Friday, February 28, 2014

Mohawk Nation News 'Last Queen, Last Pope'


MNN. Feb. 28, 2014. Soon the British monarch, her family, and her minions, as per the Magna Carta, will be removed by the people of England. When that happens, all her corporate assets – Canada, US, Australia and New Zealand – will revert to the true owners. The “Crown” based in the Vatican and all their banking tentacles throughout the world will fall.  The Pope is the Emperor of Rome. Everyone who takes an oath to a criminal is a criminal. They will be dealt with.
Queen: "No. We wont trade jobs. Mine is to kill and pillage. Yours is to put away the money!"
Queen: “No. We won’t trade jobs. Mine is to kill & pillage. Yours is to pacify & salt away the money!”

The Kaianerekowa will then be applied on Great Turtle Island. The Onkwehonwe will deal with the “masters of war” using our law and new technology, to clean up their mess. These criminals will answer to the people for each one of the 100 million Indigenous they murdered.
The oligarchy teaches that whoever has the most money makes the rules. The revolution has begun in each person’s mind. We are each sovereign in our own mind. Anyone can tell us what they think, not what to think. The spiritual frequency changes that will occur on our Mother Earth will cause everyone to remember everything from every past life.  
The waters of truth will clean everything. The oligarchy will be washed away. Once the earth begins her cleansing, there will be no more lies, murder or destruction.
We Onkwehonwe were to teach them to love and take care of each other and every living thing attached to the earth in our communities. The weapons of war will be buried under the Tree of Peace for all time.
The Black Wampum will be applied to all the criminals.
The black beads hit the floor. Then warrior smashes criminal's head.
The black wampum hits the floor. Then warrior smashes criminal’s head.
They will have one last chance to become of one mind with us. When the War Chief drops the black wampum they can grab it before it hits the floor. If they do not grasp it, the men will bash in their heads with war clubs. Their brains will be on the floor next to the black wampum. This will happen in all Great Turtle Island communities. The cleansing will include their entire family. Genocide has always been their plan for us. The DNA memory of those who did the genocide  will be erased from mankind. They and their weapons will be buried, never to be seen again.
 Elizabeth and Francis will be the last Monarch and the last Pope. Good riddance!

As Johnny Cash foretold, the oligarchs will be cast into a burning ring of fire, and they will go down, down, down, and the flames will shoot higher. And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire! Johnny Cash. “Ring of Fire”.

Family names of Crown and Its Minions. The Crown & Its Minions. Wall Street.
MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Photos Carter Camp honored at Wounded Knee Liberation Day 2014

Honoring Carter Camp, Ponca Wounded Knee Warrior at Liberation Day Wounded Knee 2014

Photos by Carter Camp's niece Julie Camp, Casey Camp-Horinek's daughter, thank you for sharing with Censored News. Casey Camp-Horinek and family members at today's Liberation Day at Wounded Knee 2014.
More photos of today:

Terrance Nelson: Canadian Border Turns Away Native Americans

Southern Chiefs Grand Chief Terrance Nelson

By Terrance Nelson

SCO Grand Chief Terrance Nelson

Vice Chair American Indian Movement
Censored News
February 28 2014
Good Morning Tom
It has been a long time since we talked and I am so glad to know that you are the elected Tribal Chairman of Lac Du Flambeau again. I was Chief of Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation for 5 terms and I used to deal with Native Americans who would call us about being denied entry into Canada at the Emerson Border Crossing. Roseau River is nine miles from the US Border so they would call us to help them.
Lac Du Flambeau tribal members Donna Larsen and Joh Clah slept in their car overnight last night because they weren't allowed to cross the Border at Highway 59 Crossing. I spend 40 minutes on the phone this morning until I finally talked to the Supervisor Inspector Johns at the Emerson Border Crossing to see if they would allow Donna and Joh across. 

Earthcycles Live from BC: Indigenous Caucus planning UN agenda 2014

Watch live streaming video from earthcycles at
Govinda is live in BC at the North America Caucus, where the planning will be underway for the agenda for the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in NY.
Govinda said, "We have arrived in Kamloops, BC for the North American Peoples Caucus Preparatory Meeting for the 13th session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. There will be a Live Web Cast as well as Follow along, and send us any insights / feedback on the chat window on the earthcycles livestream or leave a note."

Natives to Oscars Depp: Not your Tonto

Depp's Oscar nomination
Native Americans Protest 'The Lone Ranger' Oscar Nomination for Redface

Jacqueline Keeler
Eradicating Offensive Native Mascotry
Censored News

PORTLAND, Oregon  Eradicating Offensive Native Mascotry, a group of Native parents from across the country are protesting the nomination of 'The Lone Ranger' for an Academy Award in makeup, basically, for Redface. To this end, they are conducting a “Twitterstorm” under the hashtag #NotYourTonto and will try to trend the hashtag both the Saturday night before the Oscars and during the Oscar broadcast.
“There is a double standard regarding Native people and this dehumanizes us to our fellow Americans and reduces their actual knowledge of who we are today. As part of our continued focus on Redface and its continued acceptance by Americans, we are conducting a social media protest of 'The Lone Ranger's' Oscar nomination for Redface. No film today would be nominated for an award for Yellowface or Blackface,” says Jacqueline Keeler, a Navajo/Yankton Dakota Sioux mother and one of the group's founders.
The group EONM, has been fighting Redface in both media and in sports. They trended #NotYourMascot nationally during the Super Bowl and demanded and received an apology to Native parents and their children from Sonic Drive-in for a racist sign that appeared at a Sonic Drive-in in Belton, Missouri during a Washington Redsk*ns/Kansas City Chiefs game in December of last year. Their goal is to eliminate the practice of Native Mascotry—the racist and sterotypical antics seen by fans at games dressed in Redface, and to improve the modern understanding of Native people and Indian Sovereignty to all Americans. They see the Academy of Motion Pictures awarding a film for Redface as counter to this goal and wish to see more Native screenwriters and filmmakers involved in the actual writing and direction of films about Native people. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Liberation Day 41st Anniversary Feb 27, 2014

UPDATE: Photos of Liberation Day Wounded Knee 2014 at Censored News:

More photos from today at Wounded Knee Liberation Day: Honoring Carter Camp, Ponca Warrior, photos by Julie Camp-Horinek:

Wounded Knee Feb. 27, 2014

Remembering Russell: Russell speaking on American Indians and Palestinians.

Media and United Nations skirting vital issues in Indian country

Media and United Nations skirting vital issues in Indian country

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Continuously updated, latest Thurs 4 pm

Censored News readers were asked to share their thoughts on the most crucial issues in Indian country. The responses: Water, tarsands, violence, trafficking, inherent rights and corruption.

Questions: What are the most important issues that the national media is failing to cover in Indian country? What issues is your local media failing to cover? What issues should be a priority for the upcoming United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York?

Hope MacDonald Lone Tree
Hope MacDonald Lone Tree, Dine' from Tuba City: Nationally: The theft of water (rights) from tribes. Locally: the nefarious activities that surround the theft of our water 24/7... while we fight internally. 

Andrew Ironshell, Lakota: They are not covering how much fresh water the Keystone XL pipeline would potentially use and not reporting how they would obtain that water, and if they would get to use the water for free?

Robert McDonald, Blackfoot: Canada and the evil prime minister Steven Harper abusing the indigenous people of Canada and failing to recognize long standing treaty rights. Idle no more helped very little. Mohawk nation is gearing up to take the lead. Occupations are at hand.

Zoi Lightfoot The trafficking and murders of so many of our young women and children in both Canada and the USA.

Laura Fraser/Ciiakap Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations One of the biggest challenges over the past two years I have faced is the state ignoring individual asserting and exercising of all our rights. I think it should go to International Court when a state continues to deny human and inherent rights. I have made many attempts to exercise our rights yet state is still trying to push my people through modern treaty practice. It is frustrating that our rights are ignored by a signatory state. If you could bring this before UN that would be great.

WandaLou McInturff Exploitation of women and children, NAGPRA too loose, too many Un-recognized tribes who's people and bloodlines will die out if something is not done finalized by state / feds. The earth, the water, the air, our food both what we eat (GM0s) and how we eat it (obesity); refined education.

John Kane, Mohawk: The fact of the matter is that genocide continues against our people. Environmental issues are a big part of it. When Brian Cladoosby stands up as a "Native Leader" claiming that 10% of the US energy resources rest on our land and attempts to throw the doors open for even more rape of our lands and people all the while playing the good little "kept" Indian, it just continues to frustrate me."
John Kane
You know, I like going after the mascot issue as much as the next guy, and I do. But the issue is racism; plain and simple. And mascots and team names are the shallow end of that racism. I do talk about it but I refuse to talk about it it without bringing it back to policies, and genocidal acts, not just from the past but today. There is a part of me that would love to see this as the last vestige of racism but it's not even close. The biggest problem with the mascot issue is that from high schools to the pros there exists a huge platform to advance racist behavior. Whether your "team" bears one of these names or images isn't the point. The opponents of those teams, whether it is the Philadelphia fan who brings and impaled "Indian Head" to "Redskins" games or the high schools who hang "Trail of Tears" banners when they play the "Indians", it teaches yet another generation that it's OK to treat us like we're dead.

David Sohappy Sr, 1925 -- 1991
Samuel Sohappy, Yakama: The state of Washington vs Steve Sohappy has not compensated Steve Sohappy yet, and the Boldt decision cannot compensate David Sohappy Sr mainly because he died. The two cases plus Sohappy vs Hodel, stated that the Government promised homes to the Indians, and the non-Indians are raping the huckleberry fields and mushrooms in the national forest.

James Zion, attorney: The Republican move to block criminal jurisdiction over non-Indians and the victimization of Indian women is a big one. State compliance with the Declaration (on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.) One only need read the smarmy U.S. statements that prove non-compliance, such as its bid to be on the Human Rights Council and policy statements on participation, etc. Oh, and the failure of the U.S. to file its report to CERD under the anti-discrimination covenant. That's an Obama fault.

Sylvia Kadiegee Suhvie McEvers-Jackson: My son was severely stabbed seven times on the reservation and there was nothing on the news about it. He's Native American like me of course and the severity of the crime, that person may walk.

Dine Bikeyah: Navajo people's money from resources income accountability. Detail responsibility, does (Navajo President) Ben Shelly monitor his administration? 
Fundamental laws as a law superseding all other laws in the case of Lester Begay.
Audits should be demanded of all federal programs.

S Maize Battles, Dine': I agree with Dine Bikeyah on covering what is going on with the current INDICTMENTS that Involve the Navajo Nation Council Speaker and Navajo Nation Council Delegates that have made it CLEAR, there is serious need for an Audit of ALL Tribal Monies. Not just NTUA but Everything from the Trust Accounts, the General Funds, to the use of the Tribal Jets and Vehicles, to profits from the gaming. All of it. And also whether or Not Ben Shelly has PAID back the money, he promised to pay back, Before he was elected. If he has, good for him, if not? Then why not? The Current INDICTMENTS bring  to question, so many other questions about how the Navajo Tribe is handing iit's money. From possible abuses, to the monies that have been returned to the Feds for not being used.

Robert McDonald, Blackfeet: The focus on corruption by native officials was a ploy used by conservative racist leaders in the Harper administration to take the heat off their own diabolical plan to negate treaty rights across Canada. 
To fight amongst ourselves in the media does not help Native Sovereignty. Please put the focus back on the evil Prime minister Steven Harper and his conservative racist Canadian Parliament. They are not concerned with what happens to missing and exploited Indian women and children. They seem to condone the attacks. They are more concerned with exploiting the natural resources within Native Preserves. 
Sovereign nations need to rise up from the ashes of abuse and address the crises thrust upon us by the invaders of our sacred homeland. We should continue the blockades of trains and truck routes to stop the fleecing of our natural resources and check every vehicle at every blockade for the many missing native women and children that Canada seems to have no interest in protecting. 
We must protect ourselves in Canada. Perhaps we should occupy Parliament Headquarters if the blockades don't yield any meaningful results. Why can't natives take back a country that was taken from them. 
If the Queen can declare it legal for her subjects to assert jurisdiction over the entire land base of our Northern Continental indigenous people then so can a Chief of any Sovereign Nation. The problem is not so much the Fracking or the pipeline as it is the leaders of the ethnocentric Canadian government who are promoting it all. They must be stopped or removed from the continent.

Renee Still Day: The pipeline, fracking disasters, anything environmental, but also the success stories of renewables. There are tribes I know that have wind farms and solar that are creating their own energy. I think people should know about those.

ITCA Sioux Falls: The unjust incarceration of Leonard Peltier. This should be talked about on a regular basis through the media.

Mato WoksapeOur 56 plus direct actions on behalf of the wolf. The fact that we ended the hunt for ten days. The media skipping us over has been detrimental to an entire species.
I believe it should be water, that said I would like people to remember the amount of water and other resources on and around lands with wolves on them. Many tribes are losing their water from mining, pipelines etc. Almost none of them tried to use protection of the wolf under the endangered species act to block these massive extraction projects. A lot of checkers players out there and I want people to know that its going to take some real chess players who can think many, many, many moves ahead to win this stuff. With 20 years of water left there is no time to be playing checkers.

Kathy Smith: My local media failed to cover a day of giving in a very poor part of our city. The inner city that in times reflects what life is like on the reservation. Oh by the way maybe it was because a church and a mosque were coexisting together on the same project.

Media Roundup 
by Brenda Norrell

Congratulations to Lakota Voice in South Dakota, taking on the tough issues. Current coverage: Rosebud Sioux opposes the Keystone XL pipeline

Also from Cheyenne River, listen on South Dakota Public Broadcasting: Lakota Water Restoration goes Global:

Meanwhile, the national media fails to provide any serious coverage of the National Congress of American Indians, the US Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, or other national news impacting American Indians underway in DC.
When the tribal, state and US politicians get together in DC, it is like a bargain basement auction barn, with natural resources going to the lowest and most corrupt bidder in back door deals. Then, there are the deals on the golf courses, where another corrupt deal is just one swing away.
What you are likely reading in the news are public relations statements. These are likely spin, with possibly a phone call thrown in to disguise it, by an armchair journalist who never leaves their home, and who gets paid for the spin as if they were a news reporter.
It wasn't always this way, there was a time when both Indian country and mainstream media covered these issues seriously in the US capitol. Hopefully a new generation of Native journalists will take this on. But beware, DC is a very scary place. It is all smoke and mirrors.

Brenda Norrell's photo.Did the Navajo Times provide coverage when Louise Benally, Marshall Johnson, Ed Becenti and the grassroots delegation went to the University of Arizona in Tucson to challenge Stanley Pollack speaking on water rights? And, how has Stanley Pollack as a non-Indian continued to hold his position as the Navajo Nation water rights attorney. The Navajo Preference in Employment law was enacted decades ago. Does that mean that there is not one Navajo, or Native American, water rights attorney in the world? 
(Photo by Ed Becenti, published at Censored News)

I was surprised the Tucson Weekly, the local alternative paper, today didn't have coverage of the Tucson Peace Fair. In this photo, the Raging Grannies take on Obama for his broken promises. Photo Brenda Norrell/Censored News.

Here's another photo missing from this week's Tucson Weekly: Ofelia Rivas, O'odham, defending sacred land from Rosemont copper mining. The new wheat paste project of photos on a downtown building is from Lens on the Land: Rosemont, What is at Stake? Photo by Josh Schachter, published at Censored News.

  • Thanks to the global media that continues the coverage: 
  • Voice of Russia: Native Americans to stop Keystone Pipeline
  • Excerpts:
    In a statement released by the organizations Honor the Earth, Owe Aku, Protect the Sacred and the Oglala Sioux Nation the Native Americans make their position clear and it is one that concerns their very survival as the project will for the most part destroy Indian Lands and violates existing treaties.
  • “The Oglala Lakota Nation has taken leadership by saying “NO” to the Keystone XL Pipeline. They have done what is right for the land, for their people, who, from grassroots organizers like Owe Aku and Protect the Sacred have called on their leaders to stand and protect their sacred lands. And they have: KXL will NOT cross their treaty territory, which extends past the reservation boundaries. Their horses are ready. So are ours. We stand with the Lakota Nation, we stand on the side of protecting sacred water, we stand for Indigenous land-based lifeways which will NOT be corrupted by a hazardous, toxic pipeline. WE ALL NEED TO STAND WITH THEM.”

In the news

Halifax Media Coop: In Honour of Loretta Saunders, Murdered Inuk Woman Who Was Writing Her Thesis on Stolen Sisters
APTN: Police charge two in Loretta's murder:

13 WIPP employees test positive for radiation in New Mexico:

Mohawk Nation News 'Earth Changing News!'


Mohawk Nation News  M.T. Keshe of Iran has released to the world a brand new techonology using natural gravity and magnetism to decontaminate everything on earth. With the same principles, energy can be created by everyone for free.KESHE: FUKUSHIMA CLEAN-UP.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lens on the Land: Defending sacred land from Rosemont copper mine

Ofelia Rivas, O'odham, photo by Josh Schachter

Defending Santa Ritas from Rosemont copper mining

Photos above by Josh Schachter

"I am pleased to see in these images the high spirit of Ophelia, who never rests, fighting for the spirit of the people and a living natural world. Great effort and the way we walk." Alejandro, Sonora, Mexico
Me da mucho gusto ver en estas imágenes el alto espíritu de Ophelia, que no descansa, luchando por el espíritu de la gente y un mundo vivo y natural. Gran esfuerzo y en el camino andamos." -- Alejandro, Sonora, Mexico

Lens on the Land, Rosemont: What's at Stake?
Censored News

Special thanks to Tucson photographers Josh Schachter and John Sartin for this monumental effort to save the sacred wild, and sharing their photos with Censored News!

Volunteer photographers, Save the Scenic Santa Ritas, Sky Island Alliance, the Sonoran Institute, and other key partners in Southern Arizona have joined forces to shed light on what is at stake with the proposed Rosemont Mine through a series of photographic exhibitions and outreach efforts. Rosemont Mine would be located in the northeastern part of the Santa Rita Mountains, and if approved, would severely compromise the natural and cultural heritage of Southern Arizona. The impacted area is one of the most biodiverse regions in the US – home to 9 threatened and endangered species, including the jaguar.
The photographs collected from professional photographers, biologists, community members, and many others will be used in traveling exhibitions, publications, presentations, websites, and any other way we can think of to educate and inspire the public, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and policymakers to take action to protect the Santa Rita Mountains and the surrounding region from the proposed mine. We hope you will join us in this effort!

Photo Rhonda Spencer
Learn more and view more photos at
The project was born in response to the construction of an open-pit copper mine, proposed by a Canadian mining company, that will impact some 14,000 acres of land in Southern Arizona, including critical habitat for nearly a dozen species federally recognized as threatened or endangered as well as precious riparian areas and groundwater resources. By “replacing” plants and animals with human beings in reverential and playful ways, the 20-minute video invites us to consider our role as both stewards and consumers of nature.

The Great Wheat Paste Project! Photos of the process by John Sartin and fellow photographers

                         The wheat paste project: Photos copyright John Sartin and fellow photographers, Tucson

John Kane, Mohawk 'Remove the Dust for our Survival'

Remove the Dust for our Survival

By John Karhiio Kane, Mohawk

I really like the expression, "Remove the Dust." Its most basic meaning evokes the image of sweeping away the dust accumulated over years of neglect from our wampum belts or any other reminders of our shelved knowledge. We use it as an expression that is generally associated with maintaining our culture. But at some point the line between the survival of our culture, distinction and autonomy and just plain survival will be brushed away like a line drawn in the very dust we seem covered in now.

Brazil: Native youths defending Klamath and Xingu rivers


"Rivers like the Klamath and the Xingu are the bloodlines of every human on the planet." Indigenous youth unite for rivers February 23, 2014 | Team Klamazon

Reposted at Censored News
More photos

Brasilia, Brazil – After an amazing journey deep into the Amazon we arrived safely in Brasilia with a hopeful feeling of urgency in the struggle to preserve the Amazon and its people.
For our group – comprised mostly of indigenous North American youth – meeting our indigenous brothers and sisters, experiencing the Amazon's unique environment, and witnessing the destruction being caused by the Belo Monte Dam project is powerfully motivating,
We are people who call the Klamath River home. The Yurok, Hoopa, Karuk, and Klamath tribes are the protectors of the Klamath River landscape. The campaign to remove the dams on the Klamath has been a long fight, won through science, protest and defending the inherent rights of indigenous communities.

The US War on Peacemakers in Indian Country

Buffy Sainte Marie

"The U.S. military first murders your people and destroys your way of life while stealing your culture, then forces you to learn their evil ways of lying and cheating.” Louise Benally, Dine' of Big Mountain.

By Brenda Norrell 
Censored News 

The US war on peacemakers is revealed in the details of spying on peace activists today by Democracy Now! The current details are no surprise to Native American and First Nation peace activists who are blacklisted and censored, which exposes the role of the US government and media in the promotion of the military and bogus wars.

Buffy Sainte Marie was censored, blacklisted and forced out of the music industry in the US. Louise Benally was censored by Indian Country Today when she compared the war in Iraq with the forced Longest Walk of Dine' to the prison camp of Fort Sumner.

During an interview that was censored by Indian Country for seven years, Cree singer Buffy Sainte Marie said it was her stance against the Vietnam War and her song, "Universal Soldier," that led to her being targeted by the US government and eventually forced out of the music industry in the US.

"I found out ten years later, in the 1980s, that Lyndon Johnson had been writing letters on White House stationary praising radio stations for suppressing my music," Buffy said backstage at Dine' College on Navajoland.

Buffy said entire shipments of her records just disappeared.

On the eve of the United States war on Iraq, Louise Benally, Dine' of Big Mountain, made powerful statements about this war, comments that were censored by Indian Country Today. Even under pressure, Indian Country Today refused to publish these comments.

Louise said Navajos at Big Mountain resisting forced relocation view the 19th Century prison camp of Bosque Redondo in Fort Sumner, N.M., and the war in Iraq as a continuum of U.S. government sponsored terror.

Louise remembered her great-grandfather and other Navajos driven from their beloved homeland by the U.S. Army on foot for hundreds of miles while witnessing the murder, rape and starvation of their family and friends.

Navajo and Apache children imprisoned at Bosque Redondo
“I think these poor children had gone through so much, but, yet they had the will to go on and live their lives. If it weren’t for that, we wouldn’t be here today.

“It makes me feel very sad and I apply this to the situation in Iraq. I wonder how the Native Americans in the combat zone feel about killing innocent lives.”

Looking at the faces of the Navajo and Apache children in the Bosque Redondo photo, Benally said,
“I think the children in the picture look concerned and maybe confused. It makes me think of what the children in Iraq must be going through right now.

“The U.S. military first murders your people and destroys your way of life while stealing your culture, then forces you to learn their evil ways of lying and cheating,” Louise said.

After being repeatedly censored by Indian Country Today, then terminated in 2006, I published the two interviews with Buffy Sainte Marie and Louise Benally in full while creating Censored News in 2006.

During the years that followed, Indian Country Today's lead advertisement on the ICT website, for months at a time, was an advertisement for CIA spies, the CIA National Clandestine Service.

The war on peacemakers continues in Indian country, with the foundation set in boarding schools to condition American Indians to fight, and die, for the same US military which once imprisoned their ancestors, and today continues to carry out genocide in the US, and around the world, against Indigenous Peoples.

The US government, with its war based economy, continues to target peacemakers.

Censored Louise Benally, by Brenda Norrell
Censored Buffy Sainte Marie, by Brenda Norrell

In the news:

How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations by Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept:

Democracy Now! Exclusive: Inside the Army Spy Ring and Attempted Entrapment of Peace Activists, Iraq Vets, Anarchists

More details have come to light showing how the U.S. military infiltrated and spied on a community of antiwar activists in the state of Washington. Democracy Now! first broke this story in 2009 when it was revealed that an active member of Students for a Democratic Society and Port Militarization Resistance was actually an informant for the U.S. military. The man everyone knew as "John Jacob" was in fact John Towery, a member of the Force Protection Service at Fort Lewis. He also spied on the Industrial Workers of the World and Iraq Veterans Against the War. A newly made public email written by Towery reveals the Army informant was building a multi-agency spying apparatus. The email was sent from Towery using his military account to theFBI, as well as the police departments in Los Angeles, Portland, Eugene, Everett and Spokane. He wrote, "I thought it would be a good idea to develop a leftist/anarchist mini-group for intel sharing and distro." Meanwhile, evidence has also emerged that the Army informant attempted to entrap at least one peace activist, Glenn Crespo, by attempting to persuade him to purchase guns and learn to shoot. We speak to Crespo and his attorney Larry Hildes, who represents all the activists in the case. READ MORE:

Democracy Now! Spies of Mississippi

A new documentary reveals how the Mississippi state government spied on civil rights activists in the 1950s and 1960s. A little-known state agency called the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission hired spies to infiltrate the civil rights movement and squash attempts to desegregate the state and register African Americans to vote. Some of the spies were themselves African-American. The Commission generated more than 160,000 pages of reports, many of which were shared with local police departments whose officers belonged to the Ku Klux Klan.
Read more and watch:

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