Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mohawk Nation News 'Circle the Wagons"


Mohawk Nation News

rule of lawMNN. Apr 30, 2013. Federal Court of Canada was asked: Does Canada have a constitution? Are Sections 109 and 132 still part of the British North America Act 1867? If so, our rights to our lands, resources, funds and our sovereignty supersede that of Canada. [Thahoketoteh of Kanekota v. the Queen, T2007-13, Apr. 8, 2013].  Judge Snider refused to answer this simple question, in 4 pages of nonsense. She ordered Thahoketoteh pay $500 for the tele-conference trial, which cost $0. The corporate court system is set up to encircle, subvert and overthrow anyone going against the Corporation of Canada.
Kanekota was a direct confrontation in their own arena, by their own rule of law, which they did not follow. They sit in judgment as one of the parties in the dispute, violates international law against genocide. Canada could only deny us our basic human rights.  
Canada has a constitution which the courts do not have to follow because it was not ratified by the people. At the signing of the 1948 UN Declaration on Human Rights, Canada and US signed. A clause was added exempting US and Canada from the International Criminal Court. They could never be tried for any human rights violations. They can only be tried domestically. Accordingly, they are waging war everywhere in the world.   
Their blatant disregard for the questions indicates their uncertain future. With their accomplices, the UN, IMF, World Bank, BIS and other Rothschild owned banks, they are fighting the advancing consciousness of the people who live with the land. 
CIRCLEWe are a free people with free minds. Their fake system needs our resources and our labor. They are trying to break us up into moderate and militant blocks to fight or negotiate with one side or the other. The world balance is shifting. Rather than encircling us, they are being encircled. To start WWIII they need to steal our resources, funds and labor.   
Many supported our case to help promote our constitution of peace. Judge Snider’s “fatally flawed” decision opened the eyes of all, that going into their theater of the absurd is a waste of time.   
Thahoketoteh felt that the energy of putting his mind into the case was anti-spiritual. They will never rule against the corporation. Nor allow a third party adjudicator to make it a fair hearing. We are living in a military dictatorship with no rule of law. Our true constitution for thousands of year is the law of this land. We will not appeal this case.  The white roots of peace have been exposed for all on Great Turtle Island to follow to its roots. As Jimi points out in his classic “If 6 was 9, I don’t mind. If all the hippies cut off their hair, I don’t care. Cause i got my own world to live through, and I ain’t gonna copy you.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com
Thahoketoteh@hotmail.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0

Photos: Occupation of Alcatraz Exhibit opens on the Rock!

'We are still here!'

Photos and video by Tony Gonzales, AIM West
Censored News

Photo 1: Eloy Martinez, veteran of the occupation of Alcatraz Island November 1969 until June 1971, speaking  Sunday, April 28, 2013, on the occasion of the National Park Service providing a secure site on the Rock to exhibit artifacts during the occupation and that we are still here! And here to stay!
Video: Honor Songs
Photo 2: Pomo dancers opening the occasion on Alcatraz Island, The Rock, where an exhibit depicting the Indian movement that occupied the ROCK for 19 months.will be among the display.

Read more:  The multi-media exhibit titled “We Are Still Here” was put together by native artists and activists, California State University East Bay, San Francisco State University students and faculty, including members of the Student Kouncil of Intertribal Nations, SKINS.

San Francisco: Indigenous Arts Coalition Tonantzin Jams

Tenderloin National Forest
509 Ellis Street, San Francisco
Traditional and contemporary indigenous art, activists and rockers:
Wichapiluta Candelaria (Ohlone)
Anthony Sul (Ohlone)
Douglas Duncan (Pomo)
Clayton Duncan (Pomo)
L. Frank Manriquez (Tongva-Acjachemen)
POBREs/Po' Poets Project - Poets in Poverty Using the word, to heal,educate and relate
Danza: Calpulli Coalitcue (Danza Mexica)
Sarah Rosalena Brady (Laguna Pueblo and Huichol) Rye Purvis (Diné)
Hartman Deetz (Mashpee Wôpanâak) Erlin Geffrard (Haitian)
Oree Originol (Mexica) Margarita Herrera Neri (Mexica)
Mario Ayala
Music: Maidu Independant Theater (Maidu langauge rock band out of Roseville, CA)
Sweatlodge  Daniel Rodriguez (Otomi Hñähñu Rockero)

Native Youth Filmmaking Workshop! Outta Your Backpack Media

Outta Your Backpack Media

Greetings, OYBM will be hosting a Free Filmmaking Workshop at our Media Center located at 1700 N. 2nd St. East Flagstaff, AZ.
Come and join us to learn hands on script writing, camera operating, video editing, and media justice!
The workshop is FREE & open to Indigenous youth ages 12-25. Participants must be able to attend every day. Limited to 30 Participants, so register soon!

Fri., May 3th 4:00PM- 7:00PM
Sat., May 4th 12:00PM-7:00PM
Sun., May 5th 1:00PM- 6:00PM
(So tell your friends & family!)

If you have any questions email: oybm@oybm.org

Mohawk Nation News 'Shadow Government'



shadow govtMNN. Apr. 29, 2013. The conquest of our resources by a few who impose misery, oppression and indignity is ending. The “Council of Chief Executives” CCCE describes itself as a “not-for-profit, non-partisan organization” of CEOs of Canada’s largest corporations. They are the shadow government devoted to theft and genocide! It controls many trillions in stolen Indigenous assets. Formerly called the “Business Council on National Issues” BCNI, its membership is a Who’s Who of Canadian business and politics. Have a look. They are accountable only to the shareholders that own the Corporation of Canada.
Current CCCE President John Manley was named Time Canada’s “Newsmaker of the Year” in 2001 for crafting cross-border anti-terrorism strategies with the first U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge. Other members are part of the war machine: Air Canada, Bombardier, CN, Deloitte, Encana, GlaxoSmithKline, IBM, KPMG, Royal Bank of Canada, and many other firms at the heart of the Canadian economy on stolen Indigenous land.
Canada is a plutocracy run on bribes and corruption. Paul and Andre Desmarais, co-CEOs of Power Corporation, are called “Canada’s Rockefellers” for their enormous wealth, influence, and political power. They shape, influence and dictate Canadian foreign and domestic policy.
Doctor, lawyer, corporate Indian chief, they all get bribed!
Doctor, lawyer, corporate Indian chief, all politicians get bribed!
BCNI drafted the 1986 Competition Act:
BCNI approached Andre Ouellette, Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs, with an offer he didn’t refuse. BCNI CEO Thomas D’Aquino had, “…previously decided that Canada needed a new competition act.” D’Aquino spent $1 million to hire a team of 25 lawyers who by 1985, “…had produced a 236-page master plan. Incredibly, it became Canada’s new Competition Act, virtually word for word.”
There were no provisions for class-action lawsuits. Criminal conspiracy was unprosecutable. Criminals were sent to civil courts to be processed.
From 2003 to 2006 the Council launched the secret “Security and Prosperity Partnership,” [North American Union NAU] between US, Canada and Mexico. The “North American Competitiveness Council”, representing the 50 largest North American corporations and including many of the Canadian Council’s members, shaped SPP talks.
North American Union, one big corporate business deal.
North American Union, one big corporate business deal.The SPP eventually folded. The Council still wants to create a continental security perimeter and free trade zone to enhance their banking and business interests.
The Canadian Council of Chief Executives controls national policy in the interest of the few, and drafts legislation favorable to them.
These secret provisional corporate governments are being revealed for being the shadow government. As we read this now, the shackles are starting to fall. The corporations are going down, as Leonard Cohen sang: “They sentenced me to 20 years of boredom, for trying to change the system from within. I’m coming now, I’m coming to reward them. First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.”
MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  Thahoketoteh@hotmail.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Coalition confronts Peabody Coal at shareholders meeting


Coalition Indicts Peabody with Habitual Exploitation at Annual Shareholders' Meeting

Groups from Wyoming, Black Mesa, St. Louis and Colorado Join Together to Confront World's Largest Coal Company

By Arielle Klagsbrun
Posted at Censored News

GILLETTE, WY-- Peabody Energy shareholders affiliated with Powder River Basin Resource Council, Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE), CO-FORCE (Coloradans for Fair Rates and Clean Energy), and Forgotten People from Black Mesa/Big Mountain in Arizona converged in Gillette, Wyoming, on Monday, April 29, 2013, at Peabody's Annual General Meeting. Peabody has always held its meeting near its headquarters in St. Louis, but moved it this year to avoid public scrutiny. After the meeting, an activist affiliated with MORE [was arrested] dropping a banner saying, "Peabody Attacks: Pensions, Diné Lands, Climate."

Shareholders asked targeted questions to CEO Greg Boyce and the Peabody Board of Directors regarding its current business model which consistently externalizes its costs to coal mine neighbors, workers, and the environment. Peabody's creation of now-bankrupt Patriot Coal to unload its pension and healthcare obligations to retired miners is a recent example of how Peabody disregards its own workers. Shareholders stood with the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) in Gillette in demanding that Peabody pay its retired miners what they were promised, while thousands more rallied in St. Louis.

Just as Peabody is threatening the livelihoods of UMWA retirees, Peabody was also confronted today by two residents of the Black Mesa/Big Mountain area in Arizona. For decades, Peabody has been involved in the forced relocation of tens of thousands of Diné and Hopi on Black Mesa. In January, residents of Black Mesa attempted to meet with CEO Greg Boyce in St. Louis. He refused, and twelve people were arrested attempting to deliver a letter from Black Mesa residents to Peabody.

Climate activists being arrested at shareholders meeting
"This winter, we travelled to Peabody's headquarters in St. Louis to bring them a message from the people of Black Mesa, whom Peabody is displacing from their ancestral lands to expand their strip mines. Instead of holding a dialogue, Boyce hid behind security and hired police; now we have come to Gillette so that we can express our concerns face-to-face," said Don Yellowman, of Forgotten People on Black Mesa/Big Mountain in Arizona.

Shareholders also drew attention to Peabody's attempts to cheat American taxpayers by leasing artificially cheap coal from the Bureau of Land Management. This practice is now under unprecedented investigation by the Government Accountability Office, the Department of the Interior, and Congress, and it could pose a large risk to the financial viability of Peabody's mining efforts in the Powder River Basin. Today, over 135,000 petitions were delivered to Interior Secretary Sally Jewell calling for a moratorium on new coal leasing in the Powder River Basin. The petitions follow an April 15 letter to Secretary Jewell signed by the leaders of 21 environmental, public health, consumer rights and community organizations calling for a moratorium and comprehensive review of the federal coal leasing program.

"Peabody's chickens have come home to roost," stated LJ Turner, a Wyoming rancher who lives near Peabody's North Antelope Rochelle Mine. "For too long, Peabody has ignored the true cost of its coal mines in the Powder River Basin, but now Congress and others are starting to pay attention to the impacts of mining on people, our air and land, and the climate."

Shareholders' concerns are underlined by a recent subpoena of Peabody by the Securities and Exchange Commission, related to the building and development of the Prairie State Energy Campus in Marissa, IL. Peabody, once the full developer of the project, sold of 95% of the plant to hundreds of towns and cities across the Midwest who are now paying for the plant's extreme cost overruns in their monthly bills.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mohawk Nation News 'Asset Stripping'


mnnlogo1MNN. Apr. 28. 2013. Canada will be raiding bank accounts to take people’s money. Just like the way the Corporation of Canada passed a statute making itself the trustee of our ever growing $70.5 trillion Indian Trust Fund. The wealth of Canadians, all created by genocide and theft of our natural resources, will be plundered by the shareholders of the Corporation of Canada, the bankers. It’s in the new budget, “Economic Action Path 2013”.

Yaqui in Sonora invite President Obama for government to government consultation

Yaqui in Sonora invite President Obama for government to government consultation

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News Breaking News Exclusive

POTAM PUEBLO, Sonora, Mexico -- Yaqui in Sonora, Mexico, have invited President Obama to meet with Yaquis in a government to government meeting in the Yaqui village of Potam, during Obama’s visit to Mexico on May 2 -- 3. Urging Obama not to fail in his promises to the people, Yaqui said the meeting will focus on the Yaqui struggle to maintain their water and land rights, identity and sovereignty.

“You have stated that you respect every nation, tribe and village that seeks peace and happiness,” Yaqui said in the official invitation from the eight Yaqui communities.

“We dare to believe that your administration will not protect white collar criminals who endanger the American family and the national security of the United States,” said the formal invitation to meet with Yaqui communities in their traditional homeland in southern Sonora, south of the Arizona border.

While pointing to the corruption in Mexico, Yaqui said they are seeking support to maintain their way of life, which includes traditional farming, ranching and fishing. Yaqui said vital topics for the meeting are the breach of the Peace Treaty of 1940, corruption in the Arizona/Sonora Commission and the government of Mexico’s attempts to carry out a “coup d’etat against our indigenous sovereignty.”

The official invitation to meet with Yaquis is signed by Mario Leyva Kajeeme and dated April 26, 2013. A copy was sent to Censored News. On November 20 -- 21, Yaquis in Vicam hosted the International Forum for the Defense of Water, following Mexico’s plans to seize water from Rio Yaqui for the city of Hermosillo.

The official invitation to Obama for the May meeting said, "We hope you will not ignore our invitation. We wish that the hope and change that you have promised will someday directly benefit our true Yaqui families in Sonora and Arizona."

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Anonymous: OpGuantanamo Demand Obama shut it down

    Good day my friends.
    Close to half of the population at Guantanamo Bay are now hunger striking. It is time to stand in solidarity with them by demanding the Obama Administration to live up to it's promises to shut the center down. Please take just a minute to sign a petition, send an email, and post a tweet.
    Some relevant facts:
    There are 166 detainees currently housed in Guantanamo Bay.
    86 have been approved for release.
    30 Yemenis are being "conditionally detained" because of an "unstable" homeland.
    46 are being detained indefinitely without trial.
    Some have been waiting more than 11 years for their release.

Mohawk Nation News 'Canada's Snow Job'


MNN. Apr. 27, 2013. James Anaya, the special UN rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous peoples, says the Harper government until recently refused his request to investigate the “human rights situation of Indigenous peoples”. He was refused official entry into Canada. The violations were so serious that he was ready to meet through unofficial channels. He was finally given a permit, with conditions?
feudalismCanada’s national human rights commission is getting flooded with complaints from Indigenous about the discrimination and misconduct of their corporate Indian band councils for selling out our resources to Harper’s multinational banking buddies. Harper is telling us to go to the very agents we are complaining about. Harper’s job is to shut us up and speed up the rape of our resources.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Mohawk Nation News 'Mass Murder in Canada'


Six Nations death camp established in 1870 to exterminate Mohawks.MNN. Apr. 26, 2013. In 1870 a school was set up in the Six Nations community targeting  Mohawk children from all Mohawk communities. They were incarcerated and exterminated. Forensic evidence substantiates that the Crown of England, Vatican, Canadian government and churches carried out the killings of 50,000 Indigenous children across Canada. 40% of the students were murdered.
Six Nations death camp established in 1870 to exterminate Mohawks.

Recently found in secret graves were bones, bits of school uniforms, arms, skeletons of children as young as 3 years of age and other material. They were covered with several feet of dirt, plants and trees. 
Children 3 years old were annihilated.
3 year old children were annihilated.

Which criminal acts is Canada guilty of in relation to the murder of Indigenous children at government residential school death camps? 
A serial killer kills 3 or more persons over a period of time for psychological gratification. Often a sexual element is involved. Other motives include anger, thrill, financial gain and attention getting. Victims may have something in common, occupation, race, appearance, sex or age. Killings could go on over a long period of time. 
Mass murder is killing a large number of people at the same time over a short period of time, in a single location. A number of victims are killed by an individual or an organization.  Some of the perpetrators die by suicide or are killed in shoot outs or go unfounded. 
Church & state genocide planners.
Church & state genocide planners.
In genocide mass murder is the intention of government agents to exterminate a large number of people, such as unarmed protesters, innocent people in cities, random or planned executions of civilians or children. Governments annihilating entire groups of people can be both genocide or crimes against humanity. Such crimes have no charges nor convictions. 
In 1948 the “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide” Article 2 provides that genocide is deliberate and systematic murder in whole or in part of an ethnic, racial or national group; killing members of a group; causing serious bodily harm; deliberately inflicting death; preventing births; transferring children to another group; destroying political and social institutions, culture, language, national feelings, religion and economy; or destroying their personal security, health, dignity and lives. Canada signed this convention and is guilty of most of these crimes. 
The National Criminal Court was established in 2002 to try states that signed the treaty such as Canada. The UN determined it cannot interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign nations. Genocide can only end when these powers no longer have a stake in the region where genocide is being carried out. Canada is not sovereign. It is a corporation without land. 
UN helps Canada cover up murders.
UN helps Canada cover up murders.
The surviving students are now telling us what they know. Attached is the report of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State ITCCS of the crimes carried out at the “Mush Hole” death camp at Six Nations. The genocide program in Canada is firmly in place and still on track. Duncan Campbell Scott, the colonial superintendent of Indian Affairs, plotted “the final solution of the Indian problem” in the Indian Advancement Act of 1924. The international community has no choice but to follow international law and charge Canada with the crime of genocide, and put a stop worldwide. Canada’s existence is built upon lies and will fail as Jimi sang: “Just like castle’s made of sand fall into the sea, eventually.”  Castles made of sand
ITCCS website
we will never forget the horror of the murders our children.
“The horror, the horror!”

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 WHERE EAGLES DARE TO SOAR available from MNN.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Music Video: Papago Warrior, Waila at O'odham Solidarity Project's Spring Gathering

Also Watch Papago Warrior, Video II, at the Spring Gathering:
Tohono O'odham children and youth video taping Papago Warrior.

Censored News

During the O'odham Solidarity Project's Spring Gathering 2013, O'odham children and youth video taped the award-winning Waila band, Papago Warrior.
Papago Warrior, featured at the Native American Music Awards and winner of Mul-Chu-Tha Battle of the Bands, donated three hours of music for the spring gathering on the border.

VIDEO I: Voices from the Border Spring Gathering:
VIDEO II: Voices from the Border
PHOTOS Spring Gathering

Please consider making a donation to the O'odham Solidarity Project at their website:  http://www.solidarity-project.org/

VIDEO II Voices from the Border: O'odham Solidarity Project

Published on Apr 25, 2013  
VIDEO II Voices from the Border
During the O'odham Solidarity Project Spring Gathering at the border in 2013, supporters shared their feelings about the real story of the militarization of Tohono O'odham land by the US, and the continual abuse of O'odham by US Border Patrol agents. Video II, interview on the western portion of Tohono O'odham land in Arizona.
VIDEO I: Voices from the Border Spring Gathering:
PHOTOS Spring Gathering
WAILA Papago Warrior videos Spring Gathering

O'odham Solidarity Project website http://www.solidarity-project.org/
Video by Censored News www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com

Mount Taylor faces 'permanent and severe' adverse cultural impacts

mt taylor 017 (1)Mt. Taylor Faces ‘Permanent and Severe’ Adverse Cultural Impacts

Draft Environmental Impact Statement Reveals Forest Service Plan to ‘Deviate’ from Existing Laws

By Klee Benally @eelk

GALLUP, NM — The Cibola National Forest Service (CNFS) has issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for a mine proposed on Mt. Taylor that will violate the existing Forest Management Plan.
Instead of upholding their current standards regard to historic and cultural properties, CNFS is planning to “deviate” from them to allow desecration of Mt. Taylor with a “Project-Specific Forest Plan Amendment.”
Read article at Indigenous Action Media: http://www.indigenousaction.org/mt-taylor-faces-permanent-and-severe-adverse-cultural-impacts/
French translation: http://www.chrisp.lautre.net/wpblog/?p=1692

TARSANDS RED RIVER SHOWDOWN: Protester encases arm in concrete!

BREAKING:  Lula, OK—Thursday, April 25, 7--A protester with the group Great Plains Tar Sands Resistance has stopped construction of the Keystone XL pipeline by locking his arm into a concrete capsule buried directly in the pipeline’s proposed path. Fitzgerald Scott, 42, is the first African American to risk arrest while physically blockading TransCanada’s dangerous tar sands pipeline, and the second person to take action this week. On Monday a 61 year old man locked himself to a piece of construction equipment effectively shutting down another Oklahoma pipeline construction site. This week of action, called the “Red River Showdown,” is intended to protect the Red River, which marks the border between Oklahoma and Texas and is a major tributary of the Mississippi.
BREAKING NEWS UPDATES:  http://gptarsandsresistance.org/6th-action/

Photos O'odham Solidarity Project Spring Gathering 2013


O'odham Solidarity Project Spring Gathering 2013
The award-winning Waila band Papago Warrior, featured at the Native American Music Awards and winner of Mul-Chu-Tha Battle of the Bands, donated three hours of music for the spring gathering on the border.
O'odham youths, up and coming photographers and videographers, documented the band.
VIDEO INTERVIEW with supporter, after learning of the militarization of the border, and constant abuse of O'odham by US Border Patrol agents:
VIDEO II: Voices from the Border
PHOTOS Spring Gathering
WAILA Papago Warrior videos Spring Gatheringhttp://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2013/04/music-video-papago-warrior-waila-at.html
O'odham Solidarity Project website, please consider making a donation!

Mohawk Nation News 'Brown Face, White System'


MNN. Apr. 25, 2013. Beware Injun Conferences where we have to listen to Indian Act or Federal Indian Law sell-outs spout the glories of colonialism. They are the “Finder’s Fee Indians”. The speakers are mostly band or tribal councilors, or those who are trained to conduct treason against our people. Serious issues are ignored. No comparison is made with true traditional law based on our inherent tie to the land. The speeches bore us to tears. Most leave empty-handed and empty-headed! These smoke and mirrors performances are meant to waste our time. In the evening we are entertained at an open bar. The next morning we don’t remember a thing.

finders feeShould you miss the Indian conference circuit for ten years or more, don’t worry. The next one will be exactly the same. The speakers never tell us how they are lining their own pockets by stealing our money or the government directly deposits it into their off-shore accounts. Their job is to make it look like we are in favor of land claims settlements and mega development. They get a casino or poker palace, owned and operated by white people as tax havens, in the name of native sovereignty. “We have to survive for another 500 years”, they tell us.

Chief: "I signed so you would get this".
Chief: “I signed so you would get this”.
There’s no heckling because we listen and wait our turn. No opening is provided in the agenda. Speaker called “Finder-Fee” says, “Blah, blah, blah! Relations with federal, state, provincial and local governments have never been better” [to steal everything from us]. He’s really saying, “We’re looking for other brain dead people to work with”. Syracuse University and University of Victoria are giving fully paid scholarships to train sell-outs in their governance programs.
Councilor “140-Acres” greets us with a fake heavy Indian accent. When he gets riled up, he sounds just like a regular New Yorker. “I can go to Albany, Washington or Ottawa and mill around with those [crooked] politicians”! Councillor “Where’s-My-Finder’s-Fee” extols, “That’s how important we are”. casino
Speaker “Who-Never-Got-a-Finder’s-Fee” wants to send the government to the traditional council to sign away our rights! As if!
Another “Who-Lost-His-Finder’s-Fee” talked about how the government system dealt with his case to stop garbage dumps contaminating the water and environment. The court refused to hear it.
For $35 the attendees get a T-shirt with a clenched FU fist on the back and a box lunch. Those who had fallen asleep were awakened in time to see an award being given to the Master of Ceremonies by his mother. People, some of us are getting tired of having our intelligence insulted. As Frank Zappa reminds us of the corporation trap: “Flies all green and buzzing in his dungeon of despair. Prisoners grumble and piss their clothes and scratch their matted hair. A tiny light from a window hole a hundred yards away is all they ever get to know about the regular life in the day; and it stinks so bad the stones been choking and dripping greenish drops. In the room where the giant fire puffer works and the torture never stops. In the room where the giant puffer works and the torture never stops. the torture never stops“. sleeping audience
MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0

O'odham Solidarity Project: Voices on the Border

O'odham Solidarity Project: Voices on the Border

A supporter of the O'odham Solidarity Project shares her feelings and insights after spending time with Tohono O'odham in their ancestral homeland. She describes the reality of the system in the United States and what it means here.
She reacts to learning of the militarization of O'odham homelands, the constant abuse of O'odham by US Border Patrol agents, and the ongoing power structure in the United States, which are among the most censored issues by the media.
The interview is on the western portion of Tohono O'odham land, near the so-called US/Mexico border in Arizona.

VIDEO II: Voices from the Border
PHOTOS Spring Gathering
WAILA Papago Warrior videos Spring Gathering

O'odham Solidarity Project website, please consider making a donation!

Censored News video production www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Diné Hada’ Asídí: A Peaceful Revolution against the Internal Enemies

Navajo child protests at Salt River Project in Tempe, Ariz.

Diné Hada’Asídí

Navajo Vigilant Ones

A Navajo People’s Public Interest Organization
We need a Peaceful People’s Revolution against the internal enemies

NGS: It’s All About Water (Today’s ‘Blue Gold’) and Disloyal Insiders

Navajo Generating Station (NGS) is not Navajo, but uses our coal, water, land, and

nearly 400 miles of rights-of-way (basically free for 40 years) to make its owners gross annual

revenues of roughly $1.5 billion. The two biggest owners are the U.S. Interior Department

(our supposed trustee) and Arizona’s Salt River Project (SRP).

NGS owners have swindled us out of hundreds of millions in value over 40 plus years

Gila River Huhugam Heritage Center: Keep it sacred April 27, 2013

Mohawk Nation News 'UN Chicanery'


mnnlogo1MNN. Apr. 24, 2013. Canada is not a constitutional democracy. They follow their corporate by-laws, not the rule of law. Like every corporation their duty is to provide ever-growing dividends to the shareholders. In the case of Thahoketoteh of Kanekota, the Federal Court of Canada refused to answer the constitutional question about Section 109 of the BNA Act 1867 and the Constitution Act 1982.
Now the Supreme Court of Canada refuses to hear the Athabaska Chipewyan appeal of the Jack Pine Mine expansion project on their land.

Tinariwen, from the Sahara Desert, in Tucson

Censored News Music Video (above) Saharan Desert band Tinariwen in Tucson, in concert with Dine' band Sihasin (Hope) with the incredible sounds of healing and a borderless world. From the Sahara to the Sonoran Desert.

ALSO Censored News Video: Sihasin sings AIM song, in concert with Tinariwen, at Hotel Congress, April 23, 2013.

Tinariwen tour schedule:

Sihasin tour schedule:

Videos by Brenda Norrell, Censored News

VIDEO Sihasin in concert Tucson: AIM song

Sihasin http://sihasin.com/

Censored News music video!
Dine' band Sihasin welcomes Saharan desert band Tinariwen to the Sonoran Desert, and home to Tohono O'odham and Yaqui, live at the Hotel Congress in Tucson on April 23, 2013. Jeneda and Clayson Benally's new band is on tour and will be at the Gathering of Nations this weekend. Jeneda and Clayson spoke for hope and unity during the incredible concert, and joined Tinariwen in music which does not recognize borders, inspiring with their profound message of healing, hope and renewal.
Tinariwen from Saharan Desert performed in concert with Dine' Sihasin in
Tucson at Hotel Congress
Watch Tinariwen live in Tucson: 

Upcoming: Dine' band Sihasin Tour Schedule

Thursday, April 25, 2013 Juan Tabo Library @ Albuquerque, NM @ noon
                                        North Valley Library @ Albuquerque, NM @ 4pm
Friday, April 26, 2013  Gathering of Nations Albuquerque, NM
                                     @ The Pit @ 11:15am                                               
                                     @ Stage 49 @ 4pm
Saturday, April 27  Gathering of Nations Albuquerque, NM
                                     @ Stage 49 @ 1:45 pm
                                     @ NIGHTCLUB EVOLUTION @ tba
June13-16, 2013  Steel Bridge Songfest @ Sturgeon Bay, WI
July 18-21  Grassroots Festival @ Trumansburg, NY
August 3-4  Museum of Northern Arizona Navajo Show @ Flagstaff, AZ
2012 Concerts ↓
Friday, November 23rd, 2012 in Oakland, CA  @ American Steele Studios @ 3pm Free show!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dine' at Hardrock Chapter 'Sustainable Lifeways' May 4, 2013

A Victory for Transparency: US 'School of Assassins' must reveal graduates and instructors

A Victory for Transparency!

Exciting news!
By School of Americas Watch

After persistent effort, SOA Watch has won its lawsuit against the Pentagon for its refusal to disclose the names of graduates and instructors of WHINSEC (formerly known as the SOA).
Yesterday, Judge Phyllis J. Hamilton of California's Northern District Court, ruled that the Pentagon and SOA/WHINSEC had no grounds for secrecy when it comes to who is being trained at the multi-million dollar facility.

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