Journalism background,addicted to news media & CSI-Aficionado of jazz,classical,opera,fashion,art,interior design,architecture! OBAMA2terms!

Uniuse o xaneiro 2012

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  1. Rechouchiado por

    Retweeted JUDITH MILLSTEAD (): Oliver Stone Makes Impassioned Plea for Sanders: 'Hillary Clinton Has...

  2. Rechouchiado por

    Only Bernie stands in the way of a GOP White House. He would win, but his enemy is HRC & DNC. Voters want Bernie.

  3. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is "still cheering Bernie on"! We are, too!

  4. Rechouchiado por

    Sometimes a leader truly inspires us. Vote to be inspired. Elect Bernie Sanders !!!!!

  5. On HRC StateDept tenure -failed GOP POTUS hopeful Carly Fiorina said "flying is an activity, not an accomplishmrnt"!

  6. Rechouchiado por

    In Wisconsin is up to 56%. That's getting close to Barack Obama's 58% in 2008 Wisconsin Democratic primary.

  7. Rechouchiado por
  8. Rechouchiado por

    Dios mios, Bernie won 72% of the independent vote in . That's the ONLY way you win in November. Wake up

  9. Rechouchiado por

    She's sick of being asked? We're sick of fossil fuel cash in politics

  10. Rechouchiado por

    Repealing GlassSteagall, a terrible mistake allowing big banks and insurance companies to gamble with others money!

  11. Rechouchiado por

    4 years ago was a ratings powerhouse Today they're on life support Kids - that's what we call karma

  12. Rechouchiado por

    Corporate media despises Bernie for the one thing he does best - inspire people

  13. Rechouchiado por

    Bernie with HUGE win in Wisconsin. 7 out of last 8. 8 out of 9 if you count Nevada flipping. Does it count yet corporate media?

  14. Rechouchiado por

    With victory in Wisconsin, Bernie Sanders can claim momentum

  15. Rechouchiado por

    Department of Justice opens investigation into Arizona’s election disaster

  16. Rechouchiado por

    Hey New York. Only Bernie (Brooklyn raised) can prevent a GOP White House. Voters will not support a corrupt HRC.

  17. State Department Tries to Limit Judicial Watch Questions in Hillary Clinton Email Case via

  18. Paramount litmus test for POTUS2016 should be candidates' yes/no VOTE on IRAQ WAR-$$2.2Trilllion & 4,500 casualties!

  19. JUDITH MILLSTEAD seguiu a , , e 2 máis
    • @AuditTheMedia

      RTs/Likes/Follows aren't endorsements. Think for yourself. Govern yourself. - a list of people writing illegal threats to Donald Trump.

  20. Rechouchiado por

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