Do I have to vote? Read this page in Easy English

Voting is compulsory. If you are enrolled to vote, then you must vote in all Federal, State and local council elections, statutory elections and polls.

However, if a person is no longer capable of understanding the nature and significance of enrolling and voting, they may be removed from the roll. Their doctor will be required to provide formal advice by completing an elector no longer capable form (PDF, 495kB).

The VEC is obliged to send notices to enrolled Victorians who appear not to have voted. If you fail to vote without an adequate reason, you may be fined.

Are there age limits for voting?

You must be at least 18 years of age to vote in Australia.

There is no upper age limit to voting in Victoria. If you are aged 70 or over you are excused from voting in council elections. However, you will still be provided with a ballot pack and are welcome to vote.

Do I have to vote if I'm renting?

If you are enrolled, you must vote in each Federal, State and local council election, statutory election or poll that is relevant to your enrolled address, even if you do not own the property.

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