Why Jared and Ivanka’s anonymously granted Shabbat exemption is problematic

How a grad student’s labor of love become relevant again—thanks to the head writer of ‘Full Frontal with Samantha Bee’


Soup for Good

Philadelphia’s Rooster Soup Company, co-run by Michael Solomonov, has partnered with a local organization to feed the city’s needy


London Mayor: We Must ‘Redouble Our Efforts’ to Stop Anti-Semitism

After a series of anti-Semitic incidents, Sadiq Khan continues to vow to fight anti-Jewish crimes in London


How Obama Went From Calling to Save Darfur to De-Sanctioning Sudan in His Final Days in Office

What was once a cause celebre for Jewish and human rights activists has become an afterthought in a new, more volatile Middle East


No Man on the Moon

A scrappy Israeli team is trying to win millions for sending an unmanned mission to the moon


What the Rich Owe the Poor

In this week’s ‘Daf Yomi,’ the deep Jewish roots of income equality, and the shared dignity it brings


Kosher Food Goes Up in Smoke

Barbecue is giving kosher food a new flavor—and vice versa


How the State of Israel Abuses Holocaust Survivors

With millions of dollars earmarked for their care, how is it possible that even in Israel some Shoah victims are living and dying with indignity?


The Arab-ization of American Politics

Why do so many Americans mistake what typically signals a failure of democracy for democracy itself?


Shall We Wake the Prime Minister, Habibi?

American politicians love to talk about ‘3 a.m. phone calls,’ but Israeli leaders actually receive them


The Truth Is Out There

Episode 75: David Duchovny and John Cleese



The Nouveau Philosophe on ‘The Genius of Judaism,’ the lessons of Jonah, the ‘human excellence’ of cities, and the futility of the fight against global anti-Semitism


With ‘Sherlock’ and ‘The Young Pope,’ TV Has Its Trump Moment

When our heroes are all simpering children, is it any wonder our president is, too?