- published: 18 Jun 2015
- views: 34445
Nagoya (名古屋市, Nagoya-shi) is the largest city in the Chūbu region of Japan. It is Japan's third-largest incorporated city and the fourth most populous urban area. It is located on the Pacific coast on central Honshu. It is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and is one of Japan's major ports along with those of Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, Chiba, and Kitakyushu. It is also the center of Japan's third-largest metropolitan region, known as the Chūkyō Metropolitan Area. As of 2010, 2.27 million people lived in the city, part of Chūkyō Metropolitan Area's 9.10 million people.
The city's name was historically written as 那古野 or 名護屋 (both read as Nagoya). One possible origin is the adjective nagoyaka (なごやか), meaning 'peaceful'.
The name Chūkyō (中京, consisting of chū (middle) + kyō (capital)) is also used to refer to Nagoya. Notable examples of the use of the name Chūkyō include the Chūkyō Industrial Area, Chūkyō Metropolitan Area, Chūkyō Television Broadcasting, Chukyo University and the Chukyo Racecourse.
Stella Yeung | 名古屋喪玩之旅 - EP1
【貝遊日本】$1800名古屋廉遊喪食3日2夜-Part1 中部國際機場交通編
【中日ドラゴンズ】2017.2.24 名古屋で聞いた今年のドラゴンズの順位は???
來去名古屋! 機場就能玩翻天
不會日語也能去名古屋自由行?!和魚乾、三原、謙桑、瑞雪的五天四夜!免稅 藥妝店 必買!
日本中部名古屋、立山黑部5日遊 2016 Vlog #4|FUNG WAIYAN
【名古屋にキター!】Moooshとコラボ 栗田商会に行ってみた ♪ 【ブルームスクイーズ】
【魚乾】名古屋之旅 Final Day - 各種"吃"的精華集!名古屋中部國際機場
ジェジュン20170221名古屋 音 MC部分
我的第一個影片,新嘗試, 希望大家鐘意啦 ! ^^ [小妹今次超級手震,, 電腦的話切勿"全螢幕",會頭暈啊 哈哈] 6日5夜 大約用了$8200 機票 $1900 香港快運 , 回程加大行季費 酒店 $440 每晚雙人房 FOLLOW ME !! _______________________________________________________________ Instagram :https://instagram.com/stellayeung/ Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/stellayeung1026 Weibo : http://www.weibo.com/stellayeung Email :stellayeungdaily@gamil.com _______________________________________________________________ Stella YEUNG,
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/plovejapan IG: https://instagram.com/plovejapan Blog:http://www.likejapan.com/users/%E8%B2%9D 快啲LIKE我FACEBOOK同FOLLOW我IG啦~~ --------------------- 影片資訊: BG MUSIC:蜜 - アセロラ 名鐵機場交通詳細資料:http://www.meitetsu.co.jp/cht/airport-access/index.html
除了東京、大阪等一線城市外,廉航看準旅日商機,紛紛加入二線城市戰場,光是直飛名古屋,就有捷星、威航和虎航,來回票價只在3到5千元,但是就怕價格便宜,班機時間不好嗎?沒關係,中部國際機場本身就是一個觀光景點,不僅擁有全日本最近距離欣賞飛機的觀景台,還是全世界唯一能泡湯的機場,裡面更打造成江戶時代商場,讓旅客等待航班完全不無聊! http://news.cts.com.tw/cts/general/201604/201604291746147.html 【更多新聞詳情請上 http://news.cts.com.tw/ 華視新聞】
這是我第一次去日本名古屋... 在這趟美好的旅程中也和各大YouTuber產生不同的激情! 究竟我們發生了哪些趣事?又或是不可告人的秘密呢? 接下來也會陸續上關於日本旅行的影片! 還會辦抽獎!日本帶回來的各種小禮物阿! 所以大家切記要訂閱並關注可可的動態唷! 喜歡這部影片請用力分享及按喜歡跟告白留言(? 每次的旅程及挑戰都會帶給人生不同的變化! 不論艱辛或快樂都會成為我成長的一部分! 可可愛你 ►訂閱 可可酒精 https://goo.gl/yvgzlb ►訂閱 魚乾 http://ppt.cc/N94ZZ ►訂閱 瑞雪 http://ppt.cc/SPAto ►訂閱 謙桑 http://ppt.cc/x8VIa ►訂閱 三原 http://ppt.cc/NI0PV __________________________________________________________________ ►Facebook:https://facebook.com/cocowine0205 ►Twitch:https://twitch.tv/cocowine __________________________________________________________________ Hey! I am CocoWine. Nice to meet you!
今次跟家人去旅行是參加EGL 的去名古屋五日旅行團 團號: JAAB05 團費:約$7500 雜費(稅、保險、領隊服務費):$1500 航班: 去程-國泰航空 CX536 10:10 回程-國泰航空 CX539 16:10 酒店: Dormy Inn Premium Nagoya Sakae Tonami Royal Hotel Kanazawa Tokyu Hotel Lake Biwa Otsu Prince Hotel 主要行程: 飛驒高山和風趣緻街 白川鄉合掌村 金澤兼六園 立山黑部阿爾卑斯山大自然奇觀寶庫 加賀文化村 滋賀龍皇OUTLET 音樂: No.1-西野カナ『掟上今日子の備忘録』主題歌 GReeeeN『青空エール』主題歌 好きな人がいること-JY You can find me from: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/C0tRi Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/catttfung/ Instagram: catttfung Snapchat: catttfung If there is any question and enquiries, please email me: cat_fwy@hotmail.com
「名古屋のオカン」に字幕が入りました。 一日一回ただ観るだけで、名古屋弁が話せるようになります。 しばらくすると名古屋人の話す名古屋弁に耳がついていくようになり、 自然に口から出てくるようになります。 明日からといわず今すぐ使える実用的な名古屋弁初級編 まあいっぺんみてちょ。
あのブルームの商品がついに名古屋で購入できます! ブルームは欲しいけど、お店は遠い・・・ 通販より直接見て考えたい!っていう スクイーザー待望のお店紹介の動画です。 今回は、栗田商会様に特別に撮影許可をいただき 店内の様子や商品のラインナップを紹介します! お値段は定価販売です。送料はもちろんかかりません! 参考価格はアマゾンや楽天などでチェックしてくださいね♪ ぜひ、名古屋にお越しの際は、栗田商会様に お寄りください!期間限定3月31日までです! 土曜日にスクイーズを目当てに来店されるお客様が とても多く撮影当日は、お客様最優先の撮影のため 短い時間(約3分)でのお店や商品の紹介です。 周りに配慮し少し声も小さいですがご了承ください! どんなものが置いてあるかはわかりましたでしょうか? ぜひ、Moooshと栗田商会さんのコラボお楽しみください♪ 今回撮影させていただいた栗田商会様 株式会社栗田商会 本店(HPより抜粋) 住所 : 名古屋市中区上前津2-1-4 TEL : 052-331-2115 FAX : 052-339-1100 交通手段 : 地下鉄 上前津下車4番出口すぐ 市バス 上前津下車徒歩3分 名古屋高速道路 東別院出口より1分 駐車場は店舗1階と本社上前津第3ビルの地下駐車場 (土曜日を除く)にございます。 また、店舗向側にも専用駐車場がございます。 有料駐車場(店舗南側)もご利用ください。 (3,000円以上お買上で無料券1枚(20分) 6,000円以上/2枚(40分)、50,000円以上/3枚(60分) *上限3枚(60分)とさせていただきます。 営業時間 : AM 9:00~ PM 6:30 休業日 : 日・祝日 Moooshとコラボ♪ 栗田商会様とのブルームが買える 期間は3月31日まで限定...
訂閱追蹤最新影片:https://goo.gl/GN8hjU 更多粗氣王的Vlog:https://goo.gl/T12F8a 上一集:https://youtu.be/BALmGCjw__w 一定要看到後面啦!五天的精華都在這邊!(請開啟CC字幕) 這五天真的體驗了各種開開心心! 也很高興有這個機會跟著大家走跳名古屋! 非常推薦大家到這裡玩耍, 各家聯航也陸續推出名古屋的特價機票, 若不考慮觀光客很多的京阪,名古屋絕對是上選啊! 謙桑:https://goo.gl/Jz0Qwm 三原:https://goo.gl/tmF02a 可可:https://goo.gl/O9BA9U 瑞雪:https://goo.gl/mPxxgV 剪接/字幕:Tt (https://goo.gl/gpfUvR) 徵求不同語言的CC字幕,小幫手可以顯示在影片下方唷! 長期可支薪!有意願請私訊粉絲團:) 如果看的開心就幫我按個喜歡吧OUO 想繼續看可以按訂閱唷! 我會繼續努力的! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 魚乾個人粉絲團 https://www.facebook.com/RSPannie72127.tw 魚乾跟APA的Twitter https://twitter.com/annie72127 Twitch實況台 http://www.twitch.tv/annie72127 紅石口袋粉絲團 https://www.facebook.com/RedStone.Poke 紅石口袋資訊發布部落格 http://redstonepoke.blogspot.tw/
リバースコンサート。 MC部分に編集しましたが、所々歌も入ってしまいました。
This city has played fourth fiddle in Japan for a long time, but there are interesting things to see and do here. See: Central Park Oasis 21 Sakae Sunshine Sakae (Ferris Wheel) JR Nagoya Station Midland Square (Sky Promenade) Nagoya Castle Osu Osu Performance Festival (Ōsu Daido-chonin Matsuri)
Japan has always been one of my favorite countries to travel to whether for vacation or adventures. Well, mostly vacations. Since I have a huge fan of the Japanese delicacies and hot springs, Japan became a no brainer when it came to this long weekend in the autumn weather. Nagoya jumped to my parents as the obvious choice due to its distance from the tourists in both Tokyo and Kyoto. We prefer to spend the vacation where there are fewer crowds and trying to steal a piece of peaceful quietness from the local Japanese towns. We travelled from the nearby towns from Yoro to Toba so to avoid the tourist groups in downtown Nagoya. Yoro was remote and beautiful with its view from above the mountain, while Toba was close to the ocean with its fame from pearl harvesting. Want to know more? Well s...
旅行主義 . Travelism Facebook fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/a.life.traveler Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/hyacinthk Blog: http://mslifetraveler.blogspot.hk/ Blog in English: https://mslifetraveler.wordpress.com/ 久等啦... 終於有新片。 :-) 一連6-7集既日本中部之旅。首先係: 名古屋 名古屋 - 金澤 - 白川鄉 - 高山 Thanks for waiting! I am going to publish 6-7 episodes about my trip in Chubu region in Japan. The first destination will be Nagoya. Nagoya - Kanazawa - Shirakawago - Takayama Stay tuned and subscribe! --------------------------------------- Watch before you travel :-)
Thumb up if you like my video!!! Subscribe for more videos!!!! Watch my Japan Vlogs & haul : Japan Vlog #1 同我一齊去大阪行街食野 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzHhlT_o4r4 Japan Vlog #2 同我去京都著和服扮㗎妹 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o9xCnHDK1s Japan Vlog #3 玩轉日本大阪環球影城 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl1TG7YsdwA 日本大阪瘋買戰利品 Japan Crazy Shopping Haul https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huaCjUOpdnw 日本藥妝店必買好物❤️10K Subscribers Giveaway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhfzEn9N2mM Find me on: FB: Suenn Wong IG: suennsoonsoon
A travel guide for visiting the Nagoya Castle in Nagoya Japan. The Nagoya Castle (名古屋城) was originally built in 1612, and although destroyed significantly during WW2, the castle is undergoing a complete reconstruction to be completed in 2018. And yes, you can visit Nagoya Castle as a day-trip from Tokyo if you have a JR Pass. You might enjoy watching one of these other videos: Tokyo Robot Restaurant: https://youtu.be/GGcELLC9UKU Tokyo Shopping in Ginza: https://youtu.be/ZOQO6PAFzGw Tokyo DisneySea: https://youtu.be/dDp8Zf_eWSw Tokyo SkyTREE: https://youtu.be/0ZeAWFq7NMA Follow me on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YellowProductionsTravel Twitter: ChrisRaney Google+: https://google.com/+yellowwproductions Check out my blog at: http://yelloww.net Music: Easy Lemon Kevin MacLeod (inc...
Incredible video of Japan with information about the main cities, best places and prices. THANKS FOR WATCHING!!! If you like the content and support the channel, you can give a donation at this link https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=4QFST95LX57YJ PLEASE SHARE, LIKE OR SUBSCRIBE FOR SUPPORT THE CHANNEL. In this small travel guide of Japan you can see: Tokyo, Kamakura, Nagoya, Kiso valley, Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, Hiroshima and Miyajima Please share this video if it's useful to your friend or the person you know!!! You can get more information in http://www.japan-guide.com/ or http://us.jnto.go.jp/top/index.php Enjoy your Japan trip !!! TRAVEL FOR BEGINNERS Increible vídeo de Japón con información de las ciudades principales, mejores sitios y precios. En est...
Nagoya Travel Guide Japan National Tourism Organization Nagoya Travel Guide Japan National Tourism Organization Nagoya Travel Guide Japan National Tourism Organization Nagoya Travel Guide Japan National Tourism Organization Nagoya Travel Guide Japan National Tourism Organization Nagoya Travel Guide Japan National Tourism Organization Nagoya Travel Guide Japan National Tourism Organization Nagoya Travel Guide Japan National Tourism Organization 10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions. 9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services like public transit, library access, building access, shopping, and car parks. 8. Copenhagen - The city has committed to carb...
Visit my website at www.mytravellicious.com
Nagoya pampers tourists with its breathtaking beauty. Feast your eyes on the beautiful ancient Japanese architecture of Nagoya Castle and the Atsuta Shrine, and if you are there in the spring the blossoming cherry trees in Central Park are a must see! The Nagoyas world class tourist attractions like Nagoyas Ferris wheel, the snow topped mountains, and the blue ocean really give the city a unique flare like nowhere else in the world. Your shortcut to Nagoya: http://www.finnair.com Video locations in order of appearance: - Backpackers district. - Long tail boat - Siam Center - Lebua Sky Tower + rooftop bar - Foods: Pad Thai, Tom Yum - Harbour - Osu Kannon - Nagoya castle - Central Park - Train museum - Ise grand shrine - Ise outer shrine - Wedded rocks -...