Journalism background,addicted to news media & CSI-Aficionado of jazz,classical,opera,fashion,art,interior design,architecture! OBAMA2terms!

가입일: 2012년 1월

@ARTSYJUDITH 님이 차단되었습니다.

정말로 이 트윗을 보실 건가요? 트윗 보기는 @ARTSYJUDITH 님의 차단을 해제하지 않습니다.

  1. Our Revolution launches 8/24 w house parties across country-The Sanders Movement Is Only Just Beginning

  2. People should not have to go without the medication they need because Congress does not have the courage to stand up to Big Pharma.

  3. Access to health care is a human right, and that includes access to safe and affordable prescription drugs.

  4. Threats like 's to pull out of health exchanges are exactly why we need to move toward a single-payer system.

  5. Robert Reich makes the case for a single-payer health plan

  6. Iran vessels in 'high speed intercept' of U.S. ship: defense official

  7. Chorus grows for Clintons to shutter charitable foundation

  8. Updated spiral of global temperatures: as expected, after 12 record months in a row, the El Niño boost is receding

  9. U.S. is bombing Libya again, 5 years after NATO war destabilized the country via

  10. July was the hottest month ever recorded, according to NASA. The future looks much hotter.

  11. ., Editorial Boards Call for End to Support for Saudis in Yemen

  12. Israeli think tank: Don’t destroy ISIS - its a "useful tool" to create instability in the Middle East

  13. Everyone OK with this?!??

  14. What began two years ago as “limited” air strikes in Iraq now includes Syria, Afghanistan, and Libya

  15. No matter your party, the decline of political culture apparent in the words "Clinton versus Trump" is the tragedy of our times.

  16. "Regime Change" is code for "Let's commit WAR! crimes. But the drums are beating to take out al-Assad. By Dems.

  17. U.S. ARMY fudged its accounts by $$$Trillions auditor discovered!

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