Last updated: July 8, 2017

Kim’s casualties in China

Kim’s casualties in China
Trying to do business with North Korea is hurting Chinese across the border.

Beijing hits private sector

Beijing hits private sector
In China today, ‘the richer you are, the less secure you are’, a Shanghai lawyer told me this week.

Red tape binding Chinese enterprise

Red tape binding Chinese enterprise
The assumption that China is efficient and swift to make decisions is wide of the mark.

Online boom spurs rural China

Online boom spurs rural China
Online commerce led by private companies is starting to drive change and prosperity in rural China.

The great sprawl of China

The great sprawl of China
Shanghai is taking over from Beijing as the business and commercial hub of the country.

China game has just got tougher

China game has just got tougher
Beijing’s policy wobbles are adding challenges for offshore investors and China’s own private companies.

A reality check for China

A reality check for China
As China basked in the glorious launch of the Belt and Road Initiatiave, a torpedo was locked on to its economic image.

Xi’s belt road to prestige

Xi’s belt road to prestige
The noise of applause in Beijing for Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative is still ringing in people’s ears.

China budget a done deal

China budget a done deal
There are wishlists and priorities, but forget cost details — and don’t expect any mention about the party spending.

Meet China’s middle class

Meet China’s middle class
Let’s get real about this core group, which is our key market for our goods and services.

China still a tough destination

China still a tough destination
Local knowledge is still crucial for Australian business venturing into China

U.S. catching up on China

U.S. catching up on China
Australia is losing the edge it gained from the free-trade agreement it signed up to with Beijing.

Sting in tail on Chinese growth

Sting in tail on Chinese growth
The numbers announced yesterday for China’s economy in the first quarter of the year look great. But there’s a catch.

China’s teetering debt mountain

China’s teetering debt mountain
Is China’s huge, globally enmeshed economy truly vulnerable? Leading China-focused economists are worrying that it is.

Clever China cleans up power act

Clever China cleans up power act
China is developing smarter ways to reduce emissions from coal-fired power generators.

Go-getters show us how it’s done

Go-getters show us how it’s done
The goodwill from Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s visit is one thing. Transforming it into jobs and income is another.

Roads still lead to Beijing

Roads still lead to Beijing
Among the many characteristic phrases of Chinese diplomacy like “win-win”, one stands out as especially perplexing.

Reading between lines on China

Reading between lines on China
Four recent books help to interpret the role of China in the 21st century.

It’s still the Li and Xi show

It’s still the Li and Xi show
China’s government remains subservient to the Communist Party.

Cattle stampede to China

Cattle stampede to China
There’s a great event in Shanghai today: the launch of Alland, the live cattle import brand.

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