Last updated: February 21, 2017

Tuesday 21st February 2017

How BHP built on the rebound

How BHP built on the rebound

It’s BHP’s strong operational discipline that has maximised the benefits of recent commodity price vigour.

People to punish energy vandals

People to punish energy vandals

The two major parties face a drubbing once the public wake up to the full impact of our woeful energy policy settings.

Chummy chair swapping in WA

Chummy chair swapping in WA

Woodside did a global search encompassing Mosman Park and Peppermint Grove only to find Richard Goyder was available.

Shell eyes light in LNG gloom

Shell eyes light in LNG gloom

Shell’s upbeat take on the prospects for LNG should temper BlueScope’s dire warnings of an energy catastrophe.

Tuesday 21st February 2017

Taking advantage of Trump

Taking advantage of Trump

The Oroville Dam is the US’s tallest, holding back California’s second-largest reservoir.

O’Malley energy blast on the money

O’Malley energy blast on the money

BlueScope’s Paul O’Malley is better placed than most to see the shambles that is Australia’s energy policy.

Mixed messages for investors

Mixed messages for investors

The Australian corporate earnings outlook may be decent, but it’s not all gravy for investors this reporting season.

Who are these guys offering 8pc?

Who are these guys offering 8pc?

Is lending your money to other people in exchange for a healthy interest rate really a good investment?

Monday 20th February 2017

Hysterical reaction reveals all

Hysterical reaction reveals all

Scott Morrison’s reaction to Anna Bligh’s ABA appointment makes him look like little more than a small town party hack.

Amazon may break into banks

Amazon may break into banks

Pairing Amazon’s retail heft and data skills with the regulatory nous of an incumbent bank makes a lot of sense.

Markets diverge on Trump

Markets diverge on Trump

While the sharemarket believes that Trump’s bullish policies will all be enacted, other markets aren’t so convinced.

Builders need new managers

Builders need new managers

The norms that flourished under cartel-like arrangements in the construction sector need to be overhauled quick smart.

Lambs to the slaughter

Lambs to the slaughter

All the professionals engaged in the residential property market are provided with incentives that push up prices.

Gambling in the grey zone

Gambling in the grey zone

It’s been four months since 18 Crown Resort staff, including three Australians, were rounded up by Chinese authorities.

Planning crucial on family wealth

Planning crucial on family wealth

No family wants its intergenerational wealth disputes splashed across the front page of a national newspaper.

Uncertainty is the new norm

Uncertainty is the new norm

Perhaps the twitter logo — a bird — should be replaced on Trump’s profile with a black swan

A price for propping up populists

A price for propping up populists

Media leadership is required to tell voters what policies are needed to make our country more prosperous.

Saturday 18th February 2017

Telstra may end up buying NBN cheap

Telstra may end up buying NBN cheap

It turns out the NBN is a dud and will cost taxpayers a fortune in writedowns.

ANZ adds to banking glow

ANZ adds to banking glow

ANZ has added to the glow around bank profits with a strong quarterly result.

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