Sunday, March 31, 2013

Remembering Splitting the Sky (video)

23 Mar 2013
Mohawk activist. 9/11 truth campaigner. War criminal protester. Attica State riot leader. Gustafsen Lake Standoff organizer. Splitting The Sky had a remarkable life. Tragically, that life was cut short last week after an unexplained incident near his home in Chase, British Columbia. Today on The Corbett Report we memorialize his life and reflect on the legacy he leaves behind.

Corbett Report Interview 069 – Splitting The Sky
Time Reference: 01:00
Corbett Report Interview 073 – Splitting The Sky
Time Reference: 01:01
Corbett Report Interview 180 – Splitting The Sky
Time Reference: 01:02
Native peace activist John Boncore found dead
Time Reference: 01:36
Arresting Impunity
Time Reference: 04:00
Splitting the Sky: No jail time for attempted arrest of war criminal George Bush
Time Reference: 06:37
Bush in B.C.: Canada Hosts A War Criminal
Time Reference: 08:12
Splitting the Sky – 9/11: Follow The Money
Time Reference: 12:59
Splitting the Sky Speaks to Break The Chains Political Prisoner Forum, 2003
Time Reference: 25:13
Splitting The Sky blogspot
Time Reference: 42:35
We owe it to Dac to be suspicious and to be vigilant
Time Reference: 43:35
Larry Pinkney on The Jack Blood Show – 03.19.2013
Time Reference: 45:33
John Lennon – Attica State
Time Reference: 53:09

'Revolution' film journey of saving the species and ourselves

Screen capture from Revolution trailer by Censored News.

Wonderful to see familiar faces, and the beautiful cinematography in the trailer of the upcoming film 'Revolution' being released on April 12, 2013.

 About 'Revolution'
Revolution is a film about changing the world. The true-life adventure of Rob Stewart, this follow-up to his acclaimed SHARKWATER documentary continues his remarkable journey; one that will take him through 15 countries over four years, and where he'll discover that it's not only sharks that are in grave danger -- it's humanity itself.

In an effort to uncover the truth and find the secret to saving the ecosystems we depend on for survival, Stewart embarks on a life-threatening adventure. From the coral reefs in Papua New Guinea and deforestation in Madagascar to the largest and most destructive environmental project in history in Alberta, Canada, he reveals that all of our actions are interconnected and that environmental degradation, species loss, ocean acidification, pollution and food/water scarcity are reducing the Earth's ability to house humans. How did this happen, and what will it take to change the course that humanity has set itself on?

Travelling the globe to meet with the dedicated individuals and organizations working on a solution, Stewart finds encouragement and hope, pointing to the revolutions of the past and how we've evolved and changed our course in times of necessity. If people were informed about what was really going on, they would fight for their future -- and the future of other generations. From the evolution of our species to the revolution to save it, Stewart and his team take viewers on a groundbreaking mission into the greatest war ever waged.

Startling, beautiful, and provocative, Revolution inspires audiences from across the globe to start a revolution and change the world forever.

Native Americans Rally to Save Hickory Ground at NIGA Conference

Native Americans Rally to Save Hickory Ground at NIGA Conference

Press statement
Posted at Censored News
PHOENIX -- On Tuesday, March 26, 2013, Native American sacred lands activists from throughout the country, including O’odham, Navajo, Havasupai and Muscogee Creeks, demonstrated at the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA) conference to support the preservation of Hickory Ground in Wetumpka, Alabama.  
The Poarch Band of Creek Indians excavated approximately 57 sets of Muscogee Creek human remains from the ceremonial ground at Hickory Ground as part of its $246 million casino expansion project. 
“What’s another developer going to say who is not Native when they look at indigenous people desecrating their own sacred lands,” asked Navajo activist Klee Benally of Indigenous Action Media.  
“NIGA is one of the largest most powerful lobbying entities for indigenous interests, so it’s about time that they stand up and they lobby to ensure guaranteed protection for our sacred places,” Benally said.
Poarch Band Tribal Council members Eddie Tullis and Keith Martin were present at the beginning of the rally, but left shortly after the rally began.
American Indian Movement co-founder Dennis Banks said, “Underneath that ground are bones and a lot of evidence of it being a very sacred site.”  Banks implored, “Please, anything that you can do to support, to stop that casino from being built.”  
Last December, the Muscogee (Creek) Nation filed a federal lawsuit to enjoin ground-disturbing activity at Hickory Ground. The lawsuit claims that the burials excavated from Hickory Ground are the lineal ancestors of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation and Hickory Ground Tribal Town. The plaintiffs request the court to order the remains and funerary objects to be reburied where they were excavated, and to restore the ceremonial ground to a nature.
Demonstrators also spoke about threatened destruction to other sacred places, including the San Francisco Peaks and the South Mountain in Arizona.
Rex Tilousi traveled from Havasupai Reservation at the bottom of the Grand Canyon to attend the rally.  “What is inside our mother earth, not only the surface but underneath our mother earth, the waters, the springs that give us life, we need to save and protect these things,” Tilousi said.
Video Links:
Photo Actor Adam Beach speaks to Hickory Ground Warrior Wayland Gray at the Sacred Lands Rally in Phoenix.  Activist Klee Benally is seen at the left of the photo.


Indigenous Action Media
See original article in English
Also on Censored News
29 mars 2013
Traduction Christine Prat

PHOENIX, Arizona – Mardi 26 mars 2013, des défenseurs des terres sacrées Autochtones venus de diverses régions des Etats-Unis, entre autres des O’odham, des Navajo et Havasupai et des Creeks Muscogee, ont manifesté devant le bâtiment où se tenait la conférence de la National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA) pour la préservation de Hickory Ground, à Wetumpka, en Alabama. La Bande Poarch – Creek – a déterré environs 57 squelettes de Creek Muscogee du site cérémoniel de Hickory Ground dans le cadre de son projet d’expansion du casino, projet qui doit coûter 246 millions de dollars.
« Que dira le prochain promoteur non-Autochtone quand il verra des Autochtones profaner leurs propres terres sacrées » a demandé l’activiste Navajo Klee Benally d’Indigenous Action Media. « La NIGA est l’un des groupes de pression les plus importants et les plus puissants représentant les intérêts Autochtones, alors il est grand temps qu’ils se mettent à faire pression pour assurer une protection garantie à nos sites sacrés » a ajouté Klee Benally.
Les membres du Conseil Tribal de la Bande Poarch Eddie Tullis et Keith Martin étaient présents au début du rassemblement mais sont partis peu après le début.
Le cofondateur de l’American Indian Movement Dennis Banks a déclaré « Sous cette terre il y a des ossements et tout prouve que c’est un site très sacré. » Banks a imploré les promoteurs du projet : « Je vous en prie, faites tout ce que vous pouvez faire pour nous soutenir, empêchez ce casino d’être construit. »
En décembre dernier, la Nation (Creek) Muscogee a déposé une plainte au niveau fédéral contre toute activité de perturbation du sol à Hickory Ground. La plainte affirme que les défunts déterrés de Hickory Ground sont les ancêtres directs de la Nation (Creek) Muscogee et de la Ville Tribale de Hickory Ground. Les plaignants demandent à la Cour d’ordonner que les dépouilles et les objets funéraires soient à nouveau inhumés là où ils ont été déterrés et que le site cérémoniel soit rendu à la nature.
Des manifestants ont aussi évoqué d’autres sites sacrés menacés de destruction, entre autres les San Francisco Peaks et la Montagne du Sud en Arizona.
Rex Tilousi est venu de la Réserve Havasupai, au fond du Grand Canyon, pour participer au rassemblement. « Ce qui est à l’intérieur de Notre Mère la Terre, pas seulement à la surface, mais en-dessous, les eaux, les sources qui nous donnent la vie, ce sont des choses que nous devons sauver et protéger » déclara t-il.

Vidéos (en anglais) :
Klee Benally:
Dennis Banks:
Rex Tilousi:
Vidéo (mauvaise qualité) de Klee Benally sous-titrée en français:

Michael Moore reads his poem for freedom for Leonard Peltier

Peter Coyote introduces Michael Moore. Moore speaks on how the innocent are imprisoned in the US, and the role that the media and public play in convicting people, including Leonard Peltier. Moore speaks on the lies of governments and corporations.
"We were a country founded on genocide," Moore said, "and built on the backs of slaves."
"Americans kill people, that's what we do," said Moore of US wars and drones.
Moore reads his poem, and asks President Obama to bring Leonard Peltier home for Christmas.
"Please let Leonard come home for Christmas, or we shall all bury our hearts at Wounded Knee."

On December 14th, 2012, Harry Belafonte, Jackson Browne, Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, Bruce Cockburn, Common (with Mos Def), Peter Coyote, Danny Glover, Jack Healey, Jennifer Kreisberg, Bill Means, Bill Miller, Pete Seeger, Margo Thunderbird, Tom Poor Bear and Michael Moore gathered at the Beacon Theater, in NYC to sing, speak and dance for Leonard Peltier's freedom.
Who is Leonard Peltier?

The Fight 4 Freedom Continues...


April 2013

Supporters, Friends, Family, LPDOC Chapters;
In prayer to the 4 Directions, the LPDOC of the U.S. and Canada have joined together in setting off on a new campaign to fight for the Freedom of Leonard Peltier.
It is in the air, you can feel it. It is palpable. The energy is building, we feel it too.
This time something is different.
For almost 40 years now, people from all over the world have worked to set Leonard free. His gratitude is endless, his heart is swollen with pride in the people.
At this time, U.S. President Barack Obama is the sole human being with the power to grant Leonard his freedom. It is up to US to demand Leonard’s freedom.
We believe the President will listen to his people. It is, after all, what he has been elected to do; to listen to the people of the United States, and indeed, the entire world.
We are asking for something special. We want you to HAND-write a letter or postcard, putting your voice, your prayer, your demand in physical evidence form. The Electric petition medium has not proven very successful, for Leonard, and in some ways seems easier to ignore.
Let’s go old school. Pen to Paper.
These letters will be held in repository until 2014, when they will be hand-delivered in a visual and physical representation of our demands,through a very special LPDOC event.
Many MANY boxes of letters will be fed down a line of elders, community leaders, political figures, celebrities and indeed many of you, our tireless supporters, for all the world and media to see.
It is our belief that the sheer quantity of physical evidence representing our demand cannot be ignored.
The people demand justice for Leonard. The people demand his freedom.
Any other outcome would be an outrage and a blemish on the history of our nation.
We call to ALL peoples in ALL 4 Directions to hand-write your demand.
Be a part of the Fight 4 Freedom- put your pen to paper, have a letter writing party!
Let your voices be a part of a choir so loud, the whole world (but especially Barack Obama) can hear.
Send your letters to:
Letters 4 Leonard
P.O. Box 4444
Trego, MT


United in the quest for Freedom,
The LPDOC of the U.S. & Canada

Monopoly Game: Civil Disobedience at Wells Fargo, Occupy Sacramento

Photo 1: Protest at Wells Fargo on March 28, 2013. Photo 2: Quanah Parker Brightman with his father Lehman Brightman, founder of United Native Americans, and victim of Wells Fargo fraud and home seizure. 

From Quanah Parker Brightman:  
Thank U Again for Helping Spread Awareness on Our Plight to Save My Father's Home from Being Stolen. It's Really Shameful that Contra Costa County, which has Violated Public Law 100-606 & Are the One Whom Claim to Be Conservator of My Father's Person & Estate Have Allowed My Father's Home to Become Foreclosed by Wells Fargo. Wish The County Would Have Protected My Father's Estate by Applying for the Veterans United Home Loans, HUD Sec 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program, or Keep Your Home California. Anyone of these Programs would have Allowed Us to Save My Father's Home. My Father Deserves Better treatment than He has Been Receiving at Kindred Walnut Creek, where the Contra Costa County has Chosen to Place Him, Instead of Protecting His Home and Allowing Him to Live Out His Final Day's at His Home Surrounded By His Family & Community Who Cherish Him.

*Stop the Eviction of The Brightman's*
When: April 4th 2013
Where Richmond Court 100 37th street
Richmond Ca, 94805 
On Thursday April 4th 2013 My Attorney Through Bay Area Legal Aide & I will be in Court to Inquire if the Judge will Grant us Our Motion for Summary Judgment to Dismiss the case to Evict Both Lehman L. Brightman & Quanah Parker Brightman from Our Home of Over 26 Years.

And If The Judge Does Not Grant us Our Motion. We Will Be Taking this to Trial. Thank U to Everyone who has Offered Us Prayers & Support During these Trying Times.

Please Join Tenants Occupy to Save Dr. Lehman Brightman's Home-Working Group at:

Fighting Elder Abuse By Contra Costa County & Wells Fargo Bank.

Please Help Contribute to Indigenous Resistance.

United Native Americans,Inc.
2434 Faria Ave
Pinole, CA 94564
Bank of the West Account
# 106012446
We Humbly Ask the Community to Help Support Our Occupation to Save Dr. Brightman's Home & Bring Lehman L. Brightman Home.
We are in Need for an Attorney to Assist & Community to Help in Bringing Awareness to Our Plight.
Also we Humbly ask for a Donation of a Inter-Net Ready Computer & Donations of Ink Cartridges HP Deskjet 3050. Fire Wood, Bottled Water, Food, Gas Cards, Battery's & Blankets.
We Humbly Ask Everyone to Please Pray for My Father & Our Family During these Difficult Times. ♥ to Related Resources
Occupy the Auctions / Evictions
Stop predatory and for-profit evictions, foreclosures, and auctions in San Francisco and beyond
Tenants Occupy to Save Dr. Lehman Brightman's Home 

Ihanktonwan hosts Keystone Blockade Training, South Dakota, April 5--7, 2013

Mohawk Nation News 'Crawling Creature'


MNN. Mar. 25, 2013. The Great Law provides that, “As a weapon against a crawling creature, I lay a stick with you so that you may thrust it away from the Council Fire”. A crawling creature may be a disrespectful person seeking to disrupt the people and must be removed. [Wampum 4].
Serpent of Discord.
Serpent of Discord.
We Indigenous are called “domestic dissidents” who are disrupting the corporate government’s image and economy. Infiltrators are sent in. It could be a vigilante operation to silence us, or to neutralize us by creating factionalism, attacking our reputations and causing confusion. 
“Spies” and “agents” pose as scholars, friends, supporters or helpers. The perfect intruder abandons you suddenly when their assignment is over. Their cover could be blown the longer they remain. 
Infiltrator with angel wings.
Infiltrator with angel wings.
“Infiltration” is low intensity warfare, to mold public opinion, to sabotage us. “Surveillance” is gathering intel to expose, disrupt or discredit us. Infiltrators hang around for years studying and gathering info. Some offer services, like legal advice or romances. Some even have families in the community.  
Infiltrators get involved with one faction. Another infiltrates the opposing faction. They drive wedges between them. Targets are lured into compromising situations. Fear is created, like having them followed, strangers taking pictures and arranging attacks. Infiltrators organize drug, booze and sex parties to recruit youth. Intruder’s cause suspicion. True activists are sometimes “bad jacketed” as being government agents. The courts criminalize us through perjured evidence, false arrests and imprisonment. We face threats, assaults and political assassinations.  
“Provocateurs” disrupt, create disagreements, make divisions, sabotage, squander resources, steal funds, seduce leaders, provoke jealousy and public embarrassment, lead targets into danger and push paranoia. 
New "Indians" are turning up every day.
“Agents” are loners, with a vague cover story that doesn’t identify them. Some have many aliases. Some pretend to be Indigenous. Agents have no job but have a steady income. They will leave at a moment’s notice and disappear. They dress to quickly change their image, like hairstyle, weight, clothes or car.  
Hired thugs, right wing vigilantes, private military and local police are front line foot soldiers. Agents are subsidized, armed, directed and protected by the military. False stories are planted. Bogus organizations are set up. Parents, employers, landlords or school officials can be coerced into causing trouble for the target. 
Look for cameras, microphones & scanners.
They act needy or feign a rare sickness or medical condition to get sympathy and leave suddenly. They act like a best friend, downplay themselves and quietly observe. Targets are taken to unfamiliar outside groups to compromise them. 
Check the authenticity of visitors. “Keep friends and family close and your enemies closer”, as the godfather said. Stay on movement goals. If the eyes say something different from the body, they are not genuine. it reminds us of the old Charlie Pride song: The snakes crawl at night. that’s what they say. When the sun goes down, then the snakes will play”. 
MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 WHERE EAGLES DARE TO SOAR available from MNN.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Moccasins on the Ground: Protecting Lakota generations from TransCanada tarsands pipeline



Debra White Plume
Owe Aku, Bring Back the Way
Moccasins on the Ground: Protect Sacred Water by the Lakota Media Project
Owe Aku, a grassroots organization on the Pine Ridge, SD Indian Reservation, along with many allies, held a three-day training at the Wounded Knee School, titled Moccasins on the Ground Tour of Resistance.  “Over 300 people registered, some came and left, others stayed, some did not register. We estimate 250 people took part in some or all of the training,” says Vic Camp, Owe Aku organizer. NonIndian ranchers and farmers from SD and NE participated, as well as members of SD Rural Action, Clean Water Alliance, and other Great Plains water protectors.
    “Moccasins on the Ground Tour of Resistance is a community strategy to protect water from the tarsands oil proposed to pass through the Great Plains inside the Keystone XL 36-inch pipeline owned by a Canadian corporation, TransCanada [TC],” said Debra White Plume, a Lakota grandmother from Manderson. “The KXL pipeline would slurry tarsands oil from the Canadian mines, crossing hundreds of rivers and streams and the Ogllala Aquifer which provides drinking water to two million people from South Dakota to Texas, which irrigates the bread basket of America,” said White Plume.  “It would cross unceded Ft Laramie Treaty Territory without our free, prior, informed consent, our right according to the United Nations, and in violation of our treaties, which are international law. It would cross the Oglala Sioux Tribal Rural Water pipeline, which brings drinking water 200 miles to our lands here, from Pierre, SD.”
TC has applied for its second international permit through the US Department of State, as the pipeline would enter Montana from Alberta, Canada. President Obama denied the first application in January, 2012. TC filed another application, which includes a 45-day Comment Period that started on March 1, 2013. A US State Dept Hearing is scheduled for April 18, 2013 in Grand Island, NE. In past hearings, landowners expressed concern that TC forced rights of way across their ranches and farms using eminent domain, exposing their lands to the tarsands bitumen mixed with chemicals, heated constantly to 150 degrees Fahrenheit.  Concerns include clean-up capabilities, referencing the 2010 Enbridge pipeline rupture of a million gallons of tarsands bitumen into the Kalamazoo River in Michigan, which to date has cost $809 million, three years into the clean up effort, leaving forty miles of the river closed pending clean up. (for info see
The training included nonviolent direct action skills, community organizing, Human Rights, Treaty Rights, Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2007), street medic and strategic media workshops. Folks from the Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN), Texas Blockade, Owe Aku, Earth First, and many other organizations served as trainers and will continue to network.  “Effective social media skills are critical in social justice work.  Often mainstream media neglects issues impacting people’s everyday lives, and the ability to cover non-violent direct action [nvda] situations is a skill with value that cannot be measured,” said Suree Towfignia of People’s Media Project of Chicago, Ill, one of the trainers in the Strategic Media workshop. Working with the Lakota Media Project, the groups created a video that is available on Youtube.
Great Plains Tarsands Resistance is comprised of many organizations. “We are not little organizations working in isolation, we are working collectively across the country to stop this desecration,” said Camp, who served as “Eyapaha” (announcer), engaging folks in workshops, plenary sessions, and social gatherings.

“We collaborated to develop and adopt the Treaty to Protect the Sacred at our Gathering in February. We are happy to meet allies here and continue our work to protect the sacred,” said Faith Spotted Eagle, from the Yankton, SD Homelands. “We are going to Ottawa, Canada, to make more allies and strengthen our Treaty.” Moccasins on the Ground Tour of Resistance will be in the Yankton area April 5-7, 2013.
“We must protect our communities, children, water, for the future. We want Moccasins on the Ground to come to the Eagle Butte Reservation, to Bridger, the first community to face the tarsands,” said Robin LeBeau, Tribal Council Representative from the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.  The training will be held in mid-April.
Medic training came in handy on the final day when a young boy experienced difficulty breathing. Camp yelled “MEDIC”, and a dozen people came running to provide assistance. (The boy was treated and was ok, his mother greatly relieved.)
“The US decision regarding the KXL pipeline is expected in September or October,” said White Plume. “Through the long, hot summer we will provide requested nvda to Lakota Homelands, several have confirmed training dates, more requests are coming in, so we will schedule those. An organized and trained community is better prepared to protect their lands and waters,” said White Plume, “in the event that President Obama chooses to ignore the concerns of thousands of Americans who have commented, written letters, rallied by the tens of thousands in Washington, DC, and the thousands of people arrested in civil disobedience at the White House to give him the message that the KXL pipeline is not in the best interests of the big land (America). We will join our counterparts of ranchers and farmers who will face TransCanada’s earthmovers when they come to dig, using the human right to engage in nonviolent direct action. We hope the president will realize the large and diverse national support to deny the permit, that he will be revolutionary and refuse to expose the big land to such a toxic project.”
“This is the land of our ancestors. We protect it for our grandchildren,” said Marie Randall.   George Jumping Eagle led the drum group to Honor Grandmother Randall.  At age 94, she stood with others in front of a heavy haul Texan caravan transporting huge equipment destined for Canadian oil mines, when it attempted to pass through the Pine Ridge Reservation’s village of Wanbli, in March of 2012. Five individuals were arrested for blockading the trucks. (Randall was not arrested). LeBeau of Eagle Butte, SD said that such caravans have passed through her Homelands in spite of Tribal Council legislation and expressed concern that South Dakota’s Governor seems oblivious to tribal council action. Twice her people have blockaded trucks.
“We need tools to fight this KXL black snake pipeline.  The strongest tool we gained is unity between Lakota and non-native supporters,” said Marty Cobenais, from IEN. He spook of the Enbridge pipeline blockade in Minnesota, which the Red Lake Nation states has been on their lands illegally since 1949.
Grandmother Randall conducted a traditional Lakota Water Ceremony, calling those who intend to protect sacred water. “Almost everyone came forward to receive sacred red earth paint to make their commitment to Grandmother Earth,” said White Plume.
Oglala Sioux Tribal President Bryan Brewer addressed the crowd, vowing to protect the water and the Lakota generations from TransCanada’s KXL tarsands pipeline, “I will put my moccasins on the ground with my people.”
for more info contact Debra White Plume on FaceBook.
Photo 1: Vic Camp, Marie Randall, Poj Camp during Honor Dance for Unci Marie after the Water Ceremony Committment. Other photo is a group photo at the training, includes Oglala President Brewer.

Mohawk Nation News 'COINTELPRO 2'



MNN. Mar. 30, 2013. Paranoia should not paralyze us. To protect ourselves, watch for visitors who want information, plainclothes who take pictures before and during demonstrations; those who seem out of place and interested in members rather than issues; who suddenly disappear and put out false stories, sometimes  about us being out of our minds.
COINTELPRO tactics against American Indian Movement activists.
COINTELPRO tactics against American Indian Movement activists.
“Direct Action”: A sign-in policy; get Freedom of Information info; suspects at pickets and protests don’t usually get arrested; educate the public by handing out a written position; lobby politicians; learn from victims of covert actions; class action suits [they usually back out]; court actions create disputes and splits; pro bono lawyers that take opposite sides. 
“Investigate Informers”: check background; check police academy grads list; they usually speak against cops; use phony names; they issue death threats we get blamed for. 
“Privacy”: Step out of the office to speak privately; watch for cars following, acquaintances suddenly becoming friendly; bogus discrediting about drug use or false relationships or activities about a true activist; throwing names around. Sweep your living space for electronics; don’t say anything that you wouldn’t say in court. 
Common sense helps!
Check out non-native groups that divert Indigenous issues such as residential school abuse, missing women, land claims, or “sharing” of our resources. Watch for outsiders that confuse, control and disorient. 
“True Supporters”: Don’t scare or ostracize true supporters or push them to take risks. 
“Debrief”: Write down information, look for patterns, check strengths and weaknesses, assess allies and adversaries. Don’t let agents inside your home to glean information about your prospects, lifestyle or floor plan. 
“Counter Tactics”: Government covert actions mislead the public, punish their own whistle blowers and interfere in anyway they can. Complain about illegal covert interference to human rights organizations.  
COINTELPRO is being used by US and Canada. Agents appear peaceful and friendly, but are there representing the military. As Roger Daltrey sang:We won’t get fooled again “We’ll be fighting in the street, with our children at our feet. And the morals that they worship will be gone. And the men who spurred us on sit in judgement of all wrong. They decide and the shot gun sings the song.”
Watch out for the wolf in sheep's clothing.
Wolf in sheep’s clothing.
MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0

Friday, March 29, 2013

Mohawk Nation News 'Tower of Power'


MNN. Mar. 28, 2013.  Each Indigenous has an equal share of the ever-growing $50.3 trillion Indian Trust Fund being administered by the illegal trustee, the Corporation of Canada, through the Department of Indian Affairs, 10 Wellington Street, Ottawa/Hull. It is the accumulated wealth from the exploitation of our natural resources. We demand our fund. Should they refuse to turn it over to us, we will seize our assets and foreclose on the law-breaking trustee.
14th floor backed out windows is the "war room".
14th floor blacked out windows was the “war room” in 1990.
They have to pay for their genocide and they know it. Sorry isn’t good enough. 
Canada is spending our fund without our knowledge or consent. They use it as collateral for payment of the corporation’s debts, to raise money on the stock exchange and to bolster the Canadian banking system. 
The Indigenous People will recover our Indian Trust Fund that was set up under Section 109 of the British North America in 1867. The same year the Corporation of Canada passed the illegal “persons” law that “a person is anyone other than an Indian” so they could become the trustees of our fund.  
All parties have been put on notice by registered mail sent to Prime Minister Harper by a Mohawk woman elder, demanding her share of the Indian Trust Fund. 
The trustee has defaulted. The entire fund shall be returned, along with any amount spent or loaned, plus all the interest. The Corporation of Canada will be dissolved to liquidate its debt to us that they cannot pay. 
Not with our ever growing Indian Trust Fund.
We will foreclose on all the banks and shareholders of the Corporation of Canada who are guilty of selling our land and resources to accumulate this fund. Should there not be enough funds to cover the principle amount owed, the accrued interest and fees, all federal property throughout Canada will be seized by the Indigenous beneficiaries of the trust.   
To begin the process, we can convene a meeting of our People of our communities and notify Canada to return our fund. Should they not respond, we will begin the foreclosure procedures and seize all the assets of the corporation. 
Don't come back, you hear!
All Canadians have benefited from the proceeds of our funds. To begin the reconciliation- repayment process, they will have to assist us. Should they wish to stay here, they must polish the chain, wipe the dust off of their own memories and start living according to the principles of the original Two Row Wampum agreement. Once a nation accepts the Peace they are obligated to spread it, to the world.
As Robert Plant sang: Hang man, hang man. Upon your face a smile. Pray tell me that I’m free to ride, ride for many a mile. Your brother brought me silver. You sister warmed my soul. But now I laugh and pull so hard, I see you swinging on the gallows pole.” 
MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Dine' CARE: 'No!' to Navajoland becoming a dumpster for dirty coal

March 28, 2013
By Diné Citizens Against Ruining our Environment
Censored News

Obvious liabilities of Navajo Mine should prevent waste of
$2.3 million more for needless “investigation” by outside firms;
Deal with BHP Billiton should be dropped

Farmington, NM – As the Navajo Nation Council prepares to vote this week on approving $2.3 million to continue paying a law firm and other consultants to look into the risks of buying BHP Billiton Navajo Mine, Navajo community members with Diné C.A.R.E called the expenditure “needless and wasteful” given the well-known risks and liabilities associated with the mine.

"Buying the mine from BHP Billiton means responsibility for millions of tons of coal ash waste with toxic metals leaching into our aquifer and the San Juan River,” said Donna House of Diné C.A.R.E. “Navajo people do not want that dirty legacy on our hands, nor the massive costs of cleaning it up. We don’t need to pay millions more to high-priced consultants to know this coal deal is a bad deal.”

Three quarters of a million dollars was already approved last fall by the Council to pay consulting companies to study the matter, with little revealed to date about how the funds were spent or what results were obtained.

In January, the president of BHP Billiton New Mexico Coal told the Farmington Daily Times that demand for coal from the mine will drop 30 percent with the upcoming closure of three of five coal boilers at the Four Corners Power Plant, part of an increasing trend away from coal as a power source given its increase expense as a fuel source.  
In addition to declining demand for coal, huge future risks loom in dealing with a mine with 50 years of built-up liabilities, including miles of land filled with millions of tons of coal ash waste laden with heavy metal toxins that could be contaminating groundwater. The quantity and quality of the coal in the mine are also in serious question and BHP Billiton plans to cut about 100 employees from mine operations before Navajo Nation agrees to the purchase.

“BHP Billiton appears to want out of a declining industry here and to leave us on the hook for their mess --which includes economic, health, and toxic waste impacts,” said Colleen Cooley of Diné C.A.R.E. “Instead of wasting millions of dollars more on a last gasp to cling to a dying coal industry, let’s put resources into our future, into building clean energy on Navajo land to benefit Navajo communities.”
Lori Goodman (970) 759-1908
Donna House     (505) 608-1002
Colleen Cooley   (928) 637-3221   Email:

Full page ad in Navajo Times

Mohawk Nation News 'Kill the Messenger'


MNN. Mar. 28, 2013. On March 26, 2013, the MNN editor was invited to be the opening speaker at Champlain College in Sherbrooke Quebec. The topic was, “A Native Perspective on Canada’s Exploitation of Resources”. Two Mohawks, as is our custom, accompanied the speaker. They sat at a table facing the crowd.
Champlain College students.
Happy Champlain College students!
She did a traditional opening; explained the Seigneury of Sault Louis land,dispute which is returning vast areas to the Mohawk Nation; that Canada is not a state according to the Montevideo Convention of 1933; the genocide committed by the Jesuits, the storm troopers of the Catholic Church; the Great Peace of Montreal 1701 that created the official two row wampum relationship between the Indigenous and the visitors to Great Turtle Island; and Section 109 of the BNA Act 1867 that established the ever growing $50.3 trillion Indian Trust Fund. The presentation was legalistic and cautious. 
Cartoons were inserted in the power point presentation to help them understand the basics. They were carefully taken step by step through the legal maze of their settlement history here on our land and their legal position today. 
Debating with the speaker.
Champlain College debater.
The speaker received an ovation. Then the questions and comments began. Some in tears, said, “What happens to us?” “I came here because I love the Indians. After listening to you, now I hate them and I hate you!”  “I didn’t do anything. My ancestors did.” “Why? Why are you telling us this?” “You have no feelings for us!” I instructed them to study the Great Law of Peace to help them understand our position.    
The speaker, a 73-year old elder of the Mohawk Nation, tried to make light of the provocative jibes to calm them down. This made them madder. The discussion became more and more heated. Some students stomped out. Others heckled and smirked. The air became static with anger and threats. The speaker remarked, “The truth hurts”. Almost the entire student body jeered in astonishment. The three Mohawks could feel intense anger and were ready to deal with it. And they did.   
Julian Assange: "Happens to me all the time".
Julian Assange: “Happens to me all the time”.
For a moment the crowd calmed down. Then the insults started again. The speaker was accused of “having no feelings”. The speaker answered, “Yes, the we have strong feelings about the genocide of 100 million people and the murder of half our children placed in your church run residential schools. No one has been charged or punished for this.” More angry words flew. None addressed the legitimate issues. The sound arguments backed them into a corner. It was like they were standing on their hind legs and were ready to jump the Mohawks.  
Suddenly a teacher rose up. She reminded them that, “We wanted to hear the Indigenous side. You have to listen even if she turns it inside out”.  The confrontation ended. They formed groups and began talking, some giving the Mohawks dirty looks.   
"I don't agree with your point of view".
“I don’t agree with your point of view”.
A native speaker should take at least three people security when they go into a potential hostile situation. Because of the rampant spread of the Owistah disease throughout the settler population, an adverse side affect is, when they don’t like the message, they might kill the messenger. As the Guess Who sang:Guns Guns Guns “You be the Red King and I’ll be the Yellow Pawn. Guns, guns, guns! Eagle all gone and no more caribou. God speed mother nature. Never really wanted to say good-bye”.
MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0

Terrance Nelson 'Celebrating' the 10 Year Anniversary of the Second Invasion of Iraq

By Terrance Nelson
Roseau River Anishinabe
Censored News
Brenda Norrell
My last email to you which you posted contained some of the following
Your posting of the Native leaders from US and Canada joining forces in opposing the Transcanada pipeline is good but Native Americans and First Nations people must understand how deceptive and manipulating the oil companies and Governments are.
An article out of the UK contains the following paragraphs
BP (British Petroleum) was concerned that if Washington allowed TotalFinaElf's existing contact with Saddam Hussein to stand after the invasion it would make the French conglomerate the world's leading oil company. BP told the Government it was willing to take "big risks" to get a share of the Iraqi reserves, the second largest in the world.

Over 1,000 documents were obtained under Freedom of Information over five years by the oil campaigner Greg Muttitt. They reveal that at least five meetings were held between civil servants, ministers and BP and Shell in late 2002.

The 20-year contracts signed in the wake of the invasion were the largest in the history of the oil industry. They covered half of Iraq's reserves – 60 billion barrels of oil, bought up by companies such as BP and CNPC (China National Petroleum Company), whose joint consortium alone stands to make £403m ($658m) profit per year from the Rumaila field in southern Iraq.

When President Obama was in Israel last week talking about bombing Iran, Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu was spouting the same lies as when the second war against Iraq was being pushed, "weapons of mass destruction".
Economic Sanctions are used to soften up the country for war.
Thank you Brenda for posting the email I sent you. Now I am sending you an article written by Dahr Jamail, who is in Iraq. 

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