Tevi Troy is a presidential historian and former White House aide. He is the author of the new book Shall We Wake the President? Two Centuries of Disaster Management from the Oval Office.

Shall We Wake the Prime Minister, Habibi?

American politicians love to talk about ‘3 a.m. phone calls,’ but Israeli leaders actually receive them


A Holiday Pilgrimage to an Amusement Park

Each year during Sukkot, Hershey Park hosts a day of kosher festivities


The Love Affair Between American Presidents and Jewish Artists, and Why It May Be Over

The historical relationship—and the proximity to power it afforded—enabled wider acceptance of Jews in America


The Most Jewish Election

The 2012 presidential campaign will be a landmark for U.S. Mormons. It’ll also be the most Jewish election in history, argues a Mitt Romney adviser.

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