Last updated: February 20, 2017

Doctor imports do harm

Doctor imports do harm
The Turnbull government has an ethical dilemma in continuing to accept overseas-trained doctors, says the AMA.

The cave life trapped in crystals

The cave life trapped in crystals
In a Mexican cave system so beautiful and hot that it is called both Fairyland and hell, scientists have discovered life trapped in crystals that could be 50,000 years old.

Wild rivers run free after deluge

Wild rivers run free after deluge
The mighty King George Twin Falls are in full flood after two years when the monsoon rains failed.

Mammoths ‘in two years’

Mammoths ‘in two years’
A Havard professor has promised to create within two years the first woolly mammoth embryo.

Mammoths back in two years?

Mammoths back in two years?
A Harvard professor plans to ‘de-extinct’ the ancient creature by creating the first mammoth embryo.

Doctors bullied over antibiotics

Doctors bullied over antibiotics
Doctors are routinely browbeaten into prescribing antibiotics, even if they know the drugs will not work.

Life, Jim, but not as we know it

Life, Jim, but not as we know it
Organic compounds found on Ceres have boosted the tiny world’s allure in the hunt for extraterrestrial life.

Naturally boosted

Naturally boosted
A research project is working on making fresh produce more nutritious without using genetic engineering.

Anti-vaxx doctor at secret film

Anti-vaxx doctor at secret film
Disgraced Andrew Wakefield back in Britain for an event so secretive that not even the host uni knew what was going on.

The truth was out there

The truth was out there
Churchill concluded aliens existed after he sifted through the cosmic evidence, a newly emerged essay shows.

‘Edit genes to end diseases’

‘Edit genes to end diseases’
A landmark report has raised the prospect of the first human trials of the genetic engineering of babies.

Salmon farms ‘relocated’ seals

Salmon farms ‘relocated’ seals
The seal problem plaguing Australia’s largest sal­mon producer has been revealed after 700 were relocated in four months.

Deadly pollutants in deepest ocean

Deadly pollutants in deepest ocean
Manmade toxic chemicals have reached the deepest parts of the ocean and are damaging marine creatures, a study found.

How fires give birth to storms

How fires give birth to storms
Thunderstorms generated by bushfires are becoming an increasing feature of our worst conflagrations - and a nightmare scenario.

Rub against rellie if pits smelly

Rub against rellie if pits smelly
Stinky armpits? Forget about deodorant — instead apply a liberal splash of the sweat of a more fragrant relative.

Fireflies shine light on cancer

Fireflies shine light on cancer
Scientists have notched advances against two cruel diseases using luminescent genes to light up toxic cells.

Foreign doctors advice ignored

Foreign doctors advice ignored
The Department of Health had internal support to stop the flow of foreign doctors into Australia.

Spotlight on natural therapies

Spotlight on natural therapies
The growing popularity of natural therapies has been examined by the private health ministerial advisory committee.

Vexed hospital nears completion

Vexed hospital nears completion
Australia’s most expensive building is closer to opening after an out-of-court deal to end long-running legal action.

Man-made wetland ‘an asset’

Man-made wetland ‘an asset’
An internationally significant wetland on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast is to be restored.

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