggest that people who don’t like his ads not buy his pasta.”

    Now you’re just quoting the board of directors!

  • decreator

    Wow, and that’s the pasta I use religiously! No more.

  • Don

    Earlier today I purchased 14 boxes of Barilla at Publix. Just now I’ve returned from Publix, having returned every last one of my purchases and replacing with another brand. Like there’s no alternative…

  • Reiden

    I hope u guys look back and see how these meaningless attacks sounds dumb just becos someone has a different perspective than you and asked for clarification. if this is the middle ages, you people would have stoned me and katie for asking the truth and siding with the “witch”.

    “are you sure she is a witch?”

    “Stone him! he sides with the witch!”

    “huh? (lights a cigarette)”

    “Fire from his fingers! WITCH(Starts to stone)

  • Sven Schmidt

    How can LGBT peoples move on when there are still civil rights and equality to fight for? “Move on” how? By continuing to be subverted and denied equal rights that you didn’t have to fight for in the first place? No way.

  • Indigo


  • “What you, “liberal” people, fail to understand is that freedom is either absolute or it’s not freedom.” Tell that to the judge next time you flash on the playground test-perv.

  • Don

    Central role of the woman in a family? Barefoot and pregnant? What does this BS even mean?

  • Nick Rowley

    Nah, I’m not offended I just know a bad marketing move when I see it. Look you don;t understand marketing, and evidently that makes you very very angry. :D

    And yes Guido is indeed an idiot, which no doubt he was told in no uncertain terms by his board, leading to the back peddling. :)

  • Monoceros Forth

    Shenanigans! Nobody’s doing the “bunny ears” thing holding fingers behind someone else’s head.

    (Seriously, that’s a great photo.)

  • Indigo

    I would say don’t feed the trolls but in this case they eat Barilla and it generates traffic so, okay. John needs the web traffic. As for the trolls, what they eat isn’t really Barilla, it’s s–t, but they’re welcome to call it Barilla, no problemo! (which is not really a Spanish word).

  • judybrowni


    Is your Google broken? Do your own research, troll..

  • bambam92

    Well, yes I know what it is like being a gay individual, because I knew I was gay very early and came out very early, too. I grew up in a household with a tyrannical stepfather who attacked me on everything (not only for being gay) and a mother who luckily did not oppose of my sexuality at all, so I know both sides of the coin. I recognize hate, discrimination, when I see it, wether you believe me or not is irrelevant. So saying I am “clearly” not gay, because I do not agree with everything another gay individual says/thinks/cries out about, is like saying you are not a male if you don’t act like the majority of males. Anyway, an outcry or boycott will not make Barilla print gay families on their product, and it shouldn’t! Because it is simply not hate, homophobia or discrimination if a family with gay parents is not included in every advertising!
    And maybe you even have a point, that my people-with-glasses-comparison was not the best, but still: Barilla WAS NOT expressing derogatory comments towards the gay community. I was not offended, but obviously some gay people are. I’m not saying, you are not allowed to be offended, you are not being offended because it’s fun. But don’t try to force what you want on others. In this case you want gay advertising on Barilla’s products. And yes, I am all for equality under the law, I am all against discrimination of all kinds. But something does simply not define as descrimination when it’s simply not a part of something.

  • goldwater89

    Liberal tolerance :)

  • The Open Door

    He also asked gay people to not buy their products. That, in and of itself, is pretty shocking coming from a multinational company since gays are not the only ones offended. This ain’t about someones personal “politics”. It’s bold faced bigotry toward his friends, neighbors, and customers.

  • 600+ this is going to be fun.

  • mirror

    You don’t get it. The profits from this product go to support the promotion of bigotry. When it reaches that point, I don’t really care if you have access to the product at my local market or not. I have to tell the store they should not be assisting in promotion of bigotry. Without the money from sales, this guy wouldn’t have a soapbox to legitimize his bigotry.

  • Sven Schmidt

    You’re just being a jerk.

  • Kells

    Where anywhere does he say that he is anti-gay? Are you ad-libbing? Because he wants to advertise traditional families!? And if you don’t agree you can buy elsewhere? And I never said EVERYONE was degrading him. There are PLENTY of comments out there that ARE degrading and people NOT acting like adults. I apologize if I used “you” because you have not made comments of the such that I’ve seen. I mean for those who are taking this to the extreme.

  • Bibendum

    there is a freedom of speech and a freedom of act/intention….There
    will not be Barilla pasta in my house ever again……

  • judybrowni

    Get your GED and then we’ll talk.

  • goldwater89

    Oh, you gave me a thumbs down. I’m heartbroken, Judy

  • Monoceros Forth

    “U” are embarrassing. Good heavens. You’re even abandoning syntax and grammar in your desperation.

  • judybrowni

    Words have meaning, jocko.
    You might try reading comprehension.

  • If one goes scuba diving with a Nazi is that the same as jumping the shark? “would that also be OK?”

  • Indigo

    Fa bene. Ciao, Barilla. Mangio la pasta di un’altra marca.

  • EP

    speaking of trolls…

  • Espain

    Actually it’s your people who tend to say “FREEDOM OF SPEECH” because other people disagree.

    Most people like it when freedom makes people be honest. Now we know who we should and shouldn’t support.

  • goldwater89

    “If they like our pasta and our marketing, they can eat it; if not, they can eat another pasta.”

    He didn’t say they couldn’t eat his food.

  • Monoceros Forth

    Boyo, you’re the one so desperate to get your point across you’re posting every five seconds replying to your own posts to give the impression that someone agrees with you. Who’s the one doing the loudest crying here?

  • judybrowni

    You first, troll.

    Or is your Google broken?

  • U embarrassing?

  • Airstreamingypsy

    I’m straight and almost always bought Barilla… not any more… Just like no Chick-a-Fil now no Barilla too….

  • TheNewTolerance

    And this article reflects a notable blindness to the bigotry of people who, in the name of tolerance, are some of the most intolerant and hateful people I have ever encountered, and yet they are blinded by their own self-righteous bigotry. If someone disagrees with your worldview, you should have the humanity to not vilify or belittle them. You may disagree, you may feel pity, you may do any number of humane and compassionate responses. However, this article is not one of those. Did any of you actually read what the man said? He did not belittle gay people. He did not display hatred. He simply stated that his company does not endorse a worldview that affirms non-traditional families. Kudos to him for having the backbone to care about more than his business profits or falling prey to cultural bully elitists. Not everyone has to agree with your limited and narrow-minded politics.

  • mirror


  • Reiden

    hit a nail? I at least had decency to ask if this is the whole story and demanded a perspective before i started bashing. U embarrassed?

  • Trudi Greissle Davidoff

    Here’s the link to their corporate governance page–there is a Ethics and Business pdf manual available for download. Look at section 3.0 Values. Apparently their CEO has not read the manual, hopefully their BOD will throw it at him. http://www.barillagroup.com/corporate/en/home/chisiamo/Barilla-Group/Barilla-corporate-governance.html

    Please everyone save a copy, I have, as they are likely to yank it quick.

  • judybrowni

    Nice try at Troll Deflecting and Distracting from topic at hand.
    Why aren’t you out direct actioning for whatever the hell are your bugaboos?

  • lddiaz

    Straight ally here. No probs, we won’t buy it either.

  • Like when I tell you to eat it!

  • HF

    Traditional values and all! ;)

  • Monoceros FIRST

    Why is this a right wing vs left wing? It is nothing of the such. This doesn’t even have to do with politics. It has to do with freedom of speech. He is allowed to say what he thinks, as are you. And lastly I’m allowed to say what I think — your OBVIOUSLY a LEFT-winged cry baby who wants everyone to conform to your beliefs and will cry out for life not being fair.

  • Mother Barilla has hit the keyboard today!

  • christine_andrade

    His language-not anyone else. Did you read the piece. His product will not portray gays in ads. That sounds pretty damn specific to me. You can generalize all you want. However, we are the ones facing that mountain you call a mole hill!

  • Reiden

    Can i ask you, what to you is a traditional family?

  • HF

    Yeah, a loving, monogamous, long-term relationship in a two-parent home is so icky!

  • goldwater89

    Plus the guy who wrote the article took Barilla’s words out of context. Great reporting!

    “If they like our pasta and our marketing, they can eat it; if not, they can eat another pasta.”

  • Katie, Katie, Hatie, Hatie.

  • judybrowni

    So why are you so damn lazy that you merely comment in a blog?
    If you’re true to your convictions you should be out there in public wearing a white hood and protesting something gay.

  • mirror

    I respect the right to express the ideas. I am not required to respect the ideas or the man behind them, when I do not respect them. In fact, I am duty bound to fight against the ideas and the influence because they are bigoted and promote a less fair, less functional, and less stable society.

  • Speaking of Goldwater: piss on contrary trolls.

  • “if gays don’t like it, “they can always go eat someone else’s pasta.” —glad to oblige. Heya Guido: slapping elbow with palm turned inward.

  • goldwater89

    He never said don’t eat my pasta, gays. The entire quote: “If they like our pasta and our marketing, they can eat it; if not, they can eat another pasta.”

  • Steve

    If you don’t like the companies perspective on traditional families – then don’t buy the product. But to organize a boycott against the company is extreme. If I don’t like gay bars – guess what – I don’t go there. I don’t organize the community to hurt them financially. That’s what the boycott does. This is happening all over the country where gays are organizing boycotts against small mom and pop companies that don’t support gay marriage or things like that and hurting the company to the point that they have to close or move.

    On your other point – I thought I was clear – maybe not. Gays would not allow me as a straight male to have a page on their site devoted to straight issues. If I were like the gays wanting to boycott the Pasta guy, then I could take it to the extreme as well. I don’t want to retype everything.

    I do want to commend you on the fact that your discussion was polite etc. There was no name calling etc. This is, how I feel discussions and disagreements should be handled.

  • TampaZeke

    You are a fucking idiot! The man’s name is GUIDO!

  • Reiden

    this article has also selectively quoted him. We have to be objective and look at the things beneath it. Not just bash it once we dont like it. I know you guys have alot of heart, I hate racists or people who prejudices against others, but to just bash without asking, it just plain lazy activism

  • Phoenix

    Katie, shut up. You’re a woman, and the Bible says you’re supposed to shut your whore mouth and make me a sandwich, bitch.

  • mirror

    He has the freedom to use his social status promote his bigoted hateful ideas and try to inspire those who share those ideas.

    We have the freedom to condemn his hateful ideas and work against them by not supporting him economically and trying to motivate others to join us. He even went out on a limb specifically saying he doesn’t need us to buy his product, thereby daring the world to respond to his bigotry.

    Attacking his words in the public sphere and asking others to join us in reducing his influence is not fascism. That is normal democracy. Fascism would be more like if we were calling for him to be jailed and his assets confiscated by the state for subsequent distribution to the cronies of those in power, sort of like how things work in Russia.

  • Benedict

    Boycott is fine but direct action is much better. Like most civilised people, I boycott Israeli (apartheid) products but there’s nothing like the satisfaction of destroying a few avocados with my thumb then waiting for the supermarket to take action. Of course, they never do because publicity arising from any prosecution would draw attention to the fact that they are selling stolen goods. I’m not suggesting that a clumsy comment from a socially conservative pasta manufacturer is comparable to ethnic cleansing, apartheid, violation of UN resolutions and international law, the world’s largest illegal nuclear arsenal and the murder of thousands of innocent civilians over the past 65 years. I’m just drawing attention to the fact that 1.5 BILLION of your tax dollars go every year to prop up one of the most unpleasant regimes on the planet and it’s possibly a more important issue than us guys going crazy because someone doesn’t include us in their crummy ads. The guy is a dick. He hasn’t committed a hate crime – just demonstrated how dumb he is.

  • eccles11

    I read it bad, i did :

  • HF
  • judybrowni

    Cute how you didn’t answer the question.

    And also cute how you didn’t note that there are Italian Jews.

    And yeah, it would not be fucking okay to exclude them deliberately from advertising or advocate that Jews shouldn’t be able to adopt.

  • ivalueamerica

    you have no concept of freedom of speech as promoted by the US Constitution then. One can not freely express threats of murder or violence. that Supreme court agrees that was not part of freedom of speech. One can not yell fire in a crowded area, the supreme court agrees with the concept. One can not use speech to cause violence or commit illegal activities. While it is debatable to what exactly hate speech is and how it contributes to that, the call is NOT yours to make. I respect your right to have that opinion, after all, no where in the US Constitution does it say your opinion has to be based on fact, reasonable or rational.

    And yes, I do understand this was in italy…where freedom of speech is not exactly as it is the USA anyway, making both your and my opinion moot on his speech.

    And look up the word fascism sometime, the way extreme right wing people use it cracks me up. Bless your heart.

  • usagi

    Over 600 comments? Where did the troll invasion come from and how many of them are from a comment farm Barillo marketing engaged at light speed to try to get ahead of this (too late, BTW)?

  • Monoceros Forth

    A lot of Dans around. Christ, why are these right-wing trolls so incompetent?

  • Reiden

    If he says he wants to portray italian family in his ads, but not jews. is that also not ok?

  • HF

    No, I certainly MUST not respect the rights of people who are trying to oppress me. Jesus, I can’t believe you can’t understand that.

  • live free or get out

    ‘effin brilliant !

    Well said and ’nuff said!

  • David Franks

    If the woman has a central role in the family, wouldn’t a lesbian couple be even better for a family than a heterosexual couple?

  • TampaZeke

    You know that you selectively quoted him completely leaving out the part where he told gay people to eat elsewhere and where he condemned gay families and gay adoptions. That may pass as “media” on Fox News but it doesn’t fly in the real world.

  • Makuhita

    Has anyone checked the sources?

  • Monoceros Forth

    You’re agreeing with yourself? Dude, you forgot to switch to a different username again.

  • KG45

    Completely agree!

  • Scuba Fork

    Try this little thought exercise. If he said “We won’t include jews in our ads, because we like the traditional family. If jews don’t like it, they can always eat another brand of pasta. Everyone is free to do what they want, provided it doesn’t bother anyone else” would that also be ok?

  • judybrowni

    Odd how Freedom of Speech only goes one way with you, isn’t it?
    Barillo is free to say any bigoted nonsense he likes, including to tell gays they can buy another brand.
    Gays and their supporters are free to voice their opinions on the subject, and free to take Barillo’s advice to buy from another company.

  • geoff

    You are exactly right with your 1st paragraph. Then you go off the rails on your crazy train.

    What part of the article you are commenting on is advocating for anything more than exercising the free expression you highlight in your 1st paragraph?

    Or are you just tilting at windmills?

  • Reiden

    hmm… i actually dont feel anything wrong with the statement. Many companies portrays straight families in their ads, they want to, why should we stop them. He indicates that if you dont like it, its ok to get another brand, as long as u dont get in another persons way. I do need to know the context of this remark. This site really just took a chunk out and starts to bomb it.

  • nicho

    Anyone who picks howie carr as their screen name is an all-out asshole.

  • live free or get out

    rather , for lack of a better word, stupid comment.
    No one is denying anyone their ‘rights’
    And no…I don’t give a rats’s ass what consenting adults do.
    But you MUST respect the rights of those ho don’t see the world through your (left-wing) lens…

  • Monoceros Forth

    Right-wingers have a very odd idea of freedom, I’ve noticed. They don’t really seem to know quite what it is. Nobody here is wanting to rob Barilla of freedom. What they want to do is exercise the power of the wallet and deny Barilla sales. But this, apparently, is what the right-winger thinks of as censorship because his idea of freedom is basically not about liberty but about money. Clapping a supposed terrorist in jail for the rest of his life without trial? Nothing wrong with that. Even mentioning imposing fuel economy limits on American cars? Pure tyranny!

    So of course you think that the notion of a boycott on a businessman is, somehow, “fascism”. Money is freedom to you and taking away someone’s money is the most tyrannical thing ever.

  • buggaboo

    You’re absolutely right that he has the freedom to say what he wants and can dislike a group of people even if it’s because he feels that disliking them based solely on sexual preference is viable. We are also entitled as you mentioned, not to agree with him and voice our dislike of his ignorant statement. I am also as an American, at total liberty to add, that your use of a blanket grouping of one person’s article as “you liberal people”, is as ignorant a comment as Barilla’s.

  • PeteWa

    I’ve been wondering the same thing.

  • Katie

    “Everyone is free to do what they want, provided it doesn’t bother anyone else.” That’s right – everyone is free to do what they want. He didn’t say he didn’t want gays eating his pasta. He just said he believes in traditional family. Just another example of the media making a mountain out of a molehill, just like they did with Chick-fil-A. Sometimes it makes you wonder if these people are planted in the media to cause an uproar on purpose.

  • HF

    In Lincoln’s day, the Republicans were very much the liberal party. That’s why they were considered progressive. Today’s GOP doesn’t even resemble Goldwater’s GOP, much less Lincoln’s.

  • Bwdesmo

    Perfectly said HF. I’m always stunned with the absolute level of ignorance and backwards thinking people are willing wear like a badge of honor

  • nicho

    Why do I have the feeling that all the employees in Barilla Pasta US have been given the day off to spend their time trolling Americablog defending bigotry?

  • judybrowni

    And we have the freedom not to buy his damn pasta and call out your bullshit.

    Odd how “conservatives” (who conserve nothing) never champion freedom of speech or association for anyone but themselves.

  • howeecarr

    Don’t agree w/ Barilla’s inane, intolerant bigotry, assumptions, and generalizations.
    Don’t agree w/ yours (Anti-gay bigots, and conservatives generally…) either.

    When is Big Gay going to mget it thru their heads that not all LGBT folks embrace the entire (and often, IMO, silly) “progressive” political agenda? Being LGBT does not mean having to be liberal, nor foes it mean casting aspersion upon Right-leaning folks. You’re as intolerant as Barilla, sadly.

  • Nick Rowley

    “Liberals and gays can be fascists”

    Nope, I think I know what you’re going for but you’re using fascist (a very specific term with origins in the rule of Mussolini) as a synonym for which it is not.

    Probably best to consult a dictionary before trying to make a point. :)

    Nobody is denying him the right to speak his mind, but you only have the right to speak you mind not immunity from others reactions to you doing that.

  • Trudi Greissle Davidoff

    Found this on their website, it’s a governance page with a pdf download for their “Ethics and Business” Manual. http://www.barillagroup.com/corporate/en/home/chisiamo/Barilla-Group/Barilla-corporate-governance.html

  • Scuba Fork

    That’s a shame. I liked their pasta, but now it just has a sour taste of bigotry. Here’s a business tip: that 10% or so of the population that identifies as LGBT has a lot of straight friends and we don’t like our friends to be marginalized.

  • Thom Allen

    He expressed himself, he’s allowed to do that. So am I. I, and many others, find his words and stance objectionable. We’re saying so and we can also boycott his products. He’s already feeling the heat – note his comments trying to “make nice” for his bigoted attitude. None of this has anything to do with fascism.

  • JozefAL

    Actually, I think a family where the father cooks IS traditional given one of two situations applies: 1) the father is a professional chef or restaurant cook; 2) the father’s cooking involves grills or large open flames and some quantity of meat. If neither of these conditions applies, then it’s not traditional per il Signor Barilla.

  • HF

    Uh…he wasn’t talking to you.

  • HF

    Yeah, diversity is total GARBAGE! America was totally founded on complete intolerance, and our Constitution says nothing at all about us all being equal! Everyone should think exactly like you! We abolished slavery? BRING IT BACK. Civil rights in the black community? NOPE, move to the back of the bus, Rosa Parks! Can’t you be more tolerant of my attempt to oppress you?

    God, how are you comfortable admitting how terrible you are?

  • Kellyjb0213

    That’s funny coming from someone with shit coming out of their mouth.

  • How To Go From Hero to ZERO: Business Viewpoint

    Very poor business message. Businesses MUST treat every prospect AS A BUYER. Why would you limit yourself in the marketplace like this? You now have people like me, who are offended by the message, even though we weren’t specifically targeted personally. Ya see, all though he aimed at criticizing one target audience, he didn’t account for the spillover effect, which now decreases his market share even further. He put down peoples’ friends, colleagues, business partners, and just normal innocent people — for ZERO marketplace gain. Basically people that would BUY your product, now will choose to NOT BUY your product. Great businesses are really good at producing revenue, by simply providing great service to ALL clients, over-delivering in value, and having an exceptional product.

    He is smart to TRY to nip this in the bun ASAP, but Social Media moves so fast, that there really isn’t time to make these kind of mistakes — especially the ones you’re supposed to learn in grade school.

  • judybrowni

    Uh huh. And you know who sees homosexuals behind every bush? Closet cases.

  • judybrowni

    Not all conservatives may be bigots, but all bigots are conservative.
    What a fucking coincidence.

  • Aaron Voog

    It may bear mentioning that the conservative’s stated platform is almost uniformly against gay rights,marriages, and equality. Those that are soft on those issues are drummed out of conservative discourse.

  • testpilot

    Freedom of expression is exactly what “Barilla” chairman exercised – the right way. If he dislikes a group of people he should have the right to say so. You have the right to say you dislike him and not buy his products. And that’s that. End of story.

    What you, “liberal” people, fail to understand is that freedom is either absolute or it’s not freedom. You don’t get to cherry-pick what can or can not be said and label things you don’t like a “hate speech”. That’s not freedom – that’s fascism.

    Oh, yes, liberals and gays can be fascists, too! More often than not, unfortunately.

  • Bwdesmo

    Haha, Becca beat me to it. What would you suggest Aravois call GUIDO Barilla?

  • RetiredBrady

    Men never buy pasta. Oh, wait. My husband does the shopping. He has been instructed to never buy Barilla.

  • pk927

    Ah, I see. I stand corrected. Thanks.

  • Trudi Greissle Davidoff

    You can contact Barilla at this number to let them know there will be no hate on your plate! (800) 922-7455

  • italian1728

    Clearly you’re not gay. Do you ever hear people saying derogatory comments to people who wear glasses? It’s kind of like when black people always say, “it’s because I’m
    black” …..it’s annoying, it’s not because you’re black, it’s because
    you’re a douche….but I guess you have to be black to understand…and that’s why I feel unless you’re not gay, you don’t understand the troubles and differences we go through. Do you know what it’s like growing up to be gay? It’s the hardest thing in the world. The bullying endured is horrible. People kill themselves because of it. So why don’t you go fly a kite ….fly it realy F*** high, C**T

  • judybrowni

    Rosa Parks didn’t hate buses, but because she refused to sit in the back of a bus President Barack Obama was never forced to.

  • HF

    Please tell me where I made a single general comment about the non-gay population. We are talking about the things that you said, and the things that Barilla’s CEO said. Period.

  • David Hamburger

    Let them know on their Facebook page exactly what you think of them!

    And if he’s so sorry, then let’s see how soon they feature LGBT couples and families in their ads.

  • Denise Parker

    OMG, I would bet every cent I have that you are a Republican! You sound like my brother who is gay. Don’t know what caused you guys to be such haters of everyone gay or straight but it is sad and would cry for you but you would like that so I’ll just say……It must really suck to be you.
    You can’t get away from yourself….everywhere you go…..there you are angry, bitter and nasty. Well, enjoy yourself….you must like being this way. Go buy some Barilla and choke on it.

  • Robertangelo Coppola

    As far as I’m concered we will find a better pasta to eat…..Barilla Company can sleep with the fishes ……fricken Homophobic Bastards…..

  • HF

    Says the guy with a digital dick as his username.

  • The Barilla company CEO’s first name is Guido.

  • Isaac

    I know I will not buy any Barilla ever again. Why not boycott them? We have the direct quote from the owner that clearly shows he doesn’t give a crap about LGBT people. When his bottom line is at risk by a boycott he quickly backtracks. It’s not just bad business it is an insight into how this man thinks. And just because you boycott does not mean you are intolerant. Don’t preach to LGBT people about intolerance…we all know what it looks like, Guido Barilla.

  • HF

    Yeah, he said good thing it’s private. :)

  • HF

    I love that “traditional families” can be full of divorce, addiction, abuse, etc., but JUST BECAUSE it’s a man and a woman they’re more moral than two monogamous, loving gay people in a long-term relationship.

  • joejmz

    “Hey, let’s show everyone how to be inclusive and how rude and inconsiderate it is to discriminate by using ‘stronzo’ and ‘Guido’ to refer to an Italian whose opinion we disagree with.”

    Way to go, Mr. Aravois

  • Hayden Bridges

    I’m a part of a traditional family, I don’t hate my family. I DO get offended when people discriminate against me.

  • HF

    Nope. Nope, nope, nope. You cannot demand an entire swath of the population be denied equal rights when it’s none of your business and expect the oppressed parties to be “TOLERANT” of their oppression.

    Why couldn’t the Jewish people just “tolerate” the fact that the Nazis found them inhuman? And really, couldn’t blacks just “tolerate” the fact that whites considered them animals, even decades after slavery was abolished? Why couldn’t the Japanese-Americans just “tolerate” being put into camps during the second world war?

    Why can’t everyone just “tolerate” your oppression of them?

  • Dhud

    HAHA ok so I never voted for bush so great comeback (again independent not a republican) second accomplishments of the Dems lets see Vietnam War, World War 2, Korean War, World War 1, With Clinton the failed action in response to genocide in Rwanda. hahahahaha but you forgot to mention that I guess.

  • JozefAL

    OR you could always, oh I don’t know, make your own? It’s not like homemade pasta is all that time-consuming or difficult. Okay–it does help if you’ve got a pasta maker but there are plenty of recipes online. If you’ve got a free day, you could make a decent amount of pasta.
    Then again, you shop at a store that only offers two brands of pasta? Why? Even the despised Wal-Mart sells more than two brands. Even the smallest mom-and-pop stores that I’ve frequented have more than two brands (they don’t necessarily offer more than 2 *styles* of pasta but they do offer more than 2 brands). I’ve been in CONVENIENCE stores that offer more than two brands of pasta.

  • Dan

    This is a really easy boycott and one that I will be happy to participate in. It looks like it will be a Prince Spaghetti night. I think he is one hundred % right if they don’t like what he said gays have the right to buy another pasta, and so does this traditional family of 5

  • judybrowni

    No, my brother is an ultra sound technician and my sister is a doctor.
    Who just celebrated my father’s 90th birthday, and he was happy to have them at that traditional family gathering.
    Grow up, join the 21st century and lose the scare quotes.

  • FLL

    “I simply wanted to highlight the central role of the woman in the family.”

    That’s an interesting remark. Barilla doesn’t necessarily refer to women working in the kitchen; he isn’t specifying a role for women. He is simply saying that without a woman, there is can be no family unit. He doesn’t seem to disapprove of lesbian couples, only two men living together. He is aiming his bullying at the male half of the population by saying that two men cannot form an enduring family unit because a woman is not part of the unit. Barilla’s attempt to give instruction to the male half of the population will become increasing ridiculed and ignored as the century progresses. Just wait and see if the cultural shift in the near future doesn’t prove me right. No, really. Just wait.

  • Bridget McCurry

    BEAUTIFULLY put, it was my reading about the pain inflicted on black people in the south, when I was a child, that made me an advocate for the oppressed, whether they be black, Latino, LGBT, or whatever!!

  • goulo

    You seem to be saying that he gets to publicly dis gay people and their families, and you have no problem with that (apparently it is “acting like an adult” and not at all “degrading” to say that same-sex families are not as valuable), but you have a problem with people publicly saying that his anti-gay attitude makes them not want to support him and his product (apparently that is “degrading” and not “acting like an adult”).

    Anyway, of course stores do not “have to stop carrying these product”. They of course are free to do what they want, and consumers are free to tell stores which products they want to buy and don’t want to buy, and why.

  • Quagmire

    Really John? You’re that much of a left-leaning lunatic that you couldn’t help but take a shot at conservatives by lumping them in with anti-gay bigots?

    Bringing politics into it serves no purpose to further the gay movement, which, supposedly, is what you’re trying to do here. Or perhaps you’re just railing against big business.

    Either way, the only bigot I see here is you.

  • bobfairlane

    I bet some homosexual “journalist” badgered him for an hour before he said that.

  • HF

    I’m sorry, but you cannot say you want to deny gays the same rights you have and in the next breath claim that you’re “not against LGBT peoples.” You ABSOLUTELY are against the LGBT community. It’s just positively none of your effing business what two loving, consenting adult individuals do inside the privacy of their own bedrooms. There’s nothing immoral, either, about two loving, consenting adult individuals having a family – a TWO PARENT family – just because both parents happen to be the same gender.

  • nicho

    It will stop when bigots like you shut the fuck up.

  • streever

    how is “the gay community” taking away his freedom? He said, you don’t have to buy my pasta, and they said, “We won’t. Also we think you’re a jerk.”

    How is being thought to be a jerk “taking away freedoms”???? Where the hell did this idea come from, that we can’t dislike someone based on that persons expressed opinions and public statements?

  • Stacy Schauer-Dekoning

    I don’t know, maybe I’m reading too much into this, but when he says he wants “to highlight the central role of the woman in the family” does he mean that they should stay in the kitchen? As a woman (never mind LGBT ally) I am insulted.

  • cheeky

    I think he was just pointing out another well known pasta brand as an example…

  • judybrowni

    Gay rights is the third civil rights movement I’ve lived through.

    And I’ve seen firsthand gotcha moments that make the media are an important cojunct to politics and organizing.

    Because Rosa Parks refused to sit in the back of the bus, President Barack Obama was never forced to.

  • nicho

    Pirates, arrrr, matey!

  • Kellyjb0213

    I completely agree with you. If people are offended they do not have to buy this company’s product. An issue I have is with the people calling up store owners and corporations demanding them to no longer sell this products. Why should I not be allowed to buy this product because a portion of people hate this company. I am just against people taking this to an extreme and name calling this person, not the level headed people people who personally no longer want to buy this product.

  • streever

    Right–he acknowledged that what he is doing and saying may upset some people. You say that is OK.

    Surprise, surprise–he was right–and now it isn’t OK? People can’t express their feelings?

    They have to operate based off the parameters he set, and shut up, and just not buy the pasta?

    Thanks for clarifying. I’ll make sure to run all my feelings and opinions by you in the future to get a go-ahead or a “nah don’t say or feel anything this time bud”.

  • bobfairlane

    Homosexuals are the bigots! You are nothing but pirates and hate “traditional families”. That is why you get “offended” at anyone that doesn’t cater to your “diversity” garbage.

  • Art Vandelay

    Exactly. But Nick Rowley is offended that Guido Barilla has an opinion that is different from Nick Rowley’s opinion, and furthermore, since that opinion could affect Barilla’s profits, Nick Rowley suggests that Guido Barilla must be an idiot for putting his values about profit margins. Nick Rowley is basically saying that the only thing that matters is money, and that he thinks we should all be like him… we should all put money first and our values last.

  • Dhud

    Yes I completely agree with the definition but there was a time that someone like Abraham Lincoln could have been considered a liberal and progressive and he was a republican, and other such as Senator Byrd (democrat and former KKK member) and Al Gore’s father (strong member in government that tried to uphold segregation) were both considered liberals yet their actions made for very specific exclusions.

  • bambam92

    Oh my god, are we as homosexual individuals really that used to defending ourselves, that we even try to defend ourselves and boycott EVERYTHING that does not include us in their advertising? I mean really, this is rediculous! If I have a company and I don’t include people with glasses in my advertising, but people without glasses, just because I don’t want to, does that mean people with glasses should speak out and stop “glassophobia” and all that hate against people with glasses that I caused?!
    He also said “IF gay people don’t like it, they can eat someone else’s pasta.” Which is absolutely fine! Who are we to demand to be included in their advertising??? All we do right now is, what we ourselves fear the most: we attack someone for what they like/do not like! Barilla did nothing more than to express that they don’t want to put up gay advertising and we should definately not try to force them to do so! In no way was Barilla acting homophobic, hateful or discrimnating. I as a gay guy myself don’t understand the outcry, but I guess it is simply because we got so used to defending ourselves. Our community is on a very good way (despite what’s going on in Russia) and personally I think, we can take a small step back and look around us, at what we already achieved and move forward a bit slower, prouder and hopefully a bit less equipped now.

  • JozefAL

    As *I* seem to recall, the lesbians ALWAYS had their own “special” designation: Sapphic. But it was a “classy” term–you never heard anyone use it in a derogatory fashion. If someone had developed a similar term for the men to use–a word that wasn’t one that was easy to hurl as an insult. (The closest real term being used for men in a “classy” sense was “sodomite” and it was still a real insult.)
    Then again, “lesbian” was also used to describe same-sex activity among women from virtually the beginning of sex research in the late 19th century.
    Also, “gay” was NOT “in the beginning.” Gay–as an adjective for homosexual–didn’t realy come about until the late 1960s/early 1970s. As to the lesbian issue, your use of “got pissed” pretty well shows a part of the problem: As persons of color in the LGBT community routinely “get pissed” at the “white power” structure in the modern community’s leadership and spokesperson posts, so too did lesbians feel pissed at the apparent male dominance in the community’s issues. (And there are plenty of lesbians who still believe they’re marginalized. Most of the “mainstream” gay venues tend to a bit of male-centric behavior, even when a story affects the community as a whole–there’s not really a “gay men’s” version of SheWired, for instance, that seems more “news” than “cruise.”)

  • Lynn Hutchins

    I agree.

  • live free or get out

    Poor business sense???
    Maybe not. !
    I and millions like me support traditional family structures.
    Not that we’re against LGBT peoples….far from it.
    We’re largely apathetic to your concerns and wish you’d just get on with life.
    I, and millions others will look for Barillo as Mr Barillo supports what is largely been a rather heaped upon community
    Now….where’s my bolognese recipe….

  • judybrowni

    Barilla’s first name is, actually, Guido.

  • guest

    Just as you make general comments about the non-gay population, I was making general comments about the average person being accused of discrimination. Conservatives and religious individuals are generalized as being bigots and discriminating against others. Most I know, wouldn’t say squat about another’s lifestyle. That is what I was referring to.

  • Ladyleftie

    Thanks for sharing this. Woulda been better had the author left out the derogatory slur associated with Italians. Intolerance towards us doesn’t permit our participation and perpetuation of it.

  • Whitewitch

    Oh yes I have misspoken…more often than I care to think about. And sometimes I was even down right wrong about something. And my own reality causes me to sometimes say things I don’t actually mean. As I said, however, I try to think about what I say, if I mis-speak and hurt someone I try to stop and be sure of what I am saying. That is not self-righteous – that is being self aware and trying to move through the world a little more softly. Am I wrong – heck yeah…probably often. But Bigot I am not. Guido said if I didn’t like it I could buy other pasta – and so as he suggests I will.

  • Art Vandelay

    Oh, I see. People don’t like that he said, “If gay people don’t like that my ads don’t have gay people, then they don’t have to buy my pasta.” Because that is such a terrible thing to say. How dare he suggest that people who don’t like his ads not buy his pasta. The nerve of him, suggesting that people exercise their freedom of choice. He sure is totally out there with that suggestion. That’s crazy! What a jerk he must be!

  • Kellyjb0213

    You are free to do what you like! That isn’t my point. If you don’t like his statements and they offend you go ahead and boycott! BUTTTT that doesn’t mean you are entitled to degrade him and name call and throw a hissy fit until you get your way. I’m saying people should act like adults. Why should stores have to stop carrying these products which I’m sure many people will still buy because there are a portion on people who did not like his comments and don’t want to buy this company’s product.

  • live free or get out

    …and he might find it increases his market share….
    Don’t think for second that everyone supports LGBT
    and do not also forget there are multitudes who support traditional families and will buy Barillo.

  • HF

    I’m just…I’m speechless. If you’re “constantly being accused” of discrimination, it’s time to look inward.

    There’s nothing like being told by someone who has ZERO experience being gay that all ACTUAL GAYS are making up their experiences.

  • EastCoastSteff

    I can understand your concern, the issue isn’t his beliefs, but applying them to practices. When you run a business, you have to keep race and religion out of it, as it goes against equality in the workplace and can create a hostile work environment and leaves you open to lawsuits. Any good business owner knows to never mix business and pleasure and don’t talk about religion or politics, otherwise, there will be backlash.
    The fact that his homophobic remark about “If gays
    don’t like it, they can always eat another brand of pasta.” is
    as ignorant as Marie Antoinette saying “Let them eat cake.”
    Also, his half-assed, backpedaled apology is equally as
    offensive; stating that a woman’s place is in the kitchen is
    completely misogynistic. I’m heterosexual and my male fiance makes way better
    pasta than I ever will and I’m half Italian.

  • Aubrey Haltom

    Please explain to me, steve, why Barilla is “not being able to run ads it wants to”? I haven’t seen any censoring of Barilla’s ability to run whatever ads it chooses.

    Or do you mean to say there should not be any consequences for a bigoted statement?

    And yes, the Chairman of an international food product company saying he only wants to market to “traditional families”, that his company won’t include any ‘gays in their ads’, and that he opposes gay adoptions – are expressions of bigotry. Which I fully support his right to make. And my right to therefore not purchase what he sells.

    It’s not hypocrisy, nor tyranny. It’s choice expressed by all concerned – not just one-sided…

  • FLL

    You also forgot attention whore (as in negative attention).

  • Whitewitch

    Ahhh a young pup. You are lucky indeed to have aware parents. My first exposure was the Grapes boycott (1965-70)….I am glad I grew up in California and lived here most of my life…it made being aware a little easier – I think.

  • Sanders

    You have NEVER misspoke? You have never figured out you were wrong and then didn’t apologize? Well you are about as self righteous as any then! Boycott away bigot!

  • HF

    I just responded below.

  • goulo

    Let’s say you’re a black person, and a company head says that he’s never showing black people in his ads because he he values white people more, and that if that bothers anyone, they are free not to buy his product.

    Would you really think it was wrong of you to not buy his product?

  • stormkite

    Haven’t seen anyone arguing that he doesn’t have the right to believe what he wants, or make public statements of those beliefs.

    But if you believe things your fellow humans don’t find agreeable you can’t really complain that they don’t see fit to help support you. (Well, you CAN… but you shouldn’t be surprised when they don’t take your whinging seriously.)

  • Best Cheif in America

    As a true Pasta Lover, Fresh Homemade Pasta is the best spoken from Julia Childs to all of the Italians chiefs on the Food Network. Let him have his pasta – by the time it gets to most other countries even if the olive oil was fresh when he made it, it would be rancid after a week to ten days anyway. Processed foods are great for the Traditional Family that by the way Mr Barilla. One hundred percent of gay people come from and in Italy where families are HUGE cling together and love their family members unconditionally.

  • Dhud

    I mention it because you attacked the argument based on poor understanding of the principal case that was made. You saw a single word and placed it in a completely different context in which it specifically outlined. you did not understand how I was presenting my conclusion and made a poor remark to combat what I wrote. I felt you needed further clarification as to just where I stood and not to make the obvious flaw of drawing a conclusion from an assumption. After I gave you clarification as to where you were wrong you instead of reconstructive your argument you mention mentioned it to say “ah see” when everyone else is still scratching they heads trying to figure out your point. It is Iike a little child say responding see I got you when a grown says you are making no sense. If you want to make a remark about obsession with money you will need to make multiple occurrences of how much my life is ruled by money and nit being used as clarification

  • Bridget McCurry

    Not you, obviously! This world is run by those who show up.

  • HF

    See, thank god people like you were not the minority while this country was struggling for black civil rights, or women’s suffrage, etc. Yeah, it’s so easy to say, “He has every right to think a person is disgusting or immoral because all he can think about it gay sex, and not the loving, monogamous, life-long relationships gays build JUST LIKE STRAIGHTS.

    Yes, he has every right to say that, but it’s exactly the same as the head of a major company in the 60s eviscerating blacks just because his religion taught him that blacks are evil, less than human descendants of Ham. What would your reaction be if THAT was what this guy was saying instead of “gays are immoral” BS? Would you still have this “no big deal” attitude about it?

    Thank God you people are in the minority, or we’d still be living in the 18th century.

  • Thom Allen

    You forgot “and vicious and stupid.”

  • Bridget McCurry

    They did things when they could do them and make them stick. Politics is a chess game, and you can’t announce your strategy ahead of time. So, because they didn’t parade around with a rainbow flag, what?? You voted for Rmoney?? That is to cut off your nose to spite yourself, and political suicide, not too bright there, and if you come back with Jill Stein, that vote was suicidal in nature, rather Russian Roulette. Stupid, stupid, stupid! What if Obama had said, like the Republicans are now, if I can’t have Universal Health Care, I want nothing at all, where would be now? Still no policy ever for a child that beat cancer! Think two steps or more, please!

  • eccles11

    Actually, its not a publically traded company.

  • guest

    First of all, my sister does have a family, by adoption and is happy with her life partner. We have discussed the issues you have stated above many times. Personal discrimination by individuals is not the same as having rights by law. I agree that there does need to be more personal tolerance in the world (by everyone, including the gay community) for anyone who lives or feels differently. However, everyone has the same rights (except for marriage in some states) in this country. The average person does not go around discriminating and we get tired of constantly being accused of doing so.

  • Nick Rowley

    “Gay people make up 5 percent of the population.”

    A fair number of that five percent make up a significantly larger percentage of those who make purchasing decisions for restaurants and the like though, you’re not a terribly good statistician either really are you?

    It’s not the quantitative data that’s important, it’s the qualitative. :)

  • Monoceros Forth

    Thanks. Being made aware of Carl’s Jr.’s affinity with right-wing causes was, I’m not joking, one of my first exposures to a political issue warranting a boycott. (I’m a bit young, not yet 40.) I might not have had the best parents but they were at least politically aware.

  • Baltimore80

    So market your product the way you want, and shut up! Why do we HAVE to know what his opinion on gay marriage is? It’s like a racist white dude featuring only white families in his commercials….Be racist, feature the families you like, make money! Only someone very daft (like Barilla) would say “I’m racist, but I’ll take your money Asian folks!”

  • HF

    Then you don’t know the meaning of the word “homophobe,” which simultaneously doesn’t surprise me and makes me laugh. “Homophobe” does not mean gay – A homophobe is someone who hates or fears homosexuals. LOL, why am I not surprised you have no idea what you’re talking about.

  • hunner

    Poor business sense.
    Why alienate a valuable market ?
    Just keep your mouth shut,
    avoid controversy
    and consumers will open their mouths and consume your products.

  • eccles11

    And they have a right to not buy it, and to persuade others to do the same based on those reasons. Who’s rights are being violated?

  • Whitewitch

    And everyone, including those in the LGBT community have the right to not buy his product…very simple really.

  • eccles11

    Well aren’t you edgy.

  • Whitewitch

    When I say the wrong thing I rethink it, figure out where I went wrong and then apologize. Are you as forgiving of the remarks of people that support the ACA or voted for Obama…or are you do you voice your anger re that. See everyone has a soft spot and Barilla just pushed buttons…and then double back with his Woman comment – as if only women cook anymore. Wow – welcome to the 21st Century.

  • Thom

    I’m so sorry that happened to you. I can understand your distaste for the term, “traditional family”

  • hunner

    Stuff yourselves with Barilla so you can proudly stand up obesely for your morality.

  • HF

    Seriously. No one thinks about gay sex more than anti-gay conservatives. I mean, these people think about gay sex more than gays think about gay sex while HAVING gay sex. Then they try to claim, like someone did below, that gay sex is “being shoved down our throats.”

    Hilarious, unintended irony aside (shoved down your throat? really?! lol), that statement is ABSURD. All the LGBTQ community wants is for everyone else to LEAVE US ALONE. Stop imagining my sex life. Stop consuming yourself with the thoughts of what any of us might be doing in the privacy of our own homes with the person we love. It’s NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!


  • Bridget McCurry

    I emailed Trader Joe’s, and I’m not sure they carry Barilla, and I stomped and shouted on Barilla USA’s Facebook page.

  • Anthony Slaney

    ‘In the interview I simply wanted to highlight the central role of the woman in the family’ so women’s roles are meant to be kept in the kitchen? So he’s a homophobe and a sexist.

  • Whitewitch

    Thank you Monoceros Forth – I knew it was for good cause. Sadly, though I loved the onion rings back then at Carl’s…it was hard for me to give them up – I did though.

  • rebeccagavin

    I just sent an email to Costco, as have been a repeat purchaser of Barilla pasta by the box (8 packages) there. I suggested they find another pasta maker to do business with. Other Costco members might want to do the same.

  • Monoceros Forth

    I’m more of a rotini fan myself. Already bent!

  • Kells

    So he has to change his beliefs to appease everyone else? If the shoe was on the other foot and he said he likes the nontraditional family and he did not want to have traditional familes in his advertising would that not be hate? Or not because “traditional families” not a minority? This wouldn’t even be a story if that was the case but it still would be producing hate. All I’m saying is the world he is entitled to his beliefs, as are you. But you don’t see him condemning you do you?

  • Bridget McCurry

    Anybody that thinks that love for the LGBT community, and desire to give legal rights and protections to the LGBT community is equally distributed between the two parties is delusional. And a quicker route to securing these rights is to volunteer directly with candidates; not non-profits. Why diffuse your efforts, make your efforts count full strength!

  • Larry

    What kind of mindset causes the chairman of a large international brand to tell a segment of his customer base to go elsewhere? Forget bigoted, it’s just stupid. What kind of way is that to run a business?

  • Chris Kurtis

    Spaghetti is straight until you add hot water

  • Dhud

    nope it means I hate how our government is acting when it comes to money both sides have it not done very good. that is all nothing more

  • Monoceros Forth

    Seriously I would stop talking about your obsession with money; it’s poor salesmanship.

  • guest

    what rights don’t they have?
    Name some please.

  • HF

    If she’s in American, then she positively does not. Not only is she not allowed to get married in 37 of the 50 states (that’d be two thirds of her entire country that doesn’t consider her an equal citizen), she almost certainly isn’t allowed to adopt, which means she doesn’t get to have a family. Think about that for a minute.


    In many parts of the country, she can’t walk down the street holding the hand of the person she loves. She’s judged and discriminated against EVERY SINGLE TIME SHE LEAVES HER HOUSE. Do your sister a favor and stop being so insanely hypocritical.

  • ryanov

    The right to marry, therefore the right to adopt children more easily, the right to no discrimination in the workplace and on and on. How do you not realize your comments are absurd?

  • FsmPastapharian

    Guido slur? That’s his name! smh

  • Monoceros Forth

    I remember a little more: Carl Karcher was a fanatically right-wing Catholic and was funnelling money to Operation Rescue; he also supported a proposed law to allow teachers to be fired for being gay. His burgers were garbage anyway, drenched with gallons of ketchup and mayonnaise.

  • ryanov

    What is the “same freedom?”

  • couchtripper

    Does that mean you’re ok with insidious bigotry, but not when it’s open to criticism?

  • ryanov

    You’re not getting it. It’s not that he didn’t have gay people in an ad, it’s that he explained “oh yeah, that’s on purpose.” So people will vote with their wallets.

  • FsmPastapharian

    Yes, because the interwebs depend on you to regulate the trolls.

  • Doctor Jennifer Melfi

    Hi Art- I just went through your past posts, and I hope you change your screen name. Larry David wouldn’t like it. He’s a liberal, and you sir, are obviously a libertarian.

  • couchtripper

    How do you tell if a person’s gay in an advert?

  • Dhud

    That is such a great remark I agree with you completely. I think that many people think I am trying to defend republicans I am an independent. I never identified as a republican, I just believe in fiscal conservancy and budgetary spending. I am not I am just trying to mention that there is already enough hate going around, hate begets hate and so on. When does that stop and people are judged independently, if you do not like someone, you just do not like that person instead of easy judging them by a single label.

  • RickJamesMemphis

    Talk about your idiotic remarks,,, he should have just said they have no plans at the moment and will cross that bridge when we get to it. No more Barilla in my home.

  • kurmudgeon63

    Waaaaaaa, , ,we’re gay and we’re such victims!! Everyone disapprov — er, HATES us! (tears running the mascara of millions of queens everywhere) Here’s one gay guy that’ll go buy a case of the stuff just to piss off all the country club faggots!

  • Nick Rowley

    “He doesn’t care if gay people don’t buy his pasta. ”

    Based on his back tracking, you’re wrong in that assessment as well. Even if he himself doesn’t care, you can bet his board cares a great deal indeed.

  • Bridget McCurry

    Oh, I am now doubly proud……that Reagan was shot on my birthday!! So fiscally conservative they are!! When people say they are socially liberal yet fiscally conservative, I translate that to: I BELEIVE in helping people, as long as I don’t have to drop a dime for it. BS!!!

  • Whitewitch

    I still won’t eat at Carl’s Jr. Haven’t since the 70’s – same anti-gay thing….can’t remember the specifics anymore and they may have even “reformed” don’t know…still won’t eat there.

  • ryanov

    People expect they will not discriminate, I would think. They are allowed to, but if they want to admit to it, people can and will buy something else.

  • Frank

    As a fellow straight Italian man, I am there with ya buddy!

  • Kells

    You are only being reported from 1 source. So who is this John Avarosis that his one-sided story is better than the person who’s mouth it came from. Have you never said something and then regretted it later? Oh you haven’t? Then boycott away bigot.

  • Aubrey Haltom

    I’ll repeat comments made by others, steve. Saying we do not want to spend our money on a business that does not want to be associated with us (“we won’t include gays in our ads…we like the traditional family”), that opposes our families (see the opposition to ‘gay adoption’) – is not an example of gays not allowing choice.

    Barilla is free to advertise as it wants, to whoever it wants, by whatever definitions it assumes. And ‘pasta shoppers’ (lgbt and/or hetero) are free to denounce the assumptions of that advertising, and not spend their money on that company’s product.

    This is not about some bland ‘tolerance’ (“if they wanted to allow choice they would just let the company run ads the way they want.”).

    Steve – this is about a consumer, me (a gay man, married to my husband, with our elementary-school age child) choosing to not purchase a company’s products because that company does not believe my family fits into their definition of “family”.

    Contrary to your assertions, steve, this is all about “choice”. Barilla made a choice to disassociate itself from my family. My family makes a choice to not purchase Barilla products.

    Barilla doesn’t see my family as “traditional”. Fine, I don’t see Barilla as a product for my family. This isn’t the absence of choice – it’s ‘choice’ in action, steve.

    And steve – your ‘analogy’ of a straight story on a gay website? How does that have anything to do with a business declaring that it doesn’t want to market to certain communities, and then that community deciding it therefore won’t spend their money on that business?

  • FsmPastapharian

    HF: great comment!

  • HF

    You are out of your mind. That’s amazing, that you think gays “have the same rights as anyone else.” Freakin’ amazing.

  • Whitewitch

    Hi Thom…sorry – my disqus view has been showing everyone as Jeremy until just recently – so I didn’t want to use the wrong name. Yes, I am WhiteWitch.

    I too was born in the 50’s and my father did rape and beat his children – although he did not beat his wife, he was a cop and to the outside world he and my mother were the shinning example of Traditional Family Values and so I do not put much stock in the “traditional family”.

    Travel well….

  • Frank

    you got it!

  • Art Vandelay

    Yah, I don’t see the problem. If people don’t like that his ads don’t feature gay people, then they don’t have to buy his pasta. How is that problematic? What is your objection? Do you think Guido Barilla should be forced to depict gay people in his ads?

  • Frank

    As a straight person, I won’t buy his pasta either. He should have just kept his mouth shut! I also own two companies, and I would never say something stupid like that, you don’t just lose gay clientele, but you lose their friends, their family, and anyone else who couldn’t give a crap about who one loves.

  • FsmPastapharian

    I don’t think anybody would argue that point. But as a businessman, he made a huge PR error, and will cost himself customers. It is the right of the LGBT community to be outraged by his homophobic attitudes, just as it is his right to express his opinions.

  • Bridget McCurry

    They did, but we know what kind of people they are. Funny story, I started boycotting them in the 80’s, when I was living in Atlanta. They wouldn’t allow a pro-choice group to rent their pavilion, which they routinely rented out. Then in the 90’s I forgot why, worked with two gay guys, and when deciding where to go for lunch one of them would toss up Chick Fil Am and I would say that I couldn’t go there, but I couldn’t remember why.

  • Guest

    again, not answering my question. What rights? i have nothing personally against being gay. I have a sister that is gay and loved dearly. I want her to have the same rights as anyone else… and she does. What is all the hoopla about?

  • EastCoastSteff

    Right. Because the same can be said about having ethnic minorities in advertising.
    “I respect black people, but I don’t want them in my advertising because… reasons.”
    *facepalm* Race, religion, ethnic pride and
    nationalism etc. does nothing but teach you how to hate people you’ve
    never met.

  • judybrowni

    Get him a fainting couch, he’s clutching his pearls so tight, he can hardly breathe!

  • HF

    Don’t forget that conservative icon Reagan increased the national debt 189%. One hundred. And eighty-nine. Percent.

  • Nick Rowley

    Again, you continue to provide evidence of your ignorance of marketing and PR.

    It’s not just gay people who will be turned off by the statement, which is why it shouldn’t have been made.

    And he sold it without trying because nobody associated it with anything in anyway controversial, he’s rather scuppered that with his statement as well. :)

  • This is exactly the point. The CEO should be trying to sell pasta. His goal is to sell as much pasta as possible… you can’t do that if you’re going out of your way to offend customers.

  • Hopeless on mankind

    When can we come to a time when we can just agree to disagree? If you don’t like his remarks, don’t buy it. Who cares! I love how everyone gets so sensitive over what other people say. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. If you have NEVER said something and the realized it would be taken the wrong way and hurt and offend people because you are as pure and good doing and better then everyone else go ahead and talk bad about this person. We are only hearing ONE side of the story and everyone is so self righteous and thinks they know EXACTLY what’s going on and EVERYONE knows whats best. You all make me sick.

  • Monoceros Forth

    Homophobes are really locked onto that “down my throat” imagery. Hm.

  • live free of get out

    If the LGBT community wishes greater tolerance and understanding then they must remember that tolerance goes both ways.
    Mr Barillo isn’t telling anyone what to do….or what to believe and he has the right to market his product in manner he sees fit…so long as it isn’t illegal.
    Whether it’s immoral is a moot point…
    Morals are waaay to relative to bring into this (or most other) discussions.

  • Guest

    I would personally like for it stop being crammed down my throat on a daily basis though. No one is denying anyone the right to be gay. I do not and have never discriminated against anyone but I have to hear about how the gay community doesn’t have the same rights as everyone else. Yes they do. They have the EXACT same rights of every other citizen, except for marriage in some areas. Why does the gay community complain constantly about not have the same rights???? what rights don’t they have?

  • Monoceros Forth

    I just love how “morality” means “caring about other persons’ sex lives” these days. Talk about giving up.

  • Okay… but wash it first.

  • Art Vandelay

    Good one. That really hurt my feelings. Nice debating skills.

  • GreenEagle

    I’m not gay, but my wife is Italian, and we eat a fair amount of pasta. None of it Barilla from now on.

  • FsmPastapharian

    Good thing it’s a private company. I doubt shareholders would be too happy about the CEO arbitrarily reducing their potential market share by trying to connect their pasta to a political football like gay rights. Not a great idea to voluntarily turn away paying customers and those who support them.

  • HF

    The entire meaning of being a liberal is about inclusion and equality. It’s about the good of society and working TOGETHER for progress. Believe me, no liberal is a bigot – being so completely disqualifies oneself from being a liberal.

  • David

    He can say whatever he wants – certainly his right – but there are consequences to his choices. In this case, bigotry = boycott. And no, it’s not a media creation. They reported, consumers reacted. What’s the problem here?

  • Frank

    Sometimes in business, you should leave it neutral instead of opening your mouth without thinking. Good business people speak money, not opinion! Why did he have to mention family at all, just shut up and sell pasta, it’s not that hard of a task.

  • Braveheart

    Absolutely ridiculous if you ask me….this guy is not only a complete moron, a homophobe he himself is a homosexual …bend over baby and I’ll take you there!!!

  • Live free or get out

    If the LGBT community wishes greater tolerance and understanding then they must remember that tolerance goes both ways.
    Mr Barillo isn’t telling anyone what to do….or what to believe. He has the right to market his product in manner he sees fit…so long as it isn’t illegal.
    Immoral?….morals are waaay to relevant to bring into this (or most other) discussion.

  • egfW

    Fine, maybe not offensive, but completely unnecessary and counter-productive to any point she is actually trying to make. I have no opinion on the matter of homophobes actually being homosexuals themselves as I know little to nothing on the subject.

    I am all for the gay rights movement and abhor people who say things like “god hates fags” and anything like that. My gripe with this article can be summed up in a point i think you already made. Theyre his sentiments, he can say them, and in return we dont have to buy his pasta. It is as simple as that. Beyond that no discussion is needed.

    sorry i keep posting as a random username, dont want to create a disqus account and i guess it never shows the same name when i post as a guest.

  • Art Vandelay

    Guido Barilla He doesn’t care if gay people don’t buy his pasta. He sells vast amounts of it without even trying — all over Europe and the United States. Barilla pasta is ubiquitous, and Guido Barilla is undoubtedly a multimillionaire. Gay people make up 5 percent of the population. They are a flyspeck in the ocean of his market share.

  • streever

    I’m “living free” by hollering about WHATEVER I WANT TO…. isn’t that what you want? Total freedom of self-expression? Then why are you complaining that some people are doing PRECISELY that?

  • GreenEagle

    Art, if you can’t figure out what the problem is, you are lost. Just go away and stop bothering decent people.

  • Bridget McCurry

    BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Fiscally conservative???? That’s MY party, the Dems. Bush wrecked this country, paid Cheney/Haliburton 39.5 BILLION dollars during Georgie’s war!!
    And Mark, you are the stupid one, Google ‘Republican accomplishments’, it’s a lonely page, and in the second entry, it says that during Reagan’s presidency, one of his great accomplishments was to ‘Make us proud to be Americans’!! Bwahahahahaha!!!!

  • pk927

    It’s Barilla, not Bertolli.

  • FsmPastapharian

    no problem at all – if you can respect a businessman who arbitrarily guarantees a reduction in market share based on something wholly unrelated to their product. Makes sense.

  • JoeMontreal

    For almost six decades I have “heard” all the code words used to denigrate gay people. What I find so frustrating, is for straight folks to tell gay folks how we should feel and act. Maybe, if so many straight folks had not worked tirelessly, to make my whole life a living hell, merely because of my sexual orientation, I could be sympathetic to their plight. But they did make my life a living hell and it took me decades to realize the truth.

    Jeremy, you have no idea of the strength of character it takes to be an out gay person. Also, please stop referring to gays as a different social aspect. We are real people, just like you, with the main difference being, we don’t hate you personally for being straight, nor do we seek to deny you equal rights.

  • streever

    “the problem” is that some people don’t like what he said and they are sharing their opinion. What is YOUR problem?

  • HF

    Funny how liberals are simultaneously “just plain stupid” AND “over-educated elite.” LMAO

  • Then they should just not hire any. No sensible person walks around publicly stating all the minority groups they don’t want to be associated with. By saying he doesn’t want his product to be associated with a certain kind of customer, it is treating that particular customer like shit. And if they (and the people who support them) decide that they don’t want to buy that product any more because of the CEO’s public bigotry, that’s just how the market works. All he had to do was shut up, and nobody would have cared. But he decided to go on the record as a bigot… how did Billy Joel put it? We didn’t start the fire.

  • streever

    Rob: I don’t understand your post.

    Guido doesn’t like gays, so he makes a statement.
    People don’t like Guido’s opinion, and they make a statement.

    If you think what Guido said is OK, why does it bother you that other people have their own opinion about it?

    I really don’t understand this part of the “anti-PC” mentality–they claim to have no issue with people sharing their opinions, but get angry when some people do. I don’t understand how this is possible?

  • Thom

    I don’t care for either of those traditions. I was born in the ’50’s. My Father neither beat his wife, nor raped his children. I like that one. My name is Thom. Is your name Whitewitch?

  • Dhud

    Thank you so much you have actually presented a good argument you are the first response that has a well written argument. And I agree completely with you although I am not a republican I register as an independent I just have fiscal conservative views not conservative social views. But I do not believe that giving all people basic rights they are guaranteed by the Constitution should qualify anyone as either conservative of liberal just human and educated. I did not mean to seem like I am being “victimized” by your group, that was not the intention. I point I was trying to make was that within the democrats you have an ultra liberal side that many regular democrats this is to crazy and same for the republicans. We live in a two party system but we actually should more of a 6 party system, just people have historical ties to each group. But there are varying degrees. there was a time not that long ago when southern democrats wanted to keep segregation and tried everything they could to hold on to it. One of the strongest members of this group was the father of Al Gore. So with time there are changes and we cannot hold that one group will remain the same for all times. just recently there has been a shift even within the republicans which are the Tea Party. Many regular republicans cannot stand them because they are so extreme. What I am trying to say is that all people need to be open to the varying degrees of variations and shades of gray in each area. and please understand I am in no way defending republicans at all I do believe that much of what they have done is deplorable and gross.

  • HF

    Good thing you weren’t around when Rosa Parks wouldn’t move to the back of the bus. I mean, who cares about basic human civil rights?

  • streever

    no one is obligated to buy his awful pasta, either. He doesn’t want gays to buy his pasta because he doesn’t like gays. I don’t want to buy his pasta because I don’t like him. What exactly are you complaining about? No one is saying they’ll make him like gay people. We’re just saying, fine, we don’t want to eat your crappy pasta.

  • HF

    What? She said all bigots are conservatives. Obama and Clinton are hardly conservative.

  • Monoceros Forth

    Oh, I see the word “independent”. I just don’t believe it for a second. You’re just like the self-described “libertarians” I used to work with. Unfailing Republican voters all because they loved any party that saved them $20 on their taxes and bombed brown people.

  • I had no idea you were straight. But why would it be offensive? And yes it is so common for anti-gay bigots to be repressed or closeted homosexuals that it is something of a cliche. I’m not saying you are, but it wouldn’t be surprising.

  • Mincks

    Everyone in this country has a god given right to say whatever stupid shit they want.

    And the rest of us have a right to blast them for it.

    Freedom of speech means you won’t be imprisoned, jailed, or censored by the government. It doesn’t mean no one will hate you and call you a moron.

  • ranman

    What a dickhead you are , What are you , a member of the STRAIGHT MAFIA , what a total asshole.

  • Art Vandelay

    What point did I miss? He owns a company. His ads depict traditional families. He says if gay people don’t like that, then they don’t have to buy his pasta. What is the problem?

  • Yes, that’s what it said. Troll or just stupid? Now there’s an interesting debate topic.

  • HF

    Yeah, because civil rights in what’s supposed to be the freest country on the planet is, like, totally no big deal!


  • Steve

    Customers – sorry. They are not treating them like shit – they just don’t want gays in their ads.

  • HF

    You cannot possibly be serious. Did you really just compare switching pasta brands to murdering innocent people? Are you a troll or just literally THAT stupid?!

  • Kells

    Wow… when does it stop. When will people stop making such a big deal about EVERYTHING. It’s his company let him do what he pleases with his advertisement. This is absolutely ridiculous. He did not degrade anyone, all he said was he likes the traditional family. What is the freaking big stink? Oh that’s right the media LOVESSSS to put everyone at ends with each other. So let’s blow up a little ass story because we have no talented journalism anymore. This world is going to the shitter, FAST.

  • ^arguingWithIdiots

    as a straight man, her telling me to do such acts is offensive and flat-out irrelevant. But i guess that flies over your head?

  • Bridget McCurry

    Staying with ‘traditional families only’ excludes too many great people I love. New traditions are already under way, and they look like LOVE!

  • Yes, because there are no men who cook.

  • Baltimore80

    What a bad business move! Of course he can say what he wants or feature whomever he wants in his ads….But there are consequences to speaking your mind. If I don’t like YOU, I’m not going to support you; it’s as simple as that. Why do you think businesses spend so much money on PR? He should have remained professional, featured traditional family ads and talked his smack at home. I do not agree with his beliefs, I’m speaking from a business standpoint only.

  • MeathBedloe

    So, Barilla is only concerned with promoting his brand to traditional families. So I guess that excludes anyone who is single, divorced, on a second or third marriage, has adopted children, is LGBT and has adopted children, or is LGBT. Does this include interracial marriage too?

    I don’t care if Bertolli doesn’t want to promote their brand to non-traditional families, but so long as they don’t tell me not to buy their product because I’m gay, then fine.

    It’s one thing to choose how your advertise, and it’s another thing to publicly denounce people and tell them not to buy your product any more. So fine, I won’t buy your product any more. Your loss.

  • Chenoa

    Well they can say what they want, right?
    The same way people can choose or NOT choose to purchase that brand of pasta. That’s it.

  • HF

    “…yet, when other people want the same freedom…”

    What?? Other people already HAVE the same freedom!

    I don’t get why this is so hard for so many of you to understand, but this is a massive, glaring double-standard. Excluding a huge swath of the population because you personally think what they do in their own bedrooms is A) your business, and B) icky is a totally different thing than the LGBT community wanting the SAME rights the straight community has always had and takes for granted.

    Barilla, Chick-fil-a, whomever, have every right to choose to dislike gays, but it’s not their RIGHT to discriminate. Being gay affects literally no one at all but the person who is gay. It’s NONE. OF. YOUR. BUSINESS.

  • And sucking dick is bad because?

  • Sam

    He was simply describing the company’s target market. Every company has a target market. I don’t see much wrong with that.

  • Who said anything about its workers?

  • His pasta sucks anyway we’re better off eating 365 Brand from Whole Foods!

  • No one is forcing him to do anything with his company. He’s said douchy things and now some people will change brands.

  • Steve

    The company is not treating it’s workers like shit. They just want to run ads the way they want not the way gays want them to.

  • Michele

    Umm…the grander message: women cooking pasta and serving it…

  • Whitewitch

    Read down further and I think you will see what what yukuykl speaks…just sayin.

  • 8====}

    she continually accuses anyone who disagrees with her of being a homophobe, and posts an article claiming that if you are homophobic you might be gay.. She also claims everyone who disagrees with her needs to suck a dick soooooooooooo…

  • Mark Skow

    Choosing not to have gays in advertising for a privately held company is not discrimination. Civil Rights movement has nothing to do with that. Much like how The Masters was a male-only golf club, or how Curves (gym) is only for women. It’s their choice on how they set-up their business model. They don’t try to make people angry.

  • anthony

    Gross, I hate poor people. The worst are poor gay people. I once saw this welfare “queen” (ha, get it? queen = faggot) couple pull up to Trader Joe’s in their Cadillac, full of adopted kids watching Rachel Maddow clips on their iPads. They flamboyantly bought all this gay pasta with food stamps. I feared for my heterosexuality.

  • urallcrazy2012

    It’s not that people aren’t free to express their views, it’s that they
    not free to express their views without subjecting themselves to the
    repercussions of expressing said views.

  • judybrowni

    Yeah, that whole civil rights “gotcha” moments.

    Like the sit-ins at segregated restaurants in the 1950s — well, that was all about Woolworths!

    And Rosa Parks refusing to sit in the back of the bus — what did she have against buses?

    And obviously, those “gotcha moments” didn’t have any effect, did they?

    Funny how Barack Obama has never been refused service at a white only restaurant, or told to sit in the back of a bus.

  • Whitewitch

    Hey I thought the gay mafia only got us deals in stores where our gay friends worked?

  • Nick Rowley

    Evidently you have no experience in marketing or PR.

    As a company that makes a consumer product, especially a near staple like pasta, you do not under any circumstances make a statement that might in any way be taken as exclusionary.

    So yes he is, whether he intended to or not, saying “don’t buy my product”. You’re right, people are free to buy whatever they want, which is why you try as hard as you can not to make statements that cut market share. This will.

  • Whitewitch

    Thanks Thom….if that is who you are….I am well aware of the definition under in the dictionary. May I query – which Tradition shall we use, the biblical one of multiple marriages and with 10 years olds…or just the 50’s traditional where fathers beat their wife and raped their children. You decide.

  • I’m an opera singer. I translate Italian all the time. Thanks for playing though.

  • HF

    Yes, two adults spending their lives together filled with love and respect is just sooooo totally immoral.

  • When it comes to marriage equality? yes. The problem with people like you is that you think racism, sexism, etc are binary. You are or you aren’t. there are degrees to those things. So yes, Obama was (at least publicly) more bigoted before May 2012 than after. Yes, indeed he was. Next question?

  • Supercalifragilistic5

    Hahaha seriously can people read?

  • Thom

    before it is cooked, it is stiff. Afterwards, it is limp.

  • EdA

    Actually, “Guido” does happen to be this creep’s name.

  • HF

    Uh…are you talking about Judy? Because she said nothing whatsoever about accusations of anyone being gay.

  • Mincks

    Amazon had a pretty cute ad out for the Kindle not too long ago with a gay couple.

    That being said, most companies are smart enough to keep their damn traps shut and not alienate potential customers with bigoted statements.

    As to your final statement, strip the word “gay” out of this situation and replace it with “black.” Do you still feel the same way?

  • Rob

    “We DO say that his beliefs are erroneous and should be retaliated against.”

    I bet al-qaeda would defend themselves exactly the same way

  • What freedom. No one censored his comments. He is free to say whatever he wants. I’m free to buy a different brand. There’s no threat to anyone’s freedom unless you are claiming he has a right to my money?

  • sevensix

    It’s actually not your right to actively discriminate against a different race or creed for personal benefit. It is your right to have an opinion, but not to exercise it in a public space or with a public product. That is called discrimination, which, last time I checked, is illegal. Because of something called the Civil Rights Movement.

  • Mike Hawk

    How about just keeping his bigoted opinions to himself?

  • HF

    Wow. You have just completely missed the point.

  • Supercalifragilistic5

    I don’t think it’s the fact that Barilla chooses not to use gay people in their ads, it’s the fact that they said it out loud.

  • Nick Rowley

    For an individual? Sure, why not.

    For a company that sells a product, which is also sold by many other equally competitive companies? Not in the slightest.

  • Neumiller

    brace yourselves, more butt-hurt is coming.

  • JC

    If you don’t believe the author’s translation, there are plenty of translating services online. Use your favorite and check it for yourself.

  • Insult or not. Who cares? He thinks I should buy someone else’s past, so I will. Problem solved.

  • Art Vandelay

    If the gay mafia is actually going to insist that all companies depict gay people in their advertising, then the gays are more fascist than Mussolini.

  • Thom

    traditional, “existing in or as part of a tradition; long-established”, and contemporary, “belonging to or occurring in the present”, can be way different.

  • Art Vandelay

    He’s not saying don’t buy my product. He’s saying, if you don’t like that I don’t have gay people in my ads, then you don’t have buy my product. It’s a perfect case in which everyone is free to do as they choose. If gay people and their advocates are going to boycott all companies that don’t depict gay people in their advertising, then they are free to do that. And if a company doesn’t want to depict gay people in its ads, then it is free to do that. What is the problem?

  • It’s the dismissive tone. I honestly wouldn’t have ever noticed if there were gays in their advertising or not. It’s the way he answered the question. Again, I’ll make a point of buying a different product the next time I’m at Kroger.

  • sevensix

    Gays freedom isn’t about actively excluding anyone, only trying to be included. Expressing an opinion to REMOVE specific individuals from something is active exclusion, discrimination, and thus, homophobia and bigotry.

    Fighting hard for your freedom when you are oppressed or removed from the idea of “common society” is a very different form of freedom.

  • judybrowni

    Then why are you so het up on the subject if it’s just about advertising?
    So passionate about “advertising,” are you?
    If that’s what they call self-hating closet cases, these days.

  • Brian Kirk

    So Obama and Clinton were bigots until May 2012?

  • Mark Skow

    Because tolerance isn’t something gays want to practice, but will hold others accountable for their own benefit and selfishness. Typical liberal mentality.



  • The Republicans are an anti-gay party. that’s not my perception. It’s in their fucking platform. I can read. If you don’t like that, work to change that platform. In the meantime don’t bitch at me for stating the obvious. People like you need to complain to the GOP for being anti-gay and stop whining to gays for not liking people who are openly hostile to us. Until that changes your pity party is just pathetic.

  • Saiia

    Thanks for the warning. Stopping here.

  • Mark Skow

    Most liberals tend to be Democrat, but are all just plain stupid.

  • judybrowni

    Sez you.

  • chriszeke3

    Its more like this- they guy has the freedom to say what he wants. I have the freedom to say what I want. I also have the freedom to rally people yo my cause, as does he. Why would I, as a gay man, want even 1 penny going to a company that either does not support my values or actively goes against my values. We are not saying he can’t or even shouldn’t say what he believes. We DO say that his beliefs are erroneous and should be retaliated against.

  • judybrowni

    It’s a Rhetorical Device. Look it up, chum.
    Sure, gays can be self-hating — but not as self-hating as closet cases, generally.

  • Supercalifragilistic5

    But why even address it? He makes money by selling to people. Gays are people and by saying something offensive, you’re going to ruffle feathers. Like people who support traditional families are going to buy more pasta because of it…I mean, it just doesn’t make any sense at all to isolate a type of buyer.

  • Whitewitch

    Or he could have just said he wants everyone to enjoy his Pasta…and not answered the question. For me, however, I find it better for people who feel this way to voice it and then I can make a decision about whether I will purchase their products. Sort of like Truth in Advertising.

  • Mark Skow

    zzz…who cares.

  • Nick Rowley

    For an individual sure, for food companies, not so much.

  • Whitewitch

    Now Jeremy’s posts are turning into Annie posts….Disqus…come on get it together….I can’t tell who I am arguin with.

  • Monoceros Forth

    This “IT’S HIS COMPANY” nonsense (that you again “Kyle”?) makes me laugh. It’s not HIS COMPANY. He’s just an executive cockerel who happens to be the one at the top of the dungheap this particular day. If he got run over by a bus tomorrow ten more MBAs would take his place. Does he, a mere corporate flunky, really get to speak for every man and woman who works for “his” corporation? Your claim that he does so betrays an ultimately authoritarian way of thinking, as if saying “this is my company” were equivalent to saying “this is my toy bear which I can pull to pieces if I like.” Mr. Guido Barilla doesn’t own anything–not his employees and definitely not the loyalty of his customers.

  • Joshua

    People are absolutely absurd and I think if singers for instance don’t want to only sell albums to a certain group of people they say they are single and don’t make any commotion to continue their high gross earnings. I think its quite immature and an asinine for him to lose much business over something so ignorant. If you have nothing nice to say then do not say anything at all. If you are looking to lose business by all means keep speaking your opinion you idiots.

  • Dhud

    again you see the word conservative and fail to see that the words, Independent, and only fiscally conservative, reverse bigotry.

  • Saiia

    I could have done without the “Guido” slur, but this straight Italian American won’t be eating Barilla again.

  • Lee Maneman

    He’s done nothing illegal, and really since it’s just his opinion, it’s not even really immoral – but it IS something to holler about – the LGBTLMNOP community likes to try and support companies that support them back, or at least remain neutral on the subject… In order to make that happen, gays need to spread the word about which company has which attitude, and that’s what this is all about…

  • judybrowni


  • Serge

    Because there is more to life than “market share”.

  • Mark Skow

    Finally, non-PC person does what he wants to do. Who cares.

    Gays should be able to exclude others if they owned their own business as well. Your right.

  • Supercalifragilistic5

    Ummm OK Barilla, I’ll go get some other pasta.

  • Whitewitch

    Did they really retract? Wow I missed that – still won’t eat there they are closed on Sundays….

  • Serge

    It’s his right to support the traditional family. No one is obligated to include homosexuality in his advertising.

  • I’m sure it has something to do with limp noodles.

  • Dhud

    The all bigots are conservative is very wrong (I think it is great how you are using the ridiculous argument used by the extreme Conservatives when they are discussing terrorists, I see what you did there, still a horrible argument) there are many on the liberal side as well. because there have been so many issues in our past many of these groups that were deplorably treated and void of their natural rights have built up an extreme hatred to the group that originally placed them in that situation, have created a reverse bigotry. An example gay people that will not associate with straight people no matter who they because of what some straight people have done to them in the past. I have never voted for a candidate that was anti gay anything. And again no one sees the fact that I am only fiscally conservative but I guess no one likes to read that far. I am not approaching this issue from a demeaning place and I am also not approaching it from a place of agreeing with the

  • A boycott is the free market at work. A company treats its customers like shit, customers stop buying its product. If they don’t like it, they should treat their customers better.

  • pitchspork

    Please nobody ask the DeCecco CEO what he thinks about gay people.

  • What is currently being referred to as ‘traditional family’ was a concoction of 1950s and early 1960s television. There is no such thing. Families have always been very dynamic, and no two are exactly alike. In the end, why should government get to determine what constitutes a family? The only people trying to ‘dominate’ culture are the ones who think their way is the only way. And sorry, but that’s not the gay crowd who just want to be recognized as equals.

  • Rob

    I don’t get why this is causing outrage, its his company, he can advertise how he wants, will the over sensitive morons out there not be happy until there is a White, Black, Hispanic, straight, gay, transgender, asexual, bisexual and queer person in EVERY commercial… grow the fuck up, if you have the right to be gay, other people have the right to dislike gays so long as they aren’t attacking you in the street.

    He said if you don’t like it you can buy someone else’s pasta, he isn’t insulting you, he is pointing out that he has a right to his own opinions.

    His comment about the “traditional family” was hurtful and uncalled for? Give me a break, like it never occurred to you that a gay household was nontraditional, perhaps “Atomic family” would have been in better taste, but that’s an American term from the history books.

  • Bravo for standing up for morality man – Our family will be buying more of this brand.

  • pitchspork

    Just wait til Barilla is on super-ultra-deep-discount sale and then buy a ton. At least they won’t be making any profit.

  • Nick Rowley

    I think it’s more a case of “why would somebody deliberately cut their own market share by telling specific groups not to buy their product?”

  • Monoceros Forth

    “I am an independent that leans conservatively on the fiscal side.”

    So you’re a crypto-Republican who doesn’t like to admit he’s a Republican because it’s a little embarrassing to admit to Republicanism these days. By “fiscal conservatism” you mean that you’re hypocritical about deficit spending but firm in your hatred of taxes. Oh, yeah, I’m so much more impressed by your credentials now.

  • Bridget McCurry

    Not all Republicans are bigots, but ALL bigots are Republican. Own it, bigot!

  • rocketjnyc

    Ummm, did I miss the part where gays gained universal protection under the law in this country?

  • pitchspork

    A boycott is NOT taking away Barilla’s right to choose how to run their company. Barilla has every right to market their products however they choose. Customers have the right to choose which products to purchase and which not to purchase based on whatever criteria they want to use. That’s not taking away choice. It just isn’t.

  • wedgfwe

    at this point I am under the impression that she A. either loves the reactions she gets from people who are responding to her repetitive posts or B. is really too stupid to understand that everyone who disagrees is simply disagreeing, not hiding some sort of repressed homosexual urges.

  • rocketjnyc

    I don’t think it’s so much what this man ‘wants’ to do as the way in which Mr. Barilla stated his opinions. They were pretty demeaning and dismissive. As others have said, what exactly *is* a “traditional” family these days and who gets to define it? My husband and I are 50 years old and have never had children. Not exactly traditional, so does Mr. Barilla (or anyone else who only supports the “traditional” family), exclude us as well?

  • Arakiba

    I’m not gay, but I’ll make sure I don’t eat this brand of pasta either!

  • Bridget McCurry

    BS!! The bible thumpers came out en masse to support Chick Fil A after their anti-gay crap, did Chick Fil a stand their ground, stay with their hateful beliefs? Nope, not long after the DAY of Conservative support, they retracted. Financial boycotts work, and make the next bigot keep his hate inside.

  • dwvwdEW

    When he says he doesn’t want gays in his ads (something HE BELIEVES is right), and you think he is wrong for saying what he said or believing what he believes…I believe that is a difference of opinion. You think homosexuals should be in ads, he doesn’t, ifso facto, difference of opinion.

    And please let me reiterate, for about the 10th time now, I do not hate gays. personally i think he is an idiot for making any comments in the first place, but they are his opinions and his sentiments.

    His target audience is not gays, therefore he doesn’t give a shit if they buy his pasta or not. If you cannot accept that then you have some deep-seeded issues you need to address. Keep in mind, also, that the article you are pushing so fervently does not say “you hate gays, you are gay” it is merely a theory with some evidence. Once again, however, I do not care about a person’s sexual orientation as I am intelligent enough to know that the person (people) whom someone chooses to have sex with is no one’s business besides their own.

    You are the worst type of person, you only push your own agenda (ie the article you have posted 30+ times) and refuse to listen to anyone else’s opinion. So until you learn how to debate with any sort of consistency, please stop spamming everyone who thinks differently than you.

  • TrialsNError

    I love you guys, but… I dont understand how the gay community can fight so hard for their freedom, yet, when other people want the same freedom, they are instantly bigots, and homophobes…etc.

  • Annie

    It’s just that if nobody had ever asked weather or not he would use a gay couple for his commercial, this statement would have never been made. The question should have never been asked in the first place. Gay or strait has nothing to do with pasta.

  • judybrowni

    I’m intolerant of your intolerance?

    I’m offensive about your offensiveness?


    Somebody should get you to a fainting couch, I do believe you’re having the vapors.

  • Jeremy

    I find it funny, that you mention “repetitive self-hatred expressed through bigotry” and yet you are continuously telling people to go suck a cock (i have now seen it on 4 different posts under this article)

    Isn’t telling people to go suck a cock because they don’t agree with the same social aspects you do, putting a negative and offensive use on something that you’re trying to defend with the same comments?

  • Steve

    I’m talking about a company not being able to run ads it wants to because of an intolerant group of hypocrites. I do like your use of deflection and exaggeration to muddy the conversation is what I meant to say.

  • live free or get out

    He’s taken the risks, put it on te line and it’s his company ….he can bloody well feature whom ever he wants in his ads…..
    Now….if he charged a higher price or refused to sell it to anyone in the LGBT community…then you’d have something to holler about …

  • Bridget McCurry

    Probably not, but enough that future retractions will come. And it beats the ever loving eff out of not trying!!

  • You’re being willfully deceitful. While there can exist exceptions to conservatives who are anti-gay bigots, the absolute entirety of anti-gay bigots are conservatives. Your feathers are ruffled because people who share your political philosophy are also bigots. Deal with your own discomfort in your own way. The author is entirely accurate.

  • Sadly, Republicans have distorted the meaning of the word conservative, just like they’ve distorted the meaning of the word liberal. Neither has any real meaningful definition to the general public anymore because they’ve muddied the waters so much with nonsense. There’s a reason why I prefer to use ‘Republican’ to refer to them, and not ‘conservative’, because so few of them are actually conservatives. And referring to people who are obviously not conservative (and anyone who thinks the government has a right to do your family planning for you is not a conservative), as one, just continues the distortion of reality.

    What I don’t understand is why these people who don’t want to be lumped in with the Republican whack jobs so badly, are still so happy to go out in public and toe the party line, and defend the indefensible. I see people like Michael Steele, Meghan McCain, Steve Schmidt, Nicole Wallace constantly going out there and defending a Republican party that doesn’t want them anymore. Trying to waffle a line between sensibility and all out crazy, and ultimately serving no end.

  • GHale

    One, my perverted lifestyle is between me and my wife. In other words, I’m straight. And I only mention that to point out that you are no waging some heroic battle against the “perverts,” or whatever it is you imagine you’re doing.

    Two, and more to the point – I am not the government. I am not, and cannot, take away your rights. You are free to blather your ignorance anywhere you like. The problem is that you expect to be free from any criticism as a result of your bigoted, hate-filled rants. In other words, you want to silence – take away the rights of – anyone who disagrees with your views.

    I realize this is lost on you, but there it is anyway.

  • Icv928

    Everyone is entitle to their own opinions! If you don’t like it them find another brand of pasta! There are better and more important things to worry about than gays and lesbians! The world is About to start a war and all you nut heads are just concerned about this guys talking about the traditionally family and gays!

  • Bridget McCurry

    Sorry, but here in the states, the anti-gay folks are ALL on the right. I’m not saying all Conservatives are bigots, but all bigots are conservatives. To believe in Equality and be a Republican would be akin to being a roach for Raid.

  • Steve

    I don’t read the Bible or believe in the plagiarized myths it contains. I’m also not talking about slavery. I’m talking about a company not being able to run ads it wants to by an intolerant group of hypocrites. I do like your use of deflection and exaggeration to muddy the conversation.

  • anthony

    Unfortunately, every time I’ve bought Trader Joe’s pasta, it’s had an unpleasant, sweet-ish cinnamon-like aftertaste.

    Apparently, I’m not the only one: https://encrypted.google.com/search?hl=en&q=trader%20joe%27s%20pasta%20cinnamon

    Regardless, the taste of homophobia is way more unpalatable.

  • Florida Farmer

    Yes, let’s not care about this thing (that you don’t believe is important) because there are other things wrong with the world (that you think are worthier of attention)! It is entirely possible to give a shit about several things all at the same time, even when other people may not think the things you are giving a shit about is worth their own giving of a shit. It’s a sign of a diverse society, and it’s also multi-tasking, something which most people are capable of in at least some form.

  • erc

    I think Ken has a point. There can be conservatives that are supportive of gay rights. Conservatives and Bigots aren’t necessarily the same thing.

  • Marlene Lake

    Wow! How can a company say this and not expect to lose business! I buy this brand, but no longer! I will also buy another brand of pasta. As you stated Mr. CEO you are not the only pasta maker on the market! Sir you just cut your own throat!

  • Wow, I sleep in one day and the troll swarms — both regular and concern — come a’swarmin.

  • Dhud

    Exactly my point you saw conservative and completely missed the entire section that says “I am an independent that leans conservatively on the fiscal side”. I vote for both conservatives and liberals. Gay rights are a major part of my decision in evaluating candidates I will vote for. So when is it ok to stop hating other groups. That does not mean stop protesting and working toward an ultimate equal end. but when is it ok to stop hating and using words like “hate”, “fight”, “battle” because I think we have all seen how those issues end, there is never an end.

  • GirlfriendMD

    Uh, this line: . And if gays don’t like it, “they can always go eat someone else’s pasta.” Is misleading. He wasn’t saying that if gays don’t like the lack of representation, they can bugger off, as you imply. The actual quote is this: if they “like our pasta and our advertising, they’ll eat our pasta, if they don’t like it then they will not eat it and they will eat another brand.”

  • Tina Rella

    Sono una donna innanzi tutto e sono gay e orgogliosa tu caro signore quello che voglio mangiare e con chi vado a letto non è’ deciso da te quello che a te interessa e produrre un buon prodotto il resto non sono cazzi tuoi

  • Bridget McCurry

    If I am at the store to buy pasta, it is easy as pie to NOT choose hate. Shopping doesn’t get in the way of my volunteering to get Democrats elected. A simple decision like choosing a different pasta, and the financial losses of a boycott with make the next pig swallow his hate. Do you know what pigs do with your money?? They buy a Congress!!

  • Joshua Thomas

    And with that bit of censorship goodbye! My thoughts and feelings hurt the wrong person’s ideaologies. Go figure…welcome to the New World.

  • whatsyouragenda?

    I guess they really hate gay money, which is stupid… lots of gay money circulating out there… lots of gay professionals making lots of gay money

  • David Thaler

    There are plenty of people upset over this story–you calling all of them insecure, and by extension, gay?

  • Whitewitch

    Is Jeremy talking to himself down thread – or is Disqus having a meltdown??? Inquiring minds want to know.

  • Joshua Thomas

    You censored me you little putz…Go America!

  • Monoceros Forth

    Man, what is it with you bigots that you always have to post a million times in a row? Seriously, are you so incapable of marshalling your thoughts for more than a fraction of a second at a time that you have to make a separate post for every spasmodic firing of what few neurons you have in your shrivelled brain?

  • Bridget McCurry

    If I am at the store to buy pasta, it is easy as pie to NOT choose hate. Shopping doesn’t get in the way of my volunteering to get Democrats elected. What is wrong with you?? Homophobia much? A simple decision like choosing a different pasta, and the financial losses of a boycott with make the next pig swallow his hate. Do you know what pigs do with your money?? They buy a Congress!!

  • judybrowni

    It’s not a “difference” of “opinion,” it’s science versus bigotry .
    You might want to take a class in Psychology, it could help you get to that cock you need to suck so desperately.

  • steve

    George, if they wanted to allow choice they would just let the company run ads the way they want. But no – now they want to boycott the company for not doing what they want the company to do. Nice name calling though. I can tell your a deep thoughtful person.

  • Joshua Thomas

    It won’t.

  • Whitewitch

    What exactly is a traditional family now a days? Mine?? Multiple marriages, bi-sexual, one child, 4 foster children and two dogs…or yours? I look around at “traditional families” and many have multiple marriages, shared children and yet…we continue to try and look like the 50’s Clever Family – Sorry Jeremy they just don’t exist anymore. And if the gentleman from Barilla would like to limit his advertising he is welcome to…it might affect his sales though, eh?

    The greatness of American – we can vote with our wallet about what we think “traditional” looks like. And for me, the vote is that it looks more like mine than his.

  • Steve

    George – if they wanted to allow choice they would just let the company run ads the way they want. But no – now they want to boycott the company for not doing what they want the company to do. Nice name calling though. I can tell your a deep thoughtful person.

  • judybrowni

    Maybe not all conservatives are bigots, but all bigots are conservative.

    What a fucking coincidence!

    If you’d rather not have the term conservative tied to bigotry, then you might want to do your small part and not act the bigot while claiming to be conservative.

  • Ken

    Aravosis writes, “Anti-gay bigots, and conservatives generally, usually misunderstand the concept of freedom of expression to mean that they get to say any inanity with impunity.” What do you mean “conservatives generally misunderstand the concept of…?” Are you lumping together anti-gay bigots with conservatives as if they are one in the same? Pushing a grossly misinformed political agenda under the guise of standing up for gay rights is pretty lame and completely irresponsible. Stick to the subject of Barilla and their stance on gays! Would have served you better and made you less of a tool.

  • Joshua Thomas

    Hahaha, Dr. Phil is a moron and everything produced on that show is a bunch of lies…great example. Never use TV as an example. It is the biggest lie.

  • normanbel@gmail.com

    WORLD lets unite against this DISCRIMINATION we do not need companies that are this discriminating against the human race Just gets me WONDERING what else they HIDING

  • Evry1luvsmusic

    If you live in the Northeast, Wegman’s has very good organic and non-organic dried pasta, which are also available in white and wheat. It’s time like these I feel so lucky to have Wegman’s!

  • Penguinlady

    Their pasta is terrific! Right up there with DeCecco, which is too expensive. So I guess it’s back to Ronzoni.

  • judybrowni

    And I suppor t the feelings of those who don’t feel they have to buy his pasta.

  • Amber Jeanpierre

    Home made is better anyway :D now I have an excuse to get my mom to make her famed home made egg noodles lol.

  • EnglebertFlaptyback

    Yeah…sorry, I try to not support assholes any more than absolutely necessary.

  • Sara McEiver

    I second that. All of my family and friends have stopped buying. My family also owns a restaurant and have used Barilla in the past…and have switched over to their competitor.

  • louisa

    Do these people not notice that gay people tend to be born of parents? ie into ‘traditional’ families? And thus live in them, for years? Think of those kids in the ads! They might grow up to be gay!

  • melina pothier

    Oh my God people, who really cares? First world problems..You know there’s an entire world out there of people who are struggling and fighting for real things. People who I’m sure would love to be like most people in developed nations, sitting there on their computers, fat bellies exposed, inventing things to bitch about while they sit in their homes where they’re surrounded by all of life’s convenient little gadgets and refrigerators nearly exploding with food, because you know, they can never really have enough..But instead these other people, from other countries, with real problems, don’t even have computers. They’re out making something along the lines of $1 a day, figuring out how to feed and clothe their families and hoping to God they can have clean water and food for the day and hoping to God they don’t catch some disease that leaves their families without the only bread winner in the family. Find something new and worthwhile to complain about, go make a difference somewhere..so Barrilla doesn’t want someone eating their pasta, WHO CARES??!!

  • Bridget McCurry

    Maybe we don’t know where every item that goes into our buggy comes from, but we know where Barilla stands, and they will be standing outside of our buggies, I won’t pay someone to hate for me, and hate tastes yucky! And this IS about hate and bigotry, the guy is a hateful bigot.

  • Annie

    Really getting pissed off because people don’t agree 100% with the article, you think telling them to suck a cock is gonna make them want to side with you? How about and educated argument at least? Give me a reason to agree with you.
    If he had never said anything before about his feelings in gays, then no he was not hurting anybody.

  • MatteoLC

    “Your” translation? Right…

  • JayRandal

    LOL their pasta is crap so who cares. Just taking mental note of it to never consider buying any of their
    products by accident.

  • Dave

    “gays wanting to dominate the culture and not allow choice”…..steve, you just proved yourself to be an out of touch moron. (as well as a complete douche)

  • judybrowni

    I’m responding repetively to his repetitive comments.

    Don’t have your respect? How will I ever sleep at night?

  • Bridget McCurry

    HAHA!!! I always love hearing their apologies, in spite of the fact that I will be boycotting for life. I hope this cuts deep!!

  • I’m gay and I’m from Parma.

    There is no such thing as bad publicity.

    Also, it took 500 words to the writer of the article to say:
    The 55yo Italian CEO of a traditional, food-based, family-run, catholic-family-oriented Italian business says that he won’t have gays in his ads, because he markets to heterosexual couples/families, which is, also, all that he’s ever known and seen in his life. (less than 50 words)

    Older generations can express outdated concepts (less than 10 words).

  • Monoceros Forth

    I completely agree that this is horrible but I am also a little offended
    by the word “conservative” in this article as to mean deplorable, evil
    or wrong.

    You’re free to stop being “conservative” (which these days basically means being a Jesus freak who likes to throw money at rich people.)

  • Terry Kremin

    If he doesn’t want a certain class of people buying his product (whatever it is), then he also doesn’t want me buying it. And as a male that is the ‘homemaker’ I also find it offensive that he wants to emphasize a woman’s place is at home in the kitchen.

  • judybrowni

    Bibically, the “traditional” family was polygamous. Slavery was also “traditional.”
    Sorry, bub, but I don’t want to go back to that that time.

  • ExNYer1995

    Yes. Barilla.

  • Aria Jo Klein

    the traditional family: a husband, a wife….. and their two gay kids.

  • Kevedes

    Good point. Next time I’ll try not to refer to the fact that Italy seems to be consumed by rampant ‘old-school’ thinking, continually illustrated by comments like this guy’s.

  • Whitewitch

    Not to be rude Jeremy – but HE did say that if the didn’t like it they could buy a different pasta and soooooo…the author and many people here will do just that. Buy a different pasta. It is not us that said it, but rather the owner of Barilla! And so we follow his advice…see how nice we are.

  • Michael J Keller

    I’m glad they’re honest enough to tell me who they really are.
    Now, I know who to avoid.

  • Nick Rowley

    No idea where you are but it tends to be for hipsters around my way.

    (Says the man with the pashmina scarf and accessory parrot-dog*, in his avatar, I know whereof I speak dammit ;) )

    *Hyperbole; Jemmy is far more than an accessory, praise whatever god you worship he doesn’t have thumbs. :D

  • Sara McEiver

    Well, I am lesbian and me, nor any of my supporting family/friends will be buying Barilla. I get that your belies are different tha ours and I would not try to “convert” anyone but the comment itself “you can buy someone else’s pasta” and “traditional family” was truly uncalled for. I will be honest, yes, that hurt my feelings.

  • Max Supernova

    “All of you here are no better than those who discriminated in the past.”

    Right, those who criticize a bigoted position are the same as those who legalize persecution and beat and kill those they don’t like.

    What is it with bigot apologists and the complete lack of historical perspective?

  • Michael J Keller

    Really. Honestly. I don’t need (nor will I permit) another person to define ‘traditional’ OR ‘values’ for me. Thanks for your ‘help’, but I think I’ll pass on that one. I’ll also pass on ever purchasing this product ever again. I would rather spend my $$ on a company that is either #1) Supportive or #2) They know when to shut the f*ck up because they are intelligent enough to know that when theyr fresh mouth flies open, doing so will effect their bottom line.
    You will not that people, such as Dr. Phil, has NEVER EVER said anti-gay. Why not?
    He’s a smart man in several dimensions. This company. Not so much.

  • Stop being such an effing troll and an asshole (no pun intended). You’re doing nothing to represent the gay community in a positive way so stop spewing such nonsense and do something positive with your life. It kind of seems like you’re a homophobe as well with a lot of self-hatred. PS: I’m a gay man.

  • Joe M


  • Florida Farmer

    Yes, because no gay person – EVER – has had (female) or sired (male) a child, according to Mr. Science here. Sounds a bit biological to me.

  • KCescapee

    If conservatives want the bad terms dissociated with their brand of politics, they are more than free to AS A UNIT begin to cease and desist with the concrete actions that cause them to be deserving of such pejoratives. And while we’re at it, maybe the conservatives can quit calling me a baby killing, Muslim, pedophile, simply because I’m gay and support Barack Obama. ( Though at arms length )

  • Guest

    Really. Honestly. I don’t need (nor will I permit) another person to define ‘traditional’ OR ‘values’ for me. Thanks for your ‘help’, but I think I’ll pass on that one. I’ll also pass on ever purchasing this product ever again. I would rather spend my $$ on a company that is either #1) Supportive or #2) They know when to shit the f*ck up because it will effect their bottom line.

  • memeott

    of course straight people can wear their clothes….its that he’s most likely surrounded himself by things created by the very people he’s telling to go elsewhere.

  • Gabriela

    Nope! That’s pretty much the same to me… When someone is telling me that a kid should have a dad and a mom (traditional family) he/she is also saying that a kid shouldn’t have two dads or two moms.
    That’s just hatred!

    I’ve rarely (never?) seen a commercial where a gay family is depicted yet other companies do not claim it out loud.

  • dfvwdvgf

    considering I have nothing against homosexuals in the least, you are wrong, once more. Just because people have a difference of opinion about homosexuals does not make them homophobic, but then again, you’ll probably just reply with the same link so i am merely wasting my time. Good thing I have 10 minutes of class to kill.

  • Westwoodman

    So, you’re saying that he said exactly what the article says he said. Thanks for clearing that up.

  • jin

    You’re right, it’s a private company and they can do what they want and the owner can say what he wants. And I am a private citizen who earns money at my job and I can spend it how I want. That’s how free speech works.

  • dhildemann

    Steve, please stop whining. And stop being a hypocrite. When Starbucks announced support for gay marriage, Christians called for a boycott. Did you whine about Starbucks being denied their freedom? Doubtful. when JC Penny was boycotted fro hiring Ellen DeGeneres and Nabisco was boycotted for rainbow Oreos, did you complain about them being denied THEIR freedom? Again doubtful. Freedom seems to be something you only want for people who agree with YOU.

  • Michael J Keller

    Then… What the Hell would you call his actions? If he’s not ‘hurting others’, then what the Hell is he doing? Helping others? I think not.
    My ‘friend’, if you put a pin stripped suit on it… put a stogie in it’s mouth… put penny loafers on it’s feet, and sunglasses on it’s bill, it’s still a damned duck – no matter how you try to disguise it.
    I definitely won’t be buying this brand ever again.

  • slavitch

    What the FUCK does pasta have to do with one’s sexuality?

  • Dhud

    I completely agree that this is horrible but I am also a little offended by the word “conservative” in this article as to mean deplorable, evil or wrong. The word is being used the same way that the CEO of Barilla is slandering the word “gay”. I understand that much of the flak that the gay community has received does come from the right, or mire specifically the extreme right. I think that it is wrong that any persons rights. I consider myself independent but I lean a bit on the conservative side but in a way that more fiscally than anything else and I also believe that all persons should be equal in all measures. I hold no malaise toward any person or group. But when people ask me my political opinion I tend to say that I lean on the conservative side, in which people automatically assume that I have to hate everyone that does not look like me or agree with me. So how is that a group fighting for equality have to start and know how it is to be ridiculed and have been hurt by another group assume that all people from a single group have to share the same ridiculous beliefs. There is a huge movement, especially in Massachusetts, of new republicans that are for equality for all and do not the ideas of the old established ranks. One such leader in this community is a guy that was raised by two woman but identifies as a Republican. The Republican Gubernatorial candidate in Massachusetts also shares these same beliefs. Instead it is believed that unless you are a Democrat or liberal you cannot share similar beliefs or ideals. I stand with you on all your issues so please do not demean others because they do not have a “D” next to my name in the ballot box.

  • judybrowni

    Au contraire mon ami: entirely on point.

    Homophobes are often the biggest closet cases, unfortunately for your trolling science is on your case:


  • Florida Farmer

    Nope, don’t remember that. That could have something to do with the fact that it never happened, at least in the real world.

  • Alex Minkin

    thats the sort of brilliant idiocy that only groups like ‘straight rights’ can come up with.

    “we’re not allowed to say we hate gay people without being told that we’re dumbasses! our civil rights are being infringed! never mind that the entire gay community has been lobbying for years for basic rights that were supposed to be guaranteed under the constitution, you’re taking away my right to be a close minded bigot”

    no, buddy, you can be a dumbass as much as you want. they’re just going to tell you how stupid you are.

  • We better find another store for pasta.

  • steve

    My question is – why do you hate the traditional family? Why are you intolerant of men and women being in natural rolls that create life? Why is it a problem for him to have an opinion about how he wants to run his company and how he wants to advertise his product? He doesn’t hate gays – he just wants to portray his company differently that YOU want him to portray HIS company. How about if we wanted to add a column on a gay website all about straight life. It would be devoted to growing up straight and how wonderful that is. Would gays allow it? Of course not. They would say it’s their page to run how they like. What if we then called them a hate group because they wouldn’t do it? What if we contacted their advertisers and demanded that they stop funding hate groups. This is the same thing. But it’s bigger than all of this of course isn’t it? It’s not about freedom of choice. It’s not about people doing what they want. It’s about gays wanting to dominate the culture and not allow choice. Too bad most people can’t see through the smokescreen of “tolerance” to see what is really happening.

  • Dana

    I support gay marriage, but I also support his right to market the way he wants to and to FEEL the way he wants to whether it’s considered politically right or “wrong”. It’s HIS feelings.

  • benice

    you are hating more than anyone else here. you are offensive and intolerant.

  • wegewfwe

    you are a master of making irrelevant points. Kudos.

  • “I simply wanted to highlight the central role of the woman in the family.” So what is “a traditional family”? Ah yes, the woman should be in the kitchen of their suburban home fixing a delightful dinner for her husband and 2.5 children, and of course she should have a cocktail ready for the hard working man of the house who has to go out and support the family. Guess a single father or divorced couple are pretty much not welcome to eat their pasta either since they don’t represent their utopian family.

  • judybrowni

    But not as charming as your repetitive self-hatred expressed through bigotry.

  • Italianista

    I read the Italian article and their is no way of explaining away what he said about gays, or women. Regardless of his sentiments to which he is entitled, its is a stupid business move. It will impact his bottom line.

  • Jackie

    Is that the only response you have to these comments? Nobody is going to take you seriously.

  • judybrowni

    Have you noticed that you’re a troll deflecting and distracting from the topic at hand?

  • Benji

    It does kind of seem that way. I think the thing that bothers us isn’t that they’re not in the commercials but that he felt inclined to point it out. Why? Why did he feel he HAD to point it out? To ostracize gays? To appease straight couples? … Why? There was no need to. Plenty of other companies use only straight families in their commercials. They never point out that they don’t use gay families. Not saying I’ll be boycotting or anything. I don’t eat pasta anymore, anyway. Just saying that I can understand the desire to know ‘why’.

  • cjleete

    Yes, we all have freedom of expression and freedom of association. That is until somebody says something that a protected group finds offensive. Thanks to the hundreds of millions of dollars poured into political coffers by special interest groups funded by entertainers; equality under the law is now a thing of the past.

  • fQEqfg

    That’s a great way to garner respect for you and the people whom you identify yourself with, “Really, honey, just go suck a cock” ….charming.

  • Bill_Perdue


    Socialists have a cure for that. Expropriation without compensation. Democrats and Republicans don’t.

  • Italianista

    De Cecco or the Target Archer Farms Brand…they are both inexpensive and yummy!

  • Monoceros Forth

    Oh, you’re “Kyle” again! God, you are the joke that keeps on amusing.

  • Benji

    And no. That’s not saying they’re gay as others like to guess. That’s just saying they’re not comfortable with they’re sexuality. Not the same thing.

  • judybrowni

    You’ll feel so much better after you’ve sucked that cock, honey. All that self-hatred will just melt away.


  • Benji

    I’m sure Freud or some other psychologist can explain it. Ever notice how it’s usually dudes bringing up two dudes? In my psychological opinion it’s probably because they’re not comfortable with their own sexuality.

  • EnglebertFlaptyback

    Goddammit, Barilla, this is why we can’t have nice things.

    Anyone got recommends on decent store-bought dry pasta that doesn’t cost a fortune?

  • Benji

    And no. It’s not a “disorder”. Someone hasn’t been to a Psychology class in several decades. They no longer classify it as a disorder, since it was never a disorder to begin with. It is a SEXUALITY. Genius. Sit through a psych class. You might learn something. Actually, I don’t think you’re capable of learning. Not sure your brain is capable of grasping something as difficult as Psychology. Never mind.

  • Annie

    He didnt say that he didnt like gays. He said he likes a “traditional family.” If gays don’t like the way he wants to market his product, then they don’t have to buy it. Idk maybe he shouldn’t have said that like that, but I honestly think the question shouldn’t have even been asked.
    Trust me I want equality more than anybody else. But I think as long as people are not hurting each other and being hateful then thy should be free to think and feel how ever they want. He was put on the spot and answered honestly. But did not say that he doesn’t like gays. When it comes to product I don’t think anybody should be asked these kinds of questions.

  • judybrowni

    Really, honey, just go suck a cock. It will take that self hatred taste out of your mouth.

  • Tim

    If he hates gays so much, he shouldn’t be wearing their clothes.

  • Whitewitch

    I thought that when I first gave up pasta and bread….I am healthy (me – not recommending it for others honest). I do miss it though…..

  • Jeremy

    Not only is what he said being taken out of contexts, but this website is purposely advertising it incorrectly to gain publicity to the negative side of the comment.

    Yes, it was a ridiculous comment to make. But he wasn’t saying “We don’t want gays eating our pasta” he was saying “We will not have a gay family in our commercials, and if gays don’t like it, they don’t have to eat our pasta.” There is a HUGE difference between the 2 above statements.

    He did not say that the company was anti gay, he said that they prefer to be portrayed by a traditional family, and not bend to different advertising because of people views on different social aspects.

  • Joshua Thomas

    Good for you. I think it’s asinine. My thought process and my choice. Why don’t you give your money to the poor or something…Another opinion just in case you weren’t aware…I mean, you don’t have to help people…

  • judybrowni

    Honey, you’re free to suck a cock, too. Don’t let bigotry keep your self-hating self in that closet.

  • Amber Jeanpierre

    I think their backpedaling is ridiculous, They don’t think we’ll fall for that do they? If you had a son who hated the neighbors and you caught him crapping in their roses would you believe him when he said “I’m Sorry”? No because he’s only sorry he got caught!

    I guess the Barilla family doesn’t realize that it’s not just gay people they’re alienating but all their allies. My family are all allies and we go through about 4 pounds of pasta per week, I’m sure there are many other allies that will stop buying their products as well besides just my family.

  • Benji

    You forgot cats. I’ll never forget having four cats growing up. Two were males. Both not neutered. They never showed any interest in the female. Not even when she was in heat. They only wanted each other – if you catch my drift.

  • judybrowni

    Oh honey, just go suck a cock. It will make your self-hating closet case self feel so much better.

  • Teeny

    Wow, someone saying “Everyone is free to do what they want, provided it doesn’t bother anyone else.”
    is Bigotry? I find it a sad commentary that so many are so quick to judge so harshly.

  • Whitewitch

    No seriously I don’t eat pasta…it is not good for you.

  • Baron Antonio Massimo Massa

    We can still buy Gragnano Pasta, Del Verde and De Cecco.

  • Erik

    We are a Ronzoni family. We don’t like food that hates.

  • judybrowni


  • RM

    I’m all for LGBTQ rights, I’m against discrimination even though I’m often a bit racist. Equality, fairness, etc, yadda yadda. My thing is this; it’s a company. It’s a PRIVATELY OWNED company that can do whatever they want and target whoever they want. This reminds me of Chik-Fil-A. LGBTQ and Straight people still eat there. Who cares?

    If a company targeted ONLY Athiests, or ONLY the LGBTQ community or ONLY Christians… would there be as much of an uproar? Say a company says “Well we don’t like Catholics, and if they don’t like that we wont advertise towards them then they can buy something else” would as many people be pissed off? Probably not.

  • Benji

    I’m transgender and bisexual. I support the rights of everyone. I support human rights. Which includes gays, transgenders, Latinos, Asians, black, poor, and yes, metalheads. I want equality for EVERYONE. Not just gays and transgenders. Despite what some conservatives may tell you.

  • Kevedes

    Have you paid any attention to the news coming from that country?

  • Baron Antonio Massimo Massa

    I have stopped buying Barilla pasta in USA since it was sold to an American company and have also changed the ingridients….Barilla pasta in USA is toxic now.

  • Max Supernova

    Gay Inc. sounds fabulous. Where do I buy shares? Are they $69 each?

  • judybrowni

    Conservative Traditional Family Values: hate, hate, hate.

  • Rambie

    I’ll look for it from now on. I’ve been a Barilla fan for years, but now I’ll be changing brands.

  • judybrowni

    You’re bigotry is wide and all encompassing.

  • Benji

    Don’t prove nothing…

    Double negatives make my head hurt. He very well could be a gay man. Even gay people are as different as the year is long.

  • Florida Farmer

    Bonus, another thing that conservatives always whine about: People choose not to buy a specific product because of (insert reason). The free market at work!

  • disqus_21mn9yYRug

    Straight people can’t wear those clothes? I don’t get it.

  • Kevedes

    Wait, someone in Italy is an asshole?

  • judybrowni

    Please just go suck a cock, honey, your self-hating closet case self will feel so much better.

  • BigDaddyLane

    He’s not hiding behind our constitution. He’s Italian. He doesn’t give a rat’s ass about our constitution. He simply backtracked his statements maybe after realizing how his statements could truly affect his profits.

  • Barbara

    Traditional family values – Kudos Barilla !!

  • Florida Farmer

    Yes, the “traditional family” and “role of the woman” phrases have such subtle nuances, no matter the language in which they’re spoken, don’t they? Especially in the context of someone explaining why they don’t – and will never – have any gay folk in their advertising. Here’s a tip: while most companies probably do have some kind of unwritten thing about this (or likely never even think much about it), most of them don’t say so in public, and certainly are not going to just tell a group of people to go buy some other brand if they don’t like it unless they’re hard core asshats. Most people, by the time they reach the top of the chain, are a tad more savvy about this and choose their words a bit more carefully.

  • cole3244

    thanks barilla this is one hetero that will not buy your product since bigotry has a nasty taste.

  • Benji

    Glad to know I’m not the only one who caught that. But we’re so used to companies showing women doing all the cooking and cleaning I don’t think a lot of people thought much about it. For God’s sake, commercials, it’s the 21st century! And yes, SOME men do do all that stuff now. Some families even split it evenly!

  • George

    “and conservatives generally”…
    Awesome example of bigotry.

  • Monoceros Forth

    Stop spluttering so much! Hell’s bells, you’re posting every ten seconds and you can’t even keep your lies straight any more or which account you’re supposed to be using. You were pretending to be gay at one point! Get the hell out of our faces.

  • Kyle

    you mad?

  • Benji

    I’m sure blacks and women were once told to stop acting like they’re the only group of people who gets trashed, too. Now, when people do and someone like you tells them to get over themselves they’re racist or sexist. What a sad world full of double standards. It’s okay to express hate if it’s against gays, but not if it’s against blacks or women, right? Imagine him saying this. But about black families. Then the whole world would be boycotting him.

  • DW

    Lets all just stop for a moment, look at ALL the products you buy, and then see if there are any that have not had gay advertisements. Remember, this is NOT about homophobia, this it NOT about bigotry, this is NOT about LGBT rights, this is about advertisements.

  • jm

    you are because you want all to accept your perverted lifestyle and tell us we are bigots of we don’t accept it, you are wrong and those of us who are not gay are sick and tired of you pushing your agenda in our faces, I don’t care if you want to live like that but get out of my face with it!

  • PeteWa

    one doesn’t have to be a member of the site to maintain a consistent posting name.
    again, fail.

  • Benji

    You’re an idiot.

  • bre

    WHY IS THIS SHIT STILL HAPPENINGGGG? No more putting up with these ignorant prejudice straight people running shitty businesses. we dont care about your shitty noodles. all those “traditional’ basic bitch families can eat alll your fucking pasta because the gays are all set. all this petty shit has to stop.

  • judybrowni

    Uh huh. Such non-news that you had to dash over to a liberal, gay blog to “refute” it.

    Why are you so obessed with the gays?

    Science has the answer, you’re a self-hating closet case:

    Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/29/opinion/sunday/homophobic-maybe-youre-gay.html?_r=0

  • Florida Farmer

    “And therefore, you’re not going to see any gays in Barilla’s
    advertising. And if gays don’t like it, “they can always go eat someone
    else’s pasta.””

    Why, it sounds exactly like he’s telling teh gheys to do just that: buy another brand. Something I suspect will be met with a “no problem!” response.

  • Kyle

    I’m not a member of this site and am posting as a guest every time. Sorry that doesn’t correlate with your expectations of a person leaving a comment on this thread.

  • GHale

    Please, point out to me the person who is denying you your rights to say what you want. I have a feeling I’ll be waiting a long time.

    You seem to have confused the right to believe and say what you want with an imagined right to be free from any criticism or consequences.

  • PeteWa

    dude, you’ve replied to various comments with different user names.

  • mario leone

    Try pasta De Cecco, considered really better than Barilla in Italy

  • memeott

    “they can always go eat someone else’s pasta.”…he said wearing an Armani suit, D&G shoes glancing at his Versace watch.

  • AC

    As a gay man myself, I don’t think not including gays = hating gays. But why the need to blatantly point that out? THAT is where my issue here is.

    Plenty of companies don’t include gays, blacks, asians, children, disabled people, elderly, etc. It is all about who they perceive as their target audience. The big no no part here is calling attention to that for absolutely no reason.

    What if they had come out and said, “We won’t feature any other ethnicities in our commercials, because we prefer traditional white families.” Just as stupid to say.

    In cases like these, best to just keep his mouth shut. When a company has a controversial opinion on something, it’s usually best to be viewed as neutral unless you’re going to join the activism related to your opinion. Or, unless you think the positive PR will outweigh the negative.

  • Kyle

    haha I commented, reloaded the page and did not see my comment initially, so i posted again. Upon refreshing the page once more, much to my dismay, I saw both of my comments. Please continue with your accusations though, you have been accurate thus far….

  • Monoceros Forth

    “DW” isn’t merely full of himself, he’s overflowing into multiple accounts.

  • Florida Farmer

    You should never be in such a rush to make sure everyone is aware of just how offended you are that you don’t bother to actually read (and comprehend) the entire story. That’s your lesson for today.

  • Sam

    So this guy definitely isn’t winning any awards for eloquence – but someone help me out here… Exactly which brands are the ones that DO feature families with same-sex parents in their ads? Even if he was trying to cover his ass, the guys says he respects gay marriages. We’re not talking Chik-Fil-A here. He put his foot in his mouth explaining a (usually unspoken/unacknowledged) policy that every company like this has. And when you consider that all of this was spoken in Italian and translated…. there are little subtleties that could be totally lost in translation. And as for the “gays can eat someone’s pasta if they don’t like it.” Well – again – eloquence, but isn’t that what a person would say about anyone that disagrees with a company’s policy? “If you don’t like it, then don’t buy it.”
    This is non-news.

  • PeteWa

    you’re really bad at sock puppetry, Kyle, DW, dw, Ummm.

  • judybrowni

    You and Barilla have every right to say what you want to say, and we have every right not to buy your products and call bullshit on your lies.

    That’s what so-called “conservatives” hate: freedom of speech and the pursuit of happiness, for anyone but themselves.

  • br

    jenna needs to learn how to read.. oh wait am i being derogatory

  • Monoceros Forth

    I should look into making my own pasta. Not because of this Barilla nonsense, of course, except that it’s reminded me I’ve never tried to make my own and I’m all about trying to make my own stuff wherever possible. I’m not keen on buying on one of those cranked pasta machines, though, unless one turned up cheap at a thrift shop.

    I have made my own gnocchi but I really prefer pasta.

  • faceshaker

    It’s an old trail driver term: Back the cow up. But today, it means, “Take what you said back.”

  • Frank Hoffman

    More company leaders should make their opinions known on such issues — that way consumers can make our opinions known by boycotting or patronizing their product. Freedom of speech works both ways. Chik-Fil-A, Papa Johns, Pizza Hut… now Barilla.

    (PS: “eating someone else’s pasta” would make a great euphemism for …. something ;)

  • Monoceros Forth

    Shouldn’t you be “Kyle”? Keep your sock puppets in order, sparky.

  • judybrowni

    Yeah, all that” repulsive” liberal stuff like gays/blacks/women shouldn’t be second class citizens in the U.S.

  • Steve

    So gay rights advocates such as yourself want everyone to be treated equally as long as someone doesn’t disagree with your lifestyle right? This means they have no right to an opinion and no right to say so if they don’t agree with how you live “your life”. This is my problem with gay people in a nutshell, i don’t care how you live your life, who you choose to live it with but you constantly want to push your choice in my face, get everyone including impressionable children to believe your lifestyle is just fine, that it’s perfectly natural when frankly i don’t believe it is, but that’s my opinion and i should have a right to it and a right to voice it just as you have the right to disagree. It’s called freedom, something you seem to want but want to deny others.

  • rextrek

    Mmmm good – eat up all the Barilla you want – but please dont forget to CHOKE!

  • Kyle

    my apologies for not seeing my original comment. Hope you don’t lose too much sleep over this.

  • judybrowni

    Fuck you.

  • judybrowni

    My goodness but you’ve found some extra fine hairs to split there, haven’t you?

  • rhauck

    Can we please send Mike Huckabee over to Italy to organize a “Barilla Pasta Support Day”? And then lose his passport in the process? Pretty please?

  • judybrowni

    You obviously never bought at a Trader Joe’s in Los Angeles.

    And I’ve seen Barilla’s on chain supermarket shelves: don’t think the cashiers do a means test when they ring it up.

    But what the fuck difference would it make if “poor people” shopped anywhere?

    You’re a prime example of: haters gotta hate.

  • Well, gays will eat pasta when Dolce&Gabbana will produce pasta.

    Everytime this “idon’twannatalktoyoubecauseyousayi’mgay”shit is annoying

  • DW

    Hi Judy, Im NOTa bigot. I am a gay man and proud of it.

  • LeFabe

    thats fine, let him do whatever he wants. Now we can decide to spend our money on brands that aren’t run by hateful bigots. Geez.

  • Monoceros Forth

    …says the guy who posted the same thing twice. Care for a third?

  • Sarah

    “””Gays can eat someone else’s pasta”””
    From a marketing standpoint this is not good. I am not gay but by granddaughter is. So is my cousin’s son. We are a BIG Italian family. Pasta is communion. There are other, better brands.

  • LeFabe

    I guess the pope will switch brands now.

  • trackbackone

    Trader Joe’s is for poor people.

  • jawillie

    I love how cowards like this always hide behind “freedom of speech” and the “First Amendment” as if to shield themselves from any criticism of their bigotry. Just as this guy has the right to say what he wants, we have the right to call him out. Oh, btw, boycotting someone is NOT an infringement of the First Amendment…it’s COVERED BY IT.

  • trackbackone

    He didn’t say that he doesn’t want gays to buy Barilla. There intention is to not include homosexuals in their advertising.

  • Sicilian’s Wife

    Ciao is like aloha. It means hi and bye. Arrivederci is formal and used informally when one means goodbye for good. Ciao as a goodbye is used between friends as a short goodbye. (ce vediamo)

  • Ummm

    His first name is Guido. His name is Guido Barilla…

  • judybrowni

    You’re a match made in heaven.

    Or is that hell?

  • TequePas

    Porca Miseria! This is pretty ironic since Barilla was famous for using the Italian singer Mina to do pasta commercials -Mina: the Barbara Streisand/Cher/Eydie Gormé of Italy – who caused a scandal for cohabitating with a married man and then having a baby with him – all prior to her work with Barilla in the 1960s.

  • DW

    You’re right about him keeping his mouth shut. Think about all the products you buy. Can you really say that all of them openly have advertisements for gay people. This whole crap article is about advertising.

  • jenjen64

    Yeah my mother WAS crazy so none of her children were better off and she had 10 of us all placed in foster care (except me) so you might want to rethink your narrow-minded view point/stereotype.

    As for Barilla, used it occasionally but never again.

  • ItalianinSF

    ahahaha you for real? HIS NAME IS GUIDO.

  • judybrowni

    DW says he’s a gay man, which don’t prove nothing.
    Probably another bigot posing in anonymous comments.

  • Michael Whelan

    “conservatives generally, usually misunderstand the concept of freedom of expression to mean that they get to say any inanity with impunity. Doesn’t work that way” – actually liberals seem to get away with saying any kind of repulsive stuff that THEY want as long as they claim “freedom of speech” , and they are rarely called on it. What this Barilla guy said wasn’t smart, but the liberals have had their moments.

  • Giovanni Gino Caffarella

    I can see that is the case here.

  • Kyle

    I’m sure he cares if you don’t buy his pasta. He and his company will survive. Dear homosexuals, some people don’t like you; this shouldn’t be news. Stop acting like you are the only group of people who gets publicly trashed all the time. I care not about a person’s sexual orientation, doesn’t matter to me, but if this man decided he and HIS COMPANY want nothing to do with homosexuals, why is that such a problem?

    Get over yourselves.

  • Giovanni Gino Caffarella

    Your welcome, my friend!

  • MyrddinWilt

    Yeah, the problem is that there are very few people in an organization who will call out the boss and tell them he is being a jerk. And fewer that can do that tactfully enough to stay in their job very long.

    So it turns out that to do that type of work well you have to be in a position where you don’t actually need the money, which is pretty rare. All those Wall Street bankers with $1 million / year incomes end up with $1 million /year commitments even if they don’t beed to buy the latest Mercedes every year.

  • PeteWa

    his name is Guido.
    it’s his first name.

  • Lydia

    It’s about choice. I for one dont want to continue giving them my money if they think this way. So I appreciate this being a story.

  • Melissa

    The guy’s name is Guido Barilla.

  • DW

    Thank you VAHAWK!! Friday i’ll be camping lol.

  • Jenna Reed

    I definitely don’t agree with his view but While you are talking about the derogatory comments he made you made one of your own by calling him a guido.

  • Tonja Holder

    Guess you won’t be getting any of my gay money!

  • Lydia

    It’s not about being upset at what he says… It’s about putting my hard earned money in his homophobic pocket! No thanks!

  • Larry G

    No doubt. say what you want reality… but the actual reality is this… YOU are the one trolling a gay blog.

  • Michael Whelan

    Where does the Pope come into this? That was nasty and unnecessary.

  • Kyle

    this isn’t news. Who fucking cares what a guy decides to do with the company HE owns and runs.

  • cadmium109

    I buy Barilla a lot. I’m not gay, but I will never buy their brand again.

  • Melissa

    Where did you see this?

  • Lydia

    Wow. You’re typical… Cuz gays are all about sex right? idiot. Kids are raised by single dads all the time and they are just fine…. My kid on the other hand will have 2 moms… What do you say about that?

  • Haley Alves

    Oh, the woman plays a real central role in my family. in fact, it’s the only role available. he should be so pumped!

  • johnc

    Hold up tho, “central role of the woman?” Um… Sexist much? Plenty of men in heterosexual relationships cook too, dude.

  • Monoceros Forth

    Have you met my mother?

  • Smyrna Emphezema

    They just lost $15 Million in sales. Publix will be pulling the product out of their stores soon

  • Luke DeLalio

    Fuck him. Put him in the dumpster with Chick Fil A

  • judybrowni

    Why is Vahawk so obsessed with the gay hate? SCIENCE, BITCH:

    “WHY are political and religious figures who campaign against gay rights so often implicated in sexual encounters with same-sex partners?…

    One theory is that homosexual urges, when repressed out of shame or fear, can be expressed as homophobia. Freud famously called this process a “reaction formation” — the angry battle against the outward symbol of feelings that are inwardly being stifled. Even [Ted] Haggard seemed to endorse this idea when, apologizing after his scandal for his anti-gay rhetoric, he said, “I think I was partially so vehement because of my own war.”

    It’s a compelling theory — and now there is scientific reason to believe it. In this month’s issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, we and our fellow researchers provide empirical evidence that homophobia can result, at least in part, from the suppression of same-sex desire.

    Your petticoats are showing, nancy.

  • Jason Brandt

    Yup you’re still fat and old.

  • Monoceros Forth

    Yeah, like you know how to cook.

  • WPallottaUSA

    Not gay, but an ally. Bye bye, Barilla.

  • Thanks for the heads up. I certainly wouldn’t want to burden a business who doesn’t want me to buy their products with my money.

  • catalinda8

    I hear what you’re saying, but we can choose which companies to support with our dollars, and I wouldn’t want to contribute to the success of any company that excludes a group of people based on personal prejudices — sometimes that’s a gentle but effective form of protest. It’s funny, if he’d just kept his mouth shut, I’m sure I wouldn’t have noticed they didn’t use gay people in their ads.

  • Troy McMeans

    I’ve never heard “walk it on back there, hoss”….what does that mean?

  • Jason Brandt

    LOL you’re mad because you’re fat and old. When will you realize you’re in the minority and all that is in your future is a lonely grave without any remembrance.

  • LuvUrLivr



    Where have you been all my life? A person with some actual sense. Impressive. Someone who actually stepped back and took a second to THINK about something. What are you doing Friday night?

  • faceshaker

    Roman emperor Hadrian was gay as a goose. Maybe Hadrian’s wall in Great Britain was Hadrian’s attempt to “keep out the straights”. Who knows?

    Guido Barilla seems to have a problem with enfranchising homosexuals into general society. Here in Texas we would say: Whoa! Walk it on back there, hoss!

  • Naxield

    I’m sorry. What degree or information or proof do you have to back up your statement of it being a “disorder”?
    The American Psychological Association removed it as a psychological disorder.
    I’m going to grad school as a Biologist.
    I think I know way more about what I’m talking about, and so do my professors, than you.
    Move that stick up your ass a little. You might enjoy it.

  • laytonian

    Tommy Hilfiger NEVER appeared on Oprah.
    So….got any more hoaxes to spread around?

  • Troy McMeans

    Barilla doesn’t like black people, you wont see them in their commercials. (thats wrong)
    Barilla doesn’t like mexicans, you wont see them in their commercials. (thats wrong)
    Barilla doesn’t like middle easterners, you wont see them in their commercials. (thats wrong)
    Barilla doesn’t gays, you wont see them in their commercials. (Applause, Applause!)

    same reoccuring patterns in history, same backwards morality….yet these people never catch on and think they are rightful. Yet time will tell, as it has in the past, that these people stand on the wrong side of history and life.

  • catalinda8

    Well, here is a straight, married woman who won’t be using Barilla anymore. And I eat it almost every day (with my broccoli sauteed in olive oil and garlic, yummmm…). Good-bye, Barilla.

  • saltcay

    Reality, you need to get a dose of REALITY! if marriage is NOT a civil right then you need to give up your CIVIL BENEFITS that come from it. That would include tax benefits, social security benefits, transfer of property, or the other over 1300 financial benefits afforded a legally married couple? Obviously, you are one of the bigoted fools that believe that only heterosexual couples love each other, but that homosexual couples only have sex. To believe that heteros only get married to start a biological family apparently have no clue. When my great aunt got married at age 72 FOR THE FIRST TIME, do you really think that procreation was on her mind? Should she have not been allowed to get married? How about my brother that has been married twice, both times vowing NEVER to have children. Should his marriages never have taken place?
    NOW, did you really want to bring up the pedophile issue? The vast majority of pedophiles are HETEROSEXUAL. Pedophilia and homosexuality are totally unrelated, and illegal no matter what sex you are.

  • dw

    gay rights are not even the issue here. This whole thing is a “gotcha” moment. Just another hey lets boycott something because we didnt like his answer

  • LuvUrLivr

    I’m a metalhead and a gay man. More power to you! Thanks for the support!


    I know you probably prefer your pasta with a nice side of Santorum. Some people think kids are better of with their Mother. Call them crazy.

  • judybrowni

    Umm, Naxield is summarizing SCIENCE, jackass.

    You, on the other hand, only your own fevered brain pan — and why are you so obsessed with this issue, if it ain’t you?

    SCIENCE has an answer to that, too. According to studies, the big homophobes are gay or bi closet cases, turning their self-hate outward.

    Full heterosexuals don’t give a damn. You doth protest too much, sucker.

  • laytonian

    Yes, it IS his company.
    Yes it IS your choice.

    Don’t come crying to us “hets” when religionistas clamp down on your rights.

  • Lushlife

    Barilla is inferior to begin with — limp, insubstantial, starchy and flavorless. Leaves a slack, pasty, flaccid feel in the mouth, and one is always hungry again an hour after one eats it.

    The perfect pasta for conservatives. Butta la pasta!

  • Jason Brandt

    lol fatty. Only fatties past.

  • Naxield

    Ignore my post further up, as I thought you had intentionally ignored this one.
    But, tell me, how do gays force their lifestyles on you?
    Are they holding guns to your head telling you to suck a dick?
    No. They are fighting to be given the same exact civil liberties heterosexuals have always been given.
    When parents stop disowning and kicking out their children for being different or for not being able to control who they love, will you stop seeing gay pride parades.
    When people are no longer fired from their jobs or called “fags” or beat up for the sole reason that they love the same sex, will you stop seeing gay pride parades.
    Nothing is being forced on you.
    If anything, heterosexuals force our lifestyle on them by telling to stop acting flamboyant or to stop kissing in public. Unless it’s with a girl, then it’s okay.

  • Troy McMeans

    So Company A doesn’t like Group B because of minuscule reasons that are absolutely unfair and unjust. Then you cheer about it and support them. Now replace Company A with any company that exists and replace Group B with any type of person that can be discriminated on. See how stupid your logic is?


    You really can’t think with your own brain, can you?
    Oh well, what could expect from a homophobic pig like you. Pretty sure you would love to sleep with another man, you’re just too afraid to admit it even to yourself. :)

  • Joshua Thomas

    Well, I say to that…who the hell cares…good for you…unfortunately you sir or ma’m are not the head of Barilla! :p

  • judybrowni

    Oh yeah, the “I’ll be boycotting your boycott” ploy: bigots love to say that.

    But it don’t work, do it?

    The mere threat of a gay boycott had Barilla backpedalling furiously, He ain’t gonna do nothing in response to some fatass hick buying up a couple cases, or even dozens or hundreds of fatass hicks.

    You already lost, Mr. Bigot.

  • FUFatherEisenman

    Tell us in honest terms how gays affect you negatively. Please. I’d love to hear your answer.

  • FUFatherEisenman

    I think “Me” just pwnd you reality

  • Helen Wheels

    Trader Joe’s pasta is way better anyway.

  • DW

    As a gay man, I’ll continue to buy Barilla. Im really sick of our “community” taking a persons words completely out of context. Its not like he said, I hate all gay people and i do not want them to buy my product ever”. But of course, some gay blogger has to make it out to be something bigger than what is it. Its HIS company and he can choose who he wants to be in his advertising. ugh, we need to be smarter and not fall for this crap outrage

  • Max

    Lions, dolphins, bonobo monkeys, baboons, tigers, dogs, horses (stds), bovines, buffalos, donkeys, flies, mosquitos, frogs, just to quote a FEW species that can be homosexuals.
    Pervert and deviant unhealthy lifestyle? You must be a sad human being.
    And your hatred towards homosexual people tells me you are deeply afraid to be gay as well. Maybe you would like it, you should try.
    What a sad, pathetic, lonely human being.

  • Okay, you are done here, “reality.” You are banned. Good-bye.

  • FUFatherEisenman

    You should change your name, because you live in “la la land”

  • Helen Wheels

    As usual for a bigot, your info is 100% incorrect.

  • Me

    I like that of the buckeye tree.. that fucker doesn’t need a male or female counterpart as it is both. It is laughable that we’re giving this idiotic troll (reality) the time of day considering it’s already shown how low its stupidity goes… I am not willing to stoop that low I just hope it is sterile so it can’t reproduce anymore. God forbid it does and its offspring ends up being gay… I would never wish such a nightmarish scenario on my worst enemy so I hope they can’t have children.

  • Giovanni Gino Caffarella

    So I am metalhead, and therefore by all accounts part of a misunderstood culture, I can understand this as well. I have many friends in Italy who are metalheads and it is not easy for them because people make generalizations or stereotypes with out ever talking or knowing what they are about. So in regards to this company Barilla speaking with ignorance and with a biased to tradition, they bash those they do not know or fit into that mentality. I may be a part of a small part of a group of metalheads who support LGBT rights because it can be easy for us metalheads to blend in and do good in our community and such but to have to hide your sexuality because society can not understand or simply just talk to anyone who is LGBT.

    So my question I have had for many years is this: If the LGBT group wants to support their rights, how do they feel about other groups who want to do the same? (and of course as long as they are close to theirs) It would make me sad to know that if someone wanted to support their rights and not others, I as a metalhead will ALWAYS support human rights such as LGBT whether or not they do not know what our group is about or what not. :D

  • Piccolo

    S­inc­e I st­art­e­­d fr­eel­anc­in­g I’­v­e b­ee­n m­ak­in­g $­9­0­/­h…
    I s­i­t a­t h­o­m­e a­­n­d i a­m d­oi­­n­g m­y w­o­rk f­ro­m m­y l­apt­op.
    T­h­℮ b­es­t t­hin­­g i­s t­ha­t i g­et m­o­re t­im­e t­o s­pe­nt w­i­t­h
    m­y fa­mi­l­y a­nd wi­­th m­y k­id­s a­nd i­n t­he sa­me time i c­an
    e­a­r­n en­oug­h t­o s­upp­ort them… Y­ou c­a­­n d­­o i­t t­o­­o. S­ta­rt here…ViewMore——————————————.qr.net/k0iQ

  • DolemiteMF

    “I think it takes a lot more “guts” to say something opposed to gays in any major city of this country than to hold a gay pride parade in one.”
    Yes, because people beat the shit out of people who say stupid things about gay people like “insecurity is part of being gay.” Nobody beats a gay dude to death for being what he is. Reality my ass.

  • xavier


  • reality

    Polygamy is seen in even more species than monogamy but our society doesn’t accept it. I agree that gay people are born with it and I have no problem with what people do in their own bedrooms, I hate how they have forced it on society and attack anyone that does not agree with them.

  • Naxield

    I love how you proved you’re a bigot just by showing that you have the time to comment on this, yet you ignored my scientific proof as to why homosexuality is natural.
    Maybe if you moved the stick in your ass a little bit, you’ll enjoy it.

  • DW

    I am gay and i TOTALLY agree with you!!! Why does We won’t include gays in our ads = we hate gays? ugh this is so annoying

  • FUFatherEisenman

    that doesn’t surprise me. You’re as much a bigot as Guido


    What other species exhibit homosexual behavior? Dragonflies? Homosexuality is a naturally occurring DISORDER that occurs in about 1% of the population. It’s a perverted and deviant and unhealthy lifestyle. Period.

  • Frankie James

    I think straight white men should be banned from all Barilla pasta commercials and if you don’t like it buy another brand…
    Just imagine, if you know what that means…

  • Gigi

    For this to be an attack on his civil liberties, people would have to be demanding that he not say what he said. No one is questioning his right to be a bigot. He has that right. What he’s found out is that words have consequences. He has the right to say what he said, and we have the right to react to his bigotry. We also have the right not to purchase his products.
    That’s the free market baby!


    I’ll be buying boxes of Barilla by the case now.

  • reality

    Being attracted to someone of your own gender makes you gay. But acting out and getting so upset over comments about a pasta company favoring traditional families is the insecurity that comes along with being gay.

  • Me

    I grew up in an extremely tolerant, loving and embracing environment.. guess why? Because religion was never allowed to take a foothold in how we conduct our lives. We were taught faith and respect, the cornerstones of Christianity without the guilt, xenophobia, homophobia, technophobia and fear that is rampant in most religions. Yay for me and my family we had/have incredibly awesome rolemodels to look up to.. our parents. As a result, I am the least insecure, flamboyant/flaming queer in my circle of gay friends.. all who cover the whole spectrum from closeted to in your face 24/7 type of gay. Furthermore, your theory is based on ignorance… anyone who’s taken any type of introductory class into psychology or sociology will tell you that tolerance and acceptance does not lead to insecurity; on the contrary, it promotes and self acceptance, self worth and pride in one’s self. It’s clearly obvious that you lack all of these qualities based on your ignorant and contempt riddled comments.

  • Naxield

    I don’t know what isn’t natural about homosexuality.
    Homosexuality has definitely had evolutionary advantages, as it is a trait that is not at all uncommon in (an estimated) 1500 species of animals.
    Homosexual behavior has created increased altruism in those individuals towards nieces and nephews, which therefore led to increased survival and reproduction of those respective nieces and nephews.
    Yet, hate is only exhibited by our species.

  • Cailan Lefavre

    Oh no! It’s not like there are 25 other brands to choose from! Wait…

  • reality

    Really? I think it takes a lot more “guts” to say something opposed to gays in any major city of this country than to hold a gay pride parade in one. I think people are free to do whatever they want but they should stop bitching about it and gays should act like everyone else instead of making their love of homosexual sodomy the #1 trait of their personality.

  • I think the 13th Century would have been more accepting of homosexuality.

  • Bobbie Rea Beyer

    Impressed by your translation!

  • Joshua Thomas

    “Everyone is free to do what they want, provided it doesn’t bother anyone else.”

    That statement doesn’t bother me one bit. Everyone is free to have their own views in this lifetime. I think you all are idiots for making this a story…there’s a view…now share yours. There is so much more going on in the world and we have to nit pick the little things that do not matter. Get a life.

  • zelgo

    That is actually false. Never happened.


  • David Thaler

    Gee…and all this time I thought being attracted to someone of your own gender made you gay. Now I know it’s just insecurity. Whew….glad we got that cleared up.

    BTW…LOVE the irony in your screen name.

  • madisontruth

    I stopped eating pasta a long time ago for two reasons-too many carbs and it reminds me of organized crime.

  • Naxield

    Seriously, bro?
    Homosexuality has definitely had evolutionary advantages, as it is a trait that is not at all uncommon in (an estimated) 1500 species of animals.
    Homosexual behavior has created increased altruism in those individuals towards nieces and nephews, which therefore led to increased survival and reproduction of those respective nieces and nephews.

    Don’t use what little knowledge of evolutionary biology you have to justify your bigotry.

  • reality

    Marriage is not a civil right. All people are created equal but the behavior of any one person is not equal necessarily to someone else. Marriage to start a biological family is not equal to a piece of paper that acknowledges that monogamous sodomy between two people. There are plenty of people that you “bigoted” towards (at least I hope) but it’s not viewed as such because society is not accepting of those people, but suddenly we are all accepting of everything gay. And don’t you put yourself in the “minorities” categories unless you want to start including other “minorities” like pedophiles in there.

  • rage_on_the_page

    Why is it always about people being creeped at two dudes? Newsflash: half of the gay couples in the world are TWO WOMEN, so his “apology” really makes no sense.

  • Haligonex

    Remember Tommy on Oprah, initially there was a backlash then sales went through the roof. Sublime Marketing’

  • Erica Salcuni

    well, done with that pasta. not that great anyway.

  • pricknick

    Leave using home grown marijuana out of this. It’s great in sauces. And yes, I do get high.

  • Monoceros Forth

    Some people believe in the family unit.

    And some people believe in the imaginary version of it that only exists in yoghurt commercials and inside right-wingers’ heads.

  • peaceforall

    So would you want people discriminating against and killing handicapped people, knowing that your family member could be next? And as far as the black comment…we don’t allow discrimination against blacks anymore, but there was plenty in the 60’s and 70’s. We had to clean up public opinion and make it unacceptable to speak against them to help others realize any kind of discrimination is wrong.

  • ACMEsalesrep

    Hardly. In fact, I’ve met few people less insecure about themselves. Just think about the guts that are required to actually come out in world in which far too many people still share attitudes like yours, then tell me that someone who’s done so is “insecure”.

    (In my experience, of course, it’s actually the straight people who question their own sexuality, and who manifest that by taking shots at gays, who are themselves insecure. But I suppose that goes without saying.)

  • Will Kohler

    Strepsi. In the beginning there was just “gay” and the term included homosexual men. lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender. Actually it was the Lesbians that got pissed in the late 70’s and early 80’s and wanted to self identify which began the Loooooooong line of alphabet soup that we have now. And in a way that self identifying and compartmentalization has made the equality for all fight just a bit fractured and a tad more harder.

  • Joe

    Thats right we can spend our money else where! Fuck you Barilla you hateful bitch

  • ACMEsalesrep

    It’s a comment on bigotry, civil rights, and condescending attitudes towards minorities. You shouldn’t have to be a rocket scientist to recognize that.

  • notamused

    I am a gay man and, honestly, I think this is nothing more than an immature bitch fit because a company doesn’t want to market a certain way and it’s causing an uproar, or war if you will, unnecessarily.

  • reality

    Pedophilia is wrong from a moral standpoint. Polygamy is probably a lot more normal evolutionarily speaking than homosexuality

  • Tony D’Angelo

    “Those same family advocates claim that – get this – criticizing Barilla for its attack on gays is itself an attack on “civil liberties.”


    Technically, that statement is accurate. People have the right to be gay and other people have a right to have a problem with it, just like you have a right to have a problem with Barilla having a problem with it.

    Yes, people are stupid and cling to their beliefs and give no respect to people who believe something differently, or are themselves, different. We just have to respect it, be the best we can as individuals and hope it all changes for the best. Just remember, you yourself are one of those stupid people, whether you like it or not. We all are.

  • Monoceros Forth

    Eh? I don’t think that helps your case any to be honest. Leaving aside the matter of homosexual behavior in numerous animals, I can think of dozens of ways in which the species of the world propagate themselves. Which of those countless traditions should I follow?

  • reality

    And if I had mentally handicapped people in my family, I’d love them as well. That doesn’t mean I am happy about it or think that it is desirable in any way. As far as your blacks comment, um… huh?

  • Phil

    Overpriced, mediocre quality.

  • carbs are bad.

  • tsuki

    Make your own. Way more tasty and healthy.

  • Peaceforall

    Bet you would tell the blacks to stay in the cotton fields in the 60’s too. Better look in your family, I guarantee you have some gay folk there. Bigotry and persecution against ALL people needs to be stamped out and it does begin with not allowing heads of companies to speak out against them.

  • reality

    No, people aren’t less tolerant of gays because of religion… Like everything else religion is just an excuse to act out how people really feel. Religion was created by people. Gays are insecure about themselves, it’s part of whatever makes them gay. The more tolerant an environment they grow up and live in, the more insecure they behave.

  • Me

    I have never met a more ignorant, insecure and mentally handicapped person than straights with a chip on their shoulder. People like you make me immensely glad to be gay, but most importantly, they make me glad to have been born into my family… where at least common sense, compassion and understanding that not everyone is the same but that we should all respect everyone equally, is abundant. I certainly hope you don’t/can’t reproduce… your level of ignorance and idiocy is definitely not needed or wanted in this world. One of you is enough.

  • Mark Curtis

    Me and my 5 wives agree with this statement, well my youngest wife is 13 so maybe she doesn’t full appreciate it.

  • pappyvet

    Love the story but I’m crazy about the Calvin Klein ads John. ;]

  • Ilaria

    Thank you very much, Barilla! Now I can convince my parents to stop buying that crap just ’cause it’s cheaper, and start purchasing De Cecco or Garofalo (waaaay better italian brands). Here in Italy lots of people are actually offended by Guido Barilla’s statement, ’cause time’s changing. People like Guido just don’t get this, they still think we’re in 1950, that women should be in the kitchen cooking for the whole family. He wasn’t just disrespectul towards gays, but towards women too.
    And, btw, Barilla’s pasta IS crappy. It doesn’t come al dente. So, not a loss at all :D

  • pappyvet

    I use Steingards pasta,its terrific!

  • reality

    The one that lead to your own conception. The biological tradition that has allowed every species to procreate.

  • David Thaler

    …and if gays are insecure, who made them that way? Could it be, oh I don’t know…a bunch of narrow-minded people who are afraid of anyone and anything not exactly like them? A bunch of religious wingnuts who don’t follow the Bible to the letter themselves, but have no problem quoting the passages to use against gays?

    The Rapture’s coming….go pack!!!!!

  • NonItalianWithSomeSense

    arrivederci means bye… ciao means hello

  • Monoceros Forth

    Ah, yes, tradition! All-important tradition. Which tradition to choose from? There are hundreds–thousands of traditions from all over the world and of all degrees of antiquity. Which tradition are you saying is the one true one?

  • Monoceros Forth

    I have a difficult time believing that a brand of pasta that’s only slightly more expensive than Kroger generic noodles can possibly be “the most authentic packaged Italian pasta” out there.

  • DanaC.

    I’m a straight woman, happily married, and I’ve never felt that ads that showed gay folks somehow meant the company hated me and my family. Too, oddly enough, a whole lot of straight people are related to gay people. How on earth could that happen? Aren’t those gay folks reproducing on their own?


    I don’t eat pasta anyway, because I have no interest in eating a big pile of refined white flour, or even a big pile of whole wheat flour. But I sincerely hope that pasta fans with gay friends and family members, along with pasta-loving gay folks, will, indeed, eat another brand of pasta.

  • reality

    I have never met a more insecure bunch of people than gays. That is why you have your parades and behave (flamboyant mannerisms) the way you do. So the owner of the pasta company isn’t pandering to you and wants to stay traditional, boo hoo.

  • Monoceros Forth

    Oh, for crying out loud, so it’s not just that he doesn’t want gays to buy his pasta but he wants us all to live in “The Donna Reed Show”. Or maybe “GoodFellas” is the traditional model: the wife’s at home tending the household while the husband’s out stealing for a living and taking his mistress to nightclubs.

    Ah, well. There are many, many other brands of pasta to choose from.

  • Alex Brown

    Gays can be women.. they call them lesbians.

  • David Thaler

    “I simply wanted to highlight the central role of the woman in the family”

    Now count on angry words from feminist groups for condoning the idea of keeping women barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen. Molto bene stunod!!!!

  • kappa

    you have a lot a choices BOYKOTT BARILLA, I’m italian and I boykott for sure

  • Monoceros Forth

    To give up pasta is to give up on life. (Eh, I do admit it’s pure starch. Very tasty starch.)

  • Whitewitch

    So glad I gave up pasta this year…

  • Phea

    There are certain things one should tolerate. Tolerating someone’s “belief” that basically disenfranchises a group of people that have done nothing to hurt anyone should always remain intolerable. Your irresponsible comments and pathetic excuse for these bigots are as repulsive and stupid as saying, “Hey not everyone believes black people are equal and if anyone doesn’t agree, too bad.” Yeah, no! That type of “belief” is not and should never be okay. And not for nothing, but just what the hell do you and every bigot need to “tolerate”? Gays living their life has absolutely no effect on your life unless you really really want it too…?

  • Paul

    Richard for him to go the extra length to even make a statement like that is telling us all whats hes really thinking , how in the word can you tell a group of people that you don’t accept them so if they don’t like they can stop buying your produce, he has no controle over who buys the dammm pasta again stupidity raises its ugly head .

  • kappa

    Homophobic brand, please BOYKOTT BARILLA

  • If you’re against same-sex marriages and gay adoptions you’re against the family unit. Those are families with human beings in them who need and deserve community support just like all other families. WE ARE FAMILY UNITS!

  • dcinsider

    I get it. So what Hitler meant was that he believed “true Germans” were the superior race. he didn’t hate the Jews and gays, he just needed them out of the way to support his version of a true German. And here I was thinking the guy was some sort of bigot just because he gassed a few thousand people. Thanks for the clarification.

  • thom sullivan

    haha I always love how these ” people ” try and cover their asses and say things like…” oh,that came out wrong…I didn’t mean it that way? ” or ” I am not homophobic at all? ” or they always apologize after they something against gays or someone of a different race or culture and get busted on it and start getting heat from it so they try and turn it around by making it seem they said it in the wrong context or they try and say they are sorry for saying it and didn’t mean to offend anyone….I loved how he said ” traditional family and the central role of the woman in the family…well let me tell you something guido…there is no traditional family anymore because those times/days of the perfect leave it to beaver and brady bunch family are gone…families are made up of two mothers/two fathers,interractial parents and everything else and women aren’t the stay at home barefoot and pregnant or wear the apron and pearl types anymore…this is 2013 not 1950…get a freaking clue…and trust me I can buy other types of pasta and it wont bother me in the least…wake up guido the world isn’t like it used to be and it has changed and is still changing…and i’m sure you have some gay relatives in you’re family too because everyone does!

  • zelgo

    Why is a gay family not a family unit too?
    Over two million kids in the US are being parented by gay parents. Do their families not count?

  • nicho

    Can’t believe there are so many pro-bigotry trolls online this morning.

  • zelgo

    Suppose he had said he doesn’t wants Jews or Blacks in his ads? would anyone be supporting him and saying that he’s just spouting his beliefs?

  • nicho

    And the “family unit” is what? The 1950s sitcom version?

  • Regallily

    Everyone here bashing him….have you ever been to Italy? I lived there for three years…in the summer, entire kitchens were moved outside. I don’t remember ONE man outside making homemade pasta. I think this is an issue that is lost in translation…I think he’s trying to say that Barilla is going to use an iconic Italian image to promote it’s product. I hope that is what is happening here. I have been enjoying Barilla since BEFORE it was sold in the US. It’s the most authentic, packaged Italian pasta out there.

  • nicho

    Um, hello, quite a few.

  • zelgo

    Not supporting equal rights? why? Because he thinks gays are less than straights.
    That’s hatred.

  • Daniel

    meh… Barilla is usually on sale 4 boxes for a dollar. I’ll make sure a woman cooks it while I have sex with my boyfriend. Everyone wins!

  • nicho

    “Central role of the woman in the family” — yup, barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen making pasta for the menfolk. Traditional family values.

  • zelgo

    Sadly, Barilla’s owner is left in the 13th century. The world will be better when these old, useless people die.

  • snakeguy

    Boy, it must be nice to be born in to a family that hands you everything. Of course, that doesn’t guarantee you won’t fuck it up.

  • dcinsider

    So, I should accept him and his views if he were to be anti-semetic, or racist? Hey, he hates black and Jews, but he just has a different opinion. Don’t go all hating on him.

    There simply are no acceptable bigots. It is not a matter of opinion, or “belief in the family unit” whatever that means. You cannot take the position that gay and lesbian families are unacceptable and expect us to respect that opinion. Hate is hate. Bigotry is bigotry. Whether you wrap yourself in religion or not, anyone who supports his philosophy is a bigot.

    If you cannot grasp that simple concept, you are “either high or a complete idiot” as Berkshire Boy states.

  • nicho

    How interesting that your photo is of a troll.

  • nicho

    Doesn’t have to be either/or

  • Berkshire_Boy

    Plenty of brands do Gay-friendly ads. So, I think your premise is wrong to begin with. I have no intention of making this bigot any more wealthy with my money. I don’t need ads with Gay people eating pasta out of each other’s mouths or anything, I just don’t want to be insulted and disrespected by people selling products to me.

  • Russell La Claire

    Thanks !! There are a whole bunch of us.

  • jomicur

    CEOs are autocrats, essentially absolute monarchs. That’s a large part of the reason why our government, which is dominated by corporations, is tending that way too.

  • El Flamo…

    Um hello people when was the last time you saw ANY food brand advertise gay people in their ads? I think not. Everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon here and bash him for his comments when the fact is you will never see two gay people in an ad to sell twinkies or Verizon for that matter. I could care less about this brand, it’s all about marketing, get s grip.

  • Berkshire_Boy

    Either you are high or a complete idiot. Bigots playing the victim card is especially icky.

  • dcinsider

    Damn I liked their whole wheat pasta. Time to find another brand, there are only about a thousand out there.

  • Richard Payls

    I can’t fathom how ignorant all you commenters are. Some people believe in the family unit. Guido never said he hated gays, he just said he won’t support it. Some people don’t believe the same things as the rest of us. Hating on Guido and his beliefs is the same as people hating gays before it was more accepted. All of you here are no better than those who discriminated in the past. Learn to be more tolerant.

  • Labradrooler

    Many of my “Gay FRIENDS” have not purchased Barilla Pasta for many years because it causes “Sexual Dysfunction” and that is not “Au Dente” when it comes to our str8 friends.

  • Cletus
  • Dustin S.

    Great, so not only are they promoting oppression of women and giving a woman a “role”, but they also just discriminate against non-traditional families. In my traditional mother and father family it was my father who cooked. Typically, that is non-traditional. Sounds to me like they are coming up with excuses to backtrack the hate already spoken. You just lost a customer.

  • ArthurH

    Ditto! I don’t care how much Guido apologizes, from now on Wednesday is Prince spaghetti day at my house! Or maybe Creamettes..

  • We need more people like you!

  • sonoitabear

    Barilla is crap anyway; bought it once, never again…
    Costco carries a very good whole-wheat pasta that cooks to a perfect al dente…

  • Lettice Peyton

    Damn it. And I liked Barilla. I’m not gay but I won’t support bigotry

  • Russell La Claire

    I’m not gay. I make all of the food purchases at my house. I’ll be going elsewhere for any pasta purchase. Somewhere where my gay/lesbian family/friends are welcome. Ciao, asshole.

  • Robert Grady Harp

    The irony is that every self respecting cook, gay or straight, knows that Barilla produces only the most mediocre pasta, far inferior to Garafolo, Rustichella d’Abruzzo and several others. So, who cares?

  • Mike_H

    Or have rice or some other grain instead of the pasta!

  • gmcguireinrome

    check out Garafolo’s Facebook update. (rough translation – The only family that doesn’t like Garafolo is the family that doesn’t like good pasta.)
    Le uniche famiglie che non sono Garofalo sono quelle che non amano la buona pasta

  • UncleBucky

    John, all these bigots are dying literally before our eyes and are still fighting back:
    (Homer doing 10 min of a Curly floor spin)

  • They think about them, they just like what they’re doing.

  • tamarz

    CEO of Whole Foods. I don’t believe he’s anti-gay (at least I haven’t heard anything) but he’s a real idiot. Used to call Obama a socialist early in his presidency. More recently decided that Obama’s a fascist. And his response to health reform was we don’t need it — everyone would be healthy if they just bought his food.
    I used to go to Whole Foods every week, but I’ve found other places. I don’t fully boycott them (the employees at WF tell me that they like their jobs and are treated well), but I’ve cut back by about 75% on how much of my money they get.

  • UncleBucky

    Pardon my French regarding this Italian product, who the fµck are these people?

    And the Pope ain’t helping a BIT. So fµck him, too. ;o)

  • Karen Hart

    I don’t like their crappy pasta anyway so no problem

  • tamarz

    p.s., that daughter came out about 3 years later. But I don’t think it was because she thought God would love her more!

  • tamarz

    when my older daughter was in middle school and we were talking about STDs, I made a joke that if AIDS was a punishment from God, God must love lesbians since they are the least likely to get AIDS.

  • Steve

    The upper end of most corporate structures are inhabited by (mostly) men who live in a bubble. To achieve their broad view of their corporate world they sacrifice any view of the world at large. Barilla, Schnatter, Jeffries, Cathy: they don’t see anything wrong with their statements until they have to backtrack to rescue the bottom line.

  • tamarz

    order some good stuff online!

  • tamarz

    “I simply want to highlight the role of the woman in the family.” Great — just show a lesbian couple in addition to a gay couple. Problem solved. (actually, I find it interesting that he thinks the issue is all about gay men not about the diverse gay community).

  • How is it a fake issue when one of the largest, and most famous, companies in the world says publicly that our families aren’t real? I would argue that going after corporate bigotry has been some of our largest, and most important, successes. Companies very often lead the way in terms of our civil rights. They have a lot of employees, and culture impact.

  • Well, he did say “donna” and not “donne” (woman, and not women :)

  • Prescott

    Damn! My store only has Barilla and a nasty generic brand that won’t get soft no matter how long you cook it. I guess I don’t need pasta anyway.

  • Sskaredd

    So he wanted to “highlight the central role of the woman in the family” while forgetting about all of us lesbians who consume pasta? Boycott, you bet!

  • sickntired

    another fake issue for gayinc to bitch about

  • Strepsi

    Did you ever notice how 99% of the anti-gay crowd don;t acknowledge that LESBIANS exist?

    If we want to highlight the role of women in the family, how about 2 mommies? Not only that, in the Canadian scientific review of children of gay and straight parents, kids of gay parents were equally well developed to kids of staight parents in every way — but the ones who were the best adjusted of all, were kids of 2 lesbians.

    We see this again and again, from references to buttseks and HIV transmission, to excrement, to “children need a mommy” — all of which is aimed at demonizing gay men. It’s not that the anti-gay bigots like lesbians, they literally do not even think about them!

  • DrDignity

    Vaffanculo, porca troia! Non comprate piu Barilla!

  • Yep, Chick-fil-A comes to mind.

  • MyrddinWilt

    What a lot of folk don’t get about being an executive is that so much of the job ends up being to tactfully persuade the CEO to not do something like this…

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