Voters Voice breaks new ground for voters with a disability

Voters Voice is available free from the iTunes store.

Voters Voice is an exciting, free iPad app designed to help people with a communication difficulty participate in Victorian elections, specifically voting in person at a voting centre.

The Victorian Electoral Commission has developed the inaugural version for the Victorian council elections being held in October 2016, and is primarily for use by those who will be voting at voting centres.

Six Victorian councils will be conducting their election by attendance method—Banyule, Greater Dandenong, Knox, Moreland, Port Phillip and Yarra City Councils. All remaining Victorian councils, except the Greater Geelong City Council, are having elections this October and will be conducting their elections by post; the app provides information on these elections too.

Voters Voice explains what voters in 72 of Victoria’s 79 councils will need to do in the upcoming postal elections.

The app has five main sections:

Screen capture of Voters Voice iPhone application
  • a communication board
  • Easy English information
  • plain English information
  • an Auslan video about enrolling and voting in Victorian elections—to watch this video you will need to have an internet connection
  • a short video to help a voter understand what they need to know or do before voting, while voting and after voting at an attendance election.

Voters Voice is available free from the iTunes store.

To report any issues with the app, please email us at

Compatible with latest 2 browser versions of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox and Safari (this specifically excludes IE8 & 9). Apple iPad, iPad 2 and up and iPad Pro. iOS 8 and 9 only.
Download size: 130MB

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