Journalism background,addicted to news media & CSI-Aficionado of jazz,classical,opera,fashion,art, interior design,architecture! OBAMA2terms!BERNIE SANDERS!

Έγινε μέλος την περίοδο Ιανουαρίου 2012


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  1. πριν από 7 λεπτά
  2. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 12 ώρες

    There was NO mention of Russian interference until HRC's was outed for rigging Dem primary. After 1 year, still NO proof: MSM's lying.

  3. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    12 Ιουν
  4. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    8 Ιουν


  5. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    14 Ιουλ

    a president that doesn't want to perpetually bomb the world.

  6. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    14 Ιουλ

    You wouldn't know from the mainstream media, but Yemen is experiencing a humanitarian catastrophe.

  7. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 10 ώρες

    The U.S. saw Iraq as the future of a democratic Middle East when it invaded. Iran saw a chance to rule it — and won.

  8. πριν από 52 λεπτά

    Bernie Sanders is the Democrats’ real 2020 frontrunner via

  9. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 1 ώρα

    Election Guru Nate Silver Proclaims that Sanders is front runner for Democrats in 2020 via

  10. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 5 ώρες
  11. πριν από 3 ώρες

    Why Bernie Sanders isn’t actually a socialist

  12. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 6 ώρες

    Are you a Democrat? Bernie: “Not even remotely anymore. The Democratic Party now is a disaster, an absolute mess.”

  13. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    15 Ιουλ

    For the First Time, Admits US Ground Troops Are Operating Inside ,

  14. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    22 Μαΐ
  15. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    22 Μαΐ

    U S. $38B -over 10 yrs- military aid to apartheid Israel/Israel has universal healthcare!Bibi tried to derail PBO's Iran nuke deal!

  16. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    12 Ιουλ
    Απάντηση στο χρήστη

    But somehow meeting a Russian is considered to be a bigger threat than allowing Saudis or Israel literally purchase/pressure politicians.

  17. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    13 Ιουλ

    Still can't believe Russia meddled in US democracy. How dare they? That's Israel's job! Wait? Russia didn't even buy politicians? Amateurs🙄

  18. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    14 Ιουλ

    BOMBSHELL: JW releases new 💾 showing HumaAbedin giving special StateDept treatment to donors💰 to ClintonFoundation.🔎

  19. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    πριν από 8 ώρες

    Time to stop kissing murderous Saudi Regime ass for oil. That or we stop pretending our foreign policy has anything to do with human rights.

  20. Ο χρήστης έκανε Retweet
    15 Ιουλ

    Can we get real.. The Country Needs Bernie It's not his age the shills are worried about. It's His Politics...

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