
100 Chechen gays kidnapped, tortured, arrested in growing Russian pogrom

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The NYT has a blockbuster story today about the growing anti-gay pogrom in Russian Chechnya. Chechen authorities, who claim that homosexuality doesn’t exist in Chechnya — ...

Trump spares Obama LGBT exec. order, could undo it with “religious freedom” EO

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Trump won’t rescind Obama exec. order about federal contractors, but may sign “religious freedom” EO.
Elon Musk

Tesla’s Elon Musk defends Trump Muslim ban

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In a tweet today, Tesla’s Elon Musk defended Trump’s Muslim ban after joining his Manufacturing Council.

Trump on verge of signing anti-LGBT executive order

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Trump is reportedly about to sign an anti-LGBT executive order permitting discrimination against gay & trans.

Oregon didn’t reject LGBT rights on Election Day

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National headlines would have you believe Oregon voters rejected LGBT rights on election day. Don’t believe it.

LGBT voters came out strong for Hillary, dumped Trump in historic numbers

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Some are claiming LGBT voters sold out Hillary. The opposite is true — we supported her, and dumped Trump.
steven bannon

Sign the petition: Tell Trump to fire Alt Right publisher Steve Bannon

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Trump hired Alt Right publisher Steve Bannon to be his top strategist at the White House. Trump must fire Bannon.
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President Trump will decimate LGBT rights

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Donald Trump thinks he’s pro-LGBT because he held up a rainbow flag. It takes more, and Trump doesn’t have it.

Hillary Clinton’s real record on LGBT rights

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Some Trump supporters and millennials claim Hillary is bad on LGBT rights. They’re wrong. Here’s why.

Mike Pence is a raging homophobe

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Former GOP Sen. and Gov. George Allen says Mike Pence should mentions gays at the VP debate. Fat chance.

Russian Greens blast Jill Stein’s silence on Putin’s human rights abuses

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The Russian Green party blasted Jill Stein’s appeasement of Putin’s human rights abuses against gays, enviros.

How AP published the biggest lie ever about the Clinton Foundation

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The AP claimed that half of Hillary’s meeting as Secretary of State were with Clinton Foundation donors. AP lied.
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Facebook Live: Trump’s health, Wikileaks outs gay, NYT hacked by Russians

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Today’s Facebook Live election broadcast about Trump’s health, Wikileaks outing a gay man, and the NYT hack.
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